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1.9k · Jul 2016
The Traveler
Lazhar Bouazzi Jul 2016
I' ve cut my way through life on camelback,
Halting only punctually by the track;

Yes, “punctually” indeed, to sleep and feed
On what was placed with care on my steed:

Sun-dried Thoughts & Language for me; the fruit,
For those I met on the opposite route.

© Lazhar Bouazzi, Carthage, TUN, July 1, 2016
* "sta, viator, heroem calcas: Stop, traveler, thou treadest on a hero's dust." (Epitaph inscribed by Conde over the grave of his great opponent, Merci.)
1.8k · Aug 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi Aug 2016
Writing is
the frozen music
of an ellipsis,
the silent song
of a lonesome poet
who sings in the dark
among howling winds
crossing swords
in the white shades
of unseen things -
a winter on the Pole
on whose  obverse side
there's Rio,
and the Sun,
and the Samba
and the revenge
of the color.

© Lazhar Bouazzi, May 31, 2016; revised, August 5, 2016
My contribution to the Olympics in Rio.
Lazhar Bouazzi Oct 2018
“A little bit of rain on my words,”
Cried the poet.
But the rain would not acquiesce
For she dreaded a languagekiss.

© LazharBouazzi
1.7k · Dec 2017
Lazhar Bouazzi Dec 2017
The yellow rays of the sun fell on the Bower
Like a golden rain
And a bee kissed with the tongue a crimson flower
Like a song refrain
As a silky butterfly sweet as a shower
Poked fun at my pain.
© LazharBouazzi, December 29, 2017
1.7k · Jun 2018
Moon (Night 3)
Lazhar Bouazzi Jun 2018
The moon rose up

Her face
A replica
Of Africa.

(C)LazharBouazzi, Tunisia
1.7k · Jun 2017
The Sapling Re-post
Lazhar Bouazzi Jun 2017
A cabin that had once been white
Stood, peeled, on the shore of Carthage.
Looking like a tipsy scarfaced knight-
Eyes shut to Dionysian carnage.
A pack of lost dogs roamed around it,
Their pangs of want they sought to manage.

The lone cabin stood on the wrinkled sand,
Like a young tree on Shott el Jerid's* white pale
Whom the white monster forced to speak with the hand:
“Basta, no stubborn resistance from me will avail.”

The fuming sun displayed his festival of fear
Over dogs who could handle their thirst no more;
While the salt has now made its white task clear:
Gnawing the sapling and gnawing evermore
Till the sole mark on the Shott shall disappear.

Now the poet who has only half-chosen the vision
Half not knowing what to do, tried to listen
To the trickle of his one obstinate cheer
Oozing through the new orange laptop,
He had purchased from a japanese peer.

(c) LazharBouazzi
“*Shott el Jerid” is the largest salt lake in Tunisia and the Sahara desert, with a surface area of 7OOO km2. As far as the poem is concerned it would perhaps be helpful to say that the gigantic dry salt pan has the shape of a wolf.
1.7k · Nov 2017
The Sea
Lazhar Bouazzi Nov 2017
A dark rim hugs an acre of
A zinc ocean - no fish, no birds,
Save a pure body, no soul,
No words, fluttering on a bro-
ken sea, and grimacing
From time to time, from
Wave to wave, in lieu
Of lifting an imploring hand.
©LazharBouazzi (2017)
1.7k · Mar 2017
Raving Memory (re-post)
Lazhar Bouazzi Mar 2017
He was intoxicated
by the scent of coffee
dancing in the morning
to his mother’s humming.
Then a blacksmith - his father -
taught him how to hammer
form out of chaos
in the muddle of force
and a sweaty anvil.
Now if he wished to see
the sunness of the sun
and the greenness of the tree
he would summon the image
of Fatma - an Arab maiden
who was once Berber,
to come write on his face
with her soothing finger:
“Salam, my anguished lover.”
When green-eyed Fatma comes
the wreaths of coffee
Would come with her,
writing in the air;
and all the songs of history
would come marching too,
in battle array,
like an army dressed
in civilian clothing
for a dance in Rio.
Fatma’s hair –
a still cascade
of light goldness,
a tide of watery fire,
a flight motionless
of a millon birds who
sing in tongues
and laugh
to the stone unlettered
of his fidgety cenotaph.

