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8.5k · Mar 2014
Liam Mar 2014
She will lose herself in a book
and find herself in poetry

She thinks that religion is a sacrilege
and that long showers are sacred

She makes love when she's tired
and never tires of making love

She is irreverent in her humor
and pious in her gravity

She is diligent in completing her work
and ambitious of her quest for leisure

She is the personification of romanticism
and the embodiment of compassion

She exists harmoniously in my mind
8.1k · Apr 2014
Another World
Liam Apr 2014
like a fish out of water
walking backwards upstream
grand illusion of compliance
buying nothing sight unseen

respecting their essence
detached from their path
connected in spirit
repelled by all wrath

norms without ethics
morality sans love
passion ever searching
a need to rise above

heart sinking hatred
mind numbing neglect
mountain moving greed
rarely circumspect

not infrequently i ponder
how my being was unfurled
wondering deeply in my soul
if i belong to another world
7.5k · Jul 2013
Liam Jul 2013
i will plant
i will plant flowers
i will plant flowers all around the garden
i will plant flowers all around the garden of your heart

you will breathe
you will breathe in deeply
you will breathe in deeply the fragrance
you will breathe in deeply the fragrance of my love
6.9k · Jul 2014
Dust in Dreams
Liam Jul 2014
a sincere wish that, as each morning breaks, we mend
...a ten word bedtime story...
6.5k · Jun 2014
Liam Jun 2014
reciprocal bonds
from transforming reactions
6.4k · Mar 2014
Liam Mar 2014
driven and driving
to penetrate your darkness
to explore your depth
5.9k · May 2013
Pub Juxtaposition
Liam May 2013
personal journal musings from last week...*

Stopped in at my neighborhood pub last night
  a couple of pints, some word exchange
Colorful place on a perfect Spring evening
  people on tap, constantly spilling in and out

The place is bustling and packed
  loud and dynamic
Sound flowing on open air
  drifting in from sidewalk patio and out to beer garden

Luckily nab a lonely stool near the entrance
  girl sitting kitty-corner around curving end of bar
Casually we cover topics from her mac 'n cheese
  to wind chill generated by ceiling fans

Conversation is suddenly confiding
  prior night's end-all fight with her live-in boyfriend
Obvious need to talk to someone neutral
  bartenders are busy, so it's me and we do

She's come seeking emotional sanctuary
  awaiting his departure to some event
Unhappy with her role in the argument
  unhappy with the person she has become with him

They'd intended to go ring shopping
  as recently as last week
She now looks forward only to the comfort of
  quiet, pajamas, ice cream, dreamless sleep

Upon leaving, she twice asks that I promise
  to be here if she finds no solitude and must return
This is no request...more of an appeal
  alone in privacy is one thing...alone in festivity another

I promise twice - I'll be here
  she doesn't return
I sincerely hope that she's well on her way to
  an ice cream induced pj slumber

              Less than an hour later...same bar stool

Pleasingly boisterous bachelorette party arrives
  staking claim to a nearby parcel of floor
Numerous "excuse me" squeeze-throughs  for drink orders
  rendering me a semi-familiar bar obstacle

One reveless wedges in, questions me
  what color underpants do I have on...don't recall
Insists that we check...dark bluish-grey
  too bad...she was hoping for purple to match her own

Impishly waiting long enough for my mind to stew
  she finally reveals the query as part of a formal interactive checklist
I apologize for not being more daring in spectrum
  we laugh, nevertheless...strike one

Eventually exchanging pleasantries with another
  a more subtle approach, but the inquisition repeats
Here we go again...Batter up!...Red?...very sorry...strike two
  I'm feeling of no value to this effort

Red offers me a redeeming pitch from the list
  someone must serenade the bride-to-be
I accept and get to meet the veiled celebrity
  she wears an engaging and jubilant aura

Gauging the atmosphere, I decide against romantic
  opting for a song that playfully questions the sanity of her choice
From my heart, I sing the chorus to Matchbox Twenty's "Unwell"
  It goes over very well and I avoid strike three

