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The end
New beginning
of a new page
My old story
Here standing tall
Facing it all
By myself
Here I am
At the end
Watching my world
Crumble at your feet
An the new life rising
Here I am
At the end
Loving you
"How long are you willing to run?", I whispered.

I opened my eyes and I was in a golden hall with polished edges and echoes repeating a language I could never understand.
There was a tearing at my heart and I knew men with with cruel intentions were on the prowl for me even though I could not see them.
I took off running and crashed through the windows, shattering the glass and giving the echoes something to listen to that wasn't a dead whisper. Maybe they can hear the trees now.

I kept running, leaping over anything that came in my path. I ran up walls and slid down buildings. I felt stronger and faster than those who chased me. When I jumped, the sky seemed closer than the ground.

I suddenly noticed a woman following me. She kept a steady pace, running and leaping with me.
I had a distinct feeling that she meant no harm because I felt something new. Her smell lingered around me.
I ran onto the freeway, bouncing from car to car, running from the invisible men and keeping one eye on the woman.

Time stopped and I was flying through the air.

The sound of engines died away and I turned around to see the woman. She was beautiful. The look on her face was that of determination and intrigue. I pulled her close brought my face to hers. We stared at each other for what seemed like years and though our lips never touched, our eyes spoke of fire and patience. I saw what made the sun glow against the universe in those eyes.

Time began to come undone once more and I had to let her go to keep running against men with blood in their eyes.
But still she chased on and I knew she would be right behind me all the way to the end.

I know she will be...

"As long as it takes...", she softly said.*


Based on a dream. Hopefully you like it.
Men have eyes that dim with time
like bronze statues who've lost their shine...
But heroes and legends
from burrows and heavens
will live on eternal in vision and rhyme.

What is that reality that appears to me in dreams,
chock-full of misgivings and doubt. I counteract my fear of life
with my fears of slumber,
dust in my eyes and stiff as lumber.

In truth - I'm not stiffened
by fear,
by nausea,
post-pubescent sacrilege,
or all of the above.
I'm not up-kept,
grizzly with ennui;
I'm dizzy, confiding my loss.

I feel the lips that kiss
but can't be drawn: from mind,
on sheets of thick
pale and
for the heart to mend.

My unsteady hand
is my fearful friend

A soft embrace
from a warm mind

and so full of Life
clung to by the scent of Death

with an eternal promise and regret
from veins of plants
or the glow of stars.
Cold, mechanical debt.

(my heart, so full of...)

(my mind, so hot with...)

(my body, trembling in...)

I am gulf-like
a stream full of trees and glass
echoing a promise of shattering wind.

Will I be published
after my death,
asleep predating, a life conceived.
Will I live to see myself alone,
and to discover
that which I'm not?
Or will I stutter
and wallow a curse,
Up towards the sky,
Until the final verse.
On a boast
or chasing the Rail,
pale as dirt, and shallow still.

Will my true love abandon,  break, strain,
Burn away the wax,
or hurry to blame?

Omit my evils from the star-charts,
then just to vacate the void.
From the half-broken corridors of rocks,
nooks, crannies.
Carry laughter through the night
burn the effigy bowed-down,
before dawn's courageous,
ever-splaying light

of Carlo and Marx,
plenty by noon
again by day
thus replay,
Endeavor to infinity, fair child.
Remold the light by Day
and remold the Day
by Night.
Darkness and silence become my prison
As I wait for no one to save me
The hard floor, my new home
And the hot air my coffin
Here I am stuck in motion
The day just may have gotten worse
Hours fly by like centuries
Stuck here, within the mind
I was told wasn’t right
Here I am stuck with only myself
No war, no judgment, no more pain
Just me
In my dark and silent elevator
My no man’s land of time
Once when I was brave
I climbed a mountain high  
Dancing on the peaks
Watching the birds fly by

Up here on my mountain top
I have no reason to impress
Or any need to say goodbye
My old life wasting away

Those challenges that shaped me
Long forgotten down below
As I grip tight the rusting key
To the heart, bravery broke
You might not believe what I have to say,
I learned to fly the other day.
I stuck my tongue at the ground,
then jumped but didn't seem to fall down.
The wind caught my body and flew me so high
far away into the vast endless blue of the sky
and the clouds told me jokes
about small earthy folks
then giggled and waved me a smiling goodbye.
I flew to Brazil, I flew to Japan,
feeling so weightless,
feeling so grand...
But slowly and surely
my loneliness grew,
and I longed to smell grass
and the fresh morning dew.
I must admit I missed taking a stand
with my brothers and lovers.
the immortal "man".
So I started to gently float back down to the trees,
to far away lights,
and pizza covered with cheese.
Now I'm back home with my family and friends.

Oh wait, you want to learn how to fly?
Well... just give me your hand.

(By the way, I just wanted to say that I hope anyone and everyone reading  this is feeling like a total and complete awesome bad *** today because, well, you are. End of story)

(Hands you a taco and gives you a hug)
 Feb 2013 Leanna Taylor
"We hardly speak any more."
I know it's true,
I hardly speak at all.

We used to often talk,
staying up late, letting
our words play their games.

She asked if I'd rather
live alone on an island --
in complete solitude --
or be trapped in an apartment,
only able to watch people walk by.

I said I'd rather watch the people walk by;
at least then  I could pretend that happy
people still existed.

Today it feels like I'm in that apartment,
watching people walk around me.
They don't seem happy.

I smile at them;
they never smile back.
I wonder if something's wrong with me.

I stopped talking when I started writing.
I already spelled everything out on paper,
and the words never crawl back into my mind.
If those words ever get back home,
I'll tell 'em all how I feel:


You can't help anyone with words,
who needs something done.
A sentence about your love
means nothing when you're
twenty-seven hundred miles away.


Strangers are more alluring than
people you know closely;
that, my dear, is why I'm terrified
of getting any closer to you.
From a distance, you're so beautiful.


Sure, we spent a few weeks cuddled up
in your room; but your lifestyle is the reason
that I fled from Southern California.
I don't want things.


He's just going to end up killing you.
One instance of abuse should be enough
to send you packing. You crawled back for more.
I understand -- too well -- the lies that get you trapped.
I keep waiting for that phone call.


A woman should never be a reason
to abandon your old family;
although I see how her children
are your chance for redemption.


I wish we talked more often;
more than once every few months.
You're intelligent and articulate,
and the hour or two we spend
(not often enough)
fills me with hope for the world.
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