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Apr 2021 · 201
One World, One People
Leonard Green Apr 2021
Since the times of Genesis
behold one man and one woman
evolving fruit from of our ancestors
who migrated across one continent
one world, one people

Through the passage of Ages
as the fruits of humanity multiplied
into various tribes all over the lands
seeking Divinity via towering heights
one world, one people

In the smugness of Egos
breaking commands numbered by ten
unable to speak for community plights
as being keepers' of humanity wane
one world, one people

As the truth of our Ancestry
shed light on origins of the “human” race
shown by DNA and the study of archaeology
yet already written in the "Holiest Word"
one world, one people

During this tenure of Life
race and color have no meaning
since the conception from one couple
when will we have "one mind" to be
one world, one people.
Dedicated to the Holy Word and the writers/creators of shows such as "Star Trek" and "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier."
Nov 2020 · 147
Brand New Year
Leonard Green Nov 2020
Battles have been fought and some casualties raining near
Yet winning the “good fight” has dampened many a fear
Hold your head high, because the conquest of defeat is so dear
Acknowledging the struggles of success, supported by your peers

Now bask in this glory, but always remember…this is the start of a brand new year

The road has been long with sacrifices causing some tears
But life’s “true” lessons thrive from adversity and jeers
Praise His name, for He has given you the strength of gears
As a foundation of character, serving your growth for many years

Now bask in this glory, but always remember…this is the start of a brand new year.
Dedicated to the New Year...
Nov 2020 · 137
Giving Thanks
Leonard Green Nov 2020
Here again, some say a holiday
to celebrate the union of a banquet day
setting aside differences for a Thursday
when we should strive for this every day
so give thanks and comprehend this today

Here again, a brand-new day
to start fresh and leave behind the frays
burdening wills with chains that are passe
blurring the possibilities of other pathways
so give thanks and venture out this today

Here again, maybe the last days
to live on this earthly passage’s subway
and treat one another without hearsay
as we dine and pray together like Sunday
so give thanks and forgive on this today.
Dedicated to Thanksgiving Day
Nov 2020 · 155
Burning with Desire
Leonard Green Nov 2020
burning with the fire like a cosmic blue star
the heart has a desire for life’s new costar
who only sees someone to fill a fleeting hole
destined to be a stand-in for the closing role
and life has a bleak hold, burn-ning with desire

enduring a past like a reoccurring bad dream
the heart takes the shock from a medical team
who tries to revive a lovesick patient’s means
with the hope of a new promise that gleams
so life could beam, burn-ning with desire

learning from lessons like a dead man’s walk
the heart can only fathom anew chance to stalk
shrouded by a weary but wanting heart’s need
to find nurturing devotion of a true heart’s feed
and life slows the bleed, burn-ning with desire.
Jul 2020 · 137
Leonard Green Jul 2020
I notice…
the allure lurking within the fires of a craving soul
concealed deep inside levels as Dante’s Inferno
scorching anyone who may enter, but helpless to leave
the scent confounds, paralyzes, and then binds...

I sniff…
the aroma submerging every follicle of nostril hairs
compelled with urgency to follow no matter the risks
enticing even the most resolute and strong-willed persona
the scent overwhelms, inhibits, and then suffocates...

I sample…
the flavor sweet as marmalade but masking a sinister
confined trap like the so-called flower named Venus
awaiting patiently for prey to pass the fringes of its domain
the scent appetizes, deadens, and then consumes...

I caress...
the phenomenon beckoning thoughts of ego and grandeur
signaled conquests as meaningless trophies for the coming of age
yearning to be taught, but at the cost of being shackled in life
the scent tingles, irritates, and then blisters...

Senses may rule human nature, but wisdom defines intellect
Senses may rule human emotions, but empathy breeds tolerance
Senses may rule human actions, but love overpowers fear
Senses may rule human existence, but faith moves mountains.
Oct 2019 · 263
If Eye Could ♫C
Leonard Green Oct 2019
If eye could ♫c
the melody in your words, would it be apparent
as a little child’s heartbeat or intentions?

If eye could ♫c
the color in your skin, would it be radiant
as a dawn's sun beaming the skylines?

If eye could ♫c
the quiver in your soul, would it be vigorous
as a wave crashing against the shorelines?

If eye could ♫c
would it be me, would it be you
shedding the ties that bind us in life?
If eye could ♫c
would it be me, would it be you
mastering the songs to the keys of life?

If eye could ♫c
the marvels in your means, would it be arousing
as a chorus from Bach’s or Beethoven’s work?

If eye could ♫c
the verses in your time, would it be forgiving
as a fisherman, carpenter, or disciple’s song?

If eye could ♫c
the principles in your soul, would it be inspiring
as a hymn nurturing countless spirits to rise above?