She and I hit it off, we discuss her wedding plans
  discover our roots are in the same part of the city
I'm rewarded for my musical contribution
  allowed to buy her a shot of Patrón...the checklist dwindles

Now partaking in the excitement of their celebration  
  an honorary addition to the large but exclusive group
My joyous new acquaintance has us take a picture together
  a snapshot of this special occasion to which I've somehow been privileged

A train of waves, goodbyes, thanks, and good lucks
  trails the party as I watch it crawl to the next establishment
In the hushed cacophony, I return to my thoughts
  a fantastic diversity of emotional experience within two short hours

My elbows on the bar in sober contemplation
  counting crows
A contrast of simultaneous realities
  somberly lamenting vs vibrantly anticipating

Reflecting on the beauty in such contrasts
  that serve to define the images of our lives
I finally come to the inevitable conclusion
  it's time for another pint...of ice cream
5.1k · Jul 2013
Adriatic Longing
Liam Jul 2013
Enveloped in the sacred blue
your lyrically beckoning shores
an ancient anchoring to renew
safe harbor unknown before

Depths of clarity and calmness
in truth too deep to fathom
forever guarded by the goddess
sunken treasures not abandoned

This ship must cross the latitude
persistent winds setting sails
a changing in its attitude
soon homecoming prevails
4.8k · May 2014
Liam May 2014
plant a seed
embryonic beauty

a seed with heart
sown with compassion

a seed with promise
born on winds of change

a seed with substance
rooted in the soil of foundation

a seed with the flow of life
thirsty for the waters of acceptance

a seed with boundless vision
reaching for synthesizing illumination

allow the energy of expansion and transformation
allow that seed to germinate and pollinate the garden of existence
3.9k · Aug 2014
Liam Aug 2014
stellar direction in undulating terrain
punctuated by meteoric columns of infinite light
imparting a clutching embrace to the face of now

lunar reflections form a fluid nocturnal path
to an osculated gateway of fertile encompassment
culminating in breathless pillows of untabled silence

stars without fault grace the expressive heavens
while muted words gaze out through rooftop eyes
cascading over living stone in waterfalls of emotional geodes
3.7k · Feb 2014
Velveteen Sensitivity
Liam Feb 2014
I'm unapologetically a bit too sensitive
   highly attuned to inanimate feelings

the lone Cheerio circling the drain is given
   a kindred companion for its journey

considerate thought is given to the preferences
   of animal crackers...heads or legs bitten first

many items are thanked before discarded
   others parted with reluctantly if ever

a twinge of conscience is felt while pruning
   perfectly healthy leaves from house plants

objects are arranged in pairs and groups
   in a compassionate effort for inclusion

The Velveteen Rabbit makes perfect sense to me
3.6k · Jun 2013
Love's Duality
Liam Jun 2013
tempestuous heartache
   & sundried tears
exhaled whispers
   & combustible caresses

unilateral monogamy
   & bipolar love
singular sensations
   & conjoined sensuality

degrading hopelessness
   & elevated vulnerability
decelerated time
   & soaring spirituality
3.5k · Dec 2013
Pooh's Creed
Liam Dec 2013
Integrity over Popularity
Mystique over Physique
Wisdom over Education
Spontaneous over Meticulous
Patience over Anxious
Peace over Pace
Grace over Face
Elation over Frustration
Spiritualism over Materialism
Honesty over Secrecy
Passion over Fashion
Honey over Money
Poetic over Pedantic
Relaxivity over Productivity
Attitude over Pulchritude
Gaiety over Propriety
Intuition over Sophistication
Intimacy over Privacy
Devotion over Ambition
Love over Everything

~ *For my best friend, Piglet
<3 ~
3.1k · Aug 2013
Body of a Goddess
Liam Aug 2013
Inspiring is
  the perfection of her approaching form
By every measure
  the epitome of classic beauty

Beguiling is
  her countenance so fair
Thousands of ships
  launch in her wake

Captivating is
  the outline of her femininity
Every line and curve
  arousing in me unquenchable desires

