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Jan 2013 · 910
Hey, I'm having a rough one today
Do you have some time?
There's so much on my mind
And I need to let it out
'cause I don't want to feel this way again

Hey, I thought I could use a friend
Can you hear me out?
You seem to be someone
Who's easy to talk to
It's okay
You don't have to listen

Just stay
I will pretend
That you're someone who actually cares
You don't have to listen
Just pass it on the other ear

Hey, isn't it a great day today?
I found something new
I wanna share it with you
Don't tell anyone
It's confidential
But if you don't want to listen
It's okay

Hey, you seem to be having a bad one today
Tell me what's on your mind
But if you don't want to
I will understand
I'll be around if ever you need a friend

I will stay

And I will not pretend
Be someone who truly cares
Just tell me
I will listen
Tell you what you need to hear
And I will stay
This here is a song, like most of my compositions are. This was created as a birthday present for a good friend of mine.
What started with a lie must end the way it began
But if all you wanted was the truth
All you had to do was ask

And the truth is that I would die for you
Because I'm not the one you find worth living for
And I'll just sing it out till every bit of heartache
Dies with every memory of you

And as my dying lungs start to fail me now,
It's your face that I see
And I believe it's to you
I owe my final words to

What started with a lie must end with a lie

And as your first teardrop for me
Falls from your eyes,
I take my cue
So listen close
Because I'm just going to say this once,
"I don't love you."

*What started with a lie must end with a lie
This here is a song, like most of my compositions are. Here we go again.
Nov 2012 · 524
I, Miss Writingpoetry
I miss writing poetry
But the weather demands for art
To find beauty in every fallen tree
And color in a broken heart

I miss writing poetry
But the words they elude me
They found what it means to be truly free
And choose to be or not to be

I miss writing poetry
But my inspiration's not what it used to be
Been a couple of months since my latest entry
Into my poetic potpourri

I miss writing poetry
But the palette's got a hold on me
And if pictures paint words, a thousand and three
I'll just pick up a brush and let the words draw me
I don't remember
The first time I felt this way
But it didn't happen all at once
It came gradually
With every song you sang
With every smile that came my way
I don't remember
But I know that it's not going away
It keeps getting worse everyday
I'm running out of words to say

You came with the summer sun
At that camp I was asked to videotape
But I didn't notice you back then
I wish it stayed that way
I wouldn't have been hurting this way
But for now I'm stuck here
Singing old love songs
Writing poetry of unrequited love
As I'm drowning in these thoughts
Of the siren who stole my heart

I don't remember
The first conversation that we had
But I do recall
I may have lied to you
When I said that I don't know how to sing
You'll Be in My Heart
And it just ***** to think
What may have been my first words were lies
This here is a song, like most of my compositions are. Here we go again.
Sep 2012 · 1.3k
Do Worry, Be Sappy
Seems everything happened yesterday
Your tears, my wrongs, our come what may
And here I am now, and there you are
An inch too close yet a mile too far

Seems everything happened yesterday
Your smiles, my songs, our forever and a day
Yet these things failed to outweigh
The tragedy of love that came our way

Seems everything happened yesterday
A day too late, and you're gone away
But if history repeats, I hope it does
Reconstruct my heart to the way it was

Seems everything happened yesterday
But you seem much happier today
And it's all too sad for this still holds true
I miss us every time I look at you
Sep 2012 · 925
Insolent Man,
You think you found me
But it was I who found you
I was here from the beginning, you see
I was here all along
The world, my tune
The universe, my song

Sticks and stones, I created them all
From the wheel to the Great Wall
As old as time, I am
Long before Babylon
I've seen it rise
I've seen it fall
I was the foundation after all

From kings to philosophers and poets of old
I immortalized them
Made them more precious than silver and gold
Papers and pens were all it took
And words, ah, most importantly the words
And forever they live in history books

I am one, and I am all
Yet you dare have me exclusively
And chain me in patents of my own laws
Oh, the greed of man shall be his downfall
What is money? What is fame?
Such things won't last, what a shame

Insolent man,
Let go of desire in things you see
For once, just for once, listen to me
Hear me knock at the door of your mind
An idea! That's what I am

Insolent man,
Open up
Let me in

...and together

...we shall live

Sep 2012 · 1.6k
Student's Night
What makes you smile?
What makes you laugh?
I want to know
So I could do that

