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Put out my eyes, and I can see you still,
Slam my ears to, and I can hear you yet;
And without any feet can go to you;
And tongueless, I can conjure you at will.
Break off my arms, I shall take hold of you
And grasp you with my heart as with a hand;
Arrest my heart, my brain will beat as true;
And if you set this brain of mine afire,
Then on my blood-stream I yet will carry you.
 Oct 2012 Lauren
I am Me
 Oct 2012 Lauren
I am me,
Trying to survive in this thunderous sea.

I am me,
Writing for the world to see.

I am me,
Who else would I be?

I am the affect,
The effect.

I am me,
Rather awed.

I am me,
Often odd.

I am me,
Pea of the pod.

I am me,
I am I.
 Oct 2012 Lauren
Lisa DAuria
If I were to die today,
What would they feel?
What would they say?

Would they beg on their knees,
or lower themselves to pray?

Would they think about yesterday,
or would they dwell on today?

Would they find blue skies,
or search in a world of gray?
 Oct 2012 Lauren
Say something about me, now that I'm no longer around
Say she was no good
Say she was the best
Say she was never to be messed with
But remember to say I fought

Say I did no good
Say I never hurt a soul
Say I flew for others
Say I never cried by myself
But remember to say I fought

Say whenever whatever
Say "her pride and ego"
Say what I believed
Say "all the lies and truth"
But remember to say I fought

Say I never kept my word
Say I was loyal to the core
Say my corpse may rot in hell
Say I healed your heart
But remember to say I fought

Say prayers and curses
Sing lovely hymns and songs
Say you hate me, say you love me
But to remember to say I fought

Show them my wounds and trophies
Show them my life wrought with disdain
Show them my laughter and tears
Show them how I fought through it all

Say whenever whatever
Say "her pride her ego"
Say what I believed
Say "all the lies and truth"
But remember to say I fought

Say what others don't say
Say what others won't say
Say what others didn't know
Say what others wouldn't know

But say along with the others

"She was a fighter"
 Oct 2012 Lauren
We Can
 Oct 2012 Lauren
Darling on the moon we can run
And babe we could walk on the sun
if you step along
and hold my hand
sing a song
and count the grains of sand, with me

And Darling we can have the sweetest strawberry treat
the ones we took from the clouds beneath our feet
which we happened to paint
in a wonderful dream
your lights not faint
its a big bright beam

Honey in the clouds we can hide
it doesn't have to be outside
but if you depart
i will stay
you say thats not smart
but i didn't waste my day, for you

And Honey we can drift and float
in outer space with out a boat
ill take you to see
the birth of a star
and you will be
amazed at how beautiful they are, just like you.
For Julianna
copyright Vino Martinez 2010
 Oct 2012 Lauren
Megan Jessie
 Oct 2012 Lauren
Megan Jessie
I'm afraid to lose you,
I don't know what to do.
Stay with me tonight,
Stay if you love me,
Tell me that you love me;
Or leave me be,
 Oct 2012 Lauren
K Mitchell
I miss your lips against my lips.
Your hands on my hands.
My knees on your knees.
My nose on your neck.
Your eyes and my eyes.
And that being ok.

I miss sleep.
With you.
I miss hugging
and laughing
and being
with  you.

I miss your lips against my lips.
I miss your hips against my hips.
I miss your face and my face.
and our noses inches apart.
And our eyes.
And our hands.

at a time.

I miss your lips against my lips.
Your hands on my hands.
Your eyes and my eyes.

Can I come over?
 Oct 2012 Lauren
Fred McCarthy
my soul
to Satan to
make you love
as i have loved you
unconditionally. And He
told me that i could have your
heart If i give him your soul Too So
i said yes, as long as i can possess Your
only heart for good. No matter where we
would end up i don't care as long as we
are together and i have your heart for
good. Hell or death as long as you
are with me. Give yourself to
him, my love. And we will
live together forever
in eternity just
you and
How far would you go to win a heart?
 Oct 2012 Lauren
For The Best
 Oct 2012 Lauren
There's a hole in my chest;
I filled it with pain
It brought me no gain
Perhaps it was for the best.

There's a hole in my chest;
I filled it with gaiety
It all leaked out, leaving me quite empty
Perhaps it was for the best.

There's a hole in my chest;
I filled it with friends
But I am still left alone at the end
Perhaps it was for the best.

There's a hole in my chest;
I filled it with pleasure
There was never enough to measure
Perhaps it was for the best.

There's a hole in my chest;
I filled it with resentment and bitterness.
Something is still amiss.
Perhaps it is for the best.
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