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One cold morning While I walked down a road,
My head hanging sad, thinking I was alone.
I found an old man who sat on the side,
He shouted at me "Come, boy, let me give you a ride!"

I looked at him odd, shout "You foolish old man!
You have no car, are you barking mad?"
He laughed right back, replied "I may be a fool!
But because I know that, I'm wiser than you!"

I turned to confusion, and nearby took a seat.
Wondering what a man I happened to meet.
"How can you be wise, yet know you're a fool?"
"Because I've already learned from the same mistake as you.

You left with your head high, walking all alone,
yet never did you figure out where you were to go.
I made the same mistake when I was young.
I wish it was a song unsung.

I was confused, I knew not what I wanted.
I was making mistakes, for my heart was haunted.
With indecision, it'd shake and shiver.
And would always change the decisions delivered.

I made great mistakes, I payed for these crimes
I made the excuse, I was going through tough times.
It's just a rough patch, I'll change when things look up,
but they never would until I would grow up.

As I speak to you, I ask you don't ruin your life.
Stay away from a drug, delivered by a knife."
My heart just stopped, how could he know?
I always wore a shirt so the marks would not show.

He leaned in close, and whispered in my ear.
"No matter where you go, I will be near.
Things will get better when your ready to change
when you give up pain, and surrender your rage.

There are better ways to get a rush,
like winning a race, and falling in love.
just walk with a smile, know an angel's out there.
with her beautiful face, you'll find her somewhere.

Know you can get a job, and you can be happy.
I swear it is true, you can trust me.
you can be a success, you can be a star
you can be whatever you want, whoever you are.

But now I must leave, it's time for my depart.
Remember me always, there in your heart."

I fell to my knees, "I'm sorry for my sins!"
He looked down to me, and asked "What sins?"
I told him everything, of the knife against skin
I told him how I was in love with adrenaline.

He looked down to me, and gave me a laugh.
"That is not love, for love will always last.
No love is a sin, what you have is lust.
But breaking these urges will be a must.

I know who you are, and I know how you feel,
you think this will be forever, but your fate is not sealed.
You have reached your destination, I gave you a ride.
I'll allow you calling me a fool, this once to slide.

Promise me one thing, you will change your life.
So I will not live, addicted to the knife."
I felt tears down my face, I woke in a cold sweat.
I finally understood the man I had met.

I was so very happy, I nearly cried.
I knew that some day, I could stand with pride.
I had finally found, what I needed was help.
For the man that I met, was my inner self.

I talked with a stranger, and we spoke for so long
I learned everything, and my depression was gone.
I walked hundreds of miles, alone with my thoughts.
And I saved myself, from all of my doubts.

And now I go to sleep, curled up in bed.
I see my sharpest knife, no longer a threat
I smile to myself, knowing where I must go.
and knowing I'll never, again be alone.

— The End —