What makes you sad?
What makes you cry?
I wonder why
These tears fall down my face
Every time I think of you and him
I wonder how you've been
If you stayed strong
I'm thinking of you all night long

And my shoes will dance with you
My shoes will dance

As you sit here
Right by my side
I turn left
Then I turn back right

Can't stand a moment
Lost in your eyes
As I gaze
I realize some tears
Stream down my face
Because I'm thinking of you
I wonder how you've been
Will I wait long?
I'm suffocating with this song

But my shoes will dance with you
My shoes will dance

As the light turns to darkness
And the music drops dead~silence

My shoes will dance

As the dance floor now widens
And the gym's filled with romances

My shoes will dance

As the spotlight surrounds you
He takes you by the hand and holds you

My shoes will dance

As you look up to smile at him
I hope you do look down and see
That my shoes they dance
My shoes do dance

My shoes are dancing
With you
This here is a song, one of my earliest compositions. This was written around 5 years ago, and this was the first of many songs I wrote for that someone who truly mattered at that time in my past.
Father, forgive me for I have sinned
I have murdered a man or so it seemed
Why I did it, no one has to know
The truth shall haunt me in hell where I go

Father, give me my last rites
Death has been on countdown the past ten nights
Come dawn, when darkness kisses the light
To the gallows I'll go without a fight

Before I depart, one last meal, you say?
A single black olive with its stone if I may
And in my grave, bury it along with me
May it blossom into a lovely tree

Let this tree be a symbol of my peace
To make these inhumane actions cease
Don't mourn, don't weep; I have forgiven thee
But pray no one follows after me
Victor Feguer would be the last person to be executed in the state of Iowa. 2 years after his death, Iowa abolished capital punishment for all crimes in 1965. As of 2012, Iowa is one of 17 U.S. states to have completely abolished capital punishment under any circumstances.
The night is cold
Just like every other night
The stars are bright
But they shy away their light
Just to see you
Just to see you
Just to see you tonight

And you can't hold back a smile
As the spotlight
Surrounds you for a while

Another turning point in our lives
Has come our way
It's unfolding right before our eyes
I want to to stay

How the years have passed
And the months have turned
Into weeks and days
And the hours
Into minutes
Now I'm seconds away
From missing you
And the quite things
That we've been through

But now they're screaming in my mind
As we helplessly leave them behind

Another turning point in our lives
Has come our way
It's unfolding right before our eyes
I want to to stay

But I can't

Someday we'll all fade into memories
For better or for worse
As tiny moments begin to freeze
Into photographs of perfect smiles and poetries
Like lovely picture stories
But I'd rather have the worst one
Because the best part hurts the most
The best part hurts

Another turning point in our lives
Has come our way
It's unfolding right before our eyes
I want to to stay

But I can't
Because tomorrow's holding on to me
As I'm falling into memories
Of what we used to be
And I can't hold back a tear in my eye
But I won't be sad
Because we had our time while it lasted
But nothing lasts forever now
We'll write a new equation

Maybe one day
I'll meet you in the streets of time
I hope you won't be
Just a familiar face with a name
I fail
To remember
This here is a song, like most of my compositions are. This was written over 3 years ago for our high school graduation. It still brings back some old memories.
Sep 2012 · 760
Look at the stars
Aren't they beautiful?
But they aren't as beautiful
As your eyes
I don't stand corrected
I am right this time around

Hey, princess
Where is your knight in shining armor?
Has he left you?
What about the promise of ever after?
Is it gone away, too?
Don't you deserve to be happy unlike most of us?
But I know a thing or two
About happiness
That I'd like to tell you

It's like chasing Neverland
Around our heads

You're sitting
Right in front of me
But you seem so far away
What are you thinking of?
I hope it's me

How romantically
How hopelessly

Tears fall
From your eyes
Like razor blades
Running down your cheek
Don't you deserve to be happy unlike me?

I hate the summer here
I'm waiting
I'm waiting
I'm waiting
I'm waiting for the rain
To fall again
And wash away your tears
Like puddles
I'm waiting
I'm waiting
I'm waiting
I'm waiting for you
To gracefully
To my
Waiting arms

Even angels fall sometimes
Why else are you here?
Even devils fall in love
With angels

How ironically
How dramatically

Tears fall
From my eyes
Like razor blades
Running down my cheek
Don't I deserve to be happy unlike you?