If eye could ♫c
would it be me, would it be you
shedding the ties that bind us in life?
If eye could ♫c
would it be me, would it be you
mastering the songs to the keys of life?
Oct 2017 · 8.1k
Pretty Monster States (PMS)
Leonard Green Oct 2017
Beastly is this monster state yet many damsels cannot avoid
Some may call it disturbingly conflicting and become annoyed
Where rationality coexists with irrationality in an unstable realm
Pretty monster states navigate this journey as captains at the helm

Pretty monster states, Pretty monster states
No need to disguise your fury or depressions
Pretty monster states, Pretty monster states
This is just part of your amazing expressions

Wonder is this monster state since the inception of Adam and Eve
Men can only hope to be compassionate, steadfast and never peeved
One moment, pretty monster states can be loving and best friends
Next moment, challenging one’s good nature and spirit to extreme ends

Pretty monster states, Pretty monster states
No need to disguise your fury or depressions
Pretty monster states, Pretty monster states
This is just part of your amazing expressions

Frightful is this monster state like a suspenseful thriller or mystery
Only those who are not faint of heart can sleuth this case history
Where a profound will of character serves to stabilize one’s constitution
Bringing the monster state to an uneventful but amenable restitution

Pretty monster states, Pretty monster states
No need to disguise your fury or depressions
Pretty monster states, Pretty monster states
This is just part of your amazing expressions.
Oct 2017 · 320
Times Are Changing
Leonard Green Oct 2017
Times are changing…
when reckless emotions inundate worldwide devices
with unfiltered sentiments to taint minds thru vices
nibbling on compassion and wisdom like rabid mice
allowing the beastly nature to dominate and entice
one's humanity to heed selfish or superficial advice

Times are changing…
when tolerance and forgiveness are fading dreadfully fast
with echoes warning us not to repeat an unforgettable past
where deathly anguish and heartless souls were the cast
of catastrophic drama epitomized by flags flying at half-mast
and prayers from the charitable, the humble, the meek were vast

Time are changing…
when the caretakers of the globe care less about harmony
seemingly beguiled with the hunger of power and want to be
rulers of wealth, consuming limited resources lacking empathy
until this earth becomes nakedly barren and can no longer be
home to descendants who cannot claim their manifest destiny.
Jul 2017 · 326
Leonard Green Jul 2017
…the vibes whisper to the yearnings steadily
with the mesmerizing tunes speaking universally
as if they know the pain and the desperation
seen through all races, concealing the souls
beckoning thoughts to release sentiments
bottled-up in tears being fought from shedding
as the melody also arouses an inner strength
in the midst of unknown, but everyday heroes
suspended in moments approaching infinity…
the rhythm of the sounds moves the intellect
in ways incomprehensible, drifting to new heights
where only the spirit may dwell in meditation
absent worry and carefree to reality's despair
an euphoric state, pure and substance free
playing back experiences from past episodes
can this awe-some feeeee-ling be for reeeeeal
can it last eternally, or be just a passing fix
until the warrior within is reborn, once again.
Jul 2017 · 472
God Child
Leonard Green Jul 2017
God's creation of beauty wrapped in innocence
Stirring the soul with her gift of perpetual love
A gift unbridled in candor and endless curiosity
Demanding attention to quench her cravings
Unfazed by the captive fears of her teachers
Blinded to the ways of this troubled world
She represents what we should strive for
Loving unconditionally, the one within
Smiling like a heavenly angel full of love
Erasing the aftermath of another painful day
The only wish would be when it comes to her
Grasping the lesson of compassion to everyone.
Dedicated to my goddaughter, Mulan...missing you.
Jul 2017 · 5.1k
In Search of Camelot
Leonard Green Jul 2017
Hear ye, hear ye
hearken from the medieval times of old
where knights in the round once roamed
jousting with deeds fought in truth and honor
to protect the weak, the helpless, the oppressed
with an ideology lurking since the dawn of time
that all are born free, unshackled from contrived ordeals
only to soar high with the eagles to become one with the heavens
and bask in the glory of serving the frailty and holiness of mankind

Hear ye, hear ye
it’s Merlin conjuring a magical spell for the spirit
to behold, to marvel, new stages of self-enlightenment
where the essence of the King invades sleeping visions
possibly foretelling ominous events awaiting new missions
or predestined journeys one must endure to become so bold
in knowledge and wisdom offered, living in this world’s mold
not necessarily realized, instead shrouded with unimpeded urges
akin to the signs found in youth, immaturity, the close-minded

Hear ye, hear ye
the quest to sip from the Carpenter’s silver chalice
and taste charitable love for family, friends, and foes
where reckless pride and hatred are speared with the arrow
forged in devotion of a noble belief, tempered with selfless feats
where the sun rises and sets on the wicked actions of human nature
slaughtering the divine lights prematurely, locked within many souls
yet crusades against evil continues, no retreat, no regrets, no surrender
price to uphold the spirit of Camelot, payment in full, services rendered.
One should not fight because one wants to but one has to in order to protect life.  The taking of life should never be considered a good deed...a better way?  Change their minds...
Jul 2017 · 251
Leonard Green Jul 2017
...enticing her with the delicate touch of finger tips
as the breeze of summer enters through the lips
slightly bathing her skin with gentle strokes from the tongue
until the hairs rise ever so slightly, and she becomes undone
softly she moans...
emotions begin to ignite the flames of passion
fueled by vibrations from the seduction
for there is only heat, pure and simple
in admiring the splendor of her temple
and the point of no return has been reached
sampling the sweet nectar, released by her peach.
Jul 2017 · 290
Judge Me (Postscript)
Leonard Green Jul 2017
No, not everyone has the same features like you
nor do they speak comparable dialects as you

No, not everyone has the same wealth like you
nor do they have less worth in living as you

Judge me not for what’s unseen, unheard, and taught
Judge me for the treatment of body, soul, and thoughts

No, not everyone has the same outlook like you
nor do they share the similar politics as you

