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3.0k · Mar 2013
Leanna Taylor Mar 2013
The room is getting smaller, slowly but surely.
As the space decreases, my anxiety increases.
Every second, it shrinks a little more.
Smaller and smaller, shrinking
away until it crushes
me; turning
me into
2.7k · Nov 2012
Leanna Taylor Nov 2012
I've always pictured Lust as a woman
A seductive and voluptuous goddess
with golden curls and a sensual smirk
Her eyes would be the reflection of diamonds
or stars in an eerie, romantic night sky
A perfection of human kind
An angel fallen from heaven
But oh would she be cruel
She might be beautiful and appear innocent
but she is a trickster, a wily temptress.
A consumer of hearts
A demon in disguise
She'd lure her helpless, naïve victims
with pleading eyes and hypnotizing sways
They'd follow, attracted to illusion of vulnerability
That's when she'd strike,
lunging for the **** in a snap
Another bleeding artless heart...
stolen, stomped on, kicked around,
cut up, spit on, and set on fire.
Another pathetic man blinded by Lust.
Poor *******.
2.3k · Oct 2012
The Ferris Wheel
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Empty. Vacant. Broken. Useless.
The ways to describe
the rust-covered, abandoned
Ferris wheel.
What it really is is lost.
Lost. Soulless. Helpless.
Standing alone in a rundown theme park,
standing as only a memory.
Its purpose has drifted away,
detached itself from the body,
leaving only its ghost to suffer
and watch as life goes on without it.
The wind guides it into the familiar rotation,
reminding it of what it once was.
The slow, eerie creaks of its movement
cry out in the empty skies;
its echoes dancing through the park.
It screams, “I am unloved!”
“I’m lost! I’m scared!”
“I don’t want to be forgotten!”
So the wheel keeps turning,
Holding on to whatever is left of its
Empty, soulless life.
1.9k · Oct 2012
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
These eyes, these eyes, these miraculous eyes;
These diamond irises that light my path to a wonderland.
This wonderland, this hidden world,
This beauty I’ve been hunting for that I’ve finally found in these eyes.
A beauty that could never be found in my waking hours,
Only in my dreams.
These diamond pools surrounding black portals
That stand as my door back to reality,
Back to cold, harsh darkness.
With every blink, every flutter of an eyelash,
I’m reminded of where I really stand in this world;
Not in this wonderland that I’ve desired to live in,
But the bitter-sweet world I have to call home.
One day I’ll learn to accept this home,
But for now, I shall hide in these eyes.
1.6k · Feb 2013
I Am Human
Leanna Taylor Feb 2013
I am the superhero
And the villain
I’m the disease
As well as the doctor
I am your sweetest dream
But I’m also your worst nightmare
A beauty and a beast
The creator and the destroyer
Beginning and end
I am the darkest night
But also the brightest day
I am freedom
As well as imprisonment
I’m a beating heart
And the last breath
I’m good and evil
I am human
1.3k · Oct 2012
The Cannibal
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
She laughs;
Mocking his fear.
Smiling lustfully, she dances around the prey
in a game of cat and mouse.
Hungrily she stalks him.
Lunging now in madness,
she claws at his skin.
She sinks her teeth into raw, cut flesh.
Blood pours from the wounds by the bucket.
She bathes her tongue in the rich, red liquid
like a savage dog.
Agonizing cries echo in the dark abyss of hell.
Then a sigh of satisfaction follows.
She carelessly tosses the fresh corpse aside.
She wipes her dripping chin with her
blood-and-dirt clogged nails.
Her eyes reflect the insanity she holds
and then with blood-stained lips,
she smiles.
A new prey is soon to come.
1.1k · Oct 2012
The Red Door
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
The door towers above,
looking down at the small girl,
glaring red.
The little girl’s knees shake in fear.
She clutches the small blanket to her chest.
She’s too afraid to take a step forward,
to open the door and see what’s inside,
but her curiosity glues her in place.
She is frozen, conflicted.
Wide, innocent eyes stare up in awe
to the tall red door.

