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I'm a cool cat
Who likes to ****
The smooth jazz
That dances off my pen
The 'garette I smoke

The dance of pen to pad
The movement
The shake
Makes my fingers snap
And my feet tap.
Each quark
A quirk
In a cosmologically-
Inspired orchestra

Each theory
A verse
In a star-
Driven poem

The study of
The very nature
Of this universe
Is art
Praise the spells and bless the charms,
I found April in my arms.
April golden, April cloudy,
Gracious, cruel, tender, rowdy;
April soft in flowered languor,
April cold with sudden anger,
Ever changing, ever true --
I love April, I love you.
Free as a bird
they say
To spread those wings and glide atop
the world’s walls

But aren’t they, too, caged by our fear,
wings beating to the rhythms of war below,
atonal music thundering ever louder,
drowning the notes they struggle to recall
and clinging anxiously to the harmonies of long ago

Land of liberty,
free as a bird we move about,
thinking that we know what we have lost
Flocking with the crowd from home to home,
stopping only to pick at the grass
for any semblance of meaningful sustenance
that our souls so desperately crave
I can lay
right next to you
and never touch you

I can see you smile
from across the room
without kissing you

I can watch you
leave the room
and resist hugging you goodbye

But sometimes
when I'm next to you
you have to ask me to move away

Because for a few minutes
I let fantasy get confused with reality
and I lean against you during a movie

And it's so warm
your arm and mine, touching
for that minute I'm at peace

But when you ask
of course I make room
Because I don't want you to feel uncomfortable

And if you weren't my friend
I would probably try it
just once, to know what it would be like to kiss you

But ideally,
I'll get over this
and when I am, we'll still be friends

So in the meantime
I try not to think about kissing you
and I only hug you when I have reason to

What I'm saying is
I will do what I can
to keep myself sane and our friendship intact

But just know
that with every look I give
I wish I could give so much more.
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