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one by one.
   as the first sun rises, each raindrop
  falls from
the Gutter's Edge.
                each after the last.
              a foot a time,
           setting the hunter's trail
        through Natura's White.

                   inhale, exhale.
                 weary heart-beats in-sync
                vivid sense, one with the Myst
              steamy breath in fog.

                         awaken, scintillate.
                       shying pupil
                     exposing Iris' Secrets
                   by light streams through blinds.
A Journey :)
the light.
                                        birth.            ­      
love               tears.            the dark.
         war          spinning.         tunnels
visions.    misunderstanding
impatience.          eroded.­ sidewalk.
  family                  ******     poverty.        growth    john &yoko.;              mutate
  the circus.       plastic bags.   ugly     salvation.         scent        factory. aids
             dreams                     anger.       justice    nightmares       LIFE      disorder
              ­     pain. colour             blankets      wealth. india
peace!   hate.         alzheimer's    
       treasure seekers.        adolf
     radiation.  alienation                    pressure.       chaos.defiance   desperation.    abstract.    sunrise
  april    window cracks.  moonset.   lsd.ecstasy                barney        sight                 euphoric frenzy.    katrina
     touch           tall tales.
religion.   spiral. staircase.  ufo
                  floodgates.     angel billows  
                      violins.   art                      
I refuse.
Driven waves by steady feet.
Metamorphic Rock soldier,
shaped by the wind,
but I am still here.
Evolution they fear;
I am my own.
My beaded drum,
I created its sound,
And so will move to
Its beat.
The Headed Index,
The Poisoned Voice;
The demons I
Have conquered.
They cannot understand it;
They cannot withstand it.
A force they cannot fathom,
Is a force they must destroy.
But I refuse.
Overcrowded BandWagon,
A Party of Four.
Tales of tails that fear their own
I refuse.
Silent Sadness.
How three felines perched on legless chairs. Embracing each other; last hope. Buried in music, unable to breathe in silence because their thoughts are too loud. Hidden within drowning caskets, trying to break free with every last breath. Cemented grins, underlying frown. Emotions unreal; barely living facades. There are no souls left to save, they all died long before their deaths. Soft skin, coarsed whispers.
Silent Sadness.
How three felines perched,
Have forgotten how to EXIST.
I have nothing to say.
Obscurity in The City

                                Roots in The Desolate

          Taken in by Wind

                Lone tone in Paradise

                                          Black shades in Red

                     Holding the drum's Roar

         Crooked grains in Glass

                              Shot down stars Glow

   Rug by the Roadside

              Crimson tide in Blue

                              Ghost windows without Paine

                  Tireless metal boxes perched

      Torpid tornadoes remain still

                      Structure floating motionless; inert

          Drifting, they lay, dead in one Place.
Things that d r I f t cannot lean on another one's spine. As each line d r I f t s, no letter clings to the border. And FIXED they will always remain.
I breathe stones with my heavy heart.
Angry at the sun for leaving me in the dark.
Breaking twigs and pulling grass, to keep the mind, occupied.

Soles cold; bare feet on ice.

A naked infant on the streets in June.
Staring at the window, looking at nothing.
Empty and distant, yet filled with rage and nearing

Split hairs and pulsating veins,
Trembling fingers; drowning pupil.
Lone pebble in the desert, chair with no legs.
A Plant dying in the corner of my blooded eye.
It's leaves wilting, like little green teardrops.

Content frames holding within them, memories of a joy that once was.
Thoughts like a dagger, the sharpest blade in your kitchen.
The knife that you hide from your teenage kin.

My busy world, my lonely place, my mind.
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