Anger echoes beyond the walls, calling to her
yet scaring her off at the same time.
Her small hands are stiff
with a frightened grip.
Her feet won't move.
They don't run back to the safety of her own room.
They don't step forward in courage.
They just....stay there;
Forcing her to listen to the monstrous,
beckoning roars of what hides behind
the red door.
1.1k · Oct 2012
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Our skin tells more about us
Than most people would think.
So many stories to tell,
So many secrets that hide
In our skin.
Only a few layers deep,
Only a few chapters into the book of our lives,
And already one can learn so much about another.
And as we turn the pages, the skin we see becomes stronger.
Every scratch, every bruise, every scar has a purpose;
With these marks we reflect our battles,
Our defeats and our victories.
Every mark of ink holds a memory,
To illustrate the moments we shall never forget.
But our skin only shows us part of the story.
For the rest, we must dig past the layers
Until we reach the core of our bodies,
The soul of our stories.
And we will find the soul one layer at a time.
1.1k · Mar 2014
Leanna Taylor Mar 2014
The human body
is just a little
in water
Every time I take a shower
wash my hands
swim in a pool or
a little bit of me
I am slowly dying
slowly vanishing.
One day
I will only be
865 · Oct 2012
Joy Ride
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Leaving everything behind
Pushing away everyone
Not leaving a note
Not calling anyone to say goodbye
Bags are packed and locked in the trunk
Half-past midnight, and I’m ready to go
Driving away on a never-ending joy ride
And never coming back
841 · Oct 2012
In Your Shadows
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
I’m lost
in the shadows of you.
With no one to guide me,
I stumble blindly.
There’s no helping hand
to pick me up when I fall.
Down the lonely roads
I carefully step forward,
hands out in front of me
as a source of security.
The darkness stretches further.
I’ll never make it out.
827 · Oct 2012
Alone on the Bathroom Floor
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Third time tonight
on the bathroom floor.
Shaking in fear and pain.
A burning body.
Sweat pouring out with silent tears.
Temperature rising
higher and higher.
Can't scream, can't cry;
can only breathe shallowly
from dry lips.
Left on cold tiles,
praying for everything to be over.
No one to save me
only left in my despair,
my hatred, my misery.
Too scared to die
too weak to live.
I can't move.
I'm stuck here to suffer.
Alone on the bathroom floor.
806 · May 2013
Leanna Taylor May 2013
Tapping my left foot
at a constant beat of
1 million taps per second.
FlickINg my tonGue around
the insIDe of my Mouth.
A thousand SOngs are runNing
through MY mind
and I want to SING THEM ALL at once.
CAN’T STOP moving, CAn’t stop thinking
752 · Oct 2012
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Cold eyes,
glaring down at me,
disgusted and disappointed.
Cold words
that spit out from your
cold lips.
A cold hand
that clashes against my face
in a hot flash.
The barrier of ice
which guards your
cold heart
will never crack.
643 · Nov 2012
Leanna Taylor Nov 2012
I think about us;
what could've happened,
what never did happen,
what I wish happened.
But nothing ever happened.
Sometimes I regret it,
other times I don't.
Everyone would always say
there was something there.
And I would always deny it.
I'd never say what I really meant.
I'd never show what I really felt.
But if you looked really hard,
you'd see those micro-expressions
that said that I was desperately
in love with you;
that seeing you again made me feel...
Seeing you again made me remember
that I miss you.
Even when it looks like I've forgotten,
even when it looks like I don't care,
buried deep down underneath
my fake nonchalant smirk
I'm crying out for you.
619 · Feb 2013
Leanna Taylor Feb 2013
I don’t see myself in the mirror
I don’t see a headstrong,
independent, rebel child
that all my friends see.
I see someone’s who’s afraid;
someone hurt and lost.
A little girl who shuts herself
out from the world;
who hides her feelings and
keeps everything locked up inside her,
because she’s scared.
No, she’s not scared.
She’s too terrified to be scared.
616 · Nov 2013
Leanna Taylor Nov 2013
I get my fire-tongue from my mother.
I’m proud of the power I can hold
When I spit out flames in spite.
But sometimes I cannot tame it.
The fire starts to roar
And sparks fly as I try to hold
the flames back in-between my teeth.
I’d sew my lips together with steel thread
But the fire would melt it away carelessly.
I burn my skin and take extinguishers to my tongue
Just to keep the flames back.
I wish this power came with nobs
That could adjust the flames from high to low;
But I’ll have to tame my spit-fire the hard way.
613 · Oct 2012
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Cold, empty air
Bitter, icy tears
In the sea of black and sorrow
I stand alone
The place where you used to stand
is empty and bare
There is nothing I can do
as I watch you sink into the ground
Buried away with all my broken dreams
of us, and what we would be
597 · Mar 2013
A Cage
Leanna Taylor Mar 2013
My body is a cage
to lock the monster
that is raging within.
But this cage grows weaker
It can only hold on for so long.

Once when I was brave,
I was able to keep the monster
I had guts to fight it away.

