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Laurie Fisher Jun 2012
A voice whispers words into my veins
A voice instructs me, strut this way
And that way too, don’t stop...I’ll never shoo.
By the time I’ve made it to the train
My heart begins to
                                                      ­                   Thump

                                                          ­                           Thump

                                                          ­                                                      Without a moment to choke
                                                           ­                                                          I hop on the station
                                                         ­                                                  Headed west, with barely a breath
                                                          ­                                A thought in this head that steals any concentration

Sleep eludes me, you penetrate me
Enrich me with the echoes of your mind
Bare with me, let us intertwine
                                                            A path paved over by the ways of the world
                                                            Still hot and sticky, I mold it with my toes
                                                             Imprinted with my wishes and my hopes
No traces of intervention
No substance of prevention

Sitting atop the stool
Painted by the artist
Within his palm
Lies his instrument
Prepared to implement
Painting shadows of time and space
Strokes back and forth
Lines united by grace
                                                       ­                                         A picture varnished
                                                   ­                                           A piece of time caught
                                                      ­                                         As quick as created, it

                                                               ­                                                   dis..
        ­                                                                 ­                                               si..
             ­                                                                 ­                                                 pa.
                                                             ­                                                                 ­           .tes

                                                      ­Fading with all its glory
Laurie Fisher May 2012
I, want to be in a different place
A place a new and of disguise
One where there aren't any grey

I, doubt that anything will change
Paces are slowly moving toward
A target and I, want to be in that new place
That place, where the putrid smell
Doesn't exist
That anxious stench won't be
Amongst us.
I, wonder does this new place
Even exist
Is there a reason to persist?
**A place a new and of disguise
One where there isn't any grey
Laurie Fisher May 2012
Idealism is comical
But hardly comprehensible
You want to resist
With much persistence
Who you really are
Inside you not a super hero
One that can fix all
You trick your mind
Believing that you can make a difference
That in this life
Others are more important
But one mistake you have made
When times are dark
All that ******* will fade
Selfish creatures we are
Stuck in a state of deep desires
You’re a puppet chosen to play the role
And you can gladly pretend
And stand high on your stead
Pretending your above the laws of nature
But you’re a peasant
Nothing major
Laurie Fisher May 2012
Truth be told he is merely a mirage.
A gift never to be given.
A harsh truth of the world
And yes I have considered what your about to ask
My overwhelming feelings toward him
But let's get back to the task at hand
Life doesn't want it to work.
Well that I can take.
I'm really quite uncertain
If there's something between us
That will cause me to to break
But I digress
He's a beauty that won't hurt me.
Because he won't let me close enough.
Laurie Fisher May 2012
You love my sunny disposition. If it lasts, sometimes it runs away for a rainy day. I call for it, spread those clouds away, but deeper into the sky it dives, away from my mind. The illuminating rays become dark and dismal. Forgive the dark casted upon the shadow of your world. I can only shine until my eyes crack and liquid pours, out of my sockets, out of my veins, pumping hard it labors away. A lonesome flower pops from the dampened dark dirt, a snap of orange, a pop of yellow, a blue like no tomorrow, they break the harsh laws of my sorrow. And like yesteryear my sunny disposition begins to appear. A glorious show, you never quite know, when it will surprise, those cracked eyes are gloss and you see a chick who you thought you’ve lost. Here I stand, and I do command, happiness that will surpass the darkest hours. When the sour comes out and I cry out just know that without you here, the clouds might never disappear. I’ve been drained and though sweat and tears I’ve overcome the pain, within my soul lies a stain and it will remain a scar that will continue to show me how I’ve grown and no one will own the show that I condone. So let it sit still, let it lie, let it be with you and remember why I’ve told you that you are everything to me and no matter how dark I may get, don’t you dare forget my sometimes sunny position and the regret that lies is with me forever and there will always be highs. Highs like you cannot conceive. I will repay the slow and painful delay of what I have brought to the table. I’m back and the fact is that I keep trying and trying to fix what I’ve done and the truth is all I can do is continue my sunny disposition for you.
Laurie Fisher May 2012
They say the Gardener comes
He waters the flowers,
and cares for them each day
and that of which follows
is amazing in the eyes of the insane

They say the Gardener comes
and you cannot see
because he is the epitome, of invisibility
you cannot see the figure of mystery
yet you accept without a moment of inquiry

They say the Gardener comes
each and every day
and that he is veracious
in everything that he may say
yet you cannot hear
the sounds they say he portrays

They say the Gardener is immortal
and that he is real
but, tell me the difference between imaginary
and the opposite of actuality

An enigma is all that I see
a problem to a baffling degree
its time to change how our minds perceive
let logic shine though
and wave good-bye to those who believe
in that of which deceives
Laurie Fisher Apr 2012
My eyes burn

My brain hurts

My wrists aches

At the brink, of a snap
Trying not, to step back
Cannot relax, not just yet
One more push, then I can forget.

Let it end swiftly
Let it end now
Let it end so we can finish this show.

All at once
The work begins to pounce
Got to get it done
So I can renounce.
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