No, not everyone has the same intellect like you
nor do they have less wisdom to bestow as you

Judge me not for the ignorance, blindness, and fears
Judge me for slaying imbedded lies, rumors, and tears

No, not everyone has the same holy grace like you
nor do they worship a religion identical as you

No, not everyone has the same presence like you
nor do they have less meaning in this life as you

Judge me not for the words, emotions, and expressions
Judge me for the honor of acts, deeds, and progressions.
One human race--many shades, one Holy God--many names, one given love--for us all.
Jun 2017 · 317
Love Addict
Leonard Green Jun 2017
Time slowed immeasurably, when a glimpse caught the face
stunning all notions, where rational minds are devoid of space
and the laws of physics broken constantly, at an alarming pace

Need my fix sadly, causing me to shake so, so, so badly
Need my fix badly, or will lose my self-control madly
Need my fix madly, curing this lonely affliction gladly

Senses mixed up, like the spectral blend of a solid white light
unable to sleep, as if thirty days of sun shines ever so bright
and the want for nourishment fades, while the will loses sight

Need my fix sadly, causing me to shake so, so, so badly
Need my fix badly, or will lose my self-control madly
Need my fix madly, curing this lonely affliction gladly

Love’s dosage offers the cure, releasing this addiction from a bind
slowly soothing the body and soul, pumping endorphins to the mind
and this big bad world once again becomes, a tolerable place to dine.
My drug and fix is love
Jun 2017 · 528
Leonard Green Jun 2017
Freedom is not just emancipated ideas
eloquently expressed in a verbal or written fashion

Freedom is not just uninhibited emotions
flauntingly displayed as a graphic or immature ruse

Freedom is not just unrestricted movements
randomly performed with a chance or designed purpose

Freedom is not just autonomous symbols
deeply epitomized by a banner or even a notion

Freedom exists in the minds of the open
to comprehend the essence behind the symbols

Freedom exists in the actions of the forces
to blaze new pathways and synergize movements

Freedom exists in the resolve of the free
to exercise empathy with those lost in emotions

Freedom exists in the love of the word
to elevate one’s born right beyond hollow ideas.
(Dedicated to the true meaning behind the word)
Mar 2017 · 298
Long Hard Kiss
Leonard Green Mar 2017
No need to tell you that I love you
‘cause this long hard kiss will show you…

Like the days of old, I will court you
holding hands, strolling thru the park
while hanging on every word of your story
my eyes speak the admiration of your glory

No need to tell you that I love you
‘cause this long hard kiss will show you
while buckling your knees, it’s hard to breathe
this long hard kiss will certainly throw you

As a man who has wants and desires
I will sacrifice them to keep your honor
as the pride fades and becomes a goner
for you are the essence of my four-leaf clover

No need to tell you that I love you
‘cause this long hard kiss will show you
while buckling your knees, it’s hard to breathe
this long hard kiss will certainly throw you

Like in the genesis, you are of my flesh
so I will treat you respectfully as such
not to objectify your outer splendor
but cherish the chi of your unique gender

No need to tell you that I love you
‘cause this long hard kiss will show you
while buckling your knees, it’s hard to breathe
this long hard kiss will certainly throw you.
Dedicated to those men who truly comprehend and respect the gifts of a woman.
Mar 2017 · 259
The Deaths of I
Leonard Green Mar 2017
the windows of the soul
closes its shutters once again
on the epoch of a day’s past
falling into an abyss of oblivion
where consciousness finds refuge
in the imaginary world of a self-induced coma
with reality bordering on the verge of a Funkadelic song
the soul crosses over to a plateau epitomized by sheer fantasy
and possibilities are as infinite as the space in time
darkness submerges the senses in silence
only to give way to strange frequencies
that may tune uncensored channels
with images of historic accounts
or glimpses of a fated future
the soul awakens from lifeless sleep.
For those who don't know, Funkadelic is a band popular in the 70s and 80s and they had very interesting cover art on their albums.
Feb 2017 · 284
What Do You See?
Leonard Green Feb 2017
Gaze into the eyes, what do you see?
A shadowy dark soul menacing the clear night
Or, maybe a figure summoning ominous fright
Time to run and flee, taking an uneasy flight…

Gaze into the eyes, what do you see?
Compassion submerged in life’s insignificance
Only shrouded by a light earning false reverence
Where ego rises, nurturing contagious pestilence…

Gaze into the eyes, what do you see?
An empty shell masquerading in warped intention
Completely engaging views with the utmost attention
To inspire decency thru an engineered convention…

Gaze into the eyes, what do you see?
Maddening sanity fueled by the vengeful frost
Over the devotion to love, land, possessions lost
With frightening results to life, no matter the cost…

Gaze into the eyes, what do you see?
Someone weary of the moments becoming fundamental
With glaring fear and hateful people being monumental
To the naive minds striving simply to be, nonjudgmental…
Feb 2017 · 11.4k
Love’s Play
Leonard Green Feb 2017
Foreplay opens with an aphrodisiac dubbed the mind
caressing private chambers with passion, over time
words stimulating nerve-endings for the ideal tease
like the skin dripping of honey from the nectar of bees
exploiting the fragrances of scented oils and balms
or maybe vib’ing lyrics inducing a seductive calm
compelling forces bombard the intellectual’s sanity
as the proximity of the blackhole distorts humanity

