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6.5k · Jul 2012
Small Town Complex
Liz Anne Jul 2012
When I say I want more
Than this small town could offer

When I say I give more
Than this small town asks of me

When I say I've loved more
Than this small town could know

When I say I need more
Than this small town wants me to

I mean to say I am more
Than this small town would let me be
3.3k · Oct 2014
Liz Anne Oct 2014
White light like ice without the cold
sun going down, down
on uncanny land
mine is not kin
but I remember lavender through glass
snow I let burn a slow
slow burn
frozen flowers I thought would last
and fear like slow
blooming frostbite
born in my belly
bred in white, white
falling now
as it was
and I was
2.4k · Jan 2014
Liz Anne Jan 2014
I am the sort
whose love will perch
on a kitchen counter top and
the snake-tongue sizzle
of my heart
diced and flying
in your un-greased
pan while you so innocently
the thick skin of what could
once have made you
and run so easily
and only then will you look up
as if to say
"are you up for a little stir
2.2k · Jul 2012
Liz Anne Jul 2012
I can't breathe and its your fault. You are all the elephant sitting on my lungs. With each breath your weight is all the more crushing. Every little struggle makes me so close to hating you. Hate is hollowing. I have felt it. You think you can't help it, you call me cruel. Words weigh more than you'd care to know so even in that I suppose you really don't care about me. Even in that love is a flighty phrase you haven't yet used with sincerity. But you don't know it or maybe you just won't admit it. I always hope you'll each find your way but please don't sit and wait, please don't sit any longer on my lungs, for me to find my way. I've found it now, so quietly and I'm afraid, I'm overjoyed, I chose the path leading far and away.
2.1k · Jan 2014
Carnations & a Tumbleweed
Liz Anne Jan 2014
She grew soft flowers,
back when her hands were small,
with narrow stems and crisp scalloped petals.
She grew them without dirt
or water, holding them so
it was as if she was feeding them
air. She found in them
beauty, she found
in them hope, as much as
all the quiet things she most wanted to be. But
no one told her and she learned
what no one would say. As the years went
by the stems grew meek
and the once bright
petals began to steadily fade.
She knew no better, no other, way.
It came like a blow to her gut when she
was finally forced to say
her flowers were paper.
Not meant to last. Not meant to stay.
Not meant to be anything but a
momentary breeze. They did not tell her
beauty is destined to pass. They
wouldn't say not everyone is wise
enough to take
the hope they're given and
She decided then
what she would not be. Not flowers
of tissue with pipe cleaner leaves but something
far distant from these false
house plants. She would seize hope
and with it she'd run, until
she grew branches and roots meant to be torn loose.
Be they paper or petals, she could
no longer grow flowers, but at least,
what she discovered in her now
tumbleweed garden is that at least you can
see a tumbleweed take
to the breeze before its last
breath of shame and regret. After all
sometimes hope for a future beyond, is all you get.
2.0k · Jun 2013
Liz Anne Jun 2013
I have been beaten, bruised
by your winds and your current
the beauty of the moon has pulled at me
has made the earth and sea wound

I am erosion in its strongest breath
pieces of the sky fall from my waist
and I am losing tender bits of skin
but I keep my lips un-parted

I am hiding from you
as much as I am missing
the feeling of your eyes on me

I have often wondered if
you ever felt not the wind and
the current but the moon itself
carry you in pieces away when
my gaze quietly grabs hold
and tosses distance far and away.
1.9k · Mar 2012
Liz Anne Mar 2012
I can't help
The things you hate me for
I can't change
What turned our tables of jealousy


I won't relinquish
My dreams to coddle your desires
I won't apologize
For how you've played your hand


