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Cigarette smoke caresses your figure
           a silhouette of ash
I wonder if anyone knows what you really look like
          Swear words gloss your chapped lips
It sounds heavy from you
           almost as thick as your *****, brown hair
Your lipstick is red like the blood you've spilled
                  You said it wasn't ******
He deserved to die
           Came close to where you were standing
                                                                Touched your shoulder and called you
                                  punctured his stomach
                                                 cut off his ****
                                                         and called him a
                         used his blood to paint a warning
"to any others"

                   Cigarette smoke caresses your figure
               No one really knows what you look like
 Nov 2013 Lewis
a flower
I walk under golden street lights on nights when the moon is smothered by storm clouds
I swear I see your shadow behind mine
The wind howls at me and I am convinced its you calling my name
I can't decide if this is a haunting or not
Is it a haunting if you're still alive?
Are you still alive?

I haven't felt you all day and all I can think about is your heartbeat
 Nov 2013 Lewis
a flower
An inch away you stood
You stared so deeply into the oceans in my eyes
so indefinitely into my soul
I'll never forget the way you smiled when you finally turned away
An entire minute of you indulging in my presence, of all things
You knew me in sixty seconds
And I never thought I would care for someone with the entirety of my being
The way I effortlessly cared for you in that instant
Everything viewed in black and white until I met you
Your persona so technicolour, the way you swayed in front of the sunset
Your fire burning heart, pumping the blood that keeps you alive just to let you stand in front of me
Taking long, smooth drags of your cigarette hoping for a quicker death, just to reincarnate all over again
And that hair, baby that hair
I could get lost in curls like those, and I didn't refrain from doing so
I shared words with you I thought I would never share with another living person
I always believed in not sharing things with anything with a tongue, but you were different
My lungs felt larger, as if they could expand to let in every bit of oxygen of the universe to let me breathe just to speak to you
Just to feed you knowledge, share with you everything you wanted to know, and refused to walk away without
I could listen to your voice for hours
Whether you spoke or sang, the serenity of words leaving your gentle lips kept me
We could drive for days in my car, we could get more lost than Alice in that maze in wonderland
But it would not matter because we were together
That is all that ever truly mattered
It was like an addiction
We needed each other to breathe
I found myself smoking your cigarettes when you weren't around to cloak me in your secondhand smoke
Or I'd search for your cologne tinged in ***** clothes from days I had been encompassed by you
I could look at the moon and know **** well you were doing the same
and thinking of me in the same moment as I was thinking of you
You left trash in my car for days and I wouldn't touch it
I left it there just to have a piece of you when there was no sign of you for weeks
How pathetic
Your energy resonated through my whole body and I longed to feel your warmth
I could hear you whisper every night as I rest my head to my pillow
and I dreamt of tracing your veins and kissing your collar bone all night long
The day we met, you intrigued me with transient sentences
Elusive, leaving me begging for more
You should come with a warning label
It would read; May cause trouble breathing. May tie knots in your stomach
Laugh might be addicting. Eyes might steal your soul in one minute
Just one minute
One inch
That's all I gave
You took a mile
Satan is a metaphor
for destructive manifestations
of cosmic Energies;
allowing Potential
to go horribly awry;
and, in that sense,
is very much real.

Lucifer is a metaphor
for a seeker and preacher
of deeper understanding;
informed dissent,
liberation via mass enlightenment;
and, in that sense,
is truly a Saint.

I find it rather funny,
the power Names hold
while it's also rather funny
how hollow Words really are,
that is, until someone
reads, listens, thinks, or speaks
using Language as we know it;

then the ancient Spells
come wholly into a Life
entirely unto their own:

It is within the Power of such Spells
to incite and to quell
grief, joy, confusion, insight
inoculation, ignorance,
inurement, indoctrination,
harmony, discord,
love, hate, disdain, respect
peace and war;

God as well as the Devil
lie dormant within our Actions and Words.
 Nov 2013 Lewis
 Nov 2013 Lewis
Before you get lost in the unfinished maps of her veins
the ones like yours, but not stitched up too many times to count on the ticks of a clock,
make sure that she trusts you enough to tell the truth.
Make sure that she loves you enough to know how you lie.
Remember that every single time you open your mouth, she's wishing
you're saying I love you.
Remember that on Fridays she doesn't want to cook.
And she sure doesn't want you to cook anything that was slaughtered.
Remember that she prefers cheap whiskey over champagne.
And when you're opening your ribcage to show her how fast your heart beats
when she grabs your wrists, make sure the butterflies are set free.
Make sure they find the window.
Make sure they find a home.
Remember that every living creature is just that, living.
Remember that they have a heartbeat.
And when you stop breathing when you see her with her hair down,
when you're thinking about starting a religion about girls with flowers for eyes,
tell her she's beautiful.
Tell her she's so full of the future.
Get her a telescope so you can show her the moon when it's bigger than both your thumbs.
Take her skiing while it's Summer in Australia even though you curse the snow as if it
were born out of wedlock.
Let her know she's not the first but she's definitely the only, and you're so scared of dying.
You never know what you have until it's locked firmly in your grasp as if to not let it run away.
You might lose a lot of blood but you'll never lose your way home.
I don't want to hear the dial tone.
I want to hear your voice, I want to hear you scream.  Tell me to leave.
Tell me that I am the only road that leads you to a purpose.
That in a world of blindness I am so technicolour.
Even though I can't promise you that, I can give you my words, thrusted from my lungs
like wildfire.
Searching for the way out.
Talk to me about religion, please please convince me that there is something out there other than
rotting in the ground for all of eternity.
Bible scripture doesn't whisper of your lips like my pillows do.
I never really thought about pillow talk until they started speaking me to sleep.
I find myself found by the curvature of your spine, of the shadows that take up residence on your shoulders like they have lived there all along.
I want to kiss away every bit of pain that has ever stopped you from smiling at strangers
and let you know that I'm coming home and I will always find your hands.
Let your ribs shake when your heart has had enough.
Let them shake.
Let the rain come through your window while you're sitting there in your makeshift darkroom.
You are the only thing I know about consistency.
And before I get lost in the unfinished maps of your veins,
I will be making sure they lead to me.
 Nov 2013 Lewis
electric ***** static shocks jump starts the heart into hyperspace pumping blood into the veins of time folding inside and outside and on top of each other like a nebulous star splash comet tail clashes in a warm hug we glow like embers in ashes......

warmth spreads like a slug of whisky in the chest, nothing is expected except it is, mind's eyes multiply like a disco argus tree sees all spheres and dimensions slowing and glowing like aurora auras in dawn smiles like the hieroglyphic clouds we graffiti all over cause we just wanna have some fun!

Aw man, I'm not done. We paint the sky to make it rain good vibrations drinking aqua patience and cheshire cat laughter tartlets I'm ecstatic to be part of this ecosystem with a unjumbled mind flying high in the all-ness of the AUM ONE. Cause we all one, and that's Awe-some. A wonderful warm place with All sons daughters mothers fathers brothers sisters sinners, just humons, 2gether, 1AUM makes words redundant.
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