Love’s Play:
Costars entwine heated bodies for love’s embrace
as moments become endless as vectors of subspace
sporadic movements take the form of blissful spasms
while the players combine to mold a single plasm
ringing chimes fulfill the awareness with sensations
too diverse to classify for logical deliberations
yet finally, the mountaintop of cliffs can be reached
where there is no retreat and no return from its breach

Aftermath closes basking from the physical exertion
as two kindred spirits epitomize timeless insertion
gazing deeply into the abyss of the partner’s soul
only to find comfort and compassion ruling the role
can this be the earthly heaven that one truly beholds
written in the historic words as the heavens foretold
feelings ignite once again burning deeply within
opening yet another intriguing act, one must attend.
Dedicated to the lovers on Valentine's Day
Feb 2017 · 618
Cracked Open the Door
Leonard Green Feb 2017
Yesterday….cracked open the door and what did I see?
Misery of so many souls tormented with vengeful fear
Pride with greed chocking the spirit out of the intellect
Conceited deeds wrapped in sacred words and teachings
However, saw the power of sacrifice for the sake of others
Minus the care to self-preservation and the dignity of life

Cracked open the door to the holy Scriptures
Glimpsed hallways to past, present, and future
Praying for mercy and goodwill, here on this earth

Today…cracked open the door and what did I see?
Same chronicle slanted and twisted in a fresh view
Maybe more awareness to the perilous surroundings
Overflow of unsolicited information with no grounds
However, see the power of the Word spread considerably
Over the same broad data streams to worldly households

Cracked open the door to the holy Scriptures
Glimpsed hallways to past, present, and future
Praying for mercy and goodwill, here on this earth

Tomorrow…cracked open the door and what did I see?
Revelations to a predestined dawn shaped by monsters
Who feast on the souls of the innocent, misled, uninformed
Who revel in their conquests with false glory and marvel
However, see the meek and righteous shine intensely as Suns
Guided by an internal light flicking with the Holy Flame

Cracked open the door to the holy Scriptures
Glimpsed hallways to past, present, and future
Praying for mercy and goodwill, here on this earth.
Jan 2017 · 280
Leonard Green Jan 2017
When will we open our eyes to finally see
beauty in the colors rooted from human leaves

When will we consent to the true merit of those souls
who stand for justice and peace, so brave so bold

When will we abolish the very dark reality
of those seeking only to cause pain and fatality

When will we throw off the shackles and bonds
tying us to materialistic possessions and false cons

When will we dwell in life’s presence, less ego
to nourish our brothers' and sisters' passage, as we go

When will we become more powerful and worth
in meekness so we can righteously inherit this earth.
Jan 2017 · 364
Art of Love?
Leonard Green Jan 2017
Scouting the Score
Afar, covertly appreciating the assets of the temple
branded with features such as long shapely legs
and wicked curves making any true man dribble
wanting to acquire this monument of exquisite art
to selfishly possess and enhance one’s characterization

Planning the Score
Cleverly surmised strategies and counter-strategies render
thoughts using skilled experiences from past wars of this art
however, this is no trivial game or any haphazard endeavor
but perhaps an outline to the fulfillment of one’s epic story
written in devotion and nurturing love that is God’s glory

Executing the Score
Introducing ego into the circumstances of the score
to facilitate the acknowledgement of a new presence
only to find uncertainty and chaos ruling the conditions
with all the carefully laid plans losing their merit and vigor
to become a fly trapped in this spider web of emotions

Finalizing the Score**
No longer controlling one’s destiny to possess the score
as these unknown perceptions warped logic and reality
like the event horizon of a massive blackhole in space
causing a blissful instability in the sanity of character
thus, becoming the victim, master, or devoted partner.
Dedicated to the art and unpredictability of love....
Aug 2016 · 414
Man You Need Me To Be
Leonard Green Aug 2016
The Partner, who you can confide in when times are unkind
someone you can depend on as the view becomes blind
with the heart of Hercules, until you are absolutely mine

I will be the man you need me to be towing the line
I will be the man you need me to be for all times

The Fever, which defends the honor you cherish and reveal
as the protector that gives life without compromises or deals
fulfilling the innermost wants, caring with selfless zeal

I will be the man you need me to be taking on any woe
I will be the man you need me to be deterring all foes

The Lover, who you can feel deep within the bones
like the ribs of Adam creating the partner with tones
stimulating moisture thru desires, making you moan

I will be the man you need me to be like a fine knitted glove
I will be the man you need me to be as a cure for all past loves.
Aug 2016 · 838
Partners in Crime
Leonard Green Aug 2016
The Partners…
Dynamic duo smitten with one another ever since the premier
nurturing one’s feebleness thru candor and trust with no fear
to honor and respect individuality tempered in unselfish deed
with the rewards embodied by unwavering and dedicated feed
to feel endearing moments shared with a soulfully kindred spirit
shouting the blessing for the affiliation so the world can hear it

The Crime…
Living the scenes in a life captured with highs and lows
like the waves in a pond swayed by someone’s toes
not to be confused with the acts of those who are sinister
but instead the special time spent with one who ministers
the mind, body, heart and soul with true nourishment
of something far more tangible than some talisman

Partners in crime, two move inside the moments of time
Partners in crime, time has new flavor as an aging wine.
Jul 2016 · 391
Don't Be A B...
Leonard Green Jul 2016
Don’t be a B…
because I choose to show an unselfish love
but cannot provide all the materialistic things
the heart wants and desires so life is less tangled