As much as
I do
Hate you
I love you
1.8k · Feb 2014
The Lioness & I
Liz Anne Feb 2014
I've got a bitter
in my lips
and it feels like
under my tongue.
I'm listening
to the Lioness
but there's not
smoke and
whiskey in her
to soothe
and there's not
enough grit
in my heart
to make me
I'm worthy
of my own.
Here's my chance
to let him fly
but so long as I've got
as strong as I've
had, I'm not
likely to
1.7k · Jan 2014
Temptation in the Waves
Liz Anne Jan 2014
Bleak waters wink from below
Reminding me how little I know
Of how deep I have to fall
I'm looking for lightening
And realizing I don't mind
The absence of a gentle sun
My bow dives but the stern holds
Even in the ocean spray I feel
Feel my own salty fear
I promise I'm not sinking yet
I'm only flirting with a sense of falling
Even as tempest-torn seas threaten
Waves strong enough to tempt me
To stop fighting back
And let me be overcome
By a mystery so beautifully beyond me
1.7k · May 2014
Liz Anne May 2014
How many tombs have seen the hands of robbers
felt the soot and scar of their steps
and how many birds were lost from the sky
because of fear and cynicism
I wouldn't ask to be an ancient princess
or a wren with wings enough to fly
there's already too many of my own indiscretions
I've forgotten how to hold dear
Egyptian rings and headdresses made hollow
birds are meant to fly so what
do you call a feathered wren who can't help
that he'd rather instead watch clouds pass
from the dusty undergrowth?
1.7k · Mar 2012
Counselor's Interrogation
Liz Anne Mar 2012
"Where do you see yourself in five years?"

The question comes like a command


He shines the light in my face
He's waiting for my reply.

"Beginning my Masters' degree."

He smiles, satisfied. I feel as though I'm twisting my wrists in ropes.

"That's good."

He absently writes a note. Its a sham, an ironic script I've memorized.

"You can go now."

I'm left free to return to my cell. Walking the corridors I smile; not a one of them can see.

"I have no idea where I'll be. I hope I'm in some strange place, walking the streets with two book in hand. One to read, the other for me to write. And yes I'm crazy, and yes its a naive plan but its my plan all the same."

I imagine the shock on his face. The horror at the thought of his nameless pupil throwing her life away. I imagine he'd open his mouth to stop me.

"You won't convince me otherwise. Its my dream even if you can't see why."

Perhaps I'd smile. I'd shake his hand, thank him and leave. But for now, that life, is not yet for me. So here I go back to my cell.

My head held high, my smile in slight. My heart knows I'm young and my dream is still in sight.
1.6k · Sep 2011
City Lizard
Liz Anne Sep 2011
Changing skins
She slips through a crack in the sidewalk
A rusted soul floundering for air
New life she thought
But old frustrations burst like so many balloons
And again she'll shed because from this skin
She can see only concrete
1.6k · Jul 2012
To Persevere
Liz Anne Jul 2012
Sanity is no greater than one's desire to overcome reality.
Without it all one's imaginings are attainable.
And reality becomes infinite.
1.5k · Jul 2012
Liz Anne Jul 2012
I want to be where cars are dusty
And amber mocking birds live
In shades of sepia and blue
The days go on so much longer
Than I ever imagined they would
Now I stand shovel in sweaty hand
We haven't met and I've yet to bury you
Its strange how unforgotten loves
Gather dust and lust for days gone by
But I'll always remember your taste
Smoke and coffee on an icy morning
My feet sink in loose arid mud
Leather seats are supple as eyelashes
Eyes behind tinted glass under gloom
How have you slept in the bed I messed?
If I had the chance maybe I'd go back
When our Polaroid was still dark and new
In all our haste it didn't take long
For color to erase sepia and blue
1.5k · Jan 2014
Blue Cuckoo
Liz Anne Jan 2014
Orange blossoms on candy apple trees; nonsense never mattered much to me. Do you feel snakes in your toes like a curse on your modesty? Speak up and out! I doubt you realize how different those two things can be. "Shake dreams from your hair, my pretty child" and forgive me now for dawn is the least of all I've wasted. I don't much care if you mind that I'll be growing figs where you always hoped I'd plant pine trees. Then I suppose if you really did feel the same curse that I have, our torn-rooted feet would have hissed and begged for a bit more thistle and violets instead. Do not mistake pointed words for silence; I know hope and color beyond reason. I miss mud in my hands and the blades of broken grass lying flush with the skin of my ankles. Loneliness is a lack of wind but bitterness is wind-blown grit in my teeth; I will never say I do not love them both. It's easy to miss the burn of coastal sun and forget the feel of sand under your fingernails. I have fought when it was not asked of me and I have been calm when I should have thrown a punch. Still you ask sharp pine of me when all I hope to grow is the soft wide leaves of fig trees. Don't look for anything but nonsense, because after the orange blossoms wilt I will caress tender leaves and watch blue Cuckoo birds carry away my ill-planted figs.
1.5k · Jun 2014
Flamenco Flame
Liz Anne Jun 2014
The grace in the way things move feels
like the fibers of a mantilla veil until
the wind blows and turns
grace to something
worthy of fear.

