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lillian Nov 2011
i'll never forget that.
the darkness, the silhouette of your large, hulking body illuminated by the screen
the tangled sheets, a mess at the center of your bed
my clothes on the floor
your voice
quivering with tears and rage
growing louder, hurting my head
wishing i could cover my ears and eyes, shrink into dust and get swept away
your expression, that of a wild and exotic animal
but i was so scared of you
crawling on the cold floor towards my jeans
like treading through water, my legs made of lead
you screamed and screamed NOBODY HAS EVER HURT ME AS MUCH AS YOU HAVE
i cried
hysterical sobs and trembling hands
you stare at me, breathing noisily
and your eyes are so filled with painful and seething hatred, but they plead with me
please don't cry. please, please.
"this whole thing was a mistake"
slipping between the small crack in the door and into the thin air of the early morning
nothing is the same
lillian Sep 2011
I sat on the edge of my bed and stared at the earth disintegrating. He was saying something but I registered none of it, and felt my brain vibrating and my lungs stinging. Everything was sideways, up side down and backwards. Nothing made sense and it didn’t need to make sense because I was far from understanding, far from earth and my life and the universe, like a dream.
“What do you see, Lilly?”
I fell to the ground and rolled in the carpet. Colors and sounds were all white noise and space. I reached for his hand and I held it in mine but it felt like needles and I thought I was going to bleed. I’M BLEEDING. I look down at my hands, but they don’t feel like my hands. I stand up, and I sit down. I want to laugh but laughing means nothing and I am falling into a hole of swirling sights and feelings.
“How was that?”
I begin to land on the earth again. What the **** just happened? I ask him, but his words mean nothing. Am I still bleeding? I ask him again, and I forget to listen. I watch his mouth move and I feel scared. I feel like I have been gone for hours and days. I want to ask him again but I am aware that it would be the third time, so I sit quietly and I feel the bugs biting and tearing under my skin.
“How do you feel?”
I look at the shadow on the wall. I wonder if it will get big enough to swallow me whole
lillian Jun 2011
It was dark in the back seat of the car. The cold metal of the drum set was digging into my ribs, the midnight April air floating through my hair, into the hole in my jeans. He looked back at me, his eyes reflecting the glimmering strings of lights. He was smiling. The music made my eyes lower, the low and chipping buildings in the market becoming a blur. I drift into a dreamy rest, open my eyes and I’m looking into the eyes of a stranger. The city is busy, there is noise. The air feels wet and I want to reach my arm through the hole in the roof. We pass the corner I know so well, the wall I’ve leaned up against cold and drunk so many nights. I will never forget. It is not as empty as I remember now, people run across the streets and the diner is lit and the seats are taken. The sun is gone and the moon is making a curved shape in the balmy sky. There are no stars, just clouds and smog and street lights. I hear him talking but don’t lean closer to listen. He talks with his hands, he is happy.

Hours ago, we sat in the leather seats at the Back Alley. It is late at night; the People give us strange looks. Do they know something that we don’t? It doesn’t matter because we share our own secret. You sat next to me, feeding me with your other arm around my waist. Everyone disappears and it was just you and me. I felt so sad, and you didn’t know why. I told you I needed to cry, and your heart sank because you can never understand. You are frustrated. Nothing is right.

I’m so sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry. You don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve you.
lillian Jan 2011
He told me I was precious
I ran a finger nail across his collarbone
And he was on his elbows, kissing the flesh above my jeans
His eyes sank into me like an anchor in the ocean
Is what I wanted to say.
Instead I said nothing and let my eyelids collapse
And felt that moment
Felt it
The sun setting and the sounds streaming from the speaker
The voice
Singing the same words I listened to yesterday
Singing cheer me on cheer me on cheer me on cheer me on
And we are lying side by side
My eyes are growing
You tell me you can’t believe it
And I smile and let you in
Because this is the closest I’ll ever get to trust
And love
And lust
A flame under the bed
lillian Nov 2010
I love the way it looks, the flickering lights licking your cheeks
I love the greens and the golds, embracing each other around the window frame
I love your smile, and your warm hand on the nape of my neck
I love the way it feels to go back in time
I love my name on your lips, smooth and sweet like sugar melting on your tongue
I love it when you say I’m staying
I love it when you laugh
I love cupping my hands around our eyes and making a secret universe
I love never knowing when I’ll see you again
I love hearing your voice quaver with so much truth
I love falling asleep in your fleece
I love red lights in the night time
I love walking in the cold with my hand in your pocket
I love this nothingness
I love you
I love the lingering smells on my pillow
I love that you think I’m smart
I love your little messages
I love giving you everything that I have
I love lacing fingers, locking hands
I love the space in my heart for you and feeling it grow every single day
I love closing my eyes and trusting you
I love everything
I love this
I love what you have given to me
I won’t let it go
I promise
lillian Nov 2010
Now look here
You’ve left me with nothing else to say
I’m here, my arms outstretched, my body curled and aching
There are no unspoken promises
No feelings left unfelt
You have undressed my heart
Made love to my soul
I watch the perfect curves of your mouth
As they sing the songs of love that I’ve heard
But never listened
Never believed
Until I felt the melody
Humming deep inside of me
This is love this is what it means how it feels to be loved
Like being in a comfortable daze
Perfectly happily hungrily
No matter how much you give me I want so much more
The second that you turn away
I feel lost
Comfortably lost
I close my eyes and there is a thick blanket of darkness
Nothing else, not even pain
It is love but it feels like I am going to cry forever, without tear drops
It is love but it feels like I have just woken up
Living in a cocoon of memories that are fading and almost gone
I miss it but soon I’ll forget
Because I live this dream every day
When I think of you and see your smiling face
Precious and beautiful
You are
lillian Oct 2010
I watched it unfold, watched our beautiful creation fall apart in a second, a wall crumble down.
The whole world stopped and I became silent, frantic.
Hold on, do not fall apart.
He reached for me, tried to see my eyes but I didn’t look up I was so sad
Oh God, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please…
He fell back
I watched him drown
I know it’s not your fault, but look at what you’ve done
Now I am trembling
He pulled me into him, kissed me until I was comfortably sedated
His words are morphine
I feel them in my blood, in my limbs, veins vibrating
Forever I will consume
A slave to this restless hunger
This precious, fragile love that I hold so tight in my fists
But now I lie here in this nest of fabric and skin
And this small place inside of me is crying
Just let me forget
And feel numb
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