*We must be
Chasing Neverland
Around our heads
This here is a song, like most of my compositions are. This was written around 4 years ago for someone who truly mattered at that time in my past.
Sep 2012 · 622
Goodbye, Babylon
Waking up to the sound
Of my own broken heart
My biological alarm clock,
Will the ringing stop?

All of the things
That used to keep me up all night
They don't seem
To satisfy this hole
In my soul

I was walking by along
The city of Babylon
An empty place with no name streets
Where am I supposed to go?

Seeking purpose for this life
In random things along the road
A trial and error
Where every choice is wrong

Goodbye, Babylon
I'm looking for a place
Where I belong
And I won't miss you at all

Now is this heaven?
This here is a song, like most of my compositions are. This was written a few months ago on the 3rd day of April.
Sep 2012 · 915
Myre, Tina
Waking up,
The ceiling's the first thing I see
Plain, white, boring as can be
Another day in my life begins, and
Already, I'm wishing for the end

I walk along no name streets
Faceless are the people I meet
What are we doing here?
I started to think
Why do I feel so incomplete?

Then and there,
I started to write
And wonder how something
Dull as black and white
Could bring so much color, so much life

But this isn't poetry
My sincerest apology
I'm a scribe
That's what I am
I only write what I can see

It isn't pretty being me
Seeing things quite differently
Everything is upside down
Something isn't likely
With my retina
To Tina Myre: Whoever you are, I'm sorry I made a lame composition in your name. It can't be helped.
Sep 2012 · 690
Just One of Those Days
Don't mind me
It's just one of those days
When I wake up feeling lonely
And I want to sleep
For a few more eternities

Don't mind me
It's just one of those days
When I don't feel like going out
And letting the sun hit my face

Don't mind me
It's just one of those days
When I lose the appetite to eat
Vegetables and meat

Don't mind me
It's just one of those days

Don't mind me
No, don't mind these scars
Just a couple of puncture wounds
In my neck
You got scars, too
But I don't mind

Don't mind me
No, don't mind the cold
As I run my fingers across
Your gentle face
Beautiful as it shines
In the moonlight

Don't mind me
No, don't mind me as I stare
And listen to you breathing
Remembering the days
When I used to feel

Don't mind me
No, don't mind these fangs
As they sink deeper
And deeper
Into your jugular
And feel that rush
Of crimson life
Bittersweet in my tongue

Don't stir
Don't wake
Don't scream

I don't want to make a mess
Sep 2012 · 601
The Men* Who Fit In
by Victor W. Breeser, A Man Who Doesn't*

There's a race of men that fit in so well,
A race that just stands still;
They'll just watch as the whole world goes to hell,
So long as they eat their fill.
They lock their doors, and they board their windows,
And they always say their pray'rs;
They hide in a place where no one knows,
And no one really cares.

Although they walk straight, they don't go far,
For their knowledge is overdue;
They just want things to remain as they are,
And they fear all things new.
They say: "Had that thing never happened,
We won't be struggling like this."
So they refuse change, logic dampened,
But ignorance ain't always bliss.

And each is trapped in his haunted past,
Of that road he failed to take;
So he hides behind a faceless mask,
Another grave mistake.
Each day's a struggle staying sane,
When silence is too much to ask;
Till he stands one day, with an unsound brain,
And the monster is revealed at last.

He's insane, he's insane; he's overflowed his brim;
He has cut a ***** in half.
Life's made a jolly good joke on him,
But now he gets the last laugh.
Ha, ha! He takes life with no regard;
He must be The Devil's kin,
And as heads start rolling, best be on your guard;
There are *monsters who fit in.
In response to that great poem by Robert W. Service, "The Men Who Don't Fit In". I have always considered it my life poem. Sadly, my poem's got nothing on it.
Sep 2012 · 667
Dos de Hunyo
I curse the stars tonight
May their constellations resemble your face
So everyone would fall in love with the night, so bright
And the sun will envy you
As my world starts to revolve around you

Happy birthday to where you are
Make a wish
I'll send a shooting star

I'll take my chance tonight
I'd stay wide awake in hope that you would dream of me
'Cause all this time I've been drowning in a sea of your memory
And the moon can't save me
As I'm losing grip from her gravity

Happy birthday to where you are
Make a wish
I'll send a shooting star
But if it won't reach you now
Then maybe it's all for the best
In you is drawn out from the worst in me
So believe me 'cause it's true
I'm lying when I say that I don't miss you
This here is a song, like most of my compositions are. This was written on the 2nd of June, 2009 as a birthday song for someone who truly mattered at that time in my past.
I think about her all the time
The look in her eyes and the way she smiles, and I wish
That someday, somehow I could be her star
To hold her close and keep her warm when it rains
But for now, all I could do is wait
For her to notice me, a girl I call Jane.