I've got everything going
and they're all wondering if I'm coming
along but all I want is to keep
going my own way
even when I'm a little lost
in deciding what really is my own.

I've got the veil
I've always had
happy to know I had much more
beneath than beyond
but I think he proved me wrong.

The trouble with going
and still going strong
is that I do it best when he's gone.

I know what I want isn't
the best thing but
I want it just the same
nobody could blame me either way.

Now the wind's blowing
and blowing embers
burning my veil
clean away.

I'm finding all I hid
was worth something
to someone besides me and now
that I'm happy to be
alone they all want a piece.

Content beneath my mantilla watching
the best and the worst inch by
I had no Holy Week
and kept no days holy but my own.

Burnt to the scalp
I'm learning to dance without
the skirts and shawls that made holy
what I thought it had to be.

Fear driving my fingers to Flamenco
twists and my feet to wind-blown flames
I've got nothing to lose because the worst
is mine to claim and the best
isn't coming but going
my own way.
1.4k · Jan 2014
Liz Anne Jan 2014
I feel like my toes
are walking along sandpaper and as they
wear on and on
it's that much more difficult to tell
if I'm building callouses
or growing

I haven't found
the slant of light I've been searching for
but I must say
the way I see when the sun
cuts my gaze at dusk
must be close

I'm chasing something
either inches or miles beyond my grasp
all I know is
when I'm turning circles dreams
look an awful lot
like my own
1.4k · Sep 2014
Mary Poppins
Liz Anne Sep 2014
She didn't know when Mary Poppins flew in
She didn't know the world was falling down
didn't know the roof was caving in
and the walls leaked
and the floor creaked
the first stair was gone

She didn't know Mary Poppins was hers
She didn't know Mary was her mother's
didn't know Mary was her grandmother's
and she didn't know Mary
and Mary is hers
Mary is mine too

She didn't know Mary Poppins meant the end
She didn't know Mary meant one less
didn't know Mary wasn't real
and Mary couldn't fix all this
and Mary would go away
mothers could too
1.2k · Mar 2012
Liz Anne Mar 2012
Few places give me roots                                                                    
Like standing in the torrent
                                                                    Clinging to love like thunder

Seldom do I feel complacency                                                                    
The many ways I do now
                                                                    Running from love in the sun

You are a welcoming glance                                                                    
I never want to grow or lose
                                                                    Uprooted and un-planted

This is the path I painfully chose                                                                    
I am so sorry but I've never
                                                                    Been anybody's red, red rose
1.2k · Feb 2014
A Little Sap And Saturation
Liz Anne Feb 2014
Could you tell
from glistening dew beneath
the shade of a
eucalyptus branch?
If you so chose
you could
to me and close your soft eyes
and feel dew
like the difference
between you and me
and the dull
scent of the oncoming
Liz Anne Dec 2011
Falling freely into cascading commotion
Sound and scent engulf emotion
[Not everything is as important as it seems]

Cars creaking find their way to houses heaving
Daily doldrums of amorous ambition
[Not even love guiding can prevent loneliness]

Streaming spouts leave rusty rings
Shoes worn short between dreamless dozing
[Not entirely awake are you?]

[Not every day do bluebirds come]
            [Not every day do miracles come]
                        [Not every day does vision come]
This one owes its title to The Doors' "The End".
1.1k · Oct 2012
Good-bye to the Moon
Liz Anne Oct 2012
She's seen the mountains become clouds~
~Without ever touching the skyline
In my mind bullets passing by~
~Never took time to consider my time of day
Miles mold desert winds into rain~
~Wildflowers dance in ashen waves
She can't see the stars or the chill in the air~
~But Luna's more of a stranger and
Bolder now than she's ever been~
~She hasn't a feather's courage she won't give
She seen to much, more than well enough~
~The moon is waning, the one you knew
You don't know the Luna rising without you~
1.1k · Aug 2012
Liz Anne Aug 2012
You've got a wink in your eye.
You're looking for optimism you can't describe.

