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A calm air          
with drizzle          
of purity and scantity          
upon a land          
of chastity and fidelity.          
A swift wind          
with strength          
of hurricanes or tornadoes
sweeping the land          
off its chastity and fidelity.          
A barren land          
with people          
of no faith and love,          
iotas of chastity and fidelity          
became rare.
 Apr 2011 Lauren Nicole
Zo Nadine
I think that time would have stopped for us
If it could forever
I think that the sun would have shined
If it could forever
Or the moon would have slowly glowed
If it could forever

All of them sweetly watching
light smiles across all their faces
Books, thinking, writing
All paused, just for now to let us enjoy life
With each other

No planes, cars or distance
No maps or far off places or missing you
Just sand caught in between skin
Just hidden love caught between words
Powder of ashes like snowfall in winter

The air and army withered in a splinter

Smoky-grey flaky leaves dead and forgotten

Each cobblestone tinted and tainted

Things of dishearten

I stand in the middle of a big large road

With ashen embers resting on my lashes

My coat and tote limp from the bashes

People lay, some far away and some grey,

The death spell cast on all the bay

I feel a tug in my heart,

Shocked at the sight

Cursed fates for a deadly plight

I stand alone, guilty for having survived

No goodbyes or funerals to leave me teary-eyed

The carpet of carcasses in front of me lay

Left me with loud realization of a lonesome foray

I wished I were blamed for their unjustified departure

Or for my survival inexplicable in any form of literature

The sky now looks a faded rotten orange

With the embers settled like a thick mat on the ground

Suddenly the sound of tip tap made me jump

From my lost thoughts.

My coat and tote comes back to life

I feel a tug and around my calf a hug

The most innocent eyes looked up at me

And said, “Mommy, I want to go home please…”
 Apr 2011 Lauren Nicole
**** instructions
and rules
and healthy eating habits
You laugh
While I cry
Do you know
How much it hurts?

To have
Someone laugh
At the thought of
Being you

Why do you
Laugh so
Am I really that repulsive
To you?

Why do you
Hate me enough
To make me hurt?
Love is
reluctant to find me

It eludes me
for years at a time

When I find it
it's plucked form me,
without warning it's gone

And now
I think I've found it
with you

And it's here to stay
I swore
to listen to the

and only you
know what song
and only we
know what it

that song was beautiful
and so are you
and I pinky swore that I’d listen
and I’m listening to you
for you
As their yelling gets louder
I sink deeper into the abyss
The infinite colorless abyss I know so well
It accepts me back with no quarrel
As I sink, the noises silences
Soon it is just you and me
As we walk down the path
you tell me stories to keep my mind away
Stories of you, of me, of the world at bay
Anything to keep me from there
As much as i would like to stay
I know I must go back
But soon they'll get mad
and I'll be back again
Maybe one day I'll be able to stay
I will never have to leave
We will finally see the end of the path
and i will learn your name...
For now I will be happy with my visits
just for our walks together.
he talks too much in the morning
not even over coffee
not even over my listening ears
barrage of questions
thundering past my consciousness
i simply do not hear.

my mind is else where.
in someone elses coffee
in anothers ears
banging of hearts
clasping hands parting like waves
i simply do not live there.

taking for granite the days
was it really just seven months
how did we let this happen
i stir my coffee
drawing pictures of memories in the foam
i simply stare at the wall.

oh, i hear him again
what do you think of this
when do you think you will
i look up and smile
hiding my face
i simply do not live here.
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