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May 2020 · 64
you can't help it
if you're born the way you are
if the world is being cruel to you about it
May 2020 · 49
said that girls were the weaker gender
needed a man?
you've forgotten
That women were created
to be men's helper
May 2020 · 36
The glistening gleam in her eye
Knew that she needed one person
to hug her close
May 2020 · 57
shines and snags your mind
drags it into
the world of poetry
hullo, poetry!
May 2020 · 47
it was his silence that
ripped open the rest of the faltering stitches
May 2020 · 42
upon the river
Sing His praises
beyond the sea!
May 2020 · 54
Realistic apparitions float
tied in between the misty gloom
A budding trickling stream of words
erupt from sodden books
A raging pent-up fire explode
Tiny fiery sparks kiss my nose
Stood there, in the rain
a fluttering sensation
wet hair, bright spirits
May 2020 · 84
It's so easy to think of others
do we really know them
for whatever it's worth?

Shallow friendships
are meaningless
That's one thing.
But to hate someone solely from
their appearance-

think of someone doing that to

By a wide
does it changes
thee's perspective!
that way, we can start the tiny step of taking care of each other....and making the world into a better, happier, and more welcoming place.
that way no one gets hurt (esp if it's for absolutely no reason)
May 2020 · 85
Richer...than the finest chocolate.
Full of life and strength.
Swipes you right off your feet.
We don't know someone
not at all
until they begin to open up
Inspired by ->
CHECK OUT Former FLOTUS Michelle Obama's AWESOME autobio! It's one of the best books that I ever read! <3 :)
May 2020 · 89
His fire, His Spirit
cannot be denied
cannot be overcome

cannot be doused by the water of the world

The Holy Spirit

is that eternal fire
May 2020 · 60
artificial sleep
What have we dreamt?
artificial trees
artificial lights that can't compete with the Sky's glitter
artificial rivers
and homelands
and spontaneous desires

Artificial pleasures
and things of this world
although they weren't pleasant, they
were just "sweet dreams"
hello, Fahrenheit 451
May 2020 · 161
Teachers change the World
instruments of education
Too low pay
They are the backdrop of the world
They propel leaders, CEOs, valuable doctors, engineers and scientists
with ground-breaking works
They teach
They guide
They love
They are kind
Their teachings are the ones
that help us survive.
We grow
We heal
We are illiterate and blind
to the ways of the world.
we can learn
we can read
we can climb
fight, to transform the world
May 2020 · 63
Cold empty halls,
protective equipment
can it protect
the never ending hurt?

Besides teachers,
doctors are planters

Life is a fragile thing to toy with
but not too fragile
that it can't be fixed
May 2020 · 63
Creative power
punches through in
'n' hip-hop

Passion bleeds out and through chants
still, and in beat

Jazzy gospel blues filter through the heavy rain
uplifted voices, they soar above the canopy and waving arms

May 2020 · 72
-ing flowers
wrapped around me
hidden thorns
May 2020 · 73
Reflecting waters
I look down at the water
fluffy clouds and solid trees
a glorious crystal sun and a silent pale moon
stars sprinkling their glitter across the heavens
a white butterfly flutters and blushes
my soul sings somber music
For what do we all have to do
to get that peace?
songs: Waymaker, So Will I, Reckless Love, Came to My Rescue,...
May 2020 · 45
One eye held up to a leaf
where I see the same creases on my hand
a drop of dew collects at the tip
the green is almost blinding
May 2020 · 89
I looked up
my vision rimmed with tall, graceful green trees

I spun
wearing a dress of stars

the blackness only
reminded me
how bright
the stars were
May 2020 · 54
I ran
in the beach in front of me
clear white sand shifted

The waves embraced the shoreline
was sent away, again and again
behooving the other

I smiled at the sight
a breeze ruffled my hair
the sun kissed my eyes
I tripped over
a half-buried shell
into my majestic artwork of sand

Laughter only colored the picturesque sight
May 2020 · 53
up the mountains
past the tall, proud evergreens
and the bashful dots of flowers
look down:
the world only appears smaller
than it seems
May 2020 · 56
Trust in You
Even when I don't see You
Even when I can't hear You, can't physically touch You
I know that You are there
You are here
You are here
May 2020 · 145
I, the observer
watch. you, gripping at safety in
schools of fish, shifting
with the currents
you dart back and forth
back and
I watch, in still motion