Here is the world!
Your oyster!
Your opportunity to see it all!
How many hearts do you think each of us has let fall?

This is the chance you're waiting for.
The moment you swore you'd change everything.
You're hoping for happiness that isn't a disguise.

"I won't be like the others"
You told me once.
"I won't be like the ones who let it pass them by"
You were looking far away.
"I won't be like everyone stuck here"

There you go willfully wishing it all away.
Wishing for your 'Over the Rainbow' dreams

I've got a wink in my eye too.
I know someday you will waste a little hope.
Fearing you wished away love.
And you'll never be quite sure if it was mine.
1.1k · Feb 2014
Take Me Dancing
Liz Anne Feb 2014
I've finally
once gray and dusty
like an
wedding dress pulled
from the attic and
a summer time hue
if you take me
I promise
if you can be
I'll show this
trait to
Liz Anne Oct 2012
Milwaukee never saw me coming
In all my grey-eyed mistakes
But neither did Paris
And I arrived there without
A sense of falling, foolish place

I wish there was gum on my shoe
I'd hoped the Frenchmen would be mean
It's all mixed up, I got it all upside-down
Please don't ever ask the men of Milwaukee
Not all of them can actually sing

He toasted the world's greatest painters
I let him call me his own dying art
City of Light, I'll take my leave
When he didn't find a note I'd like to think
The champagne glass in hand heard him weep

Bearskin rugs and wide-brimmed hats
I never gave my head, the time of day to ask
Sorry I can't take it back, whatever you see in me
I'm afraid I can't say another word
Or you'll see I'm inevitably green
1.0k · Jan 2012
Liz Anne Jan 2012
The leaves are changing, can't you see?
Each new shade turns my heart
And brings me back to the me I used to be

I miss the trees' leaves of green
Effervescent colors of life around me
The tousle of falling emerald locks
In the brief and gentle passing breeze

Evergreens and pines flourish in the chill
Beauty, I find, gives little piece of mind
When needles fall, just dreams withal

I miss the northern mountains' touch
The way the streets climb close behind
Mystery and mischief just a break-away
Yet never revealing the secret of youth's fall

Scarlett trees remind me of pain gained
From joyous memories distorted by pain
But love remains, in hues of pinkish stains
1.0k · Mar 2012
Try Not to Laugh or Cry
Liz Anne Mar 2012
. .
. . .
Laughing too hard

As I usually do
Leaves me wanting

To cry too hard

For all those times
I was hurting from

Trying too hard
 . . .
. .
1.0k · Sep 2012
Liz Anne Sep 2012
A stubborn stride takes her there
Dries her lips and pulls her hair
Skies smell of gasoline
Fading to tar
Asphalt and a broken down car
Rain on her flesh
Running circles around scars
Dirt thick as leather
Her foot is bleeding
She can feel each of your stares
Many things scare her
None she has chosen without care
In the way she moves
She feels a graceless wandering
A stumbling, tripping,
Lost-like confidence as though
She's only going the direction she'll go
Without purpose in one fell swoop
She's back again
She hasn't got a chance
She's yet to fall through
Here she found the rabbit hole
Here she found the ****** end
Then she saw the error of her ways
And he wouldn't let her in
She's got a little secret
If he can find her tell
She's floundering
In seas of green and callous red
Next time he sees her trip or finds her fall
She'll dare him to wait and see if she'll spin
Saying: "You just wait my friend
Here I aimlessly go again"
1.0k · Mar 2013
Cowboy Cemetery
Liz Anne Mar 2013
Bury me slow in a cowboy
cemetery where
the dirt
on the casket
matches the dirt on the headstone.
I want
to spend forever beside leather

bound men fighting vainly
against skies
far too pleasantly blue. When they come
looking I hope they'll find me weary
and mummified
with men of many pasts by
my side.

They'll see me
worn but fighting on. Gun at my hip
and boots given to wear
ever-etching words of freedom and lines
in the dust of battles past and after
life wars still to come. When my aching
body is quietly lined

with wood, lower me slow. Lower me
into earth of old and legends
lasting and in the land of dirt and
snow-driven beauty I'll lie
until they come
looking for the men beside and find
me instead.
990 · Oct 2011
The Bird & The Beetle
Liz Anne Oct 2011
"Let me teach you
What you won't know.
Let me show you
What you won't ever see."
Said the Bird to the Beetle
"Let me bring you
A piece of the Sky"

The Beetle smiled politely
And pondered so, then asked
"Would you let me
Let me teach you
What I know?
Let me show you
What I see?
Kindly would you
Let me give you
A piece of the Earth?"