© LazharBouazzi, Carthage, TUN
1.6k · May 2018
The Revolt of the Moon
Lazhar Bouazzi May 2018
The moon says the final word tonight -
Casual-recherché and light.

She, in the absence of the sun,
Leafs through the pages of the night

And shoots a side-look at the pond,
As her desire stretches far
Beyond his specular contour.

(c) LazharBouazzi
1.6k · Jul 2016
Aquatic Scene
Lazhar Bouazzi Jul 2016
A hungry black-backed gull,
ready for the ****,
circled over a school of sardines.
Beyond the black-backed gull,
an old boat stood still,
waiting for a place in the harbor.
At the top of the hill –
in the back -
rose a lighthouse and a mosque
through their small windows
Gazed at the aquatic scene.

(c) LazharBouazzi
1.6k · Jan 2017
Cart in The Rain
Lazhar Bouazzi Jan 2017
A rugged sidewalk cried hard by the way-side;
Its cracks could not hold their grey tears anymore.

A puny man pushed a red cart in the tide
Down a darkling, narrow street in Salammbô.

He gasped behind his overladen chariot,
As he hurried toward the “Sunday Market.”

His merkabah bore many a lost gadget
Which he had found buried in the quicksand;

Among them a fountain pen and a helmet,
A pair of eyeglasses, and a trumpet.

I wondered, gazing at the small man’s wet face:
Will this worn-out scene ever reach the market?

© LazharBouazzi
*Salammbô is a neighborhood in Carthage, Tunisia.
1.6k · Jun 2018
Dernier Souhait
Lazhar Bouazzi Jun 2018
When I die – if I ever do -
Bury me in a garden, if you
Have guts;
Or in a vineyard, with a trellis,
For I will not drink from torrents
And mythic Greek rivers.
© LazharBouazzi, 24 June, 2018
1.6k · Apr 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi Apr 2016
Is the
Act of giving shape
To chaos -
An affair of alchemy,
Like turning sweat
Into drops of

(c) LazharBouazzi
1.5k · Jul 2016
The Miss (revised)
Lazhar Bouazzi Jul 2016
It rained last night while he slept
in the chair, waiting for her -
I mean for the rain to bedeck
the olive tree with her silver perls
and cause a stir
in his reason and imagination -
a spur.
But the rain came while he slept.

She came and came and came -
for nothing.

© LazharBouazzi, Carthage, May 17; revised on July 30, 2016
1.5k · Jan 2018
Forward Recollection
Lazhar Bouazzi Jan 2018
On a golden bedding
Spread for you by June -
Silken, fresh tedding
Beneath a sluggish noon .
Ah! Your fragrant silhouette
In a blink of my eye!

But we are in the winter
The time to surrender
To the stories that unfold
Of the children and the old
Adding cold to cold
Around a hearth of clay

As I look through the window pane
I glimpse a scarlet tourist train
Across the scintillating snow
Coloring the leaden no-show
That shut him out from the rainbow.

Oh! Your fragrant silhouette
On a summer wheat show!

© LazharBouazzi, January 21, 2018
1.5k · May 2018
Lazhar Bouazzi May 2018
You are the eye
Under whose lids
I bask without
having to ask
“Why should I die?”

And your thighs, ah!
When my eyes
Conjure up your thighs
I become certain
Of one thing:
That the dead will rise again.
LazharBouazzi, May 13, 2018
1.4k · Aug 2016
Raving Memory
Lazhar Bouazzi Aug 2016
He was intoxicated
by the scent of the coffee
dancing in the morning
to his mother’s humming.
Then a blacksmith - his father -
taught him how to hammer
form out of chaos
in the muddle of force
and a sweaty anvil.
Now if he wished to see
the sunness of Sun
and the greenness of Tree
he would summon the specter
of an Arab maiden - Fatma -
who was once Berber
to come write on his face
with her soothing finger:
“Salam, my anguished lover.”
When green-eyed Fatma comes
the wreaths of coffee
Would come with her
writing in the air;
and all the songs of history
would come marching too,
in battle array,
like an army dressed
in civilian clothes
for a dance in Rio.
Fatma’s hair –
a still cascade
of thin goldeness,
a tide of watery fire,
a flight motionless  
of a million birds who
speak in tongues
and laugh
to the stone unlettered
of his fidgety cenotaph .