Don’t be a B…
because I shed tears as a result of words or actions
that cut deeper and harder than the blade of a knife
thus making ego look weak or helpless for the ****

Don’t be a B…
because I am not psychic or in tune with the thoughts
and don’t even understand the feelings and emotions
but willing to listen and gain an enhanced perception

Don’t be a B….
because I remain silent during the heated discussions
making me look indifferent versus engaging them
escalating the situation to degradation and physical violence

Don’t be a B…
because even good and decent men can become
the monster women fear and hate with disgust
for redemption can be unfathomable to mankind.
Dedicated to those who try so very hard to do the right thing....
Jul 2016 · 367
Born To Be…
Leonard Green Jul 2016
I was born to be the zodiac “Pig”
but laziness exists only in the wealth
shown in hating unknown characters
who never cross a fortunate path
or the chance of an informal intro
to formulate and merit opinions
of words and deeds close to heart

I was born to be free with choices
able to reason with sources of data
captured via the unfiltered senses
tempered by a bestowed intellect
unveiling the treachery of misleading
and false interpretations distracting
true meaning behind destine options

I was born to be an innocent sinner
who defies reality in time and space
shrouded in mysteries so profound
the possibility to analyze and untangle
becomes as pointless as counting stars
hoping for that one final “a-ha” solution
bury within the black hole of  the mind

I was born to be someone’s keeper
to nurture ego with honorable pride
reaching pinnacles not fully obtainable
solely through one’s own reflections
but reinforced with varying visions
bearing the fruits of a  harmonious tune
with the surroundings of nature’s womb.
We have lived on this planet long enough....let's cease the hatred and fear so we can epitomize what we truly can be....
Jul 2016 · 596
Leonard Green Jul 2016
From the early dawn of the inception
rhythm has controlled the perception
moving the senses in ways boundless
with sounds ubiquitous and timeless

Music…becomes an open first love
Music…pure as white clouds above

Lyrics captured the mind’s ingenuity
in words that span time's continuity
connecting the bars of one’s life
with symbols unlocking any strife

Music…speaks to the inner most soul
Music…releases the pain taken hold

Vibes elicit emotional sensations
enabling the conscious mutations
thus becoming a singular budding force
to choose an alternate but enviable course

Music…may not be perceived as much
Music…has the odd power to touch
Music…takes care of the lone essence
Music...can be spiritual in presence.
Jun 2016 · 3.5k
Leonard Green Jun 2016
I am a father
not because of biological deed
but rather of the wisdom I feed

I am a father
not because of the title borne
but rather for the life that’s worn

I am a father
not because of ancestral traits
but rather the heart felt weights

I am a father
not because it’s a given right
but rather embraced with might

I am a father
not because of some legal ritual
but rather acts that are habitual

I am father
not because of profit or fee
but rather by the family of “we”

I am a father
because I desire to be
I am a father
because it’s a gift to be
I am a father
because He told me to be.
Happy Father's Day to the men who treasure and understand it.
May 2016 · 732
Time to Grow....
Leonard Green May 2016
Here we are, children of the Almighty Being
finished in the image to multiply and prosper, freely
as we continue to slumber in an endless dream
manifesting itself in a smug like comfort, so willingly

Time to grow and see pass the learned behavior
Time to grow and embrace one's spiritual flavor
Time to grow and regain the fruits of the garden
Time to grow and live in peace on this earthly heaven

Here we go, children never really rising
satisfied with the glamour of a self-indulgent life, compliantly
as we contend to control this false existence
clinging on this lifeline with defiance, so desperately

Time to grow and see the difference in others
Time to grow and embrace the leaves of Fall's weather
Time to grow and sip the love of the Carpenter's chalice
Time to grow and grasp wisdom of the Word without malice

For the time to grow is here, set aside for us to be clear
on a life we should lead, meek in the fullness of our deeds.
May 2016 · 350
Dream On
Leonard Green May 2016
Asleep in the midst of a fallen night
images console a mind with inspiring hope
desire for a love given with no inhibitions
to see beyond the masquerades worn
as a cure against life's cold lessons
but perceives the essence that sparks
a gentle soul chained with deep emotions
awaiting to be unleashed and given
to one so special as a soul mate
exposing them to new wonders
where uncertainty and fear have no refuge
and Eden is once again reclaimed
under the prearranged blessings of the Father
cultivating the fruits from His secret garden
so dreams a mind holding onto a seed
a seed ready to be sowed for love's harvest.
May 2016 · 368
Who Me?
Leonard Green May 2016
Lonely are the minds devoid of dreams
where fear  rules the intellect of tyrants
who cast shadows longer than nightfall
thriving on the anxiety too often common
to the elusive and grim nature of mankind
truly, is this the explanation of me?

Lonely are the hearts devoid of emotion
for the lives and well-being of humanity
only concerned with the decadence
to satisfy warped and conjured missions
of a manifest destiny lacking true justice
truly, can this be the legacy of me?

Lonely are the eyes devoid of vision
yet foresee the ugliness in the deeds
to extinguish the beauty dormant in souls
whose innocence can be pure or tainted
with the ordeals that come with this life
truly, is this the definition of me?