Overwhelming is
  the appearance of one so lovely
My senses and spirit
  soar to her grace

For when my eyes behold her physical image
  it conveys to me the essence I recognize to be her
3.0k · Jan 2016
Winter Blues
Liam Jan 2016
drawn to windows of silent blue
wooed by rays of genuine warmth
wavelengths of eternal promise
a clear gaze to tranquility

basking in a youthful sunlight
framed in crystalline emotion
purity of frozen concerns
azure passport to forever

trees reaching to one another
exposed in their frosted beauty
cornflower hues on snowy white
shadows of druid ritual

dreams arising from cups of tea
reflecting cerulean bliss
nourishment for ravenous hearts
fertile steeping for spring roses
2.9k · Jan 2014
Running on Fumes
Liam Jan 2014
need to meditate
to contemplate emptiness
more empty than mine
...alternate take...

Think Nothing of It

need to meditate
to contemplate nothingness
more nothing than mine
2.9k · Sep 2013
Liam Sep 2013
earthworm of passion
burrow deep within my soil
enrich and enhance
2.6k · May 2013
Red Velvet Greetings
Liam May 2013
personal journal musings from last week...

Reading in my local coffeehouse last week
  a very large, urban place, always crowded
Well...reading, talking, and watching the human circus in action
  I go there a lot

Taking a standing break from my comfy chair
  one of several surrounding a fireplace
I turn around to view the street activity
  through the windows behind me

A girl I noticed walking by a bit earlier is seated at the window bar
  she catches my eye and lights up like a firework
Exploding from her seat with purpose
  she moves directly toward me with a sparkling trail of excitement

I race through the flash drive of my mind
  searching for a memory to go with the vaguely familiar face
It bothers me when someone recognizes me
  and I can't reciprocate and this appears to be an extreme case

No I go into my identification crisis default mode
  basically over-animation to distract and buy time
She's quickly in front of me and very close
  greeting me with the type of enthusiasm that leaves me breathless

We hug, or maybe not, unclear right now
  as I am lost in the sparkle of her intense eye contact
She is speaking fast and familiarly, but I don't catch much of it
  until she asks if there is room for us to sit together..."ummm sure"

She flies back to her seat to collect her things
  as I stand there stunned and pleasantly confused
My whole being warmed by our interaction
  feeling so beautifully interconnected

Returning with the same effusive energy
  she engages me with a huge, expectant smile
She lifts her hand so that its contents hover next to her beaming face
  exclaiming "I even brought you a red velvet cupcake!"

Well those words are the death knell for my improbable daydream
 now obvious that this is a rendezvous, probably an internet date
I apologize (
more sorry than she could know*)
  relating that there must be some mistake

She asks whether my name is ...
  I reluctantly reply that it's not
Then her face takes on several shades of embarrassment
  as she glances past me to her actual date a few chairs away and she flees

It happens so fast that I don't even have time to thank her
  not that she'd appreciate the gratitude in her present state
I turn to see them immediately leaving
  likely, and understandably, a sudden change of plans

I hope to see her again if only to elevate her recollection
  of our shared experience, laugh about it together
I know this is a big city
  but a small world...I tell myself

Whenever I replay this film short of my life
  I may just edit out the scene after the cupcake presentation

  I so cherish red velvet greetings
* This is simply a true slice of my life from last week which I decided to journal in free form.*
2.5k · May 2013
Karma Mia
Liam May 2013
Karma Mia,
Please don't be that way
What have I done?
I truly don't remember

Karma Mia,
Whatever it is, can't we just put the past behind us?
No need to keep score
You seem to be focusing only on the negative

Karma Mia,
Let's just live in the moment
A fresh start every day
I promise to be my best self

Oh, Karma Mia,
You hold my life in your hands
We'll be together always
It's fate
P.S. (courtesy of fellow HP poet, *Adreishka Moonlight*)