© LazharBouazzi, Carthage, TUN, August 27, 2016
1.4k · Nov 2016
Seagull in the Punic Port
Lazhar Bouazzi Nov 2016
The sun loomed young through the ribs of the Punic Port
Bringing back his turquoise splendor to the Med-Sea;
And Seagull, who in his morning flight did escort
The golden loaf of bread fishermen longed to see,
Soared higher and higher over the glazing port,
Preparing for the long voyage when the time be.

Expectant and white was the Carthaginian knight,
Oblivious of the blue peril; no long flight
Would scare him, no azure thirst would he have to fight.
Only the phantasm of an alien skylark,
who would despoil the timer of the golden sun &
peck out her "off" button  with his accent mark -
Would make him soar & sing in his vision of bravery.

"Sea Gull in the Port of Carthage" is in part my contribution to
Tunisia's resistance to obscurantism.
1.4k · Apr 2017
Lazhar Bouazzi Apr 2017
Of this verse
The core, the middle,
Is marked on its palm.
No riddle
To be guessed in a lyric
So brittle,
Whose task
Is  to hold in place
The fissured parts
Of a gypsy's fiddle.

LazharBouazzi, April 4, 2017
1.4k · Aug 2016
The Sapling
Lazhar Bouazzi Aug 2016
A cabin that had once been white
Stood, peeled, on the shore of Carthage.
It looked like a drunken scarfaced knight -
Eyes shut to Dionysian carnage.
A pack of lost dogs roamed around it,
Their pangs of want they sought to manage.

The lone cabin stood on the wrinkled sand
Like a young tree on Shott el Jerid's* white pale
Whom the white monster forced to speak with the hand:
Basta, no stubborn resistance from me will avail.”

The fuming sun displayed his festival of fear
Over dogs who could handle their thirst no more;
While the salt has now made its white task clear:
Gnawing the sapling and gnawing evermore
Until the only mark on the Shott will disappear.

And the poet who has only half-chosen the vision
Half not knowing what to do, tried to listen
To the trickle of his obstinate, patient cheer
Oozing through the new orange laptop,
He had purchased from a Chinese peer.

(c) LazharBouazzi, August 10, 2016.
“*Shott el Jerid” is the largest salt lake in Tunisia and the Sahara desert, with a surface area of 7OOO km2. As far as the poem is concerned it would perhaps be helpful to say that the gigantic dry salt pan has the shape of a wolf.
1.4k · May 2016
Forward Recollection
Lazhar Bouazzi May 2016
I do not turn to poetry
to rescue me from memory;
on the contrary,
I conjure the red humming bee
on the bluegreen rosemary tree,
I teased when I was a carefree
boy, in the backyard,
only to roll with the punches -
aye, with the punches - of synecdoche.

© LazharBouazzi, May 2016
1.3k · Apr 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi Apr 2016
The palm tree died,
the blackbird sang.

how else would a blackbird hide
from an unbearable pang?

(c) Lazhar Bouazzi, Carthage, Tunisia
1.3k · Dec 2017
The Rocks
Lazhar Bouazzi Dec 2017
Half-buried in the sand, lay some rocks in the sun ,
Whom nature had mocked in the shape of sea dogs;
Their wrinkled coats say they’d been too long in the sea.

Next to them, as sunrays kissed a dormant crab,
Traces of some bare feet started to crumble
Under the silent, liquid weight of a tide within.

Now let the amphibious Historians rejoice
In interpretation thereof a dark green hog
Comes forth from the mountain to the shore - to sun
Himself and send the frightened rocks back to the ocean.

(c) LazharBouazzi (December 7, 2017)
1.3k · Apr 2017
Lazhar Bouazzi Apr 2017
I saw two butterflies in the alley,
'Twixt the new well and the orange tree;
With the shade of the tree they seemed to dally
To tease the sun who, without them cannot be.
I overheard two blackbirds when I looked up:
“Why can’t we tease the shade like the butterflies?”
Said the maid-bird, pretending an orange to sup.