The Bird only snickered
Coldly he answered
"Why would I want the Earth
When I can have the Sky?
What value is dirt to flight?"

"Without the Earth, my friend,"
The Beetle said wryly
"You forget, we'd all
Live on valueless flight."
Childish, I know but I still see that Bird's high-held head and that Beetle's wry smile . . .
988 · Dec 2011
Liz Anne Dec 2011
The most beautiful clouds are those just before the storm

Peaceful are the tears that fall before the sky breaks

Troubles on the horiz' seem large and forever reaching

Doubtful are the smiles soon to part after the peaceful dark

Black shadows keep sunlight and blue from breaking through

Waiting hearts and hopeful parts find stillness in the sky

They'll search for the calm before the coming pass

Chaplin's words ring true for those who refuse to let fear in

In the placid moment before the storm effervescent hearts

Hold to the knowing hope that beyond the dark there is

A waiting light
969 · Apr 2012
Liz Anne Apr 2012
She walks
Like there's a tiger in her thighs
Smooth, languid, and threatening
Ask her about the sun
And she'll say it hurts her eyes
Tell her she's beautiful
She'll know its almost a lie
Her lips are red
To keep you dreaming
Somewhere between
What should be
And what could be
Lean like claws
Her unwrung hands
Are rough but teasing
In the air around her
You've got every chance
But not a one will get you past
The daggers in her smile
The darkness in her laugh
Pulls you in as she saunters away
And you stare
But beneath it all
She doesn't really know
How to help you see
A Tiger Lily
Can only be free
964 · Nov 2012
The Wizard
Liz Anne Nov 2012
I am angry
But not so lost I haven't seen the way
But here's the catch
Don't you see?
Not living's all that's real to me
But all the same
Here I lack
Something of adventure
And something I don't want back
I'm angry in a little way
I'm not Grace Slick
Or Bob Dylan
All the same
But I'm asking for the one thing
I can't quite claim
Freedom from a single frame
Every time you ask me to stay
I can't help wanting
More than anything
To stray
I'm angry
And I'm foolish
I'm all these things
But lacking the
To say which one
I am angry
But I've had years
To prove you
"Pay no attention
To man
Behind the curtain"
Just for a moment I'll let you see him
All the same
Here in this **** place
Every f*ing thing the same
Just as godforsaken
As the last ****** frame
That's my state of mind
That's my one man parade
I am
But just like
Dylan had his placards
And Slick had her rabbit
I've got
A big green head
To keep me
961 · Dec 2011
Red Light, Green Light
Liz Anne Dec 2011
What if all the street lights turned red
And refused to change their ways
What if all the people in their quick-paced cars
Stopped their fast-paced ways and listened
To the creaks in their grandmothers' houses
What if they learned to love their own ghosts
They might finally see the wisdom in a child's eyes
What if they smiled for days gone by
And they called all those friends and lovers
They'd once lost to rush of it all
What if they all sat down to a wooden table
With bare feet tickling grass in glistening summer heat
What if they took the time to laugh a while
To dance free and wild and sing to the songs of youth
But what if the lights changed their minds
And what if they returned once more
To the fluorescent green of daily bustle
Perhaps the people would miss the hurry
What if they all went back too?
949 · Jul 2012
Liz Anne Jul 2012
Things that
{a dented brass thimble}
Mean so little
To us
{a broken shard of sea shell}
Mean so much more
To those who
{a rusted and splintery shovel}
Mean the most
To us
{a hand-written grocery list}
938 · Aug 2012
Desert Struggle
Liz Anne Aug 2012
Trees struggle to rise
As cacti take their sky
And shrubs move into place
The mountains are blue
They seem like an ocean
Closing the distance
From here to wherever it goes
If nothing else is free
Only windmills are oddly alone
Is there a place in the heart
For things that want
Not to be without but also
To be apart from their own?
Liz Anne Aug 2012
I haven't had the chance to say
Linoleum makes my feet slippery and sore
Somehow the sock in the hall is mine
I don't know how it got there
But I don't want it back now
There's a bug in my head that won't let me be
It sometimes hisses but I keep it anyway
Have you read 'A Clockwork Orange'?
I'm in love with Alex and always have been
If that makes me psychotic too, I suppose I am
That’s ******* anyway and I know it too
The sun is warm but I know snow will make me lonely
If I could be anywhere I'd be everywhere
I'm not really sorry but I've said it anyway
I'm afraid I wouldn't take you
One day my pants are too short --old
The next they drag and scuttle along --too new
If I could be a vampire I think I would
Why not? Maybe I already am . . .
It’s all ******* anyway
I shiver when it rains
And late at night when I can feel everyone
I always feel for everyone --even if its pain
My nail got ragged yesterday so I chopped it off
Now the other has a mysterious ****
I wonder how it happens that I'm always odds and ends
No I don't think I gave myself the chance to say
Have you read the Bible, you God-fearing ****?
I think there's a section or two of Proverbs you missed
Hello I'm somebody too!
Hello again and how I've missed you
Is there hate past Heaven’s gate?

