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leona chaput Apr 2016
I need the glory of Jesus
To help me
Help me more like Him
In every way
I look to the mountains
I kneel down and pray
Calling on Jesus every day
He is the strength I have
To live with faith
Facing each day and to
Know and believe
Jesus reigns down
With goodness and mercy
Guiding the way to a
Place called heaven
Where we'll rejoice
And praise you Jesus
Jesus help me to be
Faithful to you in
Every way
Your child, your servant
All that you want me to be
Reaching out to a lonely
And hurting world
Believing that you are God
And I worship you

       By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
Through every storm and through
Every night that brings lingering fears
Through the worst and the best of times
I believe Jesus holds me in His arms
Jesus is always close and so near
Jesus is the strength and hope
I hold onto
Jesus is so awesome and great
Majestic and powerful
Tender and kind
Most of all I know
I am His child and He loves me
Jesus, Saviour and Father
Trusted and true and holy
Great One of all
Still He has time to come
To hold me, holding me
Jesus has time to hold me
For an eternity in His arms

          BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Throughout the darkest of nights
Jesus is my precious light
Throughout the raging storms
His light shines bright
His love is healing and
He is the mercy that shows me
He is the Lord over all
Reigning in power and goodness
He is sufficient to claim us
Jesus holds me, He keeps me
Safe in arms of purity
Holding me for all eternity
Throughout the storms of life
He is the answer, the hope I seek
Jesus holds me, lovingly holding me
For all eternity
Jesus is all that I need
leona chaput Jan 2016
Here I am Jesus, here I stand
Here before you
With a heart that is broken
A longing for you, Lord
Looking for all that you
Are to me, Jesus
I stand before you
With a heart that is
Contrite and weary
Looking for guidance
For your Spirit within me
Here I am Jesus, praising
You always
Worshiping you, Lord
You are the promise of hope
For eternity in heaven
To stand at the foot of your
With honor and glory
You are all holy
Mighty and powerful
By your name
Jesus, I need you
I love and adore you
Praising you constantly
You are worthy and pure
Jesus the world looks up to you
Knowing how great you are
In this world

                 BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
Above all else we know
And all we understand
Be sure and hold this truth
Jesus is awesome love
Jesus is glorious and He
Forgives to heal our souls
While we are drawn to Him
With mercy redeemed
In awesome love He claims
Our souls for eternity
In heaven with Him
Jesus is sweet power
Here on earth to be near
All those who call on Him
To praise His name
Awesome love, holiness
Glorious in all He is
Jesus, Jesus who knows us
By name
Leads us in ways to be
One in His perfect light
Awesome in all His love
Jesus, all wonderful
Is beautiful holding us
In His awesome love

                    By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2014
My savior comes to me
When I call on His name
He is the wonder and power
He's always the same
Throughout the universe
Capturing, healing the broken hearts
Jesus is everything and all that I need
For comfort and help in a troubled world
No is greater with goodness and mercy
Longing to capture and hold
Those who call on His name
Wonderful mystery surrounds the
Presence and power of God for our lives
Wonderful, precious Jesus brings hope
To a hurting and broken world
Looking for healing and comfort
To bring us before His thrones
Jesus is everything and all that
I hope for and look joyfully forward
When He brings me home with Him
To heaven to live in peace with God there

                          By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
This world has heartaches
Troubles and problems
Jesus is mercy and hope
To heal us
Jesus is holy, holy
In majesty above
All nations
Jesus is our hope
For salvation and peace
Jesus is holy, merciful
Gracious and loving
Healing, forgiving our sins
If we wander away from Him
Calling and taking us home
To be with Him
Throughout the world
And all the universe
Jesus is holy, powerful
Glorious in every way

             BY: Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
Jesus is Lord, reigning in
Power and majesty
Jesus is Love, blessing us
More than we know

Jesus is greater than all
Else before us
He restores hope where
There was none before

Leading in mercy and
Beauty to give us
Jesus,  the wonder of what

We  have in this world
Peace for a soul troubled
And broken

Looking for healing and
Seeking forgiveness
Jesus is everything
We'll ever need

To find the place of
Joy and goodness
In a place that transcends
All else we may have

Jesus is Lord, Lord over me
Jesus is my God of Salvation
Bringing me to be
Looking for Him