And before she could even realize,
The blackbird spread his long wing over her thighs.
In the throbbing blue flakes of the sky she cries
& she cries & she moans & she moans & she cries -
Unlike a Buddhist.
1.3k · Aug 2016
Garden & Sidewalk in the Sun
Lazhar Bouazzi Aug 2016
The first thing I saw early this morning
when I pulled back the blue-sky curtains
was a hectic white and orange butterfly
waving in the fair sun of my garden -
between the enclosed well and the laurel tree.

On the scarlet, bright sidewalk,
two damsels strutted together;
a turquoise skirt wore the one,
a chocolate T-shirt the other.
Jubilant they were together,
for the cadence of their laughter
waved in the air as Tunisian silk.

No harvest did my screen display today -
no mountain range loomed far in the distance -
all that was unraveled were a laughing sidewalk,
and a quivering sun in a small garden.

(c) LazharBouazzi, April 21, 2016; revised, August 17, 2016
1.3k · Jun 2017
It's Raining in Makthar*
Lazhar Bouazzi Jun 2017
The rain falling now
In Carthage -
A nectar
Of rainness -
Is like the grains
Of couscous
Made the day of

In Carthage today
The scent of rain
Is like the sound of
Memory had lost
To imagination.

© LazharBouazzi, Carthage, TUN, june 30, 2017
*"Makthar" is a town in the North of Tunisia.
1.2k · Sep 2017
Sea Shanty
Lazhar Bouazzi Sep 2017
A torrid rumbling in my head
Chants for the making of a poem,
But no words in my head respond
To the hungry, chanting plea.

A brass rim hugs an acre of
A zinc ocean, no fish no birds,
Save an empty body, no soul no words,
Fluttering on a broken sea.

And lifting from time to time,
From wave to wave, a valedictory
Pallid hand in lieu of a grimace.

©LazharBouazzi (August 11, 2017)
1.2k · Mar 2017
Benzart* Beach (re-post)
Lazhar Bouazzi Mar 2017
A crimson boat waives
the flow of the waves
as a blonde damsel craves
an infernal sun.

Next to the maiden
and the dandy-fella,
blossoms a vermillion
whose washed out shadow
played the shady cellar
for two green apples
and one apricot
the blonde damsel hungrily
had bought
to quench her own fiery
of the lustful monster.

Closing her ice-blue eyes,
the fair woman,
her sinful inspiration
did she summon
to come carve
on her body so sullen
a scarlet picture
of the new Benzart bridge.

© LazharBouazzi, Carthage, TUNISA

*"Benzart" is the Tunisian name for “Biserta” or “Bizerte”- a beach town on the northern coast of Tunisia.
Lazhar Bouazzi Mar 2017
"Arab Chickens"* are like
Indefatigable measurers
Of length and breadth
Where color, choice,
And depth
Are manifestations of the surface.

©LazharBouazzi, Carthage, March1, 2017. Re-revised, March 3, 2017
"Arab chickens" are ones reared and kept in farms (not in poultry farms) among other animals and close to the people, and half of the time left free to look for their own feed. This special use of the adjective "Arab" is specific to Tunisia and not used in the sense mentioned above in other Arab countries. It might be of some linguistic and cultural interest to some to mention that other products such as "butter," "bread," "Harissa" (hot, red chili paste), etc., are also designated as "Arab" in Tunisia, meaning "homemade."
1.2k · Jun 2016
Muhammad Ali
Lazhar Bouazzi Jun 2016
like a bumblebee,
like a butterfly."
Once or twice
he was on his knee,
But never lost
the “tiger’s eye.”

Au revoir,
inerrant Punch Press!
Black Orpheus!

© LazharBouazzi, Carthage, TUN, June 6, 2016
Got the idea of writing a poem about Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer of all time, from Poet Keith Wilson, Windemere, UK.
1.2k · Sep 2017
New Year's Day
Lazhar Bouazzi Sep 2017
What is it exactly that we celebrate today?
An oncoming rain or the passage of Time?
Under his feet, the water in the sea
Burned with a cold, liquid flame,
Cold & silver - a transmutation of fire
Fuelled by his mother's tear
In which he sailed to Sicily.
Bayreuth looked like a frozen Sahara,
With the local colors, and a pale-blue train
He had taken in Rome, at the "Stazioni Termini."
What is it exactly that he should celebrate today?
The Passing of August, or the Advent of the Frost
In the Season of Eternity?