Late in time, in the smudged
glass, I see
rain dripping all over me
May 2020 · 43
i felt that
she stood on the stage, shivering
a harsh light awoke her
we watched the fire, ignite within her
I felt her indignant words
deep inside of me
ignited, along with her

I walked up to her
tapped her shoulder.

she turned around, surprised.
I said.
"I felt that"
inspired from a wonderful and powerful TED talk by Sarah Kay, a poet who does spoken poetry..."If I had a daughter"
May 2020 · 70
Hope, the survivor maker
a fluttering weakling
Yet immortal, unextinguishable
a gentle candle, hypnotizing you in the dark

It can heal a heart, save up a life
It is an abstract work of beauty given life

It resounds in one's hearts, beats to one's heartbeat

is a fighting beam of light
May 2020 · 52
I am fearfully rubbed, smeared with dark, drying black blood
The Huntress smoothly takes the arrow out
the creature, crumbled up, looks as though in sleep
The Huntress picks up, slings her over her shoulders neatly

I hate her
I cherish and mourn the blood that stains my peaceful green
I vow to mark the place where the graceful deer had lain on
But as I vow, a big set of doe-eyes peer at me through the dark gloom

My friend's only child
a young fawn
Narrator: grass
May 2020 · 38
The Huntress and the Deer
trodden upon by the graceful creature,
but I could not complain
I tickle her hooves


something heavy, soft, and delicate falls onto me,  
I am aware of a dripping, sticky sensation on me
I have seen it before, in wars, in accidents, in births, in genocides, in ******-

Her doe-eyes round and glassy
I weep, shaking the dew off of me

Something two-footed, sure-footed stomps on me quickly, quick-breathed
I peer up
A huntress
with her bow
with her arrows

I examined the creature carefully-
a black, smeared arrow jutted out from her side
I wept, unable to do more than sing
waving my arms, up to the trees
The narrator is...grass
May 2020 · 89
Book burnings
sheets of music and worlds poured out
silently like unrestrained tears
wood burned
with paper
knowledge was stripped away, leaving pale empty marks behind
the world didn't take notice of its loss
We are foolish
who are we to think that we will, must
live until we're well into late digits?

is a far more precious gift than we think
May 2020 · 46
water under the bridge
shudders the swirling depths
swallowing echoes, fear, and broken blood stained chips
the resounding silence
underneath the looming shoulder of iron
May 2020 · 45
My dna
is not genetics
It's a free-spirited, unheld laughter
a ecstatic twinkle in my eyes
It's the loving smile
the humour dripping through my words
Was it passed down? Like my eyes, my hair?
Or is it all,
all just me?
May 2020 · 87
Sola fid
by faith, I stand
My ID states-
a child of God
May 2020 · 63
but I didn't sneeze?

when else are
we presented with
present one other with
a previous  

abundance upon abundance,
let us seek
May 2020 · 478
the waves rose the waves fell the waves rose the waves fell; the waves roused the waves, and fell the waves; it rose the waves and fell the waves that rose yet the waves did fell; the waves rose the waves fell and their waves rose to the waves that fell; the waves rose and rose, but then other waves fell; the waves rose the waves that fell the waves which rose; the waves felt the waves rose; the waves fell as the waves rose; the waves fell against the waves that rose; the waves fell and the waves rose; the waves fell and the waves rose but the waves that fell felt the next waves that rose; the waves fell to its knees; the waves rose in droves; the waves fell and wept; the waves rose to help; the waves fell the waves rose the waves fell the waves rose; on and on the waves fell with the waves that rose; watch the waves that fell when the waves rose; the waves fell in wells, sipping from the waves which rose; the waves fell the waves rose on and on the waves fell for the waves that rose; the waves fell in the deep; the waves rose and lifted its kin in heaps; the waves fell with the waves who rose; the waves fell hard for the waves that rose; the waves fell to the waves who rose and rose the waves that fell to those waves that had rose; the waves fell the waves rose the waves fell the waves rose the waves fell and fell for the waves to rose; the waves fell the waves rose the waves fell the waves rose the waves fell in shock to see the waves rose their waves which fell; the waves rose the waves fell the waves rose and rose; the waves fell and the waves rose; the waves fell the waves rose the waves fell the waves rose the waves in their fell; the waves rose the waves fell the waves rose the waves fell; weeping, the waves rose, for the waves who fell; the waves rose the waves fell the waves rose the waves fell; time trickled to and by as the waves rose and the waves fell; the waves rose the waves fell the waves rose the waves fell; hurt and weak, the waves rose from the waves that fell; the waves rose the waves fell the waves rose but their waves fell

