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I could tell you of a story, of this flower that I saw.
Growing in a little crack, this flower had it all.
It's beauty got me thinking, how ****** we forget.
It isn't where we come from, it's that we never quit.
The struggles that this flower faced, no quiver nor a fall.
It rose above the chances,
through this crack that was so small.
The only will was life, and the chance that it may "be".
Exist in ways intended, and truly live as free.
This dandelions beauty, gives me the strength to know,
content with where I'm rooted, 
 and will to always grow.
The feeling of flesh
Skin against skin
Your breath
sends a tickle
up my spine
creating bumps
that are rough

The feeling of flesh
Skin against skin
That touch
that makes my palms sweat
and heart race
Slick and smooth
and hot all over.

The feeling of flesh
Skin against skin.
Soft and raw
at the same time
The barrier between
It’s funny how my skin
feels the same as yours
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