© LazharBouazzi, August 30, 2017
1.2k · Apr 2017
Lazhar Bouazzi Apr 2017
No matter how often a road is traveled by,
It never tells the same story twice.
(c) LazharBouazzi
1.2k · Oct 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi Oct 2016
The lane is light-less tonight;
But I’m not unduly perturbed,
For there is still enough sight
In my fancy not to be curbed
By a solitary lamp
Who was forced into silence.

© LazharBouazzi, October 16, 2016
1.1k · Sep 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi Sep 2016
The moon, a hollow
Saint Jacques shell,
whose kernel
and language figures
had wasted through the flow
of time,
to this eerie pond
a dry vagabond -
now a dweller
of the surface deep.

© LazharBouazzi, Carthage, TUN, September 3, 2016
1.1k · Jul 2019
Summer in Kasserine
Lazhar Bouazzi Jul 2019
Look at the dormant summer noon
Drowsing by the pregnant tree
And lulled to his vision of the moon
By a wandering honey bee
Whose songs are so sweet and subdued
Like a score of apples waiting  in
A cluster
Not knowing when they will be plucked
So they, too, hung on a sleeper’s specter.

© LazharBouazzi, TUNISIA
1.1k · Apr 2016
The Beggar of La Goulette*
Lazhar Bouazzi Apr 2016
A beggar I once met
at the port of La Goulette,
a begger I once met
said “good morning” to me
though for alms he asked not.

Back I greeted him while wondering:
“Then what's a beggar who begs not?”

(c) Lazhar Bouazzi, Carthage, April 24, 2016

*La Goulette is a seaport village in the northern suburbs of Tunis where different communities (Muslims, Christians, Jews, and secular (non-religious) people lived together in peace.
1.1k · Mar 2019
The Seagull
Lazhar Bouazzi Mar 2019
Shooting a battle cry
Athwart the leaden sky,
A gull hurried to his task
Before the sky wears his mask.

Nobody knew what his task was
Except that his time drew to a pause
And that he had to hurry because
From the open he had to retreat.

The bird knew this but he was wayward
Swimming in the airy wave, beak forward,
Skating, flying, but always eastward,
Heedless of the dark, like a poet.

(c) LazharBouazzi
1.1k · Dec 2017
The Balance
Lazhar Bouazzi Dec 2017
Let me offer you a blue and scarlet balance
To wish you on these jocund days of Christmas
What mortals tire not of wishing to themselves:
A fragrant, eternal equilibrium.
© LazharBouazzi (December 19, 2017)
(My Christmas Present For all my HP friends)
1.1k · May 2019
Stories Untold
Lazhar Bouazzi May 2019
An oblique path cutting in two a blue hill  
Bathed in a cobalt ocean of morning glories.
On the blue hill there were also a red mill,
Crickets, ants, bees, and many-hued damselflies.

A haven was the fresh upside-down coquille
For long stories untold and movements still
Of difference and dragonflies of fluttering
Over a bluesky ground of mute uttering.

On a dry log pitched not too far from the mill,
Rose an artless sign in the sound unseen of the hill;
Each of whose letters was written in blueberry -
Surely placed there by a traveler in a hurry:
“No matter how often a road is traveled by,
It never tells twice the selfsame story.”

(c) LazharBouazzi, Tunisia
1.1k · Feb 2017
I Love Your Soul, Too
Lazhar Bouazzi Feb 2017
I do miss
Your golden dunes,

But don’t take it amiss
If today
I ask you to turn
On the other side

So that I can see
Your hot, burning
I crave to kiss
With my fountain pen.

© LazharBouazzi, February 2, 2017
1.1k · Feb 2017
Saint Valentine
Lazhar Bouazzi Feb 2017
Is only a name.
But naming is
Like timing,
Loving -
A carving
In chaos.