Who me?  Too perfect, this cannot be me
Who me?  God fearing, this cannot be me
Who me?  Unforgiving, this cannot be me.
Apr 2016 · 382
Will Love You
Leonard Green Apr 2016
I will love you as…
Wallace the William possessing a brave heart that knows no bound
Unwilling to succumb, even if the fall holds the chosen love found

I will love you as….
Moses did the Hebrews sacrificing the power of prestige and means
To release the minds of women who would be the epitome of queens

I will love you as the ego of self, an equal deserving praise and glory
I will love you as the mate of my soul, a heart yearning for love’s story
I will love you as the partner in life, a road tempered in strife that’s holy
I will love you as the heaven on earth, a star shining in my sky only

I will love you as…
A man thirsting, wondering forty days and nights in a land of waste
Driven by the undying will to find the water of your springs to taste

I will love you as…
Samson did Dalilah with the strength of a hundred, no thousand men
Heeding the voice of a heavenly force to secure in nuptials, you as kin

I will love you as the ego of self, an equal deserving praise and glory
I will love you as the mate of my soul, a heart yearning for love’s story
I will love you as the partner in life, a road tempered in strife that’s holy
I will love you as the heaven on earth, a star shining in my sky only.
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
Leonard Green Nov 2013
in a moment
sadness dissipates with a smile
because true happiness lies within

in a moment
indifference ends with care
for each soul has meaning in God’s plan

in a moment
pride kneels to humility
as charity brings hope to despair

in a moment
mistrust yields to sincerity
for love conquers the demons of anxiety

in a moment
blindness turns into sight
once belief confides in the Word of wisdom

in a moment
death becomes a new beginning
as the soul journeys to the heavens…
Dedicated to the “spiritual transformation”
Nov 2013 · 656
Leonard Green Nov 2013
Within an episode of time and space
There exists, by the grace of heavenly Father, an image
Who is given the gifts of freedom and choice
Free to live unshackled from tribulations
Binding only through decisions made
Ultimately affecting the endurance of life
However infinitesimal it may be
For each image is integrated together
As the single consciousness of a world
Living within this instance of time and space…
Sep 2013 · 803
When Death Calls
Leonard Green Sep 2013
When death calls to reflect on life’s fall
will confessions of the chronicle befall
a tale so unforgettable and tall
living just, in the actions of Paul
to soar higher than any known wall
unconcerned by the grim reaper’s pall
understanding the shape of nature’s ball
or will mistrust and fear be the haul
with charity dragging behind ever so small
destined to inflict the suffering of pain
to self and to other passengers on a train
where the conductor mirrors an able Cain
slaying spirits thus weakening the body’s main
letting the blindness of hatred engross the brain
and many become enemies, who are a drain
on the precious life that is so dear, but wane
because there is no one else to blame
enter the Messenger who loves to maim
the innocence with the dawn of vain
so shall life be rich with worth or fame…
Dedicated to how we live our lives....
Sep 2013 · 1.5k
Leonard Green Sep 2013
Welcome to the new age of spit’n
to change the flavor of mix’n
where MCs are kick’n provocative rhymes
to stretch the imagination of open minds
no need for weapons, blood, and tumbl’n
we’re gonna educate and stimulate rumbl’n

Spit’n Philosophically Aware Rhymes
for the New millennium, that’s SPAR’N
elevating the level of rap’n hip-hop beats
to achieve new heights, to accomplish new feats
to teach the youth a brand new way of feel’n
to preach in the streets a new way of deal’n

Poet’s Verses:**
I’m a warrior for the new age of spit’n
flatlin’n a verse like F’n-stein to do my bid’n
tired of listen’n to the violence and the ****’n
rather kick a message for tolerance to the liv’n
better to be rich in center than material possessions
’cause fear and greed foster the need for man’s weapons

Don’t have a saint, a preacher, or a teacher’s hand
just a person on edge, trying to survive in this here land
to pass along to others the meaning of liquid wisdom
that can’t be learned in some classroom using ‘isms
so listen up my brothas, listen up my sistas
the words ya hear’n gonna blow ya away like twistas

Each of us is composed of molecules, atoms, magnetic forces
revolving around one another, following predefined courses
at this level, ya couldn’t even tell the difference
yet we judging the casing that gives us false appearance
if ya think intelligence is inherited by yur parents
then a child of the slums and ghettos has no merits

Be a product no longer of sins numbered by seven
take back yur destiny and life by search’n the heavens
for in the cradle of His arms, true luv awaits
if yur will’n to give a commitment of faith
pain and suffering may be the unwanted test
but don’t give up, ’cause ya not alone on this quest

Luv is more than just words, feel’n, and thoughts
and goes beyond ***, roses, and diamonds bought
real luv is a state of mind, a state of being
when yur together or when yur off somewhere leaving
like the spiritual reality shared between Eve and Adam
something only a true heart could really fathom

