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Leonardo Wilde Aug 2017
Maybe when I'm older, I’ll feel young.
Leonardo Wilde Aug 2017
Sit down, and be still.
Sit straight against the wall, your back pressed against it.
Close your eyes, empty your mind. If you can't before the next step, go to a room without windows and turn off all lights.
Take a deep breath in your nose, as much air as you can take, and then exhale it as slowly as you can through your mouth.
Feel, exist, be. Let your mind wander as far as it will, while your body remains still.
Simply be. Don't be mad, sad, happy, tired, awake, don't be anything.
Just be.
Just be.
Leonardo Wilde Jul 2017
I fall more and more in love with her with each passing day.
I fall in love with her again and again, with each new day.
Everyday is a new world, and in each world, I fall in love with her.
Leonardo Wilde Jul 2017
Eyes are the window to the soul.
Can you imagine how it feels to see nothing?
Can you imagine how much it must even be when it’s in the mirror?
Leonardo Wilde Jul 2017
As I saw the blood leave my body
It reminded me of you.
You slowly ****** the life out of me too.
Leonardo Wilde Jul 2017
I look forward to wonderful journeys
Leonardo Wilde Jul 2017
Writers write (duh)
There is verbal form of any language and a physical form of any language, and writing is the physical form of any given language.
And in some ways, writing is extremely beneficial to society. It expands vocabulary and ability to process things, it makes a better form of passing on things and keeping things as permanent as possible.
But, sometimes, writing is horrible, and even language in and of itself can horrible at times.
When one loves another, words, eventually, don't suffice to describe the overwhelming flood of emotion you have towards the other person.
In this age of technology and talking over it, texting or calling or face-calling, words sometimes do not suffice, those three words said all the time, over and over again.
Sometimes it’s a deep, passionate kiss on the lips. Sometimes a small peck to the tip of one’s nose. Sometimes a slow, gentle kiss to a forehead. Sometimes a small squeeze of the arms when cuddling. Sometimes a nuzzle to a neck or cheek.
To truly be a writer, one must submit to the fact that there can simply be no words. And it’s okay, it’s fine to not have the right words sometimes.
If anything, it can make your writing a little better.
So, go for it. Be wordless. Be in awe and blown away.
Be a ponderer. Because, in the end, that’s what all us writers are.
Ponderers, who attempt to describe their observances.
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