Perhaps it is best that I remember to choose my words wisely
Even if it’s all ******* anyway
My wrists always ache after I make something new
Happy day and future arthritis on behalf of beautiful creations!
I think Alex was beautiful and I nearly cried when he grew up
If not for now I'd cry for me too if I had to do the same
Crazy *****, believe me you haven't got a clue
I know I'd rather be insane than ever stop running away
Have you seen the stars from another part of town?
Before I die I swear I'll see them hang upside-down
I don't know why I'm afraid to claim the lone black sock from the hall
I'm miles from home and I'm not all that tense
As if that’s not always a fat old lie
Maybe I'm just slightly bored
There it is, all I have to say for now
*It’s all ******* anyway
920 · Oct 2012
Sine Ira et Studio
Liz Anne Oct 2012
At his very best
He can be anything

He can be kind

He can listen to you
And your every waking whim

He can hear it all

He can do her best to come
When every voice does call

He can't follow you

He can't be the only blame
And take your every swing

He can't save you

He can't soften your fall
When you jump from the ledge

He can't be everything and a friend

Learn through all this you earn
Only his heart of stone
Loose translation of title: {"without anger and fondness"}
897 · Nov 2013
Liz Anne Nov 2013
Wild hearts will roam
And those I love will leave me behind
But I can't wonder why
Because I have done the same to so many
Running both from and to
I've left the ones who'd otherwise follow
Without a word good-bye
Haste and fool-hardiness carried me far
I'd imagine you're the same
Wordlessly I'll watch you go and smile
Knowing what you never will
You and I are the ruthless, shapeless same
886 · Nov 2011
Today I Sat Down
Liz Anne Nov 2011
Today I sat down
To write something beautiful
For you
But I couldn't find the words
And I'm not sure how to say
What it is I want to say
To you

Somewhere I'm sure
Orchids bloom for you
And someday I'm sure
I'll smile when I hear
Your name

Today I sat down
To write something meaningful
For you
But it still didn't come out
Quite right
Its hard to find meaning
When trying to stand afar

Today I sat down
To write a poem
For you
But this is all I got

I nearly crumpled
And threw away
The thought
874 · Aug 2012
Liz Anne Aug 2012
Have you seen
When the wind follows me?
It curls up from the current of the sea
Please don't call it effervescent fantasy
I'm not dreaming unless you are too
And if you ask if I've seen
The light crawl
As it creeps along your skin
Don't laugh when I say I didn't notice
Any more than your concrete schemes
If you can finally swear not to follow me
I promise not to dance
Along your skin
863 · Jun 2012
Barefoot Army
Liz Anne Jun 2012
My soul shakes and I feel that ancient rage
It breathes in and out of my lungs
Flowing like the slight breath of smoke
After the first taste of ecstasy
Rage is not black or darkly brooding
Broken and full it burns in my veins
Fought and forced and drawn upon
Like some frigid barefoot army
Strong as I am I wouldn't and couldn't be
If not for the rage that feeds the battle cry
Ragged are the edges of my heart
Wounded, scarred, stitched and ******
All the ties that make me strong burn me
Each strength I gain I lose a little
Thick and festering I feel it flare
Scorched are the remains of what I became
Every scabbing wound you left on me
In my rage is hate, yellow as drowning green
In my rage is strength, slick as steel fencing
In my rage is love, brutal as searing live wood
857 · Oct 2011
Liz Anne Oct 2011
Seldom do I know
Which way to turn
My heart says one thing
My head another
But somehow
In the confines of sanity
A wise ghost whispers:
The gates of heaven
Lie beyond the tortures of hell
840 · Oct 2013
Nostalgic Slurs
Liz Anne Oct 2013
****** up and falling fast
I'm reminded that even now
all I think about is you.
Are you listening?
Listening now?
Aching, shaking, asking
for no one but you.
Tings ringing, remember
much as I'd like to
I can't sing something
beautiful, Beautiful.
You hate the idea but I
wonder how I look to you.
Want to rest my head
in the roots of your omnipresence.
Fill my heart and I'll be
the inside of your silent arms.
Call me breaking, call me
giving up and falling in.
Find me close and I promise
I'll find a way to be closer still.
839 · Jun 2013
Liz Anne Jun 2013
Its a losing tug-o-war
and I'm eight years old again
asking god for favors as if he's in command.