© LazharBouazzi, February 14, 2017
1.0k · Dec 2016
The Clouds
Lazhar Bouazzi Dec 2016
Through the moiré windowpane -
By my leaden writing desk -
I saw a host of dark clouds
Hastening to their somber task
Like a herd of frightened sheep
Shrouded ‘neath the callous mask
Of the night - on the way home.

Through the moiré window pane
A question stood in my way again:
What is a cloud that leaves shut
The flask* of an announced rain?

© LazharBouazzi, 30/12/2016
*The image of the flask is a reworking of the famous cliché in Arabic: "ينزل المطر كأفواه القِرب" "The rain falls like open flasks" (my translation), the equivalent of the cliché in English: "It's raining cats and dogs."
1.0k · Jan 2017
Winter in Carthage
Lazhar Bouazzi Jan 2017
An ashy weeping willow,  
Lay in my wobbling garden.
Like a cosmic silver pigeon.

Up: the still, leaden flow
Sailed - a cold, prowling woe,
Charging to pounce on Carthage.

In: the wreaths of smoke letters
Gather as leaden fetters,
Then dart like Irish setters,
Released after a game.

LazharBouazzi, January 6, 2017
1.0k · May 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi May 2016
Being a novice
in poetry
he knows how to color
an old tree,
a sky in the winter,
an ocean,
or even a dancing

But pleading
with the wind
to come
and sing
the sparkling
that tears the ,
weeping dome
is a different tale –

(c) LazharBouazzi, May 7, 2016
1.0k · Dec 2017
The Dream
Lazhar Bouazzi Dec 2017
He dreamed of the silver rays of rain
Kissing the pallid thirst of the desert

He dreamed of a hectic, blue wind
Fluttering - with no sails on orange boats

He dreamed of the stars shining alone
Out of the somber dome of night

He dreamed of his imagination
Re-inventing a color to the sea

©LazharBouazzi (December 2, 2017)
1.0k · Aug 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi Aug 2016
I saw two butterflies in the alley,
between the new well and the orange tree;
With the shade of the tree they seemed to dally
to tease the sun who, without them cannot be.
I overheard two blackbirds when I looked up:
“Why can’t we tease the shade like the butterflies?”
Said the maid-bird, pretending an orange to sup.

And before she could even realize,
The darkbird spread his long wing over her thighs.
In the throbbing blue flakes of the sky she cries
& she cries & moans & she moans & she cries
unlike a Buddhist.

© LazharBouazzi, Carthage, TUN, August 25, 2016
999 · Sep 2017
August in Carthage
Lazhar Bouazzi Sep 2017
Hell hurled and hissed
And clenched her fist
Around the city.

O wind
Dig a pool in my wrist
And in the womb of August
Mark an ode to thunder.

© LazharBouazzi, September 17, 2017
The addressee is the wind of inspiration.
980 · Apr 2018
Lazhar Bouazzi Apr 2018
'Twixt the sandy dunes of words
And the shimmering darkness
Of ink
I riot with my forked tongue
As a snake would do among
The unlettered stones of a
Sunny graveyard.

© LazharBouazzi
967 · Jan 2018
Lazhar Bouazzi Jan 2018
What is it that he celebrates today,
The oncoming of the frost or the passing of time?

Beneath his feet the water
Scintillates with a flame liquid -
Silver -
A transmutation of fire
Fuelled by the tears of his mother,
In whose waves he sailed to Sicily.

Bayreuth, Germany, looked like a frozen Sahara
With the local colors, and a pale-blue train
He had taken in Rome, at the "Stazione Termini.”

She: her body was carved in Napoli
He: his hair was planted in Carthage,
But both sought another knowledge
In Tübingen or perhaps in Konstanz.

She said, “I would sail from here to there,
Like you did from where you were,

But I would lose the rattle of your absence,
And that would be what makes all the difference”!
© LazharBouazzi, January 27, 2018
961 · Oct 2018
Don Quixote
Lazhar Bouazzi Oct 2018
The Don knew well
That the hell
He raised
Was not on the mill
That  sobbed on the hill.

So with his quill,
He dug a tunnel
In his encampment.

©LazharBouazzi, 10 September, 2018
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