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Apr 2015 · 622
will you vote?
Luke Apr 2015
Oooo, you lefty?
we've got a little Marxy
you ain't gonna get started
while diplomacy remains true hearted

we're wingers of right values
ain't wingers of wrong values
you better be beat, you you're beat, we'll keep you with no powers

Epicurys cury calmy
I was trying to tell my mum but she was working all these hours
Breaking broken feet on a floor below the towers

food banks feed some beans with beans
and beans on beans are tasty
especially on zero hours so that half the time I'm lazy

but why you so complacent when there are zero hours

The monachy with queens and kings
prancing in balmory
a smile, a wave, hey you behave,
are you doing enough for me

300 million, the crown is surely worthy?
a worthless hunk of metal junk to symbolise we're steardy
Dec 2014 · 434
Luke Dec 2014
you spoke first
to settle the Drive
that brings to your door
eclectic emotions that spill over and pour,

drenching my state of being, for sure,
elementary is the Force.

dissolve or fuse
today are you blue, green or red?
a Frank Ocean of depth to tread,
it gets me out of bed
(an alternate state of dead).
Dec 2014 · 289
Luke Dec 2014
Oh baby please
you got me hanging round
like a puppy at your feet

and its wearing me thin
watch her walk back out and
storm back in

hard is the chase
with looks that can't be measured
and we'll get there in the end
and we'll get there at our leisure

through all the pain
and all the pleasure

watch that woman as she walks away
watch that woman as she storms away

and she'll come to play
till the night turns back into the day
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Luke Dec 2014
You came over here
In your Kimono
You wanna stay right now?
I think "oh no"

Hold me down
Whirl me round
Open Kimono
"Oh no"

My spirit wants to
it's still no go
I wanna be yours, but my pace is too slow.

don't wear me down
lets find a workaround
open kimono

argue black is white
my mood is black as night
stick around and you'll be aware that the danger in the air
is set by the tone of my voice
to scratch the atmosphere.
Nov 2014 · 395
Luke Nov 2014
Talk me into talking to sunrise
penitrate my low
take it slow
take it slow

we've got time to explode.
doodle when writing lyrics
Mar 2014 · 349
moments || over
Luke Mar 2014
the moments over
and a voice from within
is speaking softly
a hiss of again

climbing up the hill
when we're all insane;
like a front-facing backwards gravy train
can I jump into a heart, and dream?

See the woman waiting for her hearse?
I'm gonna pursue her until I feel worse.

I can't face,
        a warm embrace,
                without mild disgrace,
                           upon my soul (not my face)

I've got years to wait.

Came as I was a little late
(Can't you relate?)
my eyes are tired
and red
so great.
(I love my mistakes)
which one are you?
(the one with the brains?)
is it you who's been driving me insane?
(I can't even finish the food on my plate)

moments over,
stashed in Fate.
Youth and Hedonism fused
Mar 2014 · 330
Luke Mar 2014
good or bad,
ironic or sad.
hate closely followed;
it got stolen not borrowed.

Live for it
die for it
need it
cry for it,
lonely, tragic, betraying but magic;
"it's only love, and that is all".
introspective look at a powerful emotion

— The End —