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I took a journey above myself one day and saw the trees below.
In scene by scene and well versed memories,
mistakes and beauty of the past consumed.
And though I know the past doesn't matter, I still took lessons and discovered three absolutes in this world.





If a map for my life exists, it abides in three words.


I took a journey above myself one day and saw the trees above.
In jaded laughter and menacing teeth bared,
a truth arose from former ashes.
And though I know the past doesn't matter, I still took lessons and discovered three absolutes in this world.





If a storm for my life exists, it abides in three words.


I took a journey above myself one day and just saw the trees.

*Nothing exists without an opposite,
and in that reality, you can find peace
What holds more power,
the stars in the sky or the coals in a fire?
By all accounts, most stars in the sky have been dead longer than this planet has been alive.
We just see them in passing.
But the coals in this fire are still alive and powerful.

More can still come from this...
Strained touch, No hands
Something only a woman understands
Money on the table, Water by the bed
The tears she pretends she never shed

Life lived in others, isn't a life at all
Faking away from their love's fall
Pimps. ****** better known as friends
Working with only twists and bends

Faded bruises, broken bones
Hush, quiet no one knows
Mommy, Daddy think's shes dead
Those tears we know she shed
I tried to move away, from the thoughts
We once shared, flying away from
The way you made me feel

There you are hidden in plain sight
Taunting me with the new life
It was too easy for you to find

Are you happy with that girl?
The one I secretly hated
Our love shattered

Tear soaked goodbyes
Life spins in another direction
Without your heart to stabilize  me

Laughing with you loving only you
How could you forget?
All our good times
 Mar 2013 Leanna Taylor
Let me write you into a fantasy,
spin your fingertips through a maze,
weaving the freckles on your arms into
the things that you crave.
The frustration will shatter
like the plates you have always secretly wanted strewed
across the kitchen floor.
Glass dust rests
in the creases and,
though you warned me to wear shoes,
remain endlessly embedded in my heels.
I will lift up my legs and let you see,
to try to catch a glimpse of your own reflection,
the sparkle past your eyes that match the glint
of glass in my skin.
“See?” I would say,
arms tight around your chest, eyes
clenched shut buried
in the damp nape
of your neck.

Let me become your time vessel.
Rewind, two years,
you are still you and I am still me,
pressed up against the corner
of one of your kitchen counters.
Your ghost whisper lingers
in my ear,
“You’re giving me goose bumps.”
I will bring you through time,
jumping moment
to moment,
a rush of feeling settling in
the pit of your stomach.
You are blindsided,
tangled in the clutches of each second wasted
and ignited into gray ash.
When I am your time vessel, those seconds will be collected
and stored, so you can replay them over
and over and eventually
you will understand
the implications,
you will find the meaning,
you will learn to be happy again.

Let me count your bruises.
Red-faced and breathless,
you push the world away
only to fall back into the carpet again.
Each exhale jagged but controlled,
a bead of sweat forming like tears
against your wrinkled forehead.
An instant clouded by exertion, hearing nothing but
the sharp intake of breath.
I will lie next to you with my hair
above me, hands cupping ears.
And as you lift
your shoulders
off the ground, I will count for you.
Warning* *This is a really messed up poem, If you would like an explanation please message me

Hush hush
Don’t say a word
Mommy met a man
She said daddy can’t know

That man holds her
Whispering “I Love You”
Which Mommy says too
But… daddy doesn’t know

As Daddy snores
I see Mommy slip out
I lay in the back
Seeing the man Daddy doesn’t know

But Daddy wakes up
Tries to track them down
Every motel
Nowhere to be found

But, I am here first
I just wanted to help
So I pulled the trigger
And all the lights went out

Mommy, splattered in red
Daddy now will never know
Cause I took Daddy’s gun
Mommy say goodnight
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