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L Apr 2015
And this guy comes up to me
His face red like a rose on a thorn bush
Like all the colours of a royal flush
And he's peeling off those dollar bills
Slapping them down
One hundred, two hundred
And I can see those fighter planes
And I can see those fighter planes
Across the mud huts as the children sleep
Through the alleys of a quiet city street
We take the staircase to the first floor
We turn the key and slowly unlock the door
As a man breathes deep into saxophone
And through the walls we hear the city groan
Outside is America
Outside is America

Apr 2015 · 219
L Apr 2015
I can feel you watching me as I walk past and
I am left feeling self conscious, confused, and unsure
Why do you still watch me?

Apr 2015 · 195
L Apr 2015
"I think I love you. ****, I know it's way too early and things with Rachel didn't end well and you probably aren't ready to say anything along those lines, but... I had to say it or I would've exploded. You don't have to say it back, Leigh. I just had to, still have to, say it.... I love you I love you I love you."
Apr 2015 · 709
L Apr 2015
I kept everything

perfumed letters
a dated Polaroid photo
words of love on index cards
a half filled journal
stitches in material
a braided bracelet
several "I love you" notes
a birthday card
comedic Valentines
a photobooth collage
forever-perfect flowers
a get well soon card
pennies in an envelope
a fortune cookie wrapper  
dried up sunflowers
an apology

And I can't bring myself to trash, deface, rip, burn, or forget any of them
Please don't forget me and what we had

Happy birthday, Ray

Apr 2015 · 227
L Apr 2015
Two steps forward, two steps back
We watch each other fall
Me, into waiting arms
You, into the Black Dog
Which will make it out alive?
Apr 2015 · 173
L Apr 2015
I kiss you so often because I cannot find the right words to say
Apr 2015 · 269
L Apr 2015
We met in the middle,
like two lungs that had
suddenly joined
and realized that
they weren't
properly functioning
Head over heels, stars in our eyes

Apr 2015 · 542
L Apr 2015
Are you absolutely sure you could love someone like me?
I can't say the words, not yet
I'm sorry

Apr 2015 · 219
L Apr 2015
My heart is aching for you, little lamb
I can help you out, but I can not help you in
Little Lamb Dragonfly // Paul McCartney & Wings

I just feel sorry for you now

Apr 2015 · 191
L Apr 2015
You are not feared by anyone, let alone the fearless.
Someone should probably tell you

Apr 2015 · 494
L Apr 2015
Through tears and heartbreak
Through laughs and euphoria
Through smiles and peacefulness    
You remain a constant
Never take a sister for granted
I love you so much

Apr 2015 · 284
L Apr 2015
Never had I felt so unwanted in my entire life. For the first time, you gave me an inkling of doubt. That inkling later turned into a stain that covered my entire heart, blocking you from it. You didn't want me. You wanted someone else. I was barely a month post-operation. My self confidence was frighteningly low. Did you notice? You always called me confident, but I wasn't. Not then. It only got worse after I read those text messages. I'm sorry I did, but I knew something was wrong. I was right. You had wanted someone who wasn't me. In a way, it felt like cheating. You would've, had there not been a strict "no touching" rule. You would've. As I read those texts, I jumped up, ran down my grandmother's hallway, and locked myself in her bedroom. My hands were shaking and my knees were weak. How could you? I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. How could you? God, it ******* hurt. It hurt it hurt it hurt. You destroyed any trust I had in you. From then on out, my trust was lacking. It never returned. Never.
One thing I've realized looking back on things is that you didn't care. You barely cried while my pain was pouring down my cheeks. You hardly blinked. You thought that I would welcome you back with open arms. You actually got upset when I wouldn't kiss you, three days after having my heart broken. *******. ******* for hurting me like that.
I should've ended it then. I should've broken your heart.
Then maybe you would have understood.
I needed to get this off my chest

Apr 2015 · 153
L Apr 2015
How lucky am I to know love so many times?
I'm taking a moment to appreciate the fact that I've been loved by more than one person and at such a young age.
Hopefully, there will be more to come.

