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I am a sailing rock in the dessert.

Moving on my own wantonly...
we reach for the cuboards,
we  pull on the fridge,
we twist a cap or two... pop a pill or three.
we're all in need of an escape.
she reached for the cuboards,
she pulled on the fridge,
she popped that pill.
there is no escape.
she turned to a mirror...
does she like what she sees?
so bleak.
she rubs her mascara into her cheeks
as a desperate attempt to hide her tears.
her fears swell.
her dreams shrink.
she thinks,
will i ever be liberated?

When I was a girl of twenty-two years,
there was the usual blood, sweat and tears
of life that’s lived when no one is watching
and naivety is all that’s botching
things up, in love and loss
and harsh mistakes.

Thoughts of my future rather than my will.
Should I not have aborted but stood still
to own the truth of my indiscretion,
and not lied to my love but made confession?
Perhaps he would have
decided to stay?

I have pondered much, these thirty-odd years.
Renounced the loathing of actions and fears
of misguided youth that lives in my soul
but will not dissipate though I am old.
Continuing on -
memories linger.

Wondering what that one life could have been.
Wondering if that was really a sin?
I question myself each year after year
though answers I don't expect to find here
in this life -
Still I mourn.
© 2010 Marlene Dunham
I am liquid.
I am a sparkle in two sets of eyes.
Blue eyes, brown eyes.
What colour will mine be?

I am a thought.
I am a plan.
I am a feeling.
I am just a whisper.

No one knows of me.
No, only the Father.
He knows me very well.
He knows exactly who I will be.

I am liquid.
I am nothing, not yet.
But I have the potential.
And soon, I’ll be known.

I’m all warm.
I’m safe.
I’m comfortable.
I’m floating.
I’m alone, but I can hear them all.

Muffled voices, cooing at me.
Baby, I love you.
Baby, you’re going to be so beautiful.
Baby, you’ll have mama’s eyes.

I am a bump.
An oversized t-shirt.
A warm sensation.
Something to talk about.
I am a screaming, crying,
Messy little bundle of joy.
I am your pride.
I am your image.
I am your responsibility.
I am your love.
I am your everything.

The warmth in your arms.
Your tired eyes and messy hair.
The scent of powder.
That is all me.

I am beginning just now.
Beginning to become something.
Raised eyebrows and squeaks of excitement.

Weird feelings I have about life.
They tell me I’m experiencing a loss

they expect me to move on

it hasnt even been a month

If I knew that was the last hug

I would’ve held on for dear life

You should still be here

they can’t put me at ease

they say anything they can

to save themselves

not admit their faults

I’ve had enough

You’re gone

she’s still around

doesn’t anyone see what’s wrong?

does someone care?

I was told to speak up

now that I am

its falling on deaf ears

If I knew what I know now

I would’ve saw you that day

I would’ve worked through the pain

Getting weaker by the day

don’t really care

about anything anymore

I never thought

I’d ever be back to square one

all I know is I’m done

— The End —