In a quite and gentle place
Calling out Jesus
Praising your name

                    BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
Jesus I come to stand before you
Standing in broken and humbleness
Here before you
Jesus I am your child of destiny
Here to behold the glory
Of all you are
Jesus of power and awesome glory
Proclaiming what He is
And all He has promised for me
Jesus, Jesus so true in this world
Glorified, majestic and love to behold
You reign in goodness and hope
For a nation that longs to be with you
Jesus, greatest of all we know and we've
Jesus of all I'll ever need
I praise you and I believe
You alone are my savior
My hope for goodness
For the mercy awaiting
Believing in all that are
Jesus, Jesus, hope for us all

                                    By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
Jesus is precious, He's precious
So precious and tender to me
Jesus is glorious, clothed in His
Majesty throughout the world
Leading, protecting, holding me
In His Hands so gently forever
He is Lord over the universe
Ruling sufficient in power
His is the victory in every way
He's with us surrounding us every day
Holding and comforting, loving His sheep
And every one who calls on His name
Precious throughout the world
Precious to every soul
Precious to know that He is Lord
Claiming the victory, showing the way
To follow and call on His precious name

                           By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jul 2016
Whatever we have in this world
Whatever hardships come before us
Whatever heartaches we endure
Be bring them to the Lord
Be bring them to lay at the throne
Where Jesus sits in majesty
In awesome beauty and in power
Before the precious throne of God
We come in faith, we come to pray
We come and lay them at His feet
We offer up our love to God
And thank Him for power
Jesus, Jesus is all the hope we need
He is the answer for what we seek
Jesus is the answer, He is the hope we have
The mercy and His glory for all  we are
And all we ever hope to be
We come and we believe that Jesus is the answer

        BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
Throughout the years and all the tears
Every heart that is broken and hurting
Is healed by the power and the victory
Of God
Jesus is victory,  call on His precious name
Call and believe and He will come to you
He will hold you in the  palm of His Hands
He is love and the mercy, the goodness
He cares that we know that He alone
Is who we need,  we can know He is God
By the wonder of miracles, love all enduring
The victory that He claims for healing and
Power from heaven He hears us
Jesus, Jesus all wonderful, glorious, loving
Jesus is victory so just come and praise Him

                  BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Jesus watches and waits
Longing to hear when we pray
Believing in everything we
Hear from God
Jesus watches and He
Always waits
For all His children
To come His way
Jesus rides far across
The wide sky
Jesus comes to us
To help us each day

                                 By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
Through every storm, through every heartache
When our tears fall
Jesus is with us, Jesus stand beside us
Holding us in the palm of His hands

When clouds roll on and thunder is heard
When troubles arrive and fear is there also
Call on Jesus, reach out to Him
And He will be there always for you

Jesus is the God who will help you
Jesus is always there to hold you
Safe above danger and all things
That would hurt you

Jesus, Jesus our God and Savior
Jesus is everything to us
He loves us and He is glorious
Being wonder of mercy and majesty, too

Jesus is with us, Jesus is power to protect
The sinner who cries out for mercy
Looking to be forgiven and led on
To be one with Jesus for eternity

    By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Looking into the souls of our lives
Holding  us gently with love to
What ever there is that is hurting
The storms that are in the places
We don't like
Is a tribute to Jesus
Jesus knows, He knows more
Than we do
Jesus is power to claim the
In majesty and awesome glory
He claims the way of healing
To shine in us
Jesus knows, He knows
He cares to heal us
Being our savior, the
Hopes for all ages
Walking besides us
To be our helper
When we call on His name
Jesus, Jesus knows
He knows the answer
The longing deep inside of us
He is the power to conquer
To bring peace and to love us
For all eternity
Jesus, Jesus knows
More than we know
He's helping us
Through every storm
Through steep and deep valleys
He's with us and He knows
What we need to claim
His victory

                           By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jun 2016
When we stumble and we fall
When we need a hand to pick us up
Jesus, comes and lifts us up
Jesus knows, Jesus hears and He cares
He sees the pain we have in our hearts
The burdens we carry and our troubles He shares
He longs to hold and carry our heartaches
He knows, yes, Jesus knows and He cares
Bring your cares to the foot of the throne
The place of His mercy
Leave them there and be comforted knowing
Everything that we give to Jesus
Is healed within us
Jesus knows, with His power and love
The victory is His

