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Leonard Green May 2016
Here we are, children of the Almighty Being
finished in the image to multiply and prosper, freely
as we continue to slumber in an endless dream
manifesting itself in a smug like comfort, so willingly

Time to grow and see pass the learned behavior
Time to grow and embrace one's spiritual flavor
Time to grow and regain the fruits of the garden
Time to grow and live in peace on this earthly heaven

Here we go, children never really rising
satisfied with the glamour of a self-indulgent life, compliantly
as we contend to control this false existence
clinging on this lifeline with defiance, so desperately

Time to grow and see the difference in others
Time to grow and embrace the leaves of Fall's weather
Time to grow and sip the love of the Carpenter's chalice
Time to grow and grasp wisdom of the Word without malice

For the time to grow is here, set aside for us to be clear
on a life we should lead, meek in the fullness of our deeds.
Leonard Green May 2016
Asleep in the midst of a fallen night
images console a mind with inspiring hope
desire for a love given with no inhibitions
to see beyond the masquerades worn
as a cure against life's cold lessons
but perceives the essence that sparks
a gentle soul chained with deep emotions
awaiting to be unleashed and given
to one so special as a soul mate
exposing them to new wonders
where uncertainty and fear have no refuge
and Eden is once again reclaimed
under the prearranged blessings of the Father
cultivating the fruits from His secret garden
so dreams a mind holding onto a seed
a seed ready to be sowed for love's harvest.
Leonard Green May 2016
Lonely are the minds devoid of dreams
where fear  rules the intellect of tyrants
who cast shadows longer than nightfall
thriving on the anxiety too often common
to the elusive and grim nature of mankind
truly, is this the explanation of me?

Lonely are the hearts devoid of emotion
for the lives and well-being of humanity
only concerned with the decadence
to satisfy warped and conjured missions
of a manifest destiny lacking true justice
truly, can this be the legacy of me?

Lonely are the eyes devoid of vision
yet foresee the ugliness in the deeds
to extinguish the beauty dormant in souls
whose innocence can be pure or tainted
with the ordeals that come with this life
truly, is this the definition of me?

Who me?  Too perfect, this cannot be me
Who me?  God fearing, this cannot be me
Who me?  Unforgiving, this cannot be me.
Leonard Green Apr 2016
I will love you as…
Wallace the William possessing a brave heart that knows no bound
Unwilling to succumb, even if the fall holds the chosen love found

I will love you as….
Moses did the Hebrews sacrificing the power of prestige and means
To release the minds of women who would be the epitome of queens

I will love you as the ego of self, an equal deserving praise and glory
I will love you as the mate of my soul, a heart yearning for love’s story
I will love you as the partner in life, a road tempered in strife that’s holy
I will love you as the heaven on earth, a star shining in my sky only

I will love you as…
A man thirsting, wondering forty days and nights in a land of waste
Driven by the undying will to find the water of your springs to taste

I will love you as…
Samson did Dalilah with the strength of a hundred, no thousand men
Heeding the voice of a heavenly force to secure in nuptials, you as kin

I will love you as the ego of self, an equal deserving praise and glory
I will love you as the mate of my soul, a heart yearning for love’s story
I will love you as the partner in life, a road tempered in strife that’s holy
I will love you as the heaven on earth, a star shining in my sky only.
Leonard Green Nov 2013
in a moment
sadness dissipates with a smile
because true happiness lies within

in a moment
indifference ends with care
for each soul has meaning in God’s plan

in a moment
pride kneels to humility
as charity brings hope to despair

in a moment
mistrust yields to sincerity
for love conquers the demons of anxiety

in a moment
blindness turns into sight
once belief confides in the Word of wisdom

in a moment
death becomes a new beginning
as the soul journeys to the heavens…
Dedicated to the “spiritual transformation”
Leonard Green Nov 2013
Within an episode of time and space
There exists, by the grace of heavenly Father, an image
Who is given the gifts of freedom and choice
Free to live unshackled from tribulations
Binding only through decisions made
Ultimately affecting the endurance of life
However infinitesimal it may be
For each image is integrated together
As the single consciousness of a world
Living within this instance of time and space…
Leonard Green Sep 2013
When death calls to reflect on life’s fall
will confessions of the chronicle befall
a tale so unforgettable and tall
living just, in the actions of Paul
to soar higher than any known wall
unconcerned by the grim reaper’s pall
understanding the shape of nature’s ball
or will mistrust and fear be the haul
with charity dragging behind ever so small
destined to inflict the suffering of pain
to self and to other passengers on a train
where the conductor mirrors an able Cain
slaying spirits thus weakening the body’s main
letting the blindness of hatred engross the brain
and many become enemies, who are a drain
on the precious life that is so dear, but wane
because there is no one else to blame
enter the Messenger who loves to maim
the innocence with the dawn of vain
so shall life be rich with worth or fame…
Dedicated to how we live our lives....
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