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I like to love you from a distance
Not because I am afraid to approach
But because from this far
Your ridges are smooth
your smell faint
gaze passing

I like to love you from a distance
Not because I fear your response
But because from this far
There are no need for words
Sights are all we have
And the moments know many tongues

I like to love you from a distance
Not because I am coward
But because his arms are wrapped around my waist
And each time my head turns to look
Your way, he simply cups my chin
and kisses me so passionately
that of course, I must close my eyes.
Death alone is full of grace                    
Death smiles through a blind man's face
Death can hide the greatest shame
Death can wipe away your pain    
Death does nothing for the weak
Death can help you hide and seek
My lover asks me:
"What is the difference between me and the sky?"
The difference, my love,
Is that when you laugh,
I forget about the sky.

— The End —