And at them
She can't get up.
***** *****
She won't get down.
Around this town
She gots no secrets
Not inease
Of her own.
Thin call parties hurt now
sewn nun invited
no shuns deal lichen
Hair and herself
Being all lone.
Head side treading
threads She splits
fine item eyed
crates to diskew
Full freight Fair
rebate sans wits
In dings she sings
Small of a sudden
Leaped wings to retch
doubt stunned her
Reach doubt to
fund her joy
none derive all
ease she Collars
treat all green eights
Whimbling out loud
Uncle Ere...
All gut the Inks
mussed come
to an in she thinks
Or else
tries Umph in gals.
My apologies for the varied versions of this thing...