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I wish to kiss your lips
Much like the wind kisses the autumn leaves
Softly but sweetly

I burn for you
Much like a bonfire on a cool autumn day;
Fierce but silent.

I want to be the one
Who tilts your world on its axis
And lights it on fire, beautiful flames roaring with approval

I want to sing your song,
Play your music,
And be forever intertwined in you.

I want to be the tidal wave that hits you with the delicacy of love
And swim around in your thoughts for an afternoon
Intrigued by their beauty

I want to watch you seeing sights and taking them in,
Like I take in your raw gorgeousness
On a hot summer's day.

I want to be the sweater that surrounds you in warmth
When winter's chill leaves goosebumps on your arms
And icicles on your heart
A collaboration with, you guessed it, my homedog, Lady Bitternit. Enjoy.
Ronald McDonald has always been a role model.
My own daughter giggles in the bathtub of spaghetti.
My brother told me I was stupid so I sawed a chair in half and cried because my pet has been missing since Thanksgiving
The dreams of my mother are the dreams of my father; chickens roaming wide open pastures and pigs being merry.
I threw my hair across the room and yelled sweet nothings meant for the boy who left with my bread
Probably because he knows that she put Sally in the freezer last October.
I dodged an animal in the road on my way here. Swerve
Spoons have a special place in my heart ever since Johnny proposed to me last summer in the local gas station bathroom with one.
I shoved the leftovers of my breakfast in her ear and she replied with a smile and the divorce papers.
Lady Bitternit in the hi-zouse. Enjoy.
Yesterday I stole a ball
The carpet of my hall
My teacher marked me late
I read the book "Good Bait"

Johnny said I was mean
Pop, lock, drop, and lean
My notebook is red
My math teacher said

Peanut butter on a spoon
Movie in Comp about a loon
Gum that I will not share
Long hair that does care

My ring size is too big
Will I ever pass Trig?
One horn, multiple dents
Carnivals and circus tents

How do all these things relate?
I don't know but please don't hate
My mother said Halloween was over
I told her no.
Ratchets are red
****** bags are blue
Crawl in my bed
Or I'll kidnap you

It was just a joke
Don't call the cops
You're one fine bloke
With nice high tops

Yo hair is guuuud
And yo body is bangin
If I had yo numba I would
Be callin and sangin

But let me be polite
Don't wanna scare ya off
I want in my sight
Yo pants fallin off

Your eyes are clouded with memories
They leave trails of despair wherever they roam
And I hope, my darling, I am not the cause

Your lips tell stories as pure as new fallen snow and I smile at the dimple that is so lucky to touch your face everyday

When I see you, my limbs shake
I stumble over my thoughts
The dark sky turns bright and clear

I've always thought that having a poem written about you was a significant compliment
But when I think of you, the words are so effortless
Like blinking or singing

I only hope I can have that effect on someone
Like you've had on me
That vest offends me sir, leave it on my floor.
The dog barks, but I beckon him with my silence.
The stripes on your neck tell me you've seen sadness.
I sing to the birds, but they fly away because my song offends their small ears.
The bellhop admired my chagrin and asked me to dine at The McDonald's last night.
My mom always told me that life was like a box of chocolates and you never know what you might get. I, however, think its like a port-a-*****, because I have been catching crap all day.
I slapped discretion in the face last summer but it comes back for more, oh so desperate
My lips burn with desire for yours, but tomorrow they shall burn for someone else. Or a milkshake.
You packed everything neatly into a suitcase, but you left the feeling of your lips on mine.
The oatmeal I had for breakfast proves to be no sustenance yet again, and I hunger.
My innards cry for justice but my heart for the cold touch of your lingering fingertips. Smooth. **Raucous.
Lady Bitternit, ladies and gentlemen. A collaboration.
Your name crossed my mind the other day and I spit, like that would allow your remembrance to leave me
The dock is never long enough, and soon I must turn around on my journey
I meet a man with similar eyebrows as I and I ask him the time, although I know full well that it is an hour past when the chicken crows
He senses my dark past and throws his coat into the water
I smile and tell him thank you
His pride has turned black and his teeth show with a tint more yellow than white
A tear slides down my cheek and I cringe at its salty chemical makeup
Chemistry was a breeze but balancing equations haunts me to this day
That and the look on Bryan's face when I told him I already had plans Tuesday night
I tell lies top comfort my conscience
A cocoon of warmth surrounds me when I see my old piano teacher
I never learned how to play my chromatic scale but I learned how to love
My priorities are zig-zagged bullet leaving the gun in slow motion
I always forget to pull the trigger
The wonders of the world are outside my bedroom window
In the night, whispered conversations are exchanged
A premature tulip turns to her neighbor to tell her that tomorrow, it will be her day to blossom
The cricket's tune dances in the gentle breeze, carried to faraway places where open windows welcome their song
The birds lounge in their beds made of twigs and brush, their colored bellies swelling with every gentle breath
Their sighs are nature's lullaby; steady and peaceful
In this world, conflict is a mirage
Chaos is a myth
And war comes to a ceasefire
After all, nature needs her beauty rest
I stumbled into the train station, buzzed with integrity.
Apprehension strikes like a clock at midnight.
My math teacher never liked my hair. I never liked her husband.
I can still feel you in my presence, shining on me like the sun, even on my darkest days.
My childhood was a sad one, filled with corn harvests and bails of hay for food. Oh, cruel classmates.
Your smile burns me as if I were swimming in boiling water.
I never met my mother but I knew from experience that she hated pineapple and the scent of my hair.
We sit next to each other in class, but we know we want more. To feel as free as two birds in the sky.
My ex-boyfriend's husband told me I was too short to be a dancer but I persevered and became an employee at Subway.
Engulf me in your arms, like fire consumes a building.
My father's rabbit chewed a hole in my cardigan and I angrily cried daily for a day.
Take my hand tonight, we could run so far.
My friend, Lady Bitternit, helped me write this. Enjoy.
The officer said it was illegal but I've never been punished thusfar.
I knew it was wrong, but desire consumed me.
I grabbed the man and dragged him into my van.
He screamed and I laughed.
Brutal company.
It was going to hurt, of that I was certain.
His lack of consent did not stop me. I was on a mission, and James Bond always thrives.
I got in and drove as fast and as far as I could.
Speed bumps bring my daughter joy.
She giggles, I smile, he writhes in pain. My smile grows.
A pain bubbles in my clavicle but I digress.
But, I don't digress because it HURT.
I locked the angels in my closet for safe keeping. My mother is proud.
Blood is my favorite accessory. Hashtag period.
My friend always said I was cunning but I never believed her father was a good man.
After all, a good man would never commit such acts.
I threw the empty toilet paper roll at his grave then shouted at his wife's cat.
Meow. Meow, meow. Meow.
It sings the song of the hummingbird so I put it in a collar and walk it to the pound.
The pound sings the song of death, my song.
My student tool box is full of unfortunate goodies, and yes, my English teacher approves.
But I would rather she not. This is my journey, not one I shall share.
I aggressively slap the keys of life, hoping yogurt will seep from the cracks of destiny.
It never does, and I starve.
My granola is friendless.
Life is bitter, like the skin of a plum.
Fierce as a seahorse. But again, I digress.
Without Lady Bitternit, this poem would not be made possible. Enjoy.
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