But now it starts to peak out
in my voice, my fists, and
my menacing eyes.
The monster rocks back and forth
in the cage, making it bend
out of shape.

One day the cage will break
and the monster will come out
and I won’t be brave enough to stop it.
577 · Nov 2013
Leanna Taylor Nov 2013
Hovering over his desk
Fingers cramping as he jots words
with a shrinking pencil
As time goes by
papers rise into cluttered stacks
Spreading around him
Creating a castle of paper
Eyelids growing heavy
as the light from the lamp
glares down at him
Mumbling motivation towards himself
He keeps writing
He stays awake
Until everything is finished
540 · Sep 2014
You're Not Worth It
Leanna Taylor Sep 2014
You’re not worth it
Not any of it
You’re not worth the pain
I feel deep in my chest,
The sick feeling in my stomach,
The tears that want to fall
From my eyes,
You’re not even worth
The ink on my paper
But I write about you anyways
523 · Oct 2012
Change of Heart
Leanna Taylor Oct 2012
Fool me once,
Shame on you.
Fool me twice,
You ******* ****.
I won’t shame myself;
I’m too ****** to feel pathetic.
This isn’t baseball.
There won’t be a third strike.
The game’s already over.
It should’ve never started.
504 · Nov 2013
A Dream I've Had Lately
Leanna Taylor Nov 2013
I’m sitting at a table on a balcony
covered with fairy lights,
next to a dark-haired girl
with white teeth framed by red lips.
We’re drinking wine and giggling
as the alcohol numbs us.
We keep asking each other,
which one of us is going to drive?
But we laugh off the issue
and pour ourselves another glass.
503 · Sep 2014
August 30, 2014
Leanna Taylor Sep 2014
The moment I left your bed
I missed having your fingers
intertwined with mine,
our bodies tangled together,
being lulled to sleep
by the sound of your heartbeat
and steady breathing.
I walked home that morning
with only the scent
of you
locked in my t-shirt
and the longing need
to see you again.
488 · Nov 2014
November Thoughts
Leanna Taylor Nov 2014
Take me back to summer
To when it wasn't dark
at 4:30 pm
And I didn't want to
sleep all day
482 · Feb 2013
Safe Zone
Leanna Taylor Feb 2013
I keep all of my emotions
in one bottle
And I bury it deep in the ground
of my safe zone
The walls of this safe zone
stretch up to where people can’t reach
The gate is locked up tight
with the hardest code to crack
People have tried climbing over
and breaking down the doors,
trying to get me to open up
but I push them back
Back to the other side of the safe zone
where they are far from hurting me
and I am safe and sound.
480 · May 2013
Leanna Taylor May 2013
I have secrets,
just like everyone else.
I don’t know what they are,
but I know they’re there.
I can feel them in my chest,
weighing down my lungs.
They swell up in my throat,
creating a lump I can’t swallow.
Maybe it’s better off that way;
for them to be so confidential
to the point where even I
don’t know what they are.
468 · Apr 2014
The Taste of Blood
Leanna Taylor Apr 2014
The taste of blood
Swirls in my mouth
As I aggressively
Brush away
A day’s worth of lies
And held back words
Off of my teeth
And gums
458 · Nov 2013
You and Your Secrets
Leanna Taylor Nov 2013
You’ve got your secrets.
They hide in your eyes
And in the curl of your smile.
A freckle for each secret
Lies on your skin.

You only let them slip
From between your lips
In the faintest whisper;
So only you are able to hear them.

You scribble your secrets
Onto scraps of paper
And throw them into the fire,
Where they’ll remain smoke and ash
Until they’re rewritten on another page.
440 · Feb 2013
Leanna Taylor Feb 2013
I put all my secrets on a scrap of paper
I fold it up as tight as I can
And toss it into the flames
I watch as it turns from white to black,
Slowly curling up by the lick of the flames
The remains turn to ash
And the smoke rises into the night sky
I smile because I know my secrets are safe
With the stars
417 · Jan 2013
Leanna Taylor Jan 2013
My scars are hidden
by the dark fabric that clings
to my skin.
They come in many shapes
and different shades of pink and white.
They tell a story of pain and darkness,
anger and sorrow,
but mostly of fear and helplessness.
They hold all my secrets;
the secrets I’ll never tell.
They’ve watched me as I cried.
I cry because of them.
They remind me of the darker days.
When I’m smiling and finally feel happy,
they’re there to remind me that
no matter how hard I try to change,
my life is still ****** up.

— The End —