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Lily H Aug 2014
What is it about maps
And wide expanses
That touches my soul

Maybe it is that we are all maps
Some easily unfolded, some tightly rolled
Just wanting to be opened and explored

I’m begging to explore you
Trace each contour, feel the rising and falling
And etch your body in my mind

There’s this need to get as close as possible
To lounge within the confines of your arms
Learning what tectonic experiences created the landscape of your mind

But at the same time
Who am I,
To lay claim to any piece of you

You rival the greatest unknown places
Shrouded in mystery
Obscured by great distances and wide empty spaces

And even I
So small and naïve with my ball of string
Know the dangers of this endeavor
Lily H Jul 2014
there are no dreams to comfort me
no moments of sleep
no escape from my thoughts

You creep into my room
roll me across the pillows
till I'm face down
mouth full of feathers

Screaming through the silence
I pray for the day to end
begging for the emptiness
the solitude of sleep

Dawn breaks long after my tears dried
and I'm left watching the light
clutching the sheets to my chin
eyes blank and mind lost

Hello again, Insomnia
Lily H Jul 2014
Sometimes you just need a good cry
Tears of joy, of pain, of fear
Plastic bottles of pent up emotions
Draining down the peaks and valleys
Washing away the masks from our faces
And as we wipe the smudges from below our eyes
You can feel the sun warming you again

There are no ends or beginnings
Only cycles, like the rain
Lily H Jul 2014
And so I learned to love the night
Not for it's peace and darkness,
But for the small infinite lights
Splattered across the void
Lily H Jul 2014
Someone once told me
"My love for you knows no bounds"
And I think about that sometimes.

Love is like a wild animal
Madness and emotion
Expanding outward
Reaching towards infinite
But when the countdown begins
And it finds itself racing
Racing towards a wall with nothing beyond

It can't help but to slam on the brakes
And halt
Lily H Jul 2014
I miss you.
Not just your face, or the security of knowing you love me.
I just miss the feeling of being next to you.
The warmth radiating from you in waves.
Sliding into the small spaces between us.
Filling in the emptiness.

You don't get that with everyone
Even in a hug I can still feel where I end and they begin
No melting into one another
My cheek feels wrong against their shoulder
But still I hold on longer anyway
Wishing it was you.
Lily H Jul 2014
It's interesting
There are some places
Where I can stand
Perfectly still
Close my eyes
And you're all around me

Your eyes reach into my soul
Stirring up emotions
Rising through the emptiness
Occupying my chest
I grin, opening my eyes
And you're gone

Feel your hands grasp my shoulders
Head thrown back
I fall out of reality
And back in love with your smile
Then your grip slips away
And I'm staring into space again

Left with only the stars

We share the same spaces
Yet never together
I'm always slightly late
Catching only your essence
Melting like ice cream in my hands
Taking bits of your memory with it

But still we steal quiet touches in the dark
Lost moments
Like messages on foggy windows
Fingertips caressing glass
Hurriedly writing words before it all

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