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 May 2011 Leah
Joel M Frye
You walk across the restaurant, sit down
and fold your legs precisely so your dress
conceals the barest minimum.  Around
your shoulders, silkiest of wraps caress
one side, and wantonly slides off the other
to leave a naked arm spaghetti-strapped,
suggesting what might later be uncovered.
Your eyes meet mine, warm mysteries.  So apt
from what I know of you this point in time.
We speak of writing, theater, and Bach,
mingling voices, counterpoint sublime;
laughing undercurrents as we talk.
I want to say you needn't try so hard;
it hits me you're not just are.
 May 2011 Leah
Laura Spain
Vague notions
Sliding, soothing, softly touching
Tempting, teasing, abrupt emotions

A wide eyed woman in the distance
Left behind for the new and extreme

A trembling man behind her
Watching and hoping for the serene

Coming together, it seems
This is what they waited for
All along hoping for the passion alone

Moaning softly, exploring fingertips
Gentle trembling fingers hovering
Hesitantly, they touch

Explosions of sensations
Unexplored devotions

Quickly roving faster
A need that consumes them
A clashing of wills
No longer two, not quite alone

He whispers sweet notions
She moans her emotions
Sliding, feeling, grabbing, twisting

The blood drips between them
She trembles still
He wraps her in his whispers of forever

Vague notions no longer
Wrapped in the emotions of the other
Lost in the extreme
The serene

This is forever
 May 2011 Leah
Kathryn Houghton
What should go at the top?
This is agonizing;
I need a sum,
Quick but brilliant,
Of what lies inside.
Oh, look,
It's perfect now,
but I've left out
the insides.
 May 2011 Leah
Kathryn Houghton
A room full of aliens
I feel too warm
They are staring
I swallow dry
Walk up
“Hello. I’m Katie.”
They don’t eat me
I feel better
It seemed appropriate, given this site's name :)
 May 2011 Leah
Kathryn Houghton
There is a child starving
Save your soul and drop a penny in the box
Leftover from your super-sized meal.
 May 2011 Leah
Kathryn Houghton
My heart belongs to myself
Right now that much is true
But lately I’ve been thinking
Perhaps it should belong to you
You walk by and it hiccups
You talk to me and it sighs
It’s telling me it wants you
And my heart rarely lies.
 May 2011 Leah
Tyler Nicholas
I try to count the stars.
A vast selection of fossils.
C'est la vie, leviathans.
You burning orbs,
you want to comfort me?

I lay sheepless.
I'm a shepherd
who lost not one sheep,
not two sheep,
but the whole of them.
 May 2011 Leah
Tyler Nicholas
I saw the glimmer in your eyes
and the drops fall down your face.
"It's not like I've never seen you cry"
She knows something I don't,
and she'll admit something I won't.
She's alive, alright, but where did she go wrong?

Where did she go?

I can barely close my eyes.
I can barely taste your lips.
"It's not like you have to feel this way"
Now, my heart must skip a beat,
and my mind must go wandering
because if I'm not meant to feel this way,

I should let it go.

Won't you tell me what is wrong?
And tell me, what is right?
"You were right, I did not want to hurt you"
Just put your mask back on
and fall back into the waltz.
You're alive, but when were you so right?

We must let it go.

I fell prey to the promise of rest,
and I dreamt that
the birds fell through the sky -
they forgot how to fly.

I'll wake up
and the city skylight
will guide me home.

Where did you go?
 May 2011 Leah
Tyler Nicholas
Was that a blessing or
one of those superficial afflictions
that kept me moaning in agony
last night?

I mean, it showed me its teeth,
and I was gnashing mine...
But, like an eagle,
took me under its wing
and comforted me.

Stockholm syndrome.
Bypass everything else
and I'll show it affection.

It's cancer.
It's foolish excuse for relief.
It'll **** me, man, it will.
 May 2011 Leah
Tyler Nicholas
My eyes are fixed
upon the hills.
And the lights that glow
from the downtown neonesque
battle the stars
and win.

The sail the sidewalk streams
I send an S.O.S.
from my (pharmaceutical) bottle
as the gutters and streets swallow
my hollow pleas for deliverance.
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