on and on and on
                  we see, they
and      fell
May 2020 · 44
that hurt breaking inside
I know it does
everyone knows
and want it,
Their dreams of
or dreads
                of the eventual,
inevitable pain

but don't throw yourself too far
because a person has been fair and cold
like the subtle reference to Gilbert and Anne? :)
From 'Anne of the Island'; third in Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery!!
May 2020 · 46
bad romance
swirls of crumbled up trust and hesitant leaps of faith
May 2020 · 64
weathering a conundrum
when the rain's a-pouring
and your keys ditched you for the gutter
and your heart's trodden by pig trotters
your mind soggy
your eyes drippy

let the sky's tears soak you in
May 2020 · 76
Portal to self
why open a door
when you can open up a book?
the door, yes, can lead you somewhere
but a book can make you free
May 2020 · 50
bless you too
pour out
your emotions
poem a poem
a soothing balm
hark! the cry of an young infant
disrupts the calm
and peaceful night
Happy Mother's Day! <3
May 2020 · 66
dancing with yourself
he sparred a silvery mist into melodies
danced and danced,
as roses sprinkled into the air

scattered petals rained down onto jubilant hands
As they fell, a light pattering of rain darted between them
May 2020 · 40
can you unreserve your heart's desires
and dump it out in front of me?
May 2020 · 43
dropping salad bar
rumbled greens tossed in the air
glittering in the light
returning down down down to-
a pool of mustard yellow

Adorned with square blocks of bread
a radish slice dangled over your head
onions dance around, prance
as dots of light green dots the darker shade-

as slices of chicken square dance, double-time
as a rumble, a tumble, greater than thunder crackling is heard-
a flash of metal striking faster than a cobra rears its ugly head, barrels in ouch!

<We have a lost several comrades: two greens, one chicken sliced, one mustard sauce, four lean radish slices>

We are in a war.
drop the beat, no salad
May 2020 · 45
Wishes that flew
Right from my fingertips
into your smiling face
May 2020 · 55
Looking down
at the bottom left ripped corner,
I saw
a glimpse of your smile.
In the picture
in the picture
in the picture
you were there.

flipped back memories

A flickering light
of a dripping, white candle
waiting for a hush

I blew
it out.
Inspired from the song 'Memories'! obviously :)
May 2020 · 68
Broken Hearts
the red paper heart
oozing thick black blood
drops onto the ground, thud

little creatures of shards of red form
Searching for
other hearts broken
like their own
Every romance/YA/teen romance novel ever!
May 2020 · 78
Book of Hopes
I unfolded a melody
tears swam in the margins

candles of war, unrequited love, and poetry
winked at me
from the ink

spelled out
penciled in
the faded ink, deckled edges, tiny wooden flecks
marginalized, coated on paper

of the book
I hold, now close
slip slide
a sheet of snow
edges razor sharp

punched with ink,
A hunk of noisy metal and plastic
violently vomited
a flat panda
May 2020 · 51
The air kissed my nose
reached out to catch falling dreams-
slipped through its fingers
May 2020 · 41
reflection in a teardrop
swirling green in those swirling blues

the opulent corners rotting,
pieces falling

polluted by rotting flesh and glassy shards and
swarming black hornets

the teardrop hisses from the sting, then
May 2020 · 70
Dragon slayer
she unsheathed her weapon
her inner contents ripped loose-

Black blood hissed on her clear, sharp blade

She disciplined their ignorance and hate

Blood droplets rained, footsteps drummed on the floor
Who needs a knight, when you can slay your own dragons?  

She let no-one move her.
but she.
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