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 Jul 2013 Lacie
That Love is....

A Fairy tale...

A Fantasy...




 Jul 2013 Lacie
Daisy King
When I wake up, my skin will be golden,
the wolves wont be hungry,
the wind will be sleeping
my back will lie flat against the lace trim
of a dream and my pockets
will be full to the brim with pennies
and trinkets, catching light pretty.
In the premature summer sun
they will feel heavy, but I'd never dream
of mentioning any ache
now I feel happy to know sleep from wake.
 Jul 2013 Lacie
Fix Yourself First
 Jul 2013 Lacie
If I could ask
one thing of you;
just one final plea.
Would you do it?
Would you do it
for me?

Would you laugh?
Tell me you'll burst
into giggles for no reason
and howl with laughter
until your ribs feel
as if they've been fractured
and you sound like
a pig from all
the snorts escaping
your cute little
button nose.

Would you smile?
Tell me you'll wear
a grin on your face
every single moment
of the day and
never ever
let it become

Would you cry?
Tell me you won't
be afraid to
let it all out
when you're having
a bad day
because we all have
bad days
but most of us keep
the bad inside
where it infests
and becomes
a really really
bad day.

Would you wander?
Tell me you'll skip
through a field
of flowers and
have picnics in the
grass and capture
fireflies and
put them in jars
so you can sleep
with a nightlight
and won't be
afraid of the dark
any longer.

Would you dance?
Tell me you'll sway
to the beat of a
good song and
you won't care if
anyone's watching you
or not because
you'll look beautiful
even if you've
never been taught.

Would you observe?
Tell me you'll notice
all the little things
like the taste
of watermelon on
a hot summer day
or the way
it feels to hold
someone's hand for
the first time
or what's it like
to go for a walk
at midnight
and feel at peace
with the world.

Would you love?
Tell me you'll find
the strength to fall
for someone again
no matter how many
times you've been
kicked to the ground
instead of caught.

Would you live?
Tell me you'll
realize the difference
between living
and existing
and that life is
too **** short
but if you do it right
then it's enough.

Would you be different?
Tell me you'll be
a leader instead
of a follower
and wear funky
boots with sparkles
and bright colours
and speak in
foreign accents
because no one
can stop you
and if they do
then tell me you'll
say "***** you."

Would you do it?
Would you do it for me?
Would you prove that
there's still hope for
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
 Jul 2013 Lacie
the sadness
 Jul 2013 Lacie
another sleepless night
4am comes strolling around
i toss in turn bundled in the sheets
how does one sleep with a mind that races like engine.
thoughts go dashing through without hesitance.
thoughts that break apart every aspect of me.
constantly i am reminded of what i am not,
what i could be, what i will never be, and all that is wrong with me.
i cannot stop the whirling inside my mind.
i sit up, i think positive
but the negativity falls down on me like a heaviest thunderstorm
my thoughts, my feelings break me down  
my insides come tumbling day in day out.
i cannot put the sadness into words,
it takes a hold of me, pulls me under its vicious waves,
i come crashing down.
it drowns me until nothing is left,
it tortures me until i am rotten to my core.
the sadness never leaves for long, its with in my roots.
the sadness fills my mind
my head becomes a violent dust storm
gusts of thoughts whirring from every direction.
i am overwhelmed by my own feelings,
I am overthrown by the sadness in my soul.
I pull apart every little thing, letting the smallest things get to me.
insecurities get the best of me, sad thoughts consume me.
happiness abandons me, it never lasts.
i don't recall the last time i was genuinely happy.
sadness is all i know.
the sadness rips me apart and peels my every layer
until it makes its way into my walls
cemented inside of me forever
 Jul 2013 Lacie
 Jul 2013 Lacie
I have these little moments of boldness, sometimes.
Hidden behind the smokescreen
Of smiles and self-effacing humor.
I have these seconds when I consider
What might happen
If I slid my fingers along your jaw
And showed you something serious
That flickers behind my laughter.
These little jolts of courage and curiosity.
And in those moments,
I do things that I look back on and my heart races.
As a rule I am not bold,
I do not take what I want,
I wait.
But every so often
I say
To hell with it
In my head
And show you a moment of depth.
I'm not accustomed to it,
That kind of honesty.
Not with you.
But someday soon I know I will pull you close
And forget that I am afraid you won't kiss me back.

— The End —