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Lana Fraser Sep 2013
there's this girl;
lets call her

katherine is sad;
katherine is sad all the time.
when katherine gets sad
it hurts
and when it hurts,
it hurts a lot

katherine wants the pain
to stop.

katherine has scars.
Lana Fraser Sep 2013
i fall asleep
with plans to change the world

i wake up
wondering why it didn't end in my sleep
Lana Fraser Sep 2013
palm to palm
let's sway;
dance my doubts

nothing short
of feigned hope,
we shuffle
in kaleidoscope

but we moved as if
we knew traits of love
no timidity for the below
or above
i don't know what else
Lana Fraser Sep 2013
i am a star;
a dead star
so out of this world

you, on earth
soul still intact
untouched by realities,
look up

the light you see
is a lie

for reality is,
i am dead
Lana Fraser Sep 2013
so i considered, pictured
every person who i thought
might take the time
to listen

to let me vent
and cry
and scream
until it stopped hurting

my album
remained empty

i'm alone
Lana Fraser Sep 2013
i wish to fall into
the deepest sleep possible
& not wake up until
happiness exists again
accidentally started another account, but i deleted it and copied my poem back here
Lana Fraser Sep 2013
i'm so tired of pretending
to be this perpetually euphoric
teenage girl

that's all
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