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 Aug 2014 Linda alexander

A few minutes more
He has said in a whisper
Promising hope
From the depths of his heart

Pulling the thread
So it sits ever tighter
Finding the end
As a new place to start

Counting the hours
They add up so many
Checking his watch
As the sun seems to set

Pulling the moon
From the arms that now hold it
Praying for rain
As that’s all he can get

Kicking a stone
Near a clock that is ticking
Rhythms his mind
Will now come soon to play

Searching for words
While the second hand passes
Come to expect
At the end of the day

Life is so short
Though he brings up the answer
Nothing is more
Than a heart tied with love

Calling to all
As if anyone listens
A few minutes more
He now shouts up above
 Aug 2014 Linda alexander
Chock full of empty
Leaning on a friend
Whispering a secret
Looking for the mend

Caught up in your secrets
Releasing all your lies
You'll know the mend is near
When you feel it in her sighs

Then tell me why this feeling
Keeps storming in my mind
Telling me to take a hike
Find somewhere else to climb

Just send a little whisper
To the woman down below
Sit and wait patiently, old man
As you wait for love's echo.

Okay, well here goes nothing
I'm calling out her name
I really hope she hears it
If not I'll shout again

Dear man, why are you shouting?
There's no one there to hear
Hurry quick and catch the ship
Before it leaves the pier.

But I forgot my passport
I left it in the drawer
Where I keep all the love notes
I wrote to her before

I see the ship has sailed
Already you're too late
I find you rather fetching
Perhaps I might be your date.

What took so long, I wonder
Sweet beauty that I see
You're just what I've been waiting for
The perfect one for me
My sweet friend Ana Sophia and I were just having a little poetic fun on a Friday afternoon.
 Aug 2014 Linda alexander
Do you remember from so long ago
the sweet taste of my love

Do you still remember my scent
when you said
it felt like home

Forget the 'I love you's' spoken now
and the time you kissed my mouth

Forget the broken look in my eyes
from the day you left
Ed Sheeran inspired.
His line was 'Will your mouth remember the taste of my love'
you are beautiful.
you are tragically beautiful.
you are notre dame
at night.
you are the eiffel tower
amidst bombshells.
you are the house of commons
and the house of lords.
you are the lone beam
standing after Katrina.
you are the one baby sea turtle
who makes it off the beach.
you are the dark side of the moon.
you are the patch of sand
struck by lightning.
you are the remains discovered
after the plane goes down.
you're a smooth puddle in a parking lot.
you are the creaky stair
that warns of intruders.
you are all of the red skittles.
you are Job 3:14.
 Aug 2014 Linda alexander

We all breathe the same
In whatever way we choose
Dancing to the beats
Of drummers, different in most cases
But breathe just the same

Sometimes we talk
Different mouths, different voices
Still it can ring badly on another’s ears
Complaining, questioning, whining
When all we want is to be understood

Often we fall, hard to the ground
Hardly at all to those passing by
Staring at this writhing body
On the sidewalk of broken dreams
Just waiting to be kicked once more

At times we love
Perhaps too much it seems
Different hearts, different beats, different drummers (again)
Brandishing hope as that marching band
With the new drum major breaks our will

Then we die
Not unlike other’s before us
Lying in a wooden box
Mourners stare exhaling sadly or happily
As they still breathe…in whatever way they choose

— The End —