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Linnea Wilson May 2014
And your body swayed red with fire.
And reminded me that passion exists.
Still. In this age of prothstetic souls and bones.
Your two feet walked like steel on earth.
Solid and understanding.
And the power that came from your eyes,
was purple with regality and a soft blue
that comforted me and the ungraceful body
I was given to call home.
Your body kept swaying red with fire.
Never ceasing.
Showing me that I have the same endurance
within me, too.
And someday when I'm stronger,
my body will sway red, too.
And our passion together will burn the brightest fire.
May 20, 2014
May 2014 · 1.3k
I read the poetry of Hafiz
Linnea Wilson May 2014
I read the poetry of Hafiz
and Rumi, Shakespeare and Neruda.
Hundreds of years a part.
Yet, they all write about you.

Nothing can I read about love
without seeing your face,
hearing your words,
and feeling your skin.

I have been conditioned
like a salivating dog,
to pair your being
with love.
(and rightly so, I'd say).

For your real life love
makes the poet's words
and sigh with satisfaction.

And when I think of your love,
I imagine a love greater
than any ever written.
A bond so close,
it can't fit into poetic words.
May 5, 2014
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
This Tuesday
Linnea Wilson Feb 2014
This Tuesday is a Tuesday
unlike any other.
because on this Tuesday,
I love you
more than I ever have.
You are occupying
every nook of my thoughts
and making this
long, sleepy day
February 4, 2014
Feb 2014 · 658
Valentine's Day
Linnea Wilson Feb 2014
A beautiful time together
learning about partnership
and selflessness
and vulnerability.
We've both learned more
about this life through
our relationship
than in any college courses
we've taken.
In this time,
we've cried
and fought
and kissed
and laughed.
This is the last
Valentine's Day
before we become one-
husband and wife.
Which makes our
time together so special-
having a long past behind us,
and a long, loving future ahead of us
full of crying,
and laughing.
February 3, 2014
Linnea Wilson Feb 2014
and it was in my moment of listening
where I came to understand
what I have received.
an undeniable love
wrapped in a powerful unconventional beauty.
and so,
abandoning all stress and tension
releasing anger and anxiety,
I accepted the gift,
the honor, really
and became not just
my father's daughter
but the Potter's daughter.
I took my gift
and it came with an avalanche
of light and unconditional
So during that moment of listening,
that short, sweet moment,
I grew anew and
became who
my identity truly was.
January 30, 2014
Feb 2014 · 581
For it was in your love
Linnea Wilson Feb 2014
For it was in your love
you taught me
to love.
and wrap my branches around
another human's body
and heart.
and let my tense and
distrustful roots
breathe out a sigh
and relax their muscles.
The gentleness of your love
made me smile, blush,
and feel planted
just where the heavens
made me to be.
Your softness whispered
to me.
and told me
I am brave
and strong
and beautiful.
And your fingers
Would lightly brush my leaves,
making my eyes close
and see the most beautiful
future before us.
For it was in your love
that came a stirring
inside my heart to love,
It opened my pores
and made me
believe that love can
cause any creature
in our world to come to life.
January 30, 2014
Dec 2013 · 657
distance & darkness
Linnea Wilson Dec 2013
tell me your scary stories
where your terror and fear
match the angry sea
during a storm.
make my heart race
and keep my fingers
entwined with yours.
in the end, though,
be sure to tell me
it will all be okay.
and that we will be okay
in this world.
okay, really,
turn the lights back on.
this darkness and distance
has gone on long enough.
what? six more months
of separation?
you did it.
I'm terrified.
November 11, 2013
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
The Dance of Love
Linnea Wilson Nov 2013
And for your love
and the romance
of our lives
I've decided to
attempt dancing
and all the glories
that come along.
For, this romance isn't
the aroma of accordion music
filling the Paris streets at nighttime,
while a couple dances
under the streetlights,
as rain begins to fall.
It's a romance about humanity
and desire and its heartache
that tries to tango in the suburbs
and tap in the slums,
whose clumsy movements cause
embarrassment for any party involved.
This love has a rhythm unlike
a big band hit or a bluegrass hand-clapper.
It has a rhythm all of its own.
Closest to, maybe, jazz.
The real jazz. The Harlem jazz.
Sparatic and unpredictable.
Upbeat, swinging cymbals and trumpets.
Then a slow sax,
with bluesy vocals crying out in pain.
Because you can't two step
or foxtrot
or tango
to that.
You must step carefully.
For this romance is fragile.
You cannot choreograph in advance
or synchronize moves
with your lovers'.
You simply must listen, feel, and move.
This dance of love
must cause you to cry
and smile
and melt
and ache
and desire to make love
all in the same motion.
Or it's not love.
It's an imitation
aimed at the beautiful and elegant.
And we aren't that.
We're humans with souls and flaws
who desire these false
motions and harmonies
of love,
but who need to still understand
love's true tender
and heartbreaking steps
that have no
recognizable rhythm,
but that promise
a lifetime of love.
So, I will not learn
love's romantic moves
for they are unteachable,
but I will attempt,
for your love
and romance,
my dear,
to sway to the music
and stay beside you
and follow your lead
as we wait for the
drums and the horns-
and the music to begin.
November 19, 2013
Nov 2013 · 838
in my eyes is you
Linnea Wilson Nov 2013
in my eyes is you.
and your heart.
and your soul.