Everyone on this here planet has some mean’n
with the gospel hav’n so many people feen’n
if ya feel’n alone, lost and discouraged
this verse is my way of giv’n ya courage
for at night, I pray to the Lord yur soul to keep
sincere in the wish for no more pain or causes to weep.
Dedicated to the positive poetic art form of Rap
Sep 2013 · 923
Leonard Green Sep 2013
Take the letter “f”
looks like an upside down letter jay
crossed out with a dash
“u” should talk “n”
who flipped “u” on your head?
ha ha ha  laughs “y”
“y” shouldn’t laugh says “f”
you’re a wizard hat right-side up!
twin “n” says “f” has a point
“u” can say that again smiles “n”
catchy aren’t we “y”?
not if “y” leaves this farce!
now look what you’ve done “n”
we no longer have “y”
“u” need to leave as well “n”
“n” is lonely without twin “n”
but “y” follows twin “n”
“u” don’t say snickers “f”
“y” can’t we just get along “n”?
“u” don’t need twin “n” and “y”
“n” order to have  “fun”!
Why so serious?  This is me being silly!
Sep 2013 · 1.9k
I Am
Leonard Green Sep 2013
I am
a companion for life
committed to relations bounded only by time
for those who understand the value of friendship
undaunted by materialistic wealth
indifferent to titles or social status
seeking the merits of sincere character

I am
an enemy’s worse nightmare
constantly awakening from deadly encounters
sometimes wounded severely
close to being a casualty of others
but never surrendering and admitting defeat
even against overwhelming odds

I am
a passionate endeavor
submerged feelings awaiting release
to confound then arouse the senses
beyond current reality to transcend the cosmos
caressing the lips of blissful insanity
only to curse rational existence

I am
a subconscious dream
desperate to escape a conventional life
surrounded by negative forces
polarizing insecurity and apprehension
with false vigor and zeal
until the images become unclear

I am
a loner with fortitude
destined to follow an unknown destiny
with so many cunning predators lurking
ready to end the journey and make it the last
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me".
Walk this path of life with your head up....for I see your inner spark even if you don't.
Aug 2013 · 941
Dare I Dream
Leonard Green Aug 2013
Dare I dream
a vision when, the world clutches the serenity
with a zealous hand tempered by devotion
embracing all life with open arms and compassion
that suffocates the pestilence of power and greed

Dare I behold
a time when, no one notices the insignia
perpetrated in language and literature of a people
with the intention to separate the tribes even further
than the finite space between the planet’s poles

Dare I believe
a God when, suffering rules the intellect
like a never-ending nightmare twisted by meaning
to abandon and forsake hope with cynical reason
only to confide in the uncertainty of the closed-minded

Dare I dream
an episode when, the world beats one heart
of a spiritual song tempting the conscience
to seek beyond the confounds of everyday life
the connectivity we share from dawn to dusk.
Dedicated to the vision of M. L. King
Aug 2013 · 565
Leonard Green Aug 2013
Hey you, do you know me?
Yes you, do you know me?
I am a pretense of you
You are a manifestation of me
Do you like what you see?
Is it time to transform?
Yes change, it is possible
Your potential is endless
Do you like what you see?
Maybe you don't know me?
Yes you, do you know me?
You cannot hide from me
I am a shadowy reflection of you
Yes, an instantiation of you at this moment
Open your eyes and see you know me?
The most powerful tool a person has is the mind....change is up to you.
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
Ultimate Truth
Leonard Green Aug 2013
A host for a single essence
essence of a free will
a will occupied with light
light coexisting in darkness
a darkness with tempting appeal
appeal lost in life's true lesson
a lesson that must be realized
realized while experiencing the dilemma
a dilemma of contemplating a choice
choice to become radiance
a radiance fragile with charitable love
love that can be overshadowed by fear
a fear sparking indifference or hate
hate that promotes blindness
a blindness to hidden sparks
sparks inside the mates of souls
a soul with potential energy
energy to overcome any obstacle
an obstacle restricting self-awareness
self-awareness of the ultimate truth.
Each of us has the spark of radiant light...but negative forces can overshadow and engulf this light.
Aug 2013 · 618
Leonard Green Aug 2013
Gaze upon the mirrors of the soul
to see the weary flames of candles
flickering ever so dimly in the room of ken
unable to burn, yet unwilling to face the end
for the potential exists to renew and to mend
a simple gift given upon the inception
to color the heavens with the glory
of character and deeds that inspire legend
raising other spirits from social awareness
to a plateau of a single living conscience
leaving no islands, but just one solid mass
to transcend in unity all transgressions from a past
and welcome the promise of resting finally, at last.
Dedicated to the “Word of God”
Aug 2013 · 859
Luv Ya Sista
Leonard Green Aug 2013
Luv ya sista, my sista
For the crutch I sometimes need

Luv ya sista, my sista
For the advice I fear to heed

Luv ya sista, my sista
For the beacon I found in life

Luv ya sista, my sista
For the cross I bear no strife

Luv ya sista, my sista
For the calm I now know

Luv ya sista, my sista
For in my words I have no foes

“L” is the life seen through your eyez
“U” is the usual way of your disguise
“V” is the vibrancy in your raps
“Y” is the youth of your laugh
“A” is the angelic nature of your persona
“S” is the soul exhibited and I wanna…
“I” is the influence on your herd
“S” is the sense common to your words
“T” is the torment quelled by your caring
“A” is the allure undeniable to your daring.
Dedicated to the many favors of women who try to love us although there are times it may be difficult to do so because we are from Mars...
Aug 2013 · 680
If I Say
Leonard Green Aug 2013
If I say, I love you
my thoughts hold the intimate hideaway for your essence

If I say, I need you
love has no meaning without the company of your presence

If I say, I want you
my needs can be quenched only by your sensuous touch

If I say, I dream about you
my wants succumb to thinking about you too much

If I say, be my fantasy
dreams must be fulfilled by an ****** encounter to please them

