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Lisa Ann Rakow Apr 2013
Power in words and pure actions rather than guns, death, and pain.
Everyone willing to think rationally.
Acceptance of everyone, no matter what they are.
Calm, serene, healthy lifestyles.
Even the smallest people can make decisions.
Lisa Ann Rakow Apr 2013
Little gestures mean everything and hold bigger messages.
Only everyone feels it.
Very few feel hurt or pain, but can be helped.
Every mistake is embraced and no one is sitting alone.
Lisa Ann Rakow Apr 2013
Joking occurs, but no one is hurt.
On Earth, not a soul is deprived or sick.
You are always happy, healthy, wanted, and laughing.
Lisa Ann Rakow Apr 2013
So many things will be cherished a never before.
All resources will be used to the fullest.
Verdures will cover the ground.
Optimism will make life last longer.
Ruby red roses will smell sweet forevermore.
Lisa Ann Rakow Apr 2013
I don’t even know where all of this insane energy came from.
I’m sitting here going completely ballistic.
People ask me if I’m ok…
I look like I’m having a seizure.
I’m fine.
More than, actually.
I can hardly focus on anything.
The sensation keeps ripping through all of my fibers.
I’m being confined to my seat, and I’m going MAD!
I want to just run away with all my energy.
Stand up on the table singing “I’m the Tops!”
Scream all around the Grand Canyon to hear myself.
All I CAN do is sit in my chair.
Bopping my head,
Tapping my fingers,
Jittering my legs,
Slapping my feet…
I don’t know what to do…
All of this energy came rushing through my body.
Who knows where it all came from.
Help me.
Lisa Ann Rakow Mar 2013
Shave your eyebrows for someone who needs them?
Never have *** so you don’t spread disease?
Give all of your clothes away to someone needy?
Trash your best friend to save your life?
Dedicate your life to the Lord?
Give away your kidney?
Cut down the last tree in the world to stay warm awhile?
These questions take time to answer…
But you’ll never know the real answer.
Until the time comes when your character is tested.
How do you know you’ll shave your eyebrows??
You really won’t EVER have *** again?
You would give up thousands of dollars of clothes to a stranger?
Just so you could live, you would put a knife in your friend’s heart?
(Figuratively speaking of course…)
Your whole life solely for a man who may or may not exist?
You’d have yourself cut open to give away a part of YOU?
How do you know you’ll live after cutting down the last tree?
I just put doubt in your mind.
I’m not questioning intentions or trying to make you cry…
I’m just double checking.
We don’t know what we’ll do to save someone else until that time comes.
Think about your answers to the questions…
Are you sure?
Do you want to change them?
Think again…
Lisa Ann Rakow Mar 2013
How much I loathe you,
You have no idea.
Your eggs are little, brown specks that merely sit on the leaf.
When you hatch, you destroy all the squash plants in your path.
Nobody ever pays any attention to you.
Very few even know you exist.
Unfortunately, I DO know you exist.
Every once in a while, my mind floats towards you…
Those agonizing hours out in the squash patches.
The horrendous sunburn that followed.
The tan lines that stayed for weeks afterwards.
And the smell.
I will never think of Apple flavored Jolly Ranchers in the same way…
When I was in Arizona, I spent the day at a cross-pollination farm, and my first task was to **** all the squash bugs in the squash plant fields. Man, that day was rough...
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