Oh Karma Mia,
The past is past,
The present is a gift,
Will you give it to me?
2.5k · May 2013
Liam May 2013
So much natural beauty in motion

slow dancing willows
nectar shopping bees
fluttering evening bats

wind sweeping tall grass
sand absorbing waves
cobwebs setting sail

sky surfing clouds
hovering dragonflies
twinkling fireflies

my life...wildly spiraling out of control

sometimes you just have to sit back and watch it all
2.4k · May 2013
Species Snobs
Liam May 2013
Exclusively molded in the divine image
  or egos big enough to declare it so
A dangerous theory
  a disastrous belief system

Gardeners of Eden
  turned stewards of entropy
Superiority conquest of nature
  symbiotic balance forsaken
Jealous hoarders of spirituality,
  sentience, self-awareness, intelligence
The irrational glorification of reason
  despite a history of upheaval and war

Bullies on the playground of manifest destiny
  exploitive excess worshiped as progress
Arrogantly intoxicated on the dregs of Pandora's jar
  blindly stumbling toward self-destruction 

Welcome to the valley of the shadow of death
             Environmental Armageddon
"So long, and thanks for all the fish" - Douglas Adams
2.4k · Dec 2013
Pixelated Perspective
Liam Dec 2013
fragments of life
scattered on the photoshop floor
discarded moments
deleted before fully developed

urgency depicted as living for today
overexposing the instantaneous
cropping a disjointed existence
from the bitmap of impatience

why the aversion to time's darkroom
where future's blur slowly comes into focus
giving clarity to the contiguous
splicing realization from potential

cut to ending...

a panoramic view of destiny's horizon
where paths converge but never vanish
2.4k · Apr 2014
Liam Apr 2014
epic crash and burn
hypnotized by my wreckage
should just rise and fly
2.3k · Mar 2014
Relentless Beauty
Liam Mar 2014
I'm tired of beauty
incessantly meddling in my affairs

luring me to venture outside myself
revealing hidden radiance within

disguising life's dismal undercurrent
reducing it to a superficial veneer

randomly appearing by surprise
stubbornly eliciting a smile

performing alchemy on the mundane
dousing my awareness in the elixir of life

the pulchritude of spirit...that's all it is...
Liam Apr 2013
Will you please watch my stuff?
    I don't know how long I'll be gone.
You may finish my iced tea if you'd like;
    I've had more than enough.
In fact, you may keep my stuff;
    I've had more than enough.
2.1k · Jan 2014
Liam Jan 2014
Increasingly distorted memories
   slowly succumbing to darkness
Some fallen, some forced into
   the oubliette of my subconscious

Figures of the past linger tentatively
   before receding into shadow
Familiar strangers they do seem
   as if merely remnants of dreams

The looking glass of childhood friends
   mirrors an unrecognizable effigy
An idealized reflection of a former self
   unflinching in its accusatory glare

Whispers persist from imprisoned depths
   for I am silently being recalled to life
Somehow I've forgotten how to be
   the only person I've ever wanted to be

Somehow I've forgotten how to be me
2.1k · Feb 2014
Heart Hibernation
Liam Feb 2014
Something is amiss
you begrudgingly beat
blood barely flows
in survival mode

Your rhythm echoes
as habitual hope
lacking in conviction
weary and wary

Do you hibernate
unable to sustain
in a landscape
frigid and barren

A passionate void
fills with apathy
dreams lie dormant
awaiting your awakening

My foolish heart
i asked you
to be still
not to stop
2.0k · Sep 2014
Crucial Knowledge
Liam Sep 2014
I must know...

the smell of your blowing hair
   in the leaf-strewn autumn wind

the touch of your hand on my chest
   closely held in a sleepy winter bed

the sight of your eyes lit with wonder
   for the beauty of spring's first flowers

the sound of your voice calling my name
   through a window from a summer garden

...and as the cycle renews...

