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connections are strange.
And i wonder what kind we have.
i know i love you and i know you love me.

do we have a spiritual connection?
meant to teach eachother about the world in our own eyes?
or is it only physical?
only when you touch me or when i kiss you?

do we have a mental connection?
can we trust eachother with secrets and
or is that too much for you?

we joke, but we dont have many deep talks.
not about us,
or even the weather and how it makes us feel.
i try,
but are you interested?

do you try to hide from me?
thats how it seems.
only short answers and "yes, im fine."
but i know otherwise.

why wont you confide in me?
thats what im here for.

Every day i feel more and more as though
youre using me as a distraction.
from the trauma
from the curiosity,
from the confusion.

are you?
Velcro-like hands
Grip and pull
At every thread of his textile presence
As a spider clings
to her
silky haven in the rain

With every tear
she grows less stable
And every shudder
draws hopes of Heaven
Past this haven, in the tree branch, that she built her life upon

And the web; it softly whispers
It is trapped in finite murmur
Once high hopes of hereafter, embroider fears that she “was once”

In the rain,
she is suspended
Thoughts thieved away by daydream
Her mind drifts back to sunny lives
And her Velcro-like grasp
Just a little.
brief instances when
hands meet and you
would very much like
to linger.
(c) Brooke Otto
Blood of a blueberry gushing down with tears.
Simple song and a car ride, maybe I feel something.
Your textual messages arouse my soul.
I helped my dad **** the front garden and we found a praying mantis.
Babies go from hopscotch to jumping street lines.
Blue glitter nail polish on a white coffee table.
I made an alien out of Play-Doh yesterday.
Wanting has driven me insane.
Chapstick, skim milk, platypus, wooden door,
Tickle me until I cry.
I don't know what anything means,
Least of all, this poem.
Mason jars filled to their rims with iced tea and my tears
I've packed this picnic lunch for two but now only need enough for one
We sat on the cool gray rocks and looked out at the ocean
The way it reflected the suns light made the world seem at peace
But then your voice disturbed the silence and stillness in the air
And it filled my ears with the cruel phrase that escaped your lips
"I can't play this part anymore, I don't love you"
My heart broke like the waves lapping at the shore
The quiet stillness had forever been broken as your lips motioned still
And even though I knew you were talking, the words made not a single sound
For in my mind all that echoed was the proclamation of your non-feelings
My eyes stung with the brutality of your beautiful jaw moving up and down
They filled with water saltier than the ocean before us
And then the world crashed to a close as I became a used to be
Unloveable and just another part of your history
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