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mapped your cheekbones, delicate eyelids, tender lips with my dreams- all too desperate
inked my desires on your palms and thighs ,craving the touch of a lover in the midnight haze
painted acrylic on your ankles, rose trellis trailing to your toes,
its olive green leaves dotted with crystal clear dews-like breath of a fresh hope
sketched skyscrapers with yellow cabs at dawn, with light citrus sky burning bright like northern lights
slowly, softly kissing you in-between ,tracing our heartbeats with my lips
I was deserted like Nevada roads
cactus's and grainy sand clogging my veins
all too lonely without milestones engraved
then I met you, and that changed everything,
for you, my lover held my dreams and desires,
cupped in palms like a fragile yet determined dove
ready to fly, fixing its wings
you kissed my palm, and flew with me
to greater heights finally free
Its one of those days,when you just want curl up under the sheets,
and cry,till you cant feel anything.
But the tears never fall,
holding,trapping the pain inside.
She is drawn to SATAN like an addict to ******
She burns her fingertips, edging them into candle wax, mourning in the absence of Lucifer
“Dear valentine “she cries in the stark midnight, she won’t give in this time
She licks her raven shot gun, lining all the bullets in the form of pentagram
All she can hear is ringing in her head, he has made her weak,
Dangly calves, wrists scarred, teeth marks on her neck & heart scattered-
Like the ashes of his past lover’s
Traits of an incubus, seducing naïve women
Toying with their hearts, Masking his destructive tendencies, like a Russian politician
Eyes all pleasant lies, lips uttering praises for the rival’s spoken lines

Rough *** wont her mind, her heart wont subdue to his crimes
She is a fighter, he is a sinner
Smoke edged fingertips, lips turning into a wicked glee, bow down to the madhouse queen
Insanity is a welcomed relief, freedom from his infidelity
Pressing on the lever, pointed directly at his cerebrum
“Venomous mind, you should’ve have never thrown your heart in confines, you would have been alive”
CRACK! Led by a passage of dead silence, later morphed into scavengers screeching and agile flapping of inky wings.
i wrote this months ago,maybe in jan.i think this is the craziest thing i have ever written.
Dark side feels a lot more attractive when your naive,but when you have tasted it,you want to run.
Drive to the edge,this rush to feel free,
rambling off my skin and bones,
electrifying the nerve endings.
dizzying highs of the illuminating happiness
wind rushing though my pale hair,pleats of my ruby dress fluttering in the breeze
my fingertips reaching the starry sky,
like all these vast,embellished dreams-
are finally going to come true
freeing me from the disappointing hues.
i wrote this months ago,maybe in November,or December. its different from what i write these days.anyway,tell me what you think about this:)
Do not ask why (I) am sad for I do not know any better then you.
You'll only get annoyed for me not giving you a straight up answer,
You'll only think you (need)to work out a solution.
But please,
Don't tell me that (you) think I'm 'depressed' for I am not- I'm not upset all the time.
I can still smile once and a while,
I might even crack a giggle for a little.
A smile really does have a quiet rhythm to make people stop asking questions,
But at (t)w(o)AM at in the morning when everyone is asleep,
I am alone, -and oh my,
I feel so lonely.
I can't (help) but to get so down that I simply don't know what to do with myself,
I will do anything to avoid the feeling.
So please,
Don't leave (me) alone because ;
(I) (Need) (You) (To) (Help) (Me).
There are flowers in my hair,
and a smile on his face.
Daisies are my favorites,
and he can't be replaced.

I lost my place the other day,
reading a book, and forgetting my name.
Then I remembered things were changing,
and I wanted to fall away.

I held his hand Sunday morning,
while he was half asleep, and,
I drowned my thoughts in iced coffee.

I felt the dew on my finger tips,
and the warmth floating in the air.
Daisies were growing around me,
and there was a smile on my face.

I held his locket in my palm,
and pulled petals off of flowers.
He loves me,
he loves me not.
Words like these define me,
when I haven't got a name.
Disaster hits me silently,
it's such a clever little game.

I pretend I don't see reasons,
I neglect them, like all of my feelings.
Then I bury my words with my ashes,
dirt gets kicked on them as each person passes.

Don't mistake my trophy, for
some silly piece of art.
It's just a little delicate,
of stone, or, you might call it,
my heart.

The scars on my knuckles turn silver,
when I lie through the gaps in my teeth.
My eyes turn to that of a sinner,
when I find there's a secret to keep.

The twine over wrists is pathetic,
while a Raven just pecks at my feet.
I can't fathom that you'd think your clever,
while I sit here, and "praise" you, forever.
i don't need you to hold my hand
anymore to reassure me that you're there,
but sometimes i still get scared, so
i'm begging you tonight--
because this is the scariest road i've ever had to cross and i don't know what to do when all my friends have to go and i have to stay so please stay with me too.  i don't need you to be here every day like i'd like you to be, but don't tell me it would hurt less to just stop talking now because that's bull and you know it.  
holy crap i'm freaking out.  i'm sorry, i feel like i use hp more as a diary than i should.
maybe, just maybe, somebody
hollowed out the empty spaces in
the trees at crescent park
just as a secret message to me,
to remind me that it's okay
for beautiful things to feel empty.
to **** a mockingbird is boss.  i can't believe it's been two years since i've read it, i really need to pick it up again.
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