the taste of your fertility
   under the cover of a harvest moon

...there simply aren't enough seasons
to gain a complete sense of all that you are
2.0k · Jul 2014
Crazed Potpourri
Liam Jul 2014
chosen child for nature's creativity
tangoing to the sway of twilight trees
such spiritually sensual sensibilities

hypersensitivity heightening passion
life intensified in intellectual interest
love embellished with emotional empathy

oh, to bottle her elusive essence
to drink in her wistful nights
to infuse my tea with her promise
to scent my pillow with her dreams

uncork the atmospheric aroma
of sepia tinged crescents
wafting in celestial patisseries

sweeten the clear blue skies
with mists of crystallized honey
perfuming the divine aether

oh, fill my breath with her ephemeral
synchronize my life's pulse to the
metronome ponytails of skipping girls
followed by the tails of wagging dogs
2.0k · Nov 2013
Liam Nov 2013
wells continuously selling wishes
springs eternally offering hope
a toss of the penny
a cup of the hands

still waters of expectation
flowing solutions of promise
eventually evaporating
somber saturation of the atmosphere

coping with disappointment
a blessing or a curse
acceptance or complacency
peace or resignation

no sleepless nights of torment
lamenting the unintended and unfair
only melancholic contemplation
of dubious cause and wayward effect

the energy of discontent has dissipated
but it can only change form
perhaps the calm before the angry storm
a condensation into indignation

clear judgment further clouded
a tempest against the fates to be weathered
torrents of despair to rage
umbrellas of faith turned inside-out

but the sound won't be deafening
and the fury fleeting and insignificant
and as blue skies reflect in warm puddles
a fist will unclench to reveal...another coin
1.9k · May 2015
Lavender Latte
Liam May 2015
a museum casted shadow
variegated in hues of history
envelops the hour of the dog

a street paved with memory
adorned in May nuptials
whispers a toast to continuity

a cafe table ripe with potential
lost in studious consideration
brews eternity from lavender latte
1.9k · Sep 2013
Her Indelible Creed
Liam Sep 2013
Imprinting herself around me
   a tenderly etched embrace
Integrity of heart and soul
   intact, time shan't erase

A scarab if a beetle
   a nova if a star
An amulet of conviction
   pulsing light from afar

My hand is open to her
   my life freely given
To be loved simply by loving
   ancient wisdom recently rewritten
1.9k · Dec 2013
Seize to Exist
Liam Dec 2013
many ways to love
so few opportunities
to love completely
1.9k · Mar 2014
Casting Stones
Liam Mar 2014
tread you on water?
or water in which you tread
judge not, lest ye ****
1.8k · May 2017
Guard Your Honor
Liam May 2017
while truth might bring pain
deception and betrayal
will cause suffering acute stab at a chronic issue
1.8k · Apr 2014
Surreal Neuroplasticity
Liam Apr 2014
do not be alarmed
minds melt over ideas
these are growing pains
1.8k · Mar 2014
Liam Mar 2014
the forces that bend us toward self-destruction

the illusions that feed those malevolent forces

the stories that construct those obscuring illusions

the thoughts that metastasize into those deluding stories

the mind that identifies with those detrimental thoughts

the soul that succumbs
1.7k · Oct 2014
Liam Oct 2014
so many worlds in my head
can't be contained
can't be defined
by time or space

so much love in my heart
won't be restrained
won't be denied
by chance or fate

there exists another way
physical yet metaphysical
through ferocious eyes
foo dogs at soul's gate

there exists another place
devoid of time, out of mind
where fractions of god
reconnect and recreate

there exists a sandstorm
in the hourglass of fortune
1.7k · Jan 2014
Gypsy Mystic
Liam Jan 2014
Tarot toting tinker
    let's have another round
my future's in the balance
    lay yet another down

Never had much luck at cards
   even less so at l'amour
give a wandering fool direction
   high priestess, I kneel before

Your caravan will travel on
   as I seek the royal road
my chariot is torn asunder
   pray deal me a lighter load
1.7k · May 2013
Wasting Time
Liam May 2013
Rest with me
melt languidly into my arms
persistence reprieved

