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Lizabeth Malone Oct 2015
She needed to make noise with him
Dance her fingers across aged skin and ivory keys
Run her hands along strings pulled tighter than life over bones and muscles that quake and writhe together
She needed to feel something with her
Heat that burned the scar on the back of her hand and cold that made her chest blister more than the sun could dream
She wanted music with anyone
The melodic fantasy of emotion as its sung by those who've known it freshly chosen and those who've had it ripened over expanses of time

She had unrealistic expectations
I miss expression, let's give this another go.
Lizabeth Malone Apr 2015
She can't close her eyes anymore
Years of red-blooded memories have left her mind
In the darkroom full of her undeveloped thoughts
And feelings and hurt that she failed to disband
Like the final notes of that song; the one that every
Time it plays her skin burns where the
Acid of so many stung her before;
Wasps relentlessly buzzing and beating;
Vibes with the rhythm of her favorite things and
A bass that makes her heart clench and her vision cloud
And her toes curl into the arches of her feet
The arches of her back - broken in the dimly lit
Darkrooms, because one could not possibly
Contain it all- all of everything, everyone, everywhere;
Even when they're gone, they're still there;
Behind closed walls - eyelids - fluttering
like her heart and
Her head, or her bed which has yet to have
A tired soul to comfort;
There will always be something else to comfort her
There will always be something to draw her away from rest
There will never be quiet
There may never be an end
She will never be over
This was kind of everywhere. Sorry.
Lizabeth Malone Apr 2015
I am aching for contact
Waiting with breath so baited that I hope anythone will come to find me, just so they can sink their teeth into my neck, my neck that still feels hot to
The touches you gave me long ago
Which left me so vulnerable, the monsters of my nightmares came to haunt me
They are like you
They care not for my pain, but love the sight of my blood
They love it when I scream, when my heart pounds nearly out of my chest
They love it when I fall, especially when I can't get back up
You loved it when you stunned me,  they share the rush I gave you
But you were different for me
I loved the ache you made me feel, I loved the way
You could steal everything from me and I would
Have thanked you
I loved your body close to mine and the devilish conversations we exchanged
The monsters were bad dreams
Loving you was my worst nightmare
Lizabeth Malone Apr 2015
Grant me the pleasures
Indulge me with fantasies
The reality is acknowledged by me
Believe me, I understand what you need
I know, just the same, what I want
I want to leave
I want to leave you with your awful lips and
Confused hands
I want to be with someone who loves me
Fiercely and passionately
With someone who lights a fire
Inside my body
And demands I stoke it
So it burns furiously for both of us
I care for you
The one who has supported me for long
Stretches of time
But my desires lay with another
Someone who feeds my indulgences
Who disbands reality;
My love
Lizabeth Malone Apr 2015
She was threatened into a stiff silence
Stiff for his hand on her throat and the knife
In her back
Which he pressed her into time and time again
Whispering into her that 'pain and love are equals
And beauty is a byproduct of anti-societal laws'
His anarchy was fed by submission
As if she had a choice with the
Pistol at her head and the sweet,
Honeysuckle words he traced along her body
She was threatened by someone who knew
Her way too well; or moreover -
Knew the she way she was, and loved her for it;
Inflicting pain because he needed to
Because her No's were lost in hours of moans
Had she not been gagged
She would have cried for help
But crying had no way of helping her
When he came around
Sometimes I wish I could tell people about these poems. Maybe it would make them understand, y'know?
Lizabeth Malone Mar 2015
I find myself staring at
The distorted image I see of
A beautiful woman
Curved hips, high cheek bones,
Naturally pursed lips; lips that demand kisses
Eyes that tease and twist and turn
Into dark pupils that hide secrets;
Ones begging to
Be set free, if discovered by the right person
Collar bones that jut out, but not enough to make her
As thin as she desires,
Enough to suggest she forced her body to be thinner
Thin like her waist which flares in abruptly
Her back arches and tenses with simple, flowing
As if everyday life is a game of foreplay
I know her life must be godlike,
Her ******* are adequate, finely and fully
Legs that are strong, legs that are muscle,
Legs she is very obviously uncomfortable with
Calves that crease definitely
Coupled with the feet of a dancer
Her eyes naturally squint;
Although she is young, the creases in her
Eyes are apparent
Whether from tears or laughs I cannot tell
She is beautiful
And she refuses to see how enticing that is
Lizabeth Malone Mar 2015
Hit me
And fast
Follow through, I'm counting on this
I need a bruise; a bruise from you; a bruise that will
Penetrate deep into my body
Into my muscles that lack real feeling
I need a bruise that hurts
And then more and more
Until my skin is nothing more
Than a manifestation of the pain I feel in my chest
Because that pain isn't real, it's empty
Inside the echoing cavity of my chest
Slice me open and you'll see the place
My heart was, years ago, before my love stole it
Now I'm left with my hollowness
Coupled with a wish that he could love me
The way I had loved him
Now I'm left with replacements
So, replacement, do you think you can do for me
What I need you to?
Have your way,
Just be sure to hurt me
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