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Behold the mighty cloud
That floats above the rest, and is proud
Of it. His fluffiness no teddy bear
Can match. Snow is jealous beyond compare
Of his whiteness, and the fact that he
Can make rain, hail, or snow be.
The trees themselves cower and shake
When he yells thunderously, and quake
When his rage electrifies the night.
He can fly low, create fog, and banish sight
Or soar in the sky with the wind, his friends,
Who help him move faster than a car tends
To go. His awesomeness no other can show.
Where does the time go?
Yes, it seems everyone asks this
While they watch as a time they know
Slowly goes into the dark abyss.
I, like many others, swear
To only look for ten minutes, at most,
Okay, perhaps ten more if I dare,
Upon the new twitter post.
But I cannot resist the pull
I feel towards the status updates
Maybe I really am a fool
For wasting time when homework awaits.
A child need not be very clever
To learn that "Later, dear" means "Never."
We are like two oreos from the same package
So why do I sometimes feel we go together like orange juice and tooth paste?
You are ALL of the things that I've ever wanted in a girl

...Except for a lot of things.

Am I selfish?
Is it you or is it me?
It's sort of like that Clash song.
Should I stay? Should I go?
The trouble is guaranteed.
Are you worth the trouble?
I want you to be worth the trouble.
I love you.
Whether you want to hear that or not.
I must be selfish.
I'm thinking too much
I ALWAYS. think. too. much.
I know I love you.
Even though I think too much.
No thought required.
The last three lines form a haiku.
In a creepy old house I
found a creepy old doll.
I bent to pick it up
and boy did I have a fall.
I stood up had a lump
on my head, but
otherwise alright.
I looked out the window,
day had turned to night.
I looked and looked but
did not find the doll.
I turned to leave and there
it was hanging by it's neck
against the wall.
It's creepy smile seemed to say,
"Come and play with me my friend.
We can play forever
without any end."
To get out of this house
I ran for the door.
But there was no way out.
It was not there anymore.
Through a window I
threw a heavy bust.
The window smashed and
there was a ton of dust.
I looked out the window
but there was no ground,
we seemed to be
floating in air.
I said, No, no
this just isn't fair!"
I felt a hand upon
my shoulder, I let
out a scream.
I heard someone say,
"Wake up honey
your having a dream."
I opened my eyes
to see my husbands
concerned face.
I breathed a sigh of
relief, I was in
a safe place.
My eyes grew heavy
and as I was returning
to sleep, I heard
my husband say,
"Go back to sleep
my friend,
then you
can play forever
without any end."

Shirley Smothers
This would have been perfect for Halloween. But I am now just posting it.
Swallow my self-loathing and let it fill me up with shame.
I'll never be what I want to be,
And all hope is hollow.

Abstracted, I'll watch you live my life and contemplate whether it's all worthwhile…
The constant misery of being lost in a world of grey, with all the colors slipping so fast and easily from my fingers.
The constant realization that the good in this world is too slight
And that we're all numbing ourselves from the truth with lies and shiny pictures
The constant shadow of wonderful days at my heels, growing further and further away each instant until

This unnatural, cruel, teasing sun is behind me, and it left with those shadows.

So now, I face nothing to live for.
Now, somewhere inside me
A little life is left
A new heartbeat has woken up
I came to know that I am alive
That kind of dedication is there in this moment
This moment was not mine

It is in front of me
Should I die or should I live?
Should I kiss the happiness or should I cry a little?
Should I die or should I live?

Now, somewhere inside me
A little life is left
The body which was burning in the sun
Has got the shade of a tree
Like the smile of an angry child
Has bloosomed after cajoling
My heart can feel something like that
Like ointment has been applied on an ages old wound
That kind of mercy is there in this moment
This moment was not mine
It is standing in front of me
Should I touch it?
Should I die or should I live?
Should I kiss the happiness or should I cry a little?
Should I die or should I live?

Like the kite which has been cut of from the string
Was my life
Today is mine, tomorrow may or may not be mine
That was my story everyday
A new bond is calling me now from behind
Why is tomorrow worrying me?
One ***** like this
Is there in this moment
This moment was not mine
It is standing in front of me
Should I touch it?
Should I die or should I live?
Should I kiss the happiness or should I cry a little?
Should I die or should I live?

You will never
The impact that you will make on me
I will not tell

You see-
Not out of fear,
But out of extreme love,

I am called to write for you,
And do so.
I made you a sign above your door
Stating what others don’t know.

You will
Listen, yes
You will
Learn, yes
You see the scars that I have,
Looking past them
You see- me

But you will cry for me-
Tears that mean so much,
Flowing down a face
That says, you are safe.
And that safety you spell
Whispers into my ear- go,

Go and be with the world.
Don’t hide behind your misspelled words
Don’t let your actions define you.

You press me to read,
Laughter in the form of
I can’t stop.
I am glad for knowing you,
But mostly I am glad for letting you know me.
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