in my eyes is your presence.
which is so alive.
and empowering.

in my eyes is your voice.
your sweet sweet voice.
whose words bring me comfort.
& belief.

in my eyes is you.
and my muscles and nerves ache.
because of your weight.
and knowing that you're always a part of me-
seeing my world-
all the beauty it has.

or is that you?

is my vision simply tinted
by your spirit,
optimism and beauty?

your spirit filters what I see
and you are the hue of my world.
because in my eyes is you.

and in your eyes
(i hope) is me.
and my nature.

so just maybe
the view you see
is the hue of me.
like my world's
hue is always you.
November 18, 2013
Nov 2013 · 575
lay down with me
Linnea Wilson Nov 2013
lay down with me,
and tell me stories
that make me giggle
and tell me your struggles
that will make me cry.
keep the lights off
so we're both staring
up at a black ceiling.
talking and sharing
our lives
and our takes on this existence.
after too much silence,
pull me close and
wrap your limbs around me.
whisper "I love you" in my ear
and kiss the top of my head.
now who's to say what will
happen next-
we may fall asleep or
things may go another way.
let's just see,
so come lay down with me,
November 11, 2013
Linnea Wilson Nov 2013
When this beautiful gets lonely
and our temptations aren't so tempting
it's then we must break.
This existence becomes defined
by something other than our living
other than our breathing
or even our actions.
This beautiful is not so beautiful
it becomes dull and stagnant
and suffocating.
We must look for air.
The air, breath, and life
that doesn't lose shine or
its vibrance.
Where our lonely is not so lonely
but disproved
by love and sacrifice.
And where beautiful
is beautiful all the the time.
November 11, 2013
Nov 2013 · 435
I want you.
Linnea Wilson Nov 2013
I want you.
To have your arms around me
and push the hair off my face
as you hold my neck
for a kiss.
I want you.
To tell me things that are true
and show me the kindness in the world
and believe in me.
I want you.
To sing in your falsetto
and speak in that idiotic accent
while I roll my eyes at you.
You can have me, too,
if you want.
I guess that's only fair.
I can tell you jokes
and make you smile
and kiss you.
Boy, will I kiss you.
I want you
to know I want you.
And have never
been more in love with you.
November 6, 2013
Linnea Wilson Nov 2013
When I journeyed into the unknown,
I became familiar with something.
an element of peace.
and silence and solitude.
the world wasn't grey.
but green and vibrant.
humid and alive.
I spoke of things hidden
and confusing to even myself.
but it all made sense.
Everything worked and lived as
they were meant to.
in this weird unknown.
How was I to know where I was?
I certainly had no map.
or compass to my name.
So I wrote and began to
dream of a world even
greater than this paradise.
Where my heart wouldn't even
that there was a past
and hard times.
Just an eternity ahead
to love you.
November 6,  2013
Sep 2013 · 4.7k
ice cream
Linnea Wilson Sep 2013
you've convinced me.
Let's get ice cream
and eat it out of the tub
with two spoons.
Like the civilized pair we are.
We'll eat it in one sitting.
maybe two.
I promise
this will be our favorite
part of the weekend.
You and me.
Munching on fattening, frozen dairy.
Enjoying every bite.
And each second
as we sit on the edge of the bed
So, I'll get my shoes
you get your keys
and we'll make
one of our favorite memories.
September 4, 2013
Sep 2013 · 740
this love is imperfect
Linnea Wilson Sep 2013
this love is imperfect.
crying and throbbing
trying to catch its breath.
looking at each other
for the answer.
the next move.
But our dumb minds
don’t know what’s best
or how.

we stare at each other
with tears and
crooked hearts.
this love can be so painful.
our time and words hurt.
How can wounds cause growth?

