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cut me a slice of heaven.

let the creamy happiness tickle my lips.

ever since you dipped your feet in my pond, relentlessly and without fear; my walls came crumbling down.

it’s easier to feel the bliss, than to admit to the whole world the affect you have on me.

as the surface of my nails graze against your arm gently, i felt a jolt.

the way you look into me when no light played a part.

the way you pulled me just that much closer to you, it’s as if you could hear how fast my heart was beating in the dead silence of the room.

i gave in to your embrace, i gave in to the way you whispered, darling.

i gave in my whole body, heart and soul to you. to your trap.

all it took was one gentle pull.

the kiss that you planted on my forehead, sealed the deal.

i was yours to hold, to keep and to break into a million pieces.

do to me what you will.

for your love is the only one i want to experience.

for your love is the only thing that can shake me to the core.

for your love is powerful enough to break the unbreakable.

**i would rather have you for a moment than never at all in my lifetime.
My thoughts are with you tonight
Although, we are miles apart
The distance only embeds my love for you,
Deep with in my lonely heart.

Just to see your face
And to feel your warm embrace
Would take away all that time has given
And make this life of mine
Worth living again

Your lips speak soft sweetness
Your touch a cool caress
I am lost in your magic
My heart beats with in your chest

To love is to help and encourage
With smiles and sincere words of praise
To take time to share
To listen and care
In tender, affectionate ways

You bring such joy to my heart
I’ve never felt so alive before
With each touch of your hand I crave
I love you more and more each day

What is love, but an emotion?
So strong and so pure,
That nurtured and shared with one another
All tests it will endure

By:  Katie Conner
For:  Someone very special and dear to me
You have made a difference in my Life.
an unspoken bond between us and fate,
reality and mind.
uncertainty like an eternal fog,
but forever is only so long.
If you asked me if I loved you,
What was I to say?
You knew my feelings had changed,
From what went on that day,

Since then I have had some dreams,
And in these I’m running away,
And I just keep on running,
To make you stay at bay,

You have been a nightmare,
Treating me like a buffet,
Picking and choosing my person,
And deciding what should stay,
But now who is laughing, darling’
I’m having the feast of the day,

And if you are looking for forgiveness,
You will need to pray,
I will never be a door-mat,
For you’ve treated me that way
I made my way through the door, through the garden, out onto the street, and into the universe, where I saw all of the marvels this life has to offer.

Walked on sunny beaches where the sea-breeze always blows, and in quiet meadows where carnations always grow.

Danced upon the milky glances of a waning moon, wrapped myself in the dawning sun’s embrace, watched the Earth until the quiet afternoon.

Laid for countless nights with girls I know I loved too much, and spent hours peering into mirrors, with reflections anxious fingers long to touch.

Sighed in places where joints were worn frictionless by years of bliss, and one soul found another in the press of a lover’s kiss.

Wept in lonely places where people walk with heavy feet; the saddest places where two loving hands may never meet.

Learned in places where the answer and the question were one and the same; where knowledge shines, and the deepest problem is but a game.

Whispered in the ear that first heard the songbird sing, and picked flowers in the grove where ground was first touched with spring.

Spent a millennium worth of carefree strolls in the places where the thunder rolls, and beheld the hand that carefully forks the lightning.

Saw things no other man has ever seen, all at once beautiful and frightening, where the bell of eternity tolls.

Painted in galleries where no beautiful thing is taboo, and where every sorrow is a burden shared by two.

And I returned.

Returned because I remembered you.
There is a kind of weather where you feel naked, floating in a warm bath.
A gush of wind imitates water as it brushes past.
Your fingers create rippling rings in puddles you touch
And in those moments, you can't help but notice the world is quiet and hushed.
Slowly you watch the ripples ebb to their limit,
And it reminds you that this world is merely a planet  
That waxes and wanes, and rushes like warm water.
But you know it's more than just nature to an author,
It's a place where wind makes you feel vulnerable and licks at your skin
and the rare occurrence of weather like this, renews life in your heart yet again.
My breath is not the wind,
and I do not wave with the sea,
I am not the sun smiling down upon you,
I am only me.

The sparrow's song is not my voice,
the leaf is not my touch,
I am not the sky, loving you everywhere,
But I can love you just as much.

— The End —