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45 · Apr 2020
Scribbles that Dribble
That foot
goes over there
Arm tilted here
Chin up, square up

Pounce, bounce
Swish, swoosh
Feet squeaks against the greasy floor

The ball drips with sweat
jostle, muscled

arms tauter than string
or rope

she reaches, dances, jumps, SCORES

twenty-FIVE    toooo    sevenTEEN
blares, the ref, roars

citizens -1, netizens - none
44 · May 2020
Book burnings
sheets of music and worlds poured out
silently like unrestrained tears
wood burned
with paper
knowledge was stripped away, leaving pale empty marks behind
the world didn't take notice of its loss
42 · Sep 2020
the raggy, dripping sacks of cloth,
marks the dusty road with its tear-
an ant scurries,
a chewed-off cricket leg, balanced,
between the ant's narrow legs
swaying side to side
drops the limb in the drop of an eye
the ant reaches
a tiny drop of water
from the pool of sorrow
42 · May 2020
Book of Hopes
I unfolded a melody
tears swam in the margins

candles of war, unrequited love, and poetry
winked at me
from the ink

spelled out
penciled in
the faded ink, deckled edges, tiny wooden flecks
marginalized, coated on paper

of the book
I hold, now close
41 · Apr 2020


hair bands
on each
Do you know this person?

Next part is 'Discovery'!
a long ramble
and jamble
Talks to self in the mirror, pep talks
You see, you're
still in the stage of finding yourself.
I don't know who this if for,
but what I know is that you
can change the world.
No, it is not a matter of 'can', but a matter of
41 · May 2020
Hope, the survivor maker
a fluttering weakling
Yet immortal, unextinguishable
a gentle candle, hypnotizing you in the dark

It can heal a heart, save up a life
It is an abstract work of beauty given life

It resounds in one's hearts, beats to one's heartbeat

is a fighting beam of light
41 · May 2020
dancing with yourself
he sparred a silvery mist into melodies
danced and danced,
as roses sprinkled into the air

scattered petals rained down onto jubilant hands
As they fell, a light pattering of rain darted between them
Her fingers plucked
the strings-

all over

She struck
the hollow

on her knee

Her bow
danced across
silvery strings
She breathed


and started

playing double time
for me
I imagined this as a song
41 · Apr 2020
Let it rain
'Thud, thud, thud' whispered
the drops of the sky's tears
drip, dripping on me
40 · May 2020
What is love?
true happiness?

often we find them (though not all)
as the fiery catalyst for our choices
our future
and for our dreams.
40 · May 2020
Cold empty halls,
protective equipment
can it protect
the never ending hurt?

Besides teachers,
doctors are planters

Life is a fragile thing to toy with
but not too fragile
that it can't be fixed
40 · May 2020
but I didn't sneeze?

when else are
we presented with
present one other with
a previous  

abundance upon abundance,
let us seek
39 · May 2020
artificial sleep
What have we dreamt?
artificial trees
artificial lights that can't compete with the Sky's glitter
artificial rivers
and homelands
and spontaneous desires

Artificial pleasures
and things of this world
although they weren't pleasant, they
were just "sweet dreams"
hello, Fahrenheit 451
39 · May 2020
you can't help it
if you're born the way you are
if the world is being cruel to you about it
39 · May 2020
Moisture fills the room
Water droplets paint the humid, dripping glass
It's 99 degrees!
The broken AC screams:
rejects strangers in the house
Nevermind technicians
is just peachy
Heartfelt empathic poetry to the poor soul who has this situation! it is possible haha
39 · Apr 2020
Woven Music
I stitched on a poem
needled it into my mother's scarf.

As I sowed, my needle keened
joyously, out a chorus of thread!

But when that lifeline ended
and the thread was no more,
it copied itself onto a new melody.

did I really need
that        scarf?
39 · Apr 2020
I found her.
She's hiding.
She's in the halls
of the greats.
She's got the same spark
the same confident glint in her eye.
But where's that bright smile?
The skip in her walk?
The fizzy hair bands had shrunk
shrunk down
to two.
Two is better than one.
But she's alone,
without you.

Come back home
37 · May 2020
Broken Hearts
the red paper heart
oozing thick black blood
drops onto the ground, thud

little creatures of shards of red form
Searching for
other hearts broken
like their own
Every romance/YA/teen romance novel ever!
36 · May 2020
Looking down
at the bottom left ripped corner,
I saw
a glimpse of your smile.
In the picture
in the picture
in the picture
you were there.

flipped back memories

A flickering light
of a dripping, white candle
waiting for a hush

I blew
it out.
Inspired from the song 'Memories'! obviously :)
36 · Sep 2020
tastes like sugar
made of the moon's shine
and the crust between its craters
The powdery flour
bursts into the air
flakes falling softly
as the footsteps of astronauts leave behind permanent indentations
fake sweets swirled in a papery blinding smile
bits of teeth shavings, ***** soup of century-old snow
tiny cubic centimeters of white
particles dusting the wooden table
onto the sea of churning black dots below
35 · May 2020
shines and snags your mind
drags it into
the world of poetry
hullo, poetry!
34 · May 2020
His fire, His Spirit
cannot be denied
cannot be overcome

cannot be doused by the water of the world

The Holy Spirit

is that eternal fire
Stood there, in the rain
a fluttering sensation
wet hair, bright spirits
34 · May 2020
Reckless Love
of God
Crashes over me
like an eternal
ocean of waves
34 · May 2020
Creative power
punches through in
'n' hip-hop

Passion bleeds out and through chants
still, and in beat

Jazzy gospel blues filter through the heavy rain
uplifted voices, they soar above the canopy and waving arms

34 · Apr 2020
Laying back on the soft grass,
I whisper your song.
The clouds are fluffy and white,
the blue skies are peaceful and bright.
The picture of paradise.
You wouldn't know
someone is slowly dying
right there.
Under the tree.
That's me.
*Donate funds and help out hospitals, medical centers, and other health-related facilities during the pandemic.*
34 · May 2020
the greatest sacrifice
Was on the Cross
nothing can compare
33 · May 2020
we are social creatues
endless drops of time
into other people's glassy mason jars
but did this predicament
help you give a little more love to yourself?
33 · Apr 2020
Oh, bucket lists!
Harsh blinding glaring light,
eyes fluttering,
heart rendered!

