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Lizabeth Malone Mar 2015
Drown me in your water
Shove my face in your general direction
Being near to you is the kind of asphyxiation
I could live with as I'm crashing
Into the bottom of your seas
And undulating with the waves you make
For me, just for me.
The ocean and I will be one when it fills my lungs
And you put all of your weight on me
To make sure I'm totally submersed
In the water that you made because apparently
You know what I need better than I know myself
Even if that means I'm left with a single
Bubble of air
A drop of hope in a sea of dominance
A molecule of fuel for a fire that could never
Have been contained under the water that you gave
To me, just to me.
A single piece of myself left there until discovered
By you
So you reach into me and fish it out
Leaving me with nothing
Nothing, but myself as a part of you
Lizabeth Malone Mar 2015
The skies were just as open
As her mind was to the idea
That beauty is found in all things good
She was bad and the sky was closed
Same as the gate to the airplane she missed
Her last ride to anything worthwhile
So the solace she found was on the tracks
Of the subway
Laying still and quiet
The beautiful thing being her blood
On the front of the train
And her forever closed mind splattered
Open across the windows
The beautiful thing being the kid
Who saw the smile before it happened
Who saw the hurt behind the smile
Who was obsessed with the relief when
Who found his own relief twelve years later
On the same tracks
Under the same closed sky
Lizabeth Malone Mar 2015
Whisper her name into my ears
Show me just how close your body was to hers
Can you touch me like the doll her counsellor gave to her?
I'm begging for a taste of what your lover got
On Hands and knees was how you took her
As if I wouldn't feel the change
Smelling the euphoria of someone else on your skin
Your skin was my skin
I lived in you while you moved in me
Good god an angel swept us from each other
Because God isn't good
He didn't want love to outshine the stars
Love is the same let down for adults
As a child learning that star is a ginormous dead rock
I'm the rock and you're the sun
Threatening to burn me into oblivion
Make me molten like you
Turn me into fire the same way you did her
Lizabeth Malone Mar 2015
Call me when it's over
When you've crashed into pieces
When the irises of my eyes shatter like the broken bits of your body
Don't let go so easy when you know why I need you
And I can swear you drove yourself with intent
My lungs were the only thing screaming
For you to stop
Not even your breaks told you no I just want you to
Beat fists against my ribs and
Bruise me like you did before
My bones are still broken in the sweetest ******* way
You know I like the way you make me hurt
Tear the skin off my legs and call me out for my
Do it before you go
Because once your gone the only reverb will be from my renewed recovery

— The End —