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He threw them out. Everything.
My pillow.
My CD's.
My toothbrush.
The sting of his actions hit when I saw NSYNC in the trash. My rage was a sort of domestic rage.
My pride shattered, my memories wrecked, he woulod not have the last laugh.
Months later, after my dreaded departure, I stood outside his door.
His dignity dangled on my size 8 finger. It took the form of my misgivings.
Our past reeks of week-old salad dressing.
     Don't tell me you're not intrigued.
My health has always been secondary to the glares
     you send my way.
Your love is my tangy dipping sauce;
     too much but never enough.
Super-size me, friend.
I haven't the time to wait for your fickle
Love me now or love me never.
You never shared your goldfish but I understood your
     upbringings and nibbled on heartache.
An expiration date halts me not. I am too willing for
     your passions and fail to excuse myself.
It takes two to tango but one to dougie.
     Explain or I shall leave at once.
I dance alone, and darling,
     my fries are getting cold.
The microwave does not
But I had a dream
That you were next to me.
I could even smell your cologne.
But when I reached out to touch you
There was nothing.
I opened my eyes to an empty room.
I haven't slept since.
I'm sick of the disappointment that sets in when I realize you're over it.
Over me.
I don't care how long ago it was. Can you really look at me and not feel anything?
Guilt? Regret? Even the tiniest bit of want?
Because when I see you
I miss it.
The late night texts. The hour-long phone calls. The daily 'I love you's'
Can you really tell me that you've forgotten those feelings? Or don't at least think about it when you see me, passing by?
I don't know whether to find that hurtful or impressive. Because when I see your smile,
I think of years ago; hair curly, ear pierced. When we went to that cafe and you wore your red shirt because you knew it was my favorite.
How you gave me your hat and I took it off, embarassed and blushing.
I've realized that day is over. A mere wave in the endless ocean of time.
I need to learn how to swim so that one wave does not consume me.
She was like the sun to him
his light, her warmth, their energy
even as she was overshadowed.

He is now like the moon ~
A dim reflection of her,
and of all of his fantasies.

A wolf's howl to honour his sadness;
and his sweet sorrow's silvery depth
only worth the words of one helpful friend.

Akin to some manifest silence
as there lies only her within him, his heart
stirring shy like some backward catalyst.

As an empty vase is his soul
filled with sweet sunflowers
and fed by the waters of dreams.
I walked into the bathroom to find tomorrow's lunch in the toilet, soggy
After that, I threw my dignity to the ground in utter distaste.
My orange juice was the color of ketchup and mustard mixed together
I invited her to my apartment then ate soup that my mother told me was good for the colon
I saw dat ***** roll and gurrl it be fine as hayl.
He treated her like a dog treats a dead fish
The donuts were almost gone so I told my mom I was going to rehab
I always swore i would resist when fate came knocking on my door, but my attempt failed like a degenerate fails a test.
She had forgotten to let her dog out that morning.
Lady Bitternit and our friend, Liv. Enjoy.
David looked at the horse, jealous of its dental work and swag
The valley was full of unknown treasures that clouded my mental capacity.
The stars complain of your foul stench
My mother named me Latrell but I found Sara more fitting. Sugar lips taste bitter on the soul
My mind wanders down a dangerous path full of your sharp wit and jagged intentions.
The small white flowers remind you of your ancestors
The intricate crevices of your body are a maze I am waiting to lose myself in
Nothing could lift the ****** tension between our bodies.
The clouds sneer at you and spit on your home.
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