Allow me
grant this moment to pass
productivity be ******

Trust in me
my passion is passion
ambition denounced

Give yourself to me
I understand your value
progress so ill-conceived

I am a dreamer
I fulfill her destiny
*I am the place time comes to die
1.7k · Jan 2014
Easier Said...
Liam Jan 2014
complicated endeavor
a lifelong cycle
1.7k · Apr 2014
Gare d'Orsay
Liam Apr 2014
on the crowded quai of inception
   gilded minutes ornately revolve
time is measured in tranches of soul
   transporting moments of his essence

never versed in the outside world
   an innocent daughter of imagination
boarding a train of transfixed reverie
   her departure held fast in sistine release

such a private exhibition on public display
   their affection left open to interpretation
a tearfully expressive and inspired farewell
   within a shrine devoted to the art of the muse
1.7k · Mar 2014
Spiritual Estrus
Liam Mar 2014
the moon is waxing
the tide is flowing
my soul is coming into estrus

there are no answers
only decisions to be made
actions to be taken

the universe is waiting
courting my being
an invitation to expand
1.6k · Dec 2013
Liam Dec 2013
blood stains her canvas
   congealed crusts, fresh streaks
frayed corners and edges
   the tattered toll of pain, loss

how best to depict my love on her
   overlay her with beauty
to develop a patina of care over time
   reduce her suffering to pentimento

her landscape shifts constantly
   with the quality of her light
I must blend to the shade of her mood
   her want...her need

work from the palette of my heart
   in the spectrum of my love
paint her in courted color
   every tone of every hue

brush her being with my caress
   creatively styled to her moment
pastel tenderness...primary strength
   bold strokes of passion...bright splashes of spontaneity

to portray for her a frameless existence
   of unlimited intimacy and peace
but she does not rest on my easel
   and I am merely dreaming of the art of love
Liam Dec 2013
Stanza 1
yada, yada, yada
...something clever

Stanza 2
blah, blah, blah
...something sincere

Stanza 3
la, la, la
...something profound

Stanza 4
yeah, yeah, yeah
...something vague

Stanza 5
etc, etc, etc
...something touching

Stanza 6
hmm, hmm, hmm
...something to ponder

Should I post this mess?
...deleted it the first time...shouldn't take myself too
1.6k · Jun 2015
Lunar Silhouette
Liam Jun 2015
outlined in shades of reality
replete with eclipsed potential
the morning moon in revelation
unaware of her ageless touch

the language of time is floral
the color of anachronism is sage
so asymmetric in its beauty
so linear in its dictates

but her silhouette defies projection
refracting moments into mosaics
collaging aspirations into awareness
as dreams clarify into appreciation
1.6k · Jul 2014
Beneath the Catalpa
Liam Jul 2014
towering and sheltering
shading and nourishing
a blossoming innocence
of suckled sweetness

draped in wand pods
sowing magical seeds
sprouting sapling bridges
between hoping and knowing

fluttering metamorphosis
butterflies of the night
seeking the light of home
dimmed within memory

though storms may wail
these roots run deep
though lightening strikes
these wings have spread
1.6k · Aug 2014
Liam Aug 2014
my rough and tattered edges like sea glass
smoothly rounded by her passions
relentlessly polished by intimate contact
with her welling water and earthy grit

the reality of her excites me
humbling any romantic doubt
dispelling any fantasy skepticism
instilling a will for the moment

she is energy in pure spherical form
encircling this scattered life
she holds for me a sense of place
a bookmark to poetic existence

just as bands bind magic barrel staves
as rainbows secretly circle underground
as concentric rings indicate growth
love will revolve even as it expands
1.6k · Jul 2015
Reincarnation Rehearsal
Liam Jul 2015
reality abruptly removed the veil
  realization mercifully provided the light
a binary being seeking his own level
  attempting to rise to the surface of himself

if peaceful existence is based on choice
  then personal dogma tablets need chiseling
if afterlife is fashioned from belief systems
  then intimate mysteries need conceiving

dialogue of a dress rehearsal for an actual life
  faithlessly hidden within lines of complexity
alliterated ambiguously, expressed equivocally
  setting the stage for reincarnation's passion play
1.6k · Jul 2013
Trust Takes Root
Liam Jul 2013
patient hydration
an organic foundation
blossoming passion
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