Show us the truth in that,
for now it is hard to see.
and tears and heaving,
and the weight of our flaws
do not help.

I hope these are our roots
taking place-
grabbing ahold of
the solid earth.
Growing pains.
Keeping us as one
with something.
We are battling for the
best spot to lay
each root.
Sometimes I win.
Sometimes you do.
Sometimes we both lose,
knowing that where we want
our root is not where it should be.

So, we cry,
we ache,
and we stare from across the room
looking for our hint,
our instructions,
our manual.
Why don’t we know
what this love should do?

Hugging you is easy.
This is not.
So I move to you, hug you,
and we cry together
as our hearts are pulled
in ways they should
and shouldn’t go
this side of heaven.
Remembering the imperfections of this love.
September 2, 2013
Jul 2013 · 750
Charred flesh
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Charred flesh
redemption of form
creating ashy pigment
too large to see
our passage home
started much brighter
but our bones have
been broken and
nourishment fled
our teeth and lockets
all that remain
left to speak
universal loss.
September 25, 2012
Jul 2013 · 817
Carolina porches
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Carolina porches
litter a broken street
creaking swings
and goodbye hugs
too normal to notice
but odd enough
to split living ends.
September 25, 2012
Jul 2013 · 625
her face is tiled
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
her face is tiled
or is it of bricks?
it is chinked with
the finest mortar
as as to last a while
but without cracks
in a sidewalk,
the city cannot breathe.
September 25, 2012
Jul 2013 · 484
And girl girl
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
And girl girl,
watch yourself!
those deceitful
monsters will
be sure sure
to steal.
check over
the shoulders
of the masked.
and lean your head
only on the
shoulders shoulders
of men with trust
and honor between
their lungs lungs.
September 25, 2012
Jul 2013 · 437
we sit in dark
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
we sit in dark
without the light
wondering why
it isn't right

and then it's clear
wait for the day
to cleanse our hearts
and shall they stay

yet it still sticks
we won't release
we cling to hate
fall to our knees

our souls aren't straight
they fall and sin
and sit in dust
they cannot win

it is the light
which shows it all
its forgiveness
conquers the fall

never again
must we be here
with filthy souls
to bring us near

it has been done
and light will win
our souls come out
fresh to begin
September 24, 2012
Jul 2013 · 573
I want to have deep roots
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
I want to have deep roots
that are untouched by anything
other than the dirt.
Wholesome, hearty roots
that understand place and purpose.

I want to know, not in my bones,
but in my roots,
how to exist and simply be.
Learning to live with less
oxygen and more heart.

I want my foundations to be
firm and unchanging
to provide stability
when the shadows
and thieves come.

I want to have deep roots
that are untouched by anything
other than the earth.
August 22, 2012
Jul 2013 · 403
When these bodies are lain
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
When these bodies are lain
under the ground,
I will still remember
the lines on your palms,
the smell of your hair
and the marks on your skin.

With no attention to time,
we no longer have to wait
for the night.
We no longer have to wait
for our moments.

The pattern of your body
is just as beautiful
and just as real.
August 22, 2012
Jul 2013 · 439
It rings in my ears
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
It rings in my ears
the sound of your taste.

And the smell of your touch,
lingers on my eyes.

Your senses won't leave,
they're engrained in my brain.

Forever you've marked me,
a permanent branding.

Yet, with you gone,
I taste with my tongue.

I hear with my ears,
and I feel with my skin.

But I'd much rather
sense your love in my bones.
August 28, 2012
Jul 2013 · 501
She stood on the sidewalk
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
She stood on the sidewalk of 5th Avenue
with Central Park as her backdrop.
Her figure was perfect and
her posture poised.
Those that passed paid no attention,
too entrapped in their own speeds through life.
August 16, 2012
Jul 2013 · 520
Find the stories
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Find the stories within the stories,
she said. And it couldn't
have been clearer.
Search it all
and be insatiable.
Every crack and nook
in my soul must be
ablaze and full.
September 25, 2012
Jul 2013 · 9.8k
Two blue-eyed daughters
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Before he dies,
he wants two
blue-eyed daughters.
Wild, young,
mesmerized spirits
who dance in pajamas,
put makeup on the dog,
skip around strangers
on the sidewalk and
believe in one true love.
Their souls already
live in his heart
and contribute,
almost fully,
to his
emotional breakdowns
and softened view
of the world.
September 25, 2012
Jul 2013 · 553
September above
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
September above
October below
your blue jeans on the floor
your stubble so close.

