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Lily H Sep 2013
It's funny
You always want it to end
The other way
Either really fast
Or really slow
But still you walk away
And it's always declared the same
Lily H Sep 2013
Something pulls my mind into focus
Feel the urge to glance up
Your eyes reach into my soul
I grin, then blink
You're gone

Feel your hands grasp my shoulders
Head falling back
Our eyes connect
Then your grip slips away
And I'm staring into space again

We openly gaze across rooms
But never speak in public
The rule unspoken
Is it mine or yours?
Just know it's been here all along

So we steal quiet touches in the dark
Like messages on foggy windows
Fingertips caressing glass
Hurriedly writing words before it fades

We share the same space
Yet never together
Waiting for the day
We both can come clean
To the ones who judge us most
Lily H Mar 2013
I miss the rustle of the sheets

When you turn over in the middle of the night.

The feel of your hot breath on my neck.

I want the stubble on your chin to graze my skin

As you kiss me gently on the shoulder. 

And when I whisper "goodnight,"
I need you to draw me close
So I can finally sleep
Lily H Mar 2013
Two hundred and twenty miles
That is exactly how far from my door to yours
Somewhere in between near and far
The grey space it occupies is beginning to swallow everything between us

My drive down today
I was not met by the sun and clear blue sky
Instead it rained inside and out
As I made my way down from the mountains for maybe the last time

I was in no rush to arrive
Speed demon tendencies quashed by gloom all around me
I wallowed in silence within my mind
Occasional cars flitting past as I slow and slow and slow… and slow

If only we ended this way
With a steady dwindle obvious to all involved
Seen from miles away, days ahead
Instead of the sudden slamming of the breaks causing us to crash together

Now I’m sitting here waiting
Wondering how much damage has been inflicted
Will I get my heart back in one piece?
Or has it yet again been damaged beyond repair, what’s the word?
Lily H Jul 2012
To you I was 
A perfect statue
Features defined
Then stones were thrown too hard
And I broke for you

Shattered to bits
Never the same
A new creation
All yours
Exactly what you needed
But not what you wanted

I am to you
Just a photograph
One in a stack
Whenever you wish

Corners tattered
From many travels
Rain or shine
In your pocket
Placed right over your heart
Until you change your shirt

To you I will be
Always a safe place
To hide and cry
Scream out
Destroy walls and break glass
Till you stand taller

Rising from rubble
Shaking off dust
You walk away
Able to face the world
Leaving me to wait

I wish to me
You were nothing
Lily H Jan 2012
Thoughts drip into short coffee mugs
Sweetly filling our cups with caffeinated experiences
We patiently sip
Until the steam transports us back in time
Pure memories replay, different scenes over coffee

We must not weep over spilt milk
For our tears will dilute the contents of our mugs
And no amount of sugar or love
Can restore the substance to its original perfection

Savor new tastes before the lazy hand
Drips synthetic liquids into our untended cups
Like IVs into coma patients
Pumping us full of fake chemicals
To soothe the human condition
Lily H Dec 2011
There's not a single taste that will ever compare
To the strawberries we picked down the bank near the birch tree grove.
Remember how small they were?
Squishy in our hands, staining them red.
Resembled the red bloodstains that adorn our palms now.
Everything's slowing fading to black, and all I can see is the sun refracting off the broken glass strewn around us.
That must be what the pinpricks of pain smattered across the back of my body is. 
Glass shards carving into me. 
Do you feel those too? 
Or are you occupied by the gaping hole in your chest? 
Look, I have one too. 
Now we're twins. 
Feel their fingers rifling through my pockets, searching for diamonds and gold but coming up with gum wrappers and lint. 
Was that you coughing up liquid? 
I can't quite see anymore. 
But I can still feel. 
I think. 
I don't know. 
I think it's cold. 
Can you feel it too? 
But it's not like the chill you feel when the shower suddenly goes cold. 
This cold creeps, undetected, from your toes up. 
Crawling through your veins to your heart. 
And your brain. 
Not quite sure which one it reaches first. 
I'll tell you when it happens. 
Or you tell me. 
Whoever has it happen first should warn the other, ok? 
Can you hear me? 
Do you feel cold? 
Answer me! 
I feel it now. 
It's your heart.
It's the heart it reaches first.
I feel like someone's ripped it out and replaced it with a clump of snow. 
Baby, please warm it like you warmed my hands that night we got lost out in the woods. 
Because this doesn't feel right. 
I don't think we were made to live like this. 
I don't think I can keep....
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