Have you seen the sun?
I can't find the light.

When I'm losing control
follow me down and follow me deep.

I don't need you to save me
and there's no favors I would ask
save for you to catch me
if I don't stand a chance.

You are no god but spirit
strange new soul I've yet to know.

I'm no child but can pretend to be.

I'd just like you
to be the first one to see me
as only something more
than an eight-year-old asking god
for more rope.
818 · Jul 2012
Liz Anne Jul 2012
Plastic, Glass, and Metal ceilings
Clocks and bars
Lend me a sip
This whole place is about to tip over
Under it all I feel the pull of the fall
Liquid Love in a crystal vase
Can’t help me be who you want to see
Midnight one
Midnight two
Orange flickers, green snickers
Spinning round round around
I’m a dreidel on the edge of a table
Waltzing suicides don’t know the ocean’s below
On the eve of this kiss
The cliff crumbles in ecstasy
‘World won’t quite let us lose it all
Keys, Cash, and Cars
Missing socks and a sky without stars
Ursa Major with a minor problem
Now it’s a habit he can’t quite kick
Orion’s belt is fastened too tight
And the seven sisters are now only six
Do you see what isn’t there?
Careful, careful the Sun thinks even the Moon is fake
But more than that Diana knows
Though to her you’re just a blunder
A wayward soul lost to deaf thunder
Drink, drug, and dalliance
By marring morning this too shall pass to you
Liz Anne Dec 2011
Sometimes I think I’ve found the flower
The one from which all things breathe
And I think I can finally see
The reasons for all that’s meant to be
But as I bend to touch, with calloused hand
It wilts away to leave seed for another day
804 · Dec 2011
Cigarettes & Snowflakes
Liz Anne Dec 2011
Snow glows like moonlit tears.

Smoke halos caress wild children.

I often think the moon glows with a serpentine smile.

Only savages live with vacant securities.

Dust cloud angels stain the frozen melodies.

If they invited you in could you risk losing the day?

Wander Haight and squander your fixes.

Haloed sinners purge peace from smoke and snow.

How now, dear friend, are your rich man's worries?

Toil relieves turmoil when smoke and song share.

Demons and devils to the ordinary man's struggles.

Only angels share fumes and folly to give us spring's bloom.

Not every able young man will last the winter.
801 · Oct 2011
Liz Anne Oct 2011
Sometimes you worry me
Send me down spiraling
And bring me up again
I hate the fall, free for all
But you know I love you
I’d miss you if you fell
Knee-high quicksand
Arms above help you hold
Hold your own, alone
You falter and flinch
I can’t help to fall an inch
Soon it’s up to my eyes
Doesn’t matter, mouth-drown
Never listened to me
787 · Oct 2011
A Walk in Your Shoes
Liz Anne Oct 2011
Today I peeled back your skin
And stepped in
I stretched your fingers like
New leather gloves
Wiggled your toes in dew-stained grass
Then opened your eyes
But I couldn't see the beauty in
The life surrounding you
Flowers were objects and pets accessories
I listened for the gentle hum of bees but
All I heard was your breath
For a moment I stopped you from
Just to bring the beauty back
To me
All the same it was gone and you
Were turning blue
I let go and ran out
Away from your shoes
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