The leaves change
along with the space
between us
and our lungs.

Each autumn
breath we draw
confuses our airways
and our passions.

Your flannel shirt
left behind
before we had time
to make cider.

Gone as fast as
the snow came
your heart couldn't
handle the cold.
September 26, 2012
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Gutter grates
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Gutter grates
and hotel keys
these are things
you see in me.

Fleeting soul
unchanging ways
my permanence
will never stay.

The hands tick by
and I don't come
the motion of
my passing love.

Sorry is
your fondness lost.
I always toss.
October 3, 2013
Jul 2013 · 645
Elbows on table
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Elbows on table
wood grain holding too much
face in your hands
without noises
no sobs, no sighs
no anything.
Your posture sharp
demonstrating my flaws
displaying no one's triumphs
speaking in strains
and voids between
our thoughts.

I bring you tea
place the mug on that
overwhelmed table
with no response.
Outside the air moves
the broken wind chime.
My head turns,
the legs of that
dumb chair we
bought at an estate sale
scrape against the floor
as you push away
from the table.
I see your back as
you walk through
the door.
And those elbows
that sat on the table.
November 5, 2012
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
You have big eyes
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
You have big eyes
and beautiful, beautiful souls.
You have unending joy
that explodes out of your movements.
Your fingers and perfect and
look like cute little potatoes.
You laugh at my jokes and
I laugh at yours.
We are silly together
and we make blanket forts.
We put on plays that
have no story.
You fill each day with
a happiness only siblings
can bring.
I care for you so much
and I know you feel the same.
You are my best friends
and all four of us, someday
will be together and
join in the biggest, best
group hug ever seen.
I miss you everyday and
I love you everyday,
that's for sure.
Can't wait to meet your
beautiful hearts
and be together forever.
November 5, 2012
Jul 2013 · 445
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Taken to the Rock,
an unknowing sacrifice,
Fathers should protect,
not aggress and ****,
but when he follows,
and agrees to the plan,
eternity is in place.
November 6, 2012
Jul 2013 · 721
your buttons pop loose
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
you buttons pop loose
speaking of things
they could not hold.
fibers of being,
war and peace,
death and faults
and the weight
of existence.
sew it back on
but these worldly
thimbles do nothing
to protect skin
from humanity.
November 6, 2012
Jul 2013 · 473
park your thoughts
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
park your thoughts
in a book-
blank with no
bias not even
lines to skew
where you ideas land.
show it to no one,
but to everyone.
November 6, 2012
Jul 2013 · 1.9k
Your canvas backpack
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Your canvas backpack
carries books and
stories too heavy.
It is stained with
ink and coffee,
you're not sure how.
You toss is on the ground
and look for it
when it's under your bed.
You reattach it to
your shoulders
and the straps whine.
Let someone else carry it.
Just for a bit.
Just for a bit.
November 6, 2013
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
A heaviness in her fingertips
kept her always off balance
she watched her weight
but not the burdens
which, she found,
add up when you
aren't paying attention.
November 8, 2012
Jul 2013 · 409
floral pattern on the bed
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
floral pattern on the bed
chipped paint on the dresser
woven rug on the floor
the dog on his pillow
faded jeans on the chair
frames on the table
(you know the one
with us at the fair)
your pillow next to mind
my arm on your empty side
I lay there with nothing but
you on my mind.
November 8, 2012
Jul 2013 · 972
the maker adores you
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
the maker adores you
and every strand of your DNA
a precious embodiment of his love
his fingers are clasped in yours
20 stitches of love
November 9, 2012
Jul 2013 · 444
the laughter and song
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
the laughter and song travelled up the stairs
and parked themselves in her room
she cried for the joy and
she cried for the brokenness
November 9, 2012
Jul 2013 · 818
woven patterns
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
woven patterns floated heavenward
as her sights became swirls
and distant images
November 9, 2012
Jul 2013 · 686
skin so perfect and warm
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
skin so perfect and warm
chest to chest.
discomfort to feel comfort.
the requirements for mortal passion.
soon our souls will go heavenward
and our bodies to decay
with no more skin on skin.
a beautiful tragedy
overcoming this personhood
yearning for the breathless,
tingling nights.
not ready to bloom,
not quite ready to die.
skeletal hands grasp
for the promise of fullness.
satisfaction miles beyond.