She was the first girl I noticed, this girl I call Jane
After a year full of misery and wasted time.
Like a pretty rainbow after the rain,
She came into my life~breathtaking yet so unreachable like a star
So I tried to hide how I felt and made myself wish
That she was never worth the wait.

I try hard each day to avoid looking at her eyes, like stars
They shine so brightly even when it rains
And it never gets easier every time
To just sit around and hope and wait
For her to notice me, that girl I call Jane
But I can dream, can't I? I can dream, and I can wish.

The moment finally came when I could no longer wait
For the girl forever, the girl I call Jane
So I sent her a message~a secret wish
That I'd be worthy for a minute of her time
And one fateful night when everything went right, we talked about the stars
As the seconds turned into hours while I stood there in the rain.

But the sun has permanently set in my life, and permanently it rains
Permanently I'm left with nothing but to permanently dream and to permanently wait
On a bed of nails without her, without Jane
And every night as I close my eyes, I'd wish
For another chance to be with her~another time
But I'm not the one that she wants; I'm not her star.

And if God could grant me just one wish,
May she crash into me like a shooting star
Because my heart's gone cold from all this wait
From all these thoughts concerning Jane
But if this love is a thunder, then bring on the rain
To help me drown her out for the last time.

Tonight I'll look up at the sky and make a wish upon a star
But until the day it comes true, I'd wait here forever patiently in vain under the rain
For time to find me a place in the diary of Jane.
Sep 2012 · 662
Sonnet 5263
This butterfly is flying away from me.
Into the blue, she fades away with the summer
And as raindrops start falling, I know I'll never forget her
But I just can't let it go and commit her into memory.

So I pray for time to take a quick step backwards
That tomorrow would lose its way and never come
But if it should, may it never end for some
Who cannot bear what is to happen afterwards.

But if fate were to take her to a direction opposite mine,
Can the same fate be so kind as to bring her back
The moment I find the courage and strength I now lack?
That someday, somehow our roads may entwine.

And I would lose some sleep if it makes time move slower
For tonight I stay awake, tomorrow I will miss her.
Sep 2012 · 782
The Moth and the Flame
If the stars aren't out tonight
I'd stare at your face
I'll find my place
All the riches the world could give
What a smile from you would do
They can't replace

But I can't seem to think of what to do
To get to you

Should I make a pencil sketch of your face so I cannot forget it?
But the colors are all wrong
Black and white don't fit you
I'll start again

Now is it smart if I avoid you?
Because I don't want to fall for you
I'll forget your name
But I can't help myself
The truth is I'm drawn to you
Like a moth to the flame

And I'll find my way to you if it kills me
But I don't know what to say

Can you meet me on a Valentine's Day?
I'd write you a sestina
I would give it all I could and my heart along with that
If all else fails

I heard that you were leaving town and this time it's for good
But what makes it good?

Will you stay if I asked you not to go?
Oh, what am I to do?
But either way I'm still just a hopeless boy
With this song for you
And I know I'm not one to hold you back
So fade into the blue and out of my life

Butterfly, fly away
And leave me here with nothing
But these memories of you
They're enough to hold on to
'Cause I know one day you'll be back
And I will love you with a heart that's big enough for both of us
But for now you're just the girl that I can't live
With or without
This here is a song, like most of my compositions are. This was written over a year ago for that butterfly who flew away.
Sep 2012 · 665
Definitely, Maybe
Summer time is over
And you're not to stay
Maybe that is where you belong
Now the rain has come again to wash away
All these things that I've done wrong

All the words I wished I'd ever say
I guess weren't meant to be heard at all
So I'd leave it all to gravity
And come what may
But you aren't there to break my fall

And here I lie staring at the sun
Blinded by the things that could be
But never will be