Eyes quivering into spindles, as
knees wobble,
reverberating hands shake.

You teeter onto the edge.
'I wish',
you think,
'risk didn't taste
so sweet,
didn't shape
my late list of to-do's.

But it
too late for
33 · Apr 2020
I see
myself in
the gentle sheen, where a pale figure stares
and beams
back at me

(cue: "i am confusion")
32 · May 2020
can you trust?
Trust to spread your arms like a bird,
a trill singing from your heart
falling back back
a comfort of feathers and tears
32 · Apr 2020
In my broken hands,
I hold,

scripted dances of hopes
only for you

to unfold
32 · May 2020
Dragon slayer
she unsheathed her weapon
her inner contents ripped loose-

Black blood hissed on her clear, sharp blade

She disciplined their ignorance and hate

Blood droplets rained, footsteps drummed on the floor
Who needs a knight, when you can slay your own dragons?  

She let no-one move her.
but she.
32 · May 2020
You may mock
"those tourists"
Sneer at the foreign language you think are blasting
in your ear

Would they think you

any better?
32 · May 2020
I am fearfully rubbed, smeared with dark, drying black blood
The Huntress smoothly takes the arrow out
the creature, crumbled up, looks as though in sleep
The Huntress picks up, slings her over her shoulders neatly

I hate her
I cherish and mourn the blood that stains my peaceful green
I vow to mark the place where the graceful deer had lain on
But as I vow, a big set of doe-eyes peer at me through the dark gloom

My friend's only child
a young fawn
Narrator: grass
31 · Apr 2020
A Painted Picture
A dripping branch
dipping into a
swirling pond
admonishing the
blushing pond lilies
31 · May 2020
Trust in You
Even when I don't see You
Even when I can't hear You, can't physically touch You
I know that You are there
You are here
You are here
31 · Apr 2020
My forehead reads,
"nothing here"
My back twists,
"kick here"
My heart sings,
"break here"

My name tag blares,
"surviving here"
31 · Apr 2020
One Terrible Host
The rain drops spelt out a dance of words
They would twirl and sink, flop around and blink
The sun came out
Now a disco party's happening
making the drops shine and gleam,
but when will it be night?
Tik tok
Tik tok
The moon crept up
pounced on the sun.
"YAY" said the droplets. "NOW LET'S HAVE SOME FUN"

The moon was deaf
The moon was blind
The moon was vain
without a hair in sight

The moon was a party wrecker, but
another host the drops couldn't find.

The droplets grumbled and sank back
"Tomorrow we can and shall find
someone better,
like the sun! We have in mind"

The sun came out!
"YES" screamed the water

Alas, they had only half a second to spare
till they were dried
to bare to bare

at least
soon, they will be birthed sky-high
in the clouded
31 · Apr 2020
Sweet Treats
Bright yellow suns
with glowing white orbs
A splash of colors
on your white coat.
Pink blossoms bloom
out of rusted, old pots.

I seek, I rush to find
a sweet
from the bag of soft dreams
resting by your side.
31 · Aug 2020
in the bloom of the moon,
tears of a fragile lamb,
whispers of the oak trees,
and the flickering lamp
of life-

a Snicker
of Magic
Read 'A Snicker of Magic'!
30 · May 2020
The blue bird trilled
'oh, what a wonderful, jubilant day!'
a baby bird is hatched
30 · May 2020
Reflecting waters
I look down at the water
fluffy clouds and solid trees
a glorious crystal sun and a silent pale moon
stars sprinkling their glitter across the heavens
a white butterfly flutters and blushes
my soul sings somber music
For what do we all have to do
to get that peace?
songs: Waymaker, So Will I, Reckless Love, Came to My Rescue,...
30 · May 2020
Pandemic time
I sit numb and cold
The hard chair bites me awake
Time flew- 1:30 a.m.
30 · May 2020
They just wanted to be
No, I tell them. Be your kind of beautiful.
30 · May 2020
We are life's greatest mystery
'biology' 'anatomy'- just terms attempting to define who we are
One of the things that truly defines us
is just being us
My heritage, my language, the color of my skin
your heritage, your language, the color of your skin
All the more, it makes us
who we are
n no one can refuse us of what's our given right
28 · Apr 2020
anorexia nervosa
I have a friend
with struggle spelled in her eyes
tears that leak,
ing down to
her stomach
is flat-

Bony are her elbows
wobbly knees
and ankles.
She runs day and night,
screams rebound across the sea.

I have a friend called
An. Ne.

She can be in
She can be in
28 · Apr 2020
A Pup in a Sock
My name is pup
and when I sleep
inside a sock
its yarn I eat

I open my eyes
the sun is up!
I eat more string
My name is pup
Check this pic out ->
Not mine! Credit goes to its owner.

I'm talking about the pup in the left. It looks more sneaky.
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