                         BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
Throughout all the world
Everywhere that we go
We can be sure that
Jesus knows, Jesus knows
He knows every heart ache
We carry
He sees every tear we shed
He hears our praises to Him
While He gently carries us
To live in heaven with Him

Jesus, Jesus, glorious Savior
Jesus knows who we are
While He watches
Where ever we go
He  is our Savior, our
Glorious God
Here to save us
From sorrow and
He alone heals our
Broken hearts

Jesus knows every time
We call on His name
He knows and He hears
The joy and praise
We come to offer Him
Jesus, Jesus, holy among
All the nations and even
The endless universe
Because of all that He is
And who He is
Jesus knows, yes, Jesus,
He always knows
Powerful, awesome God
Knows every need

    By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Oct 2017
Jesus knows all about me
Jesus knows all about you

     Jesus is Lord, Son of God
     Jesus loves us

         Jesus is always aware
         Of the pain we carry inside

            Jesus rules righteously
            He knows goodness and mercy

                 Jesus forgives repenting sinners  
                 Who call on His name

                         Jesus cares and loves me
                         Jesus cares and loves you

   By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jul 2016
Throughout this world filled with troubles and pain
I know that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me
Throughout the night when there's darkness surrounding
And I am filled with fear
I hear a voice that says to me
That Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me
He loves me more than I know
When storm clouds roll over darken skies
And there is more than I can take
I look and I call on the name of Jesus
Jesus tells me, Jesus comes to me
He tells me how much He loves me
He loves me and He watches over me
Keeping me in safe in His arms

                    BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
Through our sorrow, our pain
All the tears that we have
Every day that we live
Is a blessing, a promise
Of His love for us
Jesus loves us, so great
Is His love
That it comes every time
We say His name
He's here forever
Through storms and
Through heartaches
He's with us forever
He's faithful and Father
To heal and forgive
With mercy so tender
He knows our names
And He comes and
He's with us each day
Jesus loves us, He loves us
He promises wonders
His heaven forever amen

     By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2015
For all that I am and for all
That I can hope to be
For all that I see and for all
That I know

For all there is in this world
Is the glory and mercy
The joy that I have
Being a child of my God

For beauty and wonders
Great to behold
For peace and for joy
In the love of my Father

For all and for everything
That there is and for all
That we can hope there
Will be

Is the wonder of knowing
That Jesus is with us
Caring, forgiving and loving
With peace and with hope

               By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jun 2016
Jesus all wonderful, God of all nations
Jesus my Savior, Jesus my God of all mercy
Jesus, beautiful to me, holding me in His arms
Showing the wonders He has provided for
All of His children who come to His joy
Jesus, so great in this world, providing the
Needs of our lives and our soul
He is the only answer we have
Looking to Jesus for all that we are
And all that we want to be in this world
Jesus, Jesus so trusting giving me faith to go on
He is my strength and all that I hope for
Everything good in this world and in heaven
So awesome and pure with the radiance of glory
Shining around like the majesty He is
He is all and everything mercy to me
Carrying me in the palm of His hands
Jesus, holy in goodness and mercy abiding
Throughout the times of all that there has been
Nothing so comforting as the name of Jesus
Always walking closely besides me
Leading me  in paths of righteousness
Leading and showing the way to be like Him
Jesus, Jesus my Savior, pure and trusting
Glorious above all and reigning in victory
Reigning in majesty in every way

                         BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Jesus, precious and beautiful
The name of Jesus comes softly
To every ear who listens to Him
Jesus, awesome my saviour
Glorified in the realm of your ways
Jesus, Jesus, pick me up, hold me
In your loving arms
Let me believe in the mercy
You are
Wonderful, holy, precious
Beautiful is the name of God
Jesus, you are my Saviour
My hope for redemption
To live in heaven forever
With God
Wonderful ways to follow
Each day
Looking into the glory of Jesus
Jesus, awesome name, Jesus
Praise you name

                      BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
Jesus is my only true Saviour
Bring the essence of hope to
My life and my days
Here on earth
Jesus is awesome, so powerful
He is the victory that He claims
Majestic, transcends the pain and
The hurting in all of this world
He is the comfort when we call
Out His name
For all we need in this world
Give Him the glory, the praise He deserves
Come worship Jesus with all your worth
Believe in the promises that come from God
Jesus, my Jesus, my true saviour for all my life
For all that I am

      BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Nov 2014
Above this world and the universe
There is a name I love above
All the rest
Jesus, Jesus, precious to me
A name that speaks of love
Witnesses songs of hope
Surveys the world with
Mercy, forgiveness and goodness
Jesus comes to heal with
A promise of hope and compassion
Sinners seeking  forgiveness are
Carried past sorrows to live in a
Place of peace and joy
For all eternity in heaven
With Jesus, Jesus precious
He is the only God
His is the holy and precious name
The name I love
Father God, Jesus, Jesus
Triumphant in glory
Radiant saviour  holy
Revealing the wonder that
He holds in His hands
Jesus, comfort and healing
Praising the awesome one
Glory to God
How I love the name of Jesus
His name is wonderful, glorious saviour
Holding the ones who call on His name

                        By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Nov 2017
As long as there is a heaven to give me
Peace for ever and ever
In heaven to worship with joy everlasting
With words of fire and glorious thunder
Lightning to brighten the darkest of times
At the thoughts of Jesus who comes glorified
Entering the hope of our hearts from above
There's a wonder to praise Jesus
Praise with joy worshiping Jesus forever
Forever, we praise Jesus forever

leona chaput Dec 2015
Jesus, Jesus, King and redeemer
Precious and holy above all
You are worthy and precious
So glorious and wonderful to me
Being my life forever with you

You are the power, the hope
We have to live in this world
You are the promise we trust
In you alone

Jesus, Jesus, my joy to praise you
With all my soul
To glorify you, you are Lord
Holy and majestic throughout
The needs we bring before you

Awesome and wonderful
Reigning in beauty
Above all this world
Yet here with us daily
Making us bold

Resilient and proud
Saved by your power
Cleansed with blood
Made worthy to stand
Upright before you

Praise the Lord, Oh, praise the Lord
Sing songs to rejoice and dance at His throne
Shout hallelujahs, Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord, forever to praise the Lord
leona chaput Mar 2016
Jesus, knows who I am
Jesus sees me crying
Jesus hears me praising
The glory of His name

Jesus, mighty and glorious
Wonder too great to behold
Reinging with power
Leading beside still waters

Jesus sees me in the morning
When the sun appears daily
Through the triumphs, heartaches
He sees me, Jesus always sees me

Jesus knows me, loves me
He cares so much for me
I have to thank Him
With praise to honor and love Him

Jesus hears me when I pray
He knows whatever I have to say
Jesus power and glory
For all eternity Jesus sees me

                 BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
Jesus so wonderful, beautiful
Jesus so awesome in all of this world
Standing among the lonely and lost
Who come to be touched by His love
Seeking forgiveness and mercy
Jesus, so powerful, I'm grateful to be
One who is walking in faith and in trust
He who is almighty and  powerful
Wonderful through the times of heartache
Filling our lives with compassion and
Jesus, majestic and glorious to everyone
Walking in faith and in hope of His glory
Looking towards the beauty of heaven
Where we will worship with songs and
We'll dance
Joyfully rejoicing at the throne of God
Jesus, so wonderful, truthful and holy
Giving us hope and faith to always follow
Our precious Savior who watches His sheep
Jesus, Jesus, so awesome to me

                       BY:  Leona Chaput
Through times of troubles and times of peace
We know that storms don't prevail on this earth
If we keep focused on Jesus to help us
Jesus, precious Jesus, come help me be more
Like you every day
Lead me and guide me and hold me forever
In the purity of the  palm of your Hands
Awesome to me awesome and wonderful
Great to be gracious God over this world

         BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jun 2016
Jesus, so gently whispers His love for us
Jesus, with majesty, comes to hold us
Above our pain
Jesus, with victory claims our souls
He is the King of all heaven and earth
Rising above the clouds and serves
To heal us
Jesus, Jesus, take me with you
Jesus, the perfect God of all the nations
Knows our emotiosn, tried and all true
Jesus, so merciful, majestic and holy
Comes in His wonder, His meaning
Here on this earth
Jesus, so gently hears our prayers
Jesus, Jesus, tried and so true

                      BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Nov 2017
Jesus, we bow down at the foot
Of your throne where angels
Sing praise to your name