Autumn came so quickly without a delay
So much for my ever after
But your memories still haunt me
Every single day
You'll forever be my ghost of summer

Maybe we're too late
Maybe this is our fate
Maybe I'm just wasting my time thinking maybe
Maybe it's just me
Maybe we just can't be
Maybe I'm just wasting my time thinking maybe
When it could never be

And here we stand under the dark gray sky
A thousand one miles apart from feeling
And all this time, I'm gazing at the stars
Wondering if you're doing the same thing
Wishful thinking

The path you take
You never thought you would stray
But butterflies are leading you off
So never change your mind to what some people say
'Cause all this time you knew all along
That maybe that is where you belong
And maybe this is where I belong
This is where we'll be lost
This here is a song, like most of my compositions are. This was written over a year ago for that butterfly who flew away.
Sep 2012 · 478
Never Again
"On this very day,
Reminisce the memories
Of this girl I miss."

She inspired me like no one
That the poetry and the honesty just took over
And I opened up and shared my secrets but one
That I was falling for her.

As I found the words to say to let her know
And the courage I then lacked,
The sad news came~she had to go
And I'm not one to hold her back.

So I had to face the bitter truth:
"This butterfly has to fly away."
And time took away a piece of my youth.
I still miss her in every way.

But even if God didn't make her stay,
Still I thank Him all the same
Because if it weren't for this very day,
I would not be calling her your name.
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
Fireworks up in the sky,
I wonder how one could ever so
Beautifully burn into the night,
And gracefully, just rise above and die
Leaving all us passers-by
Looking up in awestruck wonder.

Fireworks up in the sky,
I wonder how it feels to be on fire,
To find a place at home with the stars,
And flood the earth with your instantaneous sparks.

Fireworks up in the sky,
How does my life look from way up there?
Am I worth the second try?
Why aren't you giving up?
I would have had given up on me.

And I would have made a wish,
But you're no shooting star,
So I guess I'll just have to do
What everyone else back here on earth does,

Just stop and stare at you,
And wonder how you are.
What would you do,
If you were in my shoes?

If you were in my shoes,
Should I win or should I lose?
If you were in my shoes,
What would you choose?

If you were in my shoes,
Would you still find a way for your light
To be on display for all to see?
This here is a song, like most of my compositions are. This was written recently, just over a month ago.
Sep 2012 · 837
House Arrest
I'm a prisoner in my own mind,
And my thoughts have made me blind,
I keep searching but I never find.
I'm a prisoner in my own mind.

I'm a prisoner in my own head,
And my own body wants me dead.
It's got me stuck here on this bed.
I'm a prisoner in my own head.

I'm a prisoner in my own skin,
And my old soul is wearing thin.
I can't get out, but how'd I ever get in?
I'm a prisoner in my own skin.

I'm a prisoner in my own room,
And no light ever hits the gloom.
A comfortably quite spacious kind of tomb,
I'm a prisoner in my own room.

I'm a prisoner in my own house,
And there's no glim left to douse.
No one to comfort me, not even a mouse.
I'm a prisoner in my own house.

But I'm no prisoner to the world, no doubt.
I'm a refugee they could live without.
So I'll be perfectly still. I'm not gonna shout.
They could wait forever but I'm not coming out.
Sep 2012 · 1.0k
Pandora's Box
Part I: Wendy

When did all this begin?
When did we stop caring, stop hurting, stop bleeding?
When did we rip our hearts out and replace it with something devoid of feeling?
When did we grow contempt of everything we see but the one in the mirror staring?
When did we stop seeing people as people, not just another competition in breathing?
When did we become murders of love with all of this hating?
When did we all cease to be human beings?

Part II: Steven

Enough with all this selfishness, all this me first than you,
        where more is given to the many, and less is given to the few.
Must we act like dogs when they throw us a bone or two,
        or must we behave like humans do?

Stop wasting what you have and wanting what you don't,
        in others, it seems to satisfy, but in reality, it won't.

Let go of all this foolish anger, of all this pointless hate,
        for it grows larger by the hour until you get crushed under its weight.
There's nothing a little love can't compensate,
        and forgiveness is never too late.

Think of others, and only take what you need,
        'though your mouth may be the biggest, it's not the only one to feed.

