I will love you as…
Wallace the William possessing a brave heart that knows no bound
Unwilling to succumb, even if the fall holds the chosen love found
I will love you as….
Moses did the Hebrews sacrificing the power of prestige and means
To release the minds of women who would be the epitome of queens
I will love you as the ego of self, an equal deserving praise and glory
I will love you as the mate of my soul, a heart yearning for love’s story
I will love you as the partner in life, a road tempered in strife that’s holy
I will love you as the heaven on earth, a star shining in my sky only
I will love you as…
A man thirsting, wondering forty days and nights in a land of waste
Driven by the undying will to find the water of your springs to taste
I will love you as…
Samson did Dalilah with the strength of a hundred, no thousand men
Heeding the voice of a heavenly force to secure in nuptials, you as kin
I will love you as the ego of self, an equal deserving praise and glory
I will love you as the mate of my soul, a heart yearning for love’s story
I will love you as the partner in life, a road tempered in strife that’s holy
I will love you as the heaven on earth, a star shining in my sky only.