Jesus we worship to love every
Thought we have of you
Your greatness and mercy

Jesus one day we'll stand
Before you to honor and
Glorify your name forever

Jesus we need you in every
Thing that we do in our day
Making worthwhile for you

Jesus, we love and we adore
Your name that is so beautiful
To remind of your awesome power

   By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Nov 2017
Jesus, with mercy makes this
World better
Jesu,s with glory we are forgiven
With  God's redemption
Offering hope we have in you
While leaving our heartaches and sorrows
Where you are waiting before your throne
Jesus, with praise we worship, we love you
Thanking you for all the blessings you give us
Jesus, we thank you with praise and with thanksgiving
For giving us a life that's worth living
Jesus, with power you reign victoriously
Being the power and majesty
You are the joy we have every day

     By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2017
Jesus, we have searched for the answer
For all the problems in this world
With heartaches and sorrow
With needs and every frustration
We know that you are answer for us
Jesus, shining above the world
Jesus, glorious in all that you do
We come bowing before you
Grateful for all that you do
Jesus, you are the answer
You are the power and all we need
Jesus, Jesus, hope for all nations
leona chaput May 2016
With Jesus there's  hope to be
Forgiven and washed pure
To know the mercy of Jesus
There's joy forever, wonder
Peace and promise of hope
For the way the Lord knows
Us by name

                      BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput May 2016
Joy from the Savior
Who picks me up
Leads me to places
Where gentle streams
Run by
Joy  in Jesus, my heart overflows
With praise and joy in the wonders
Of God
Everyday brings new hope
For my soul
Leaning and looking
To the God I love
Believing and trusting
Loving and praying
Singing the songs
To worship my King
With joy I look to His name
I feel blessed to be one
In His same
Peace fills me where
I have joy in Jesus
Joy in Jesus
Praising Him every day
With joy in Jesus

                     BY: Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jun 2016
Joy of God reaches out to the lost
Joy of God reconciles the hurting
Joy of God means there's hope for
All nations seeking their way to
Be free in the Lord
Joy comes with rising of each day
Spreading a hope for the day
That the wonder and glory of God
Will finds us and be our hope every day
Joy is the source of our peace
Walking in victory claiming the lead
He is the wonder, the beauty and all
That we need
Joy of God reaches out everywhere

  BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jan 2016
The joy of my soul is knowing
I'm one with Jesus who watches
Over me
The peace of my soul is in believing
The power and glory that comes with
Trusting and loving Jesus
The meaning of life is to know
That Jesus is always surrounding
The lost and the lonely, the hurting
The need for His comfort that comes
With glory in knowing that Jesus
Is majestic and holy, ruling and reigning
To give us a better way in our lives
Joy of my soul brings hope forever
Peace comes like wonders that
Are from Jesus
Call on His name and He'll
Be the joy of your soul

               BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
Wonderful,, awesome and precious King
Ruling in beauty and power
Redeeming our souls
Preparing our souls
For peace with in heaven
Beautiful, awesome and glorious
Above all storms that come in the night
He is our joy to praise
Praise with joy to the King
Of glory and majesty, ruling forever
Joy to praise, hope to know
His mercy is healing our souls
With a promise of hope for salvation
We can go on in life knowing Jesus
Is here with us
Holding our lives
In the palm of His hands
He is our joy to praise
Our joy to glorify the King
He is the wonderful joy top praise
Praise and adore the Lord
We worship forever
leona chaput Mar 2016
Joy in my heart to stay
Joy in my soul I pray
I will  rejoice
In my Savour forever
In a world that is hurting
A world crying for peace
There is joy with Jesus
Joy for all nations to
There is joy to endure
Pain and all hardships
Knowing there's joy
In the mercy and power
Of God
Joy fills my heart and
Joy fills my soul
Leading me onward
Praising the Lord
Everywhere on this earth
Jesus reigns triumphantly
Filling our hearts and souls
With His joy everlasting

                BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Jump up and clap your hands
Jump up and glorify God
Shout out and praise the Lord
Who reigns in majesty
Glory to save our souls
Mercy to heal and restore
Broken hearts looking to Jesus
When we cry out to Jesus
He hears our prayers
When we cry to
The power of Jesus
He knows our name
His love is all that we need
He is our God
Mercy and love from
Our God

       BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Jun 2016
With every day and with every trial
Know in your heart and be aware
Of how much you are loved by our Savior
Loved and held in the palm of His hands
Rejoice and give praises to Jesus
Believe and rejoice in the knowledge
That Jesus loves you, He loves you
He loves you being one of His own
He is Lord, God of the universe
Rejoice and sing praises, praises
Sing endless praises to Jesus our Lord

                        BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Apr 2016
Take me Jesus by the hand
Lead me to your promised land
Where there's peace and no
More sorrow
Where you take me by
My hand
With power lead on Jesus
Towards the place
Where your angels are
Singing songs of praise
To honor you with love
Lead me, lead me with you
To the place you call heaven
Lead me, lead me, take me
In your precious hands
With glorious love
Where I can find your
Perfect love

                                               BY:  Leona Chapu
leona chaput Jan 2016
Lead me and hold me
Take me and show me
The way you have me go
Where you are waiting
Where there is beauty
There I will find you
Leading me on in gentleness
Trusting, believing in everything
That you can do and all
You have done
Take me, Lord, show me
Splendors and wonders
Hard to concieve
All in your wonderful
Your precious name
Ruling with mercy
And always the same
Leading me to you, Jesus
Where your righteousness
Dwells in love and goodness
For all eternity waiting in heaven
Like a great shepherd
His sheep to find rest
I'm here to follow and to obey
Going in faith to where you're leading
Standing before you for eternity
Praising you, Jesus is everything
Lead me, lead in righteousness
Revealing  your love and your majesty

                               BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Sep 2014
I am in need of Jesus
To guide me
Every day through the troubles
I have in this world
Seeking the way Jesus
Would say
And the way He alone will
Guide me
There is hope for righteousness
Hope for salvation and mercy
As well
I need to know the way Jesus guides me
Longing to follow Him every day

                         BY:  Leona Chaput
By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Mar 2016
Let us come, let us come before
His throne
Let us come, let's be thankful
He is Lord
Let us bow and worship
Let us praise the Lord
For He is Lord, almighty God
Ruler of all natios
Let us praise Jesus, with our
Let us come to the glory
Of His throne
Let us worship and
Come praise Him
Let us dance and rejoice
Before His throne
Let us honor and come
Glorify Him
Remembering that He
Alone is Lord
Let us praise Him
Hallelujah, come and praise
The glory of the Lord
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Let us come and offer up our
Prayers to the Lord

            By:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput May 2016
Lift up your joy and be glad in Jesus
Lift up your hopes for all eternity
Lift up your voice and praise the Lord
Lift up, lift up and praise the Lord
Generations that love the Lord
Come and kneel down at His throne
Worship with endless joy for the Lord
Is Lord over all and will be forever  our God
Lift up your joy, lift up your hearts and sing
Give praise to the Lord and sing
With songs that honor His name
leona chaput May 2016
Joy fills my soul and joy is the
Glory of knowing Jesus
Praise is the way to honor
The God who is Lord over me
I'm living with joy, living with hope
Filled with the presence and glory
Of knowing the ways of the Lord
Jesus is hope for a wonderful future
Nothing is perfect while here on earth
Nothing is better than knowing Jesus
Is always besides us wherever we go
Living while walking with a heart
That is filled with a song to
Worship the Lord
Honor His name, praise His name
Live with meaning knowing the Lord

                      BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Dec 2015
Looking and praying
Kneeling in humbleness
Searching and calling
With a longing heart

I'm looking, I'm praying
So thankful to Jesus
For all His blessings
His love for me
leona chaput Mar 2016
Look up, look up with faith
Praising Jesus in all His glory
In all His mercy, power and love
Look up and see visions of hope
In glorious waves of wonderful
Look up look up and see
Jesus is here walking in places
Where we go
Wonderful and majestic glory
Revealing the wonder of Jesus
Wherever we are

                    BY:  Leona Chaput
leona chaput Feb 2016
Raise your eyes to the light
Flowing with mercy to heal
Raise your praise to come
To adore the King who
Reigns in majesty here on earth
Look up to Jesus look to see
Beauty that comes in the
Sight of love
Look up to Jesus, look and see
The wonder and glory of God
Jesus is coming to take us home

                   BY:  Leona Chaput
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