Get down from that high horse, that pedestal you are standing on,
        for all your talk is cheap, and all it ever does is make us yawn.
We were all created the same, brains and brawn,
        and you are just another lowly pawn.

Don't get blinded by desire, for you will never know
        that a single night could forever ruin your tomorrow.

It's time to take action; there's no time to wait,
        for nothing is accomplished when all we do is procrastinate.
Take a look around; there is no later date,
        so let your love be strong enough to motivate.

Part III: Altair*

We may not be able to make a difference to the world,
but we sure could make a difference on individuals' lives,
and perhaps, what we need is a little bit of foolishness
to help us believe that we could do it,
that we could make a change,
that everything's not lost,
that there's still hope left.

Maybe we could still alter the ending...
Sep 2012 · 555
20 Questions
What's the matter, my soul?
Are you hungry? Are you cold?
Why so restless? May I ask?
Are you looking for another mask?

Where's the old one? Have you lost it?
Shall we search then without respite?
What is it now that you seek?
Is it certainly at that peak?

Shall we leave then from our orbit?
Is it worth losing ourselves just to find it?
What do you say? Can't you speak?
Or do my eyes have to leak?

Why don't you answer, my soul?
Have your burning heart turned to coal?
I'm dying now, can't you see?
Are we empty, or is it just me?
Sep 2012 · 1.6k
Suffer the Little Children
All things dull and normal
All people look the same
All things are but formal
With quite forgettable names

Each ear another one to lie to
Each mouth another one to feed
We're all but a statistic
And a very ugly one indeed

All things dull and normal
All people look the same
All things are but formal
With quite forgettable names

Hypocrites in their pedestals
As the sloths complain
The truth is hypothetical
And the self-righteous disdain

All things dull and normal
All people look the same
All things are but formal
With quite forgettable names

The sky scraping towers
The roads of traffic and rush
Beauty is only in the papers
And the tip of the artist's brush

All things dull and normal
All people look the same
All things are but formal
With quite forgettable names

Cold hearts shame the winter
Causing more damage than flood
We are but the earth's splinter
And we hunger for blood

All things dull and normal
All people look the same
All things are but formal
With quite forgettable names

Tomorrow is but a conjecture
Today is what we're worth
Will our children even have a future?
Or have we aborted them by birth?

All things dull and normal
All people look the same
All things are but formal
With quite forgettable names

We have guts for feeling
We have eyes to see
But indifference is more appealing
I hope it's just me

All things dull and normal
All people look the same
All things are but formal
With quite forgettable names
It starts as a faint buzz in your ears
Then you ignore it for days, even years
"It's no big deal. I'm okay," you say
"It will probably just go away."

But it never did, to your displeasure
You did say "probably" for good measure
And you wonder if that single seed of doubt
Would be how your tomorrow turns out

The buzzing grows louder like the chattering of birds
Prefixes and suffixes, but not quite words
You try to make sense of it, but try is all you accomplish
Your only clue is it was spoken in English

Days rolled by without end
The sounds seemed harder to comprehend
But soon enough, you started hearing a tiny voice in your head
The day the batteries went dead

And you take off the headphones you've been wearing all your life
Surprised to discover a world full of violence and strife
I guess that old saying is true, it appears
We only hear what we want to hear

But you can hear me now, can't you?
Tell me you hear the cries of the widows and the fatherless, too
This war is a lie; that is all it ever was
And devour our humanity is all it ever does

But hearing never really gets us anywhere
Tell me what do you do now that you're aware?
Will you march on the streets and spread the word?
Or will you go on pretending like you never heard?

Tell me, tell me, tell me what to do
Good men are dying and we are, too
Open up your eyes; can't you see?
I am you and you are me

The voices grew into cacophony
A harsh, discordant sound devoid of harmony
Into a crescendo it roared along with the bombs of war
Slowly revealing to us the monsters that we are

First went Little Boy then down went Fat Man
The loudest noise ever created by man,
248 decibels, ending a tale of two cities
And then
... silence.
Sep 2012 · 486
The Promise
All things are born with a promise of an end
The end of laughter, of life, of love
But to despair is not what these words transcend
But rather what this truth teaches us not
It's a simple reminder to live each day and take each breath
Like it's the last one that we've got
For when its time is due, the memories remain
Forever in our hearts and in our minds
Until the day our own promises are kept at last

— The End —