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I saw you last week. Or was it tomorrow?
Life has been a blur since age 3.
I cry blue tears.
The same shade of blue as your keychain.
The one you never let anyone touch.
I destroyed it. Threw it in the fire with your bed sheets.
Victory has been mine since before we met.
You are no match for the waitresses of Chicago.
You waltzed into my imagination.
I tangoed into your heart.
I stomp along the arteries. Dance classes from childhood have proven useful.
I laugh when I see your car pass.
You would never let me ride shotgun. See if I care.
Don't forget to check the trunk.
I left you something.
Caution; **It bites.
I am plagued with an unfortunate vice
It is worse than the alcoholic's dependency
Or the drug addict's fix
It's you
Those eyes stopped the steady rhythm that was my heartbeat
Those lips caught my attention with painful force
But most of all
Your words
Dark like the liquid in Romeo's cup
Poisonous yet alluring
So I bring that cold chalice to my lips
And smile my last smile
Still praying I'll see you on the other side
I scrubbed my floors of your footprints.
I shredded the notes you left on my coffee table.
I smashed the bottles of wine you left in the kitchen.
I am sober from the intoxication of your kiss.
Never again will I be vulnerable to the way you whispered my name in the early hours of the morning.
That tingling sensation, where your icy fingertips brushed my shoulders, has dulled.
I miss the chill but Hell will suffice.
The blunt force of remembrance is unbearable.
The stripping of my pride would prove less painful.
Someone told me looking back was dangerous.
I finally understand why.
I fear I've offended those around me;
My tunnel vision has ruined my spirit.
I live a stranger to my own presence.
No one told me to knock on survival's over-sized door.
So I didn't.
 Oct 2013 Lady Bitternit
she walks down to where the land meets the water and gazes upon her realm of sky and sea
she breathes deeply and looks towards the horizon where looming, dark clouds are forming
she invites them to do their worst, and they gladly accept
the wind whirls around her and plays a melancholy tune of things to come

the thunder rolls towards her and greets her with a powerful rush of noise
the rain starts to fall and dances lightly to the song of the wind
the thunder composes itself into booming drumbeats, completing the song of the storm
I've noticed your grimace.
Crawl into my arms.
Let your mind unravel to the simplicity of love.
Let yourself live.
Break down the barriers of confinement.
When the world falls short of water, we will set the stars ablaze.
I will look at them with pride and your name will cross my lips.
This time with purpose.
 Oct 2013 Lady Bitternit
 Oct 2013 Lady Bitternit
he was a quiet kind of beautiful
words filled his mouth like bees
trapped in honey

the music of the stars is in his voice
and his dark liquid eyes move in harmony with the tide

but that morning, when sleep filled his face like fluid
and he had dreamed of someone other than you,
the bond that held you together like earth and sky was torn apart
and you were thrown out,
like a piece of tainted meat
I know it's bad for me but I invented it's intentions.
I turned my oxygen into carbon monoxide.
And I breathe it in until I see stars.
Inhale. Inhale. Inhale.
Something so sweet only deserves such treatment.
The pleasure an alcoholic experiences with the smell of France's wine cannot compare.
The aroma so satisfactory I fear a moment in its absence.
Dependence is a lethal thing.
He enters the room, smirk on that hideously gorgeous face. The *******.
Walks by the young girls like he owns the swag of a thousand Biebers.
He is mistaken. Or are we?
"Push the air through your diaphram" he says with a sly grin, looking across the room at her.
She looks back. Defiance on her lips? No. Intrigue.
Their eye contact puts a weight on bystanders; The building pressure of a crescendo waiting to be released.
She breaks it. He frowns.
He is impressionable but very rightly so.
She sighs.
Victory sings an out of tune pitch.
He walks over, dragging Zachary's broken French horn behind.
Looks like this student will have to wait; His teacher is on a mission.
"Mission accomplished" he thinks as she sits on his living room couch, wine of glass in hand.
He resides in his bedroom, awaiting the inevitable.
He walks out to find an empty wine glass and an empty room.

— The End —