If I say, be my life
fantasies becomes eternal in the secret gardens of Eden.
Dedicated to that “special love”
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
Judge Me
Leonard Green Aug 2013
Judge me not for the appearance that I’m wearing
Nor for the material things I might possess

Judge me not for the casing that I was born into
Nor for the tongues I may speak in

Judge me not for the intelligence perceived by your eyes
Nor for the deafening silence I choose as recourse

Judge me not for the events that I had no hand in
Nor for the wisdom I’ve gathered from the struggles of others

Judge me not for the love that I burn on my fellow man
Nor for the hate I portray in charitable blindness

Judge me not for the meaning behind these poetic words
For I am merely a man who has simplistic dreams.
Jul 2013 · 947
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Creeping in silence
like a whisper in the wind
Maliciously insatiable
as a virus consuming any logic
Trying to stay hidden
until it becomes as good as the truth
Pride, envy, hate, fear
does it feed on
Seeking out weaknesses
to cultivate new disciples
Ravaging the character
of its intended victims
Giving undesirable life
to the specter of conjecture
Only wisdom fortified with courage
could unveil such deception.
Jul 2013 · 1.9k
Quintessence Crew
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Been on this forum just a short time
Found amazing talent from all kinds
Makes me wanna dub this creative flow
As the greatest ever, if you don’t know
Thus my admiration has been sparked
To write mad verses with a flaming mark
You are the ingredients of this unique brew
That I’m now calling the “Quintessence” crew
So here’s to the “Q,” your words have weight
More than silver and gold, ’cause you’re my mates
Here’s to the eyez of earth’s celestial Angel
X-raying minds to diagnose and become less tangled
Here’s to the fury of the beast, a.k.a. Animal
Ripping at the life we sometimes take for granted
Here’s to the western gunslinger, holla Pug
Blasting us with the creativity from them slugs
Here’s to the sweetness of sista Sara
Walking the mule as a humane barer
Here’s to the Feminine heart of a special Poet
Grounding us to reality, a toast from a glass of Moet
Here’s to the petals from the Y2K1 budding Rose
Missing the nectar to feed the bees and in those…
Here’s to the shiny armor of gleaming love, the Arhanghell
Giving us adventurous tales, ready to drop more coins in that well
Here’s to the food from the Miller they call Keith
Dropping them verses like tender, tantalizing beef
Here’s to the endeavors of the newbie, a Creator of Love
Soaring the clouds fiercely with the freshness of a dove
Other members of the “Q” are still missing in action
Hope you come back to be part of this elite faction
So this dedication will continue to be unfinished
Not whole, but waiting to be no longer diminished…
Dedicated to my fellow poets on an amazing poetry forum sometime ago....
Jul 2013 · 651
Leonard Green Jul 2013
…listen, can you hear it
the sounds of Mother Nature
surrounding the globe
for the seeds of man thrive with the rising sun

…listen, can you hear it
the sounds of speeding jets
racing across the clouds
to carry one’s dreams to another distant place

…listen, can you hear it
the sounds of busy wires
relaying messages in airwaves
that convey the versions of various truths

…listen, can you hear it
the sounds of creaking walls
haunting a quiet home
with the aches and pain of the carpenter’s hand

…listen, can you hear it
the sounds of rustling leaves
scurrying along the city
like cattle being herded by the cracking whip

…listen, can you hear it
the sounds of hungry tears
growling stomachs unfed
only to wonder if the next taste of flesh will come

…listen, can you hear it
the sounds of whining horns
disrupting morning’s peace
with the impatient discontent of so many people

…listen, can you hear it
the sounds of beating time
ticking the seconds away
for the age of man withers into the sands at dusk.
Dedicated to the tones of time...
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
I Wanna Be
Leonard Green Jul 2013
I wanna be your soul at peace
tranquility, gratifying the discontent with optimism, completely
I wanna be your soul in pain
anguish, suffering the life with tribulations, relentlessly

I wanna be your soul with joy
paradise, capturing the bliss with consideration, continuously
I wanna be your soul in heat
passion, inundating the fantasy with eroticism, imminently

I wanna be your soul with hate
antidote, conquering the disgust with devotion, endlessly
I wanna be your soul at dawn
witness, observing the beauty with admiration, unselfishly

I wanna be, inside out, not the outside in
I wanna be, feelings amp, not the quiet type
I wanna be, love unleashed, not the thick-skinned men
I wanna be, simply one, not the one-half hype
I wanna be, realized dreams, not the wishful wind
I wanna be, living the words, epitomizing love so effortlessly.
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Into the Darkness
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Into the darkness of midnight lies
the fall of many righteous skies
devoid of love and self-assurance
where demons thrive through perseverance
to consume innocence with haunting fears
which overshadow their victims in despair
for the hope of light burning internal
dims as concern rules the fraternal
hidden under the guise of dignified uncertainty
to follow the footprints left by predecessors
tormented by the visions of conquest
over land, possessions, and prominence
able only to behold the frailties of souls
buried deep within shallow but hollow goals
conjuring sinister thoughts to become undead
to greet fate with a hideously gruesome end
as they ***** the life out of reason and wisdom
feasting upon the remains like laughing hyenas
until the rise of daybreak only to scurry away
and eagerly await another knight to lose his way.
Dedicated to fall of the “virtuous self” in the spirit of E. A. Poe
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