but oh,
your skin on my skin.
January 21, 2013
Jul 2013 · 566
Come, let's find a king
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Come, let's find a king
with the answers to
our existential wonderings.
His royalty will shield
our eyes from the false
and reveal truths our
consciences lack.
The feast he prepares
will leave us satisfied
beyond all hunger
we've ever known.
Our broken bodies
will be mended.
The dirt under our
nails will be gone.
And our raw, scraped,
shaking knees will
kneel for no lies
and heal through
his desire for redemption.
He will open the golden gates
gladly and with welcome,
but far from sight as
he maintains an
air of mystery.

A beautiful king
we will find.

A heavenly, wholesome king.
January 21, 2013
Jul 2013 · 651
Desiring a beautiful soul
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Desiring a beautiful soul
to complement mine.
Still and silent and
full of confidence.

Like mine isn't.
January 22, 2013
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Contagious is her laugh
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Contagious is her laugh
and vibrant are her clothes.
She likes bare feet on hardwood floors
and the smell of campfires.
Don't get her started on her favorite poets,
or you'll be late for dinner.
Bedtime changes-
her mind works best late at night
or early in the morning.
Consistently inconsistent,
but beautifully tamed.
She chews ice cubes
and collects mugs.
Somedays she has a hard time
seeing beauty.
Other times her heart can't
handle the warmth in the world.
Seeking are her eyes.
Longing for a member to
complete her heart life.
She picks her split ends
and paints her nails
brilliant colors everyday.
When her overwhelming
passion hits the world,
you'll know.
January 22, 2013
Jul 2013 · 360
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
(you must know)
is a problem
of the heart.

Stagnant at best
apathy is
(of course)
an art.
January 23, 2013
Jul 2013 · 446
and days like this
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
and days like this
i miss you more
than any other.
in this cold
i could see your           breath
and our bodies
for the warmth,
of course.
your glove fingers
wouldn't fit into
my mitten hands
so you would
put yours
on days like this
i miss you more
than any other.
this time,
any other day
we would be
sipping       hot     hot
and making jokes
about our past.
we would
make a fire
if we had remembered
to get wood.
if not,
we would gather
all the blankets
sleeping bags
and quilts
we owned
and would make
the greatest
blanket fort
on record.
days like that
are ones I miss.
and it's hard
that today is
not that day.
January 22, 2013
Jul 2013 · 978
The pennies and nickels
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
The pennies and nickels
bounced loudly off
her cold, hollow
and metal heart.

Its valves never
seemed to work
and the steam machine
was down for the day.

Oil dripped into
her wheezing lungs.
Come clean me up!
was her only thought.

The pure, white rag
seemed so distant
but she longed
for its redemption.

She cried
tears of tar
and fell to her
knees with a clank.
January 27, 2013
Jul 2013 · 402
When our eyes were blue
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
When our eyes were blue
we hugged longer and loved fuller
until we cried from joy
our favorite color was beauty
plain and simple
our eyes stared at wonder
our souls were fields

When our eyes were blue
we proclaimed our love
and melted into the passion of the world
our fall came without warning
and shattered became our souls
our eyes turned dust ward
with empty comprehension
and we sobbed for the broken ones
January 28, 2013
Jul 2013 · 794
Cadaverous is my soul
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
is my soul
with blackness
freed from itself
only by grace
my organs had
shut down
and my heart
beat slower
til it stopped.
There was an
unexpected resurrection
a divine defibrillator
that revived my lungs
and kept my
dead, ashamed
heart ticking
and ticking
and ticking.
February 26, 2013
Jul 2013 · 4.2k
He raises his left eyebrow
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
He raises his left eyebrow
when he stares at my face.
Is it seductive or
a pleased and
attracted tic?
To me that eyebrow is perfect.
So is his skin and the way
he hugs me from behind.
I am fulfilled with each touch.
And every word
I hear in his voice
lifts and pleases
my left eyebrow.
February 11, 2013
Jul 2013 · 650
Undying confession
Linnea Wilson Jul 2013
Undying confession
for loving the one
for he is the one
loving the sun

Aton and his men
can taste the beam
and see the light
through solstice and steam

The harvest is plenty
the drinks are too few
the sun decides to set
and leads me to you

Helios and Sol
don't describe what I see
its shine and its heart
unclothe me
September 2012
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