Apr 2015 · 128
L Apr 2015
It was in indulgence, per say. A take take take situation. You took anything you could get. Heart, mind, and body. No, I didn't stop you, that's how it was. You took, I gave. But I didn't give everything away.
Apr 2015 · 189
L Apr 2015
Please don't take
this feeling
I have found at last
This Feeling // Alabama Shakes
Apr 2015 · 200
L Apr 2015
I thought that returning to its place of origin would help, but instead I sit and whisper to myself, willing the memories to disappear
Apr 2015 · 444
Lucky 13
L Apr 2015
You didn't love me, you just loved the thought of someone loving you
Apr 2015 · 195
L Apr 2015
The taste of your skin lingers
on my tongue
and I cannot get enough
Apr 2015 · 314
L Apr 2015
I like you
because you don't need to search
the inseam of my blue jeans
to find my beating, pleading heart.
jesus ****, what is he doing to me?

Apr 2015 · 287
L Apr 2015
I realize now
that you never deserved
my heart.
For an old friend

Apr 2015 · 566
Words of Wisdom
L Apr 2015
"We human beings spend our whole lives chasing after love. So when you find yourself in the extraordinarily rare position of being passionately loved in return by your beloved, please do not waste precious time worrying about whether their genitals are the right shape."
Apr 2015 · 362
"You got it BAD"
L Apr 2015
Lovin' so deeply, I'm in over my head
Over My Head // Alabama Shakes

"God, do I."

Apr 2015 · 257
L Apr 2015
All you ever wanted was to be wanted and I couldn't give you that.
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
L Apr 2015
If *** is all you wanted, you could have gotten it from your hand.
Apr 2015 · 331
From the Shadows
L Apr 2015
I don't plan on hiding who I am anymore.
If they ask, I will answer with a somber
   "Yes, but that's over with."
or maybe a bold
    "Yes, but that's none of your business, is it?"
or most likely an energetic  
    **"Yes, and it was wonderful."
L Apr 2015
My life, your life
Don't cross them lines
What you like, what I like
Why can't we both be right?
Attacking, defending
Until there's nothing left worth winning
Your pride and my pride
Don't waste my time

I don't wanna fight no more

Take from my hand
Put in your hands
The fruit of all my grief
Lying down ain't easy
When everyone is pleasing
I can't get no relief
Living ain't no fun
The constant dedication
Keeping the water and power on
There ain't nobody left
Why can't I catch my breath?
I'm gonna work myself to death

I don't wanna fight no more

No, no, no, no

I don't wanna fight no more
I don't wanna fight, I don't wanna fight
I don't wanna fight no more
Patiently waiting for the release of Sound & Color, an album full of youthful knowledge and wisdom  

Apr 2015 · 161
L Apr 2015
Your lips hug my pulse as your hand clutches my heart
What did I do to deserve someone like you?

Apr 2015 · 206
B III (10w)
L Apr 2015
This love is fortuitous;
I am falling for your soul.
Apr 2015 · 562
Oceans // Hillsong United
L Apr 2015
So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Apr 2015 · 246
L Apr 2015
Where I'm supposed to be:
Pressed against your side,
your warm hand in my cold one.
Apr 2015 · 257
L Apr 2015
You have caught me - hook, line, and sinker.
How do I make it back to the clear water without suffocating?

Apr 2015 · 391
L Apr 2015
Shut up and kiss me quick
Run your lips over my pulse
Drag your nails across my hips
Grip the hem of my shirt and pull  
You won't hurt me
I am not antique glass
I will not break
Go ahead

Apr 2015 · 333
L Apr 2015
be the one that I lose my mind for.
Apr 2015 · 400
Breathe // Pink Floyd
L Apr 2015
Breathe, breathe in the air.
Don't be afraid to care.
Leave but don't leave me.
Look around and choose your own ground.

Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be.

Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down it's time to dig another one.

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave.
One of my favorite songs.
It always seems to apply to my situation.

Apr 2015 · 665
L Apr 2015
"I want to see it."*
It's ugly and it's a burdensome
and it shows weakness.
"Love, it's just a scar."
It's unprepossessing and it's crooked
and it shows weakness.
"It doesn't. It shows strength."
It's healed and it's powerful
and it shows strength.
But I still don't like it

Apr 2015 · 188
L Apr 2015
I look to you to calm the waves and return this ship safely to shore
Thank you

Apr 2015 · 193
L Apr 2015
I'm tired of dealing with something so unimportant
Apr 2015 · 2.4k
L Apr 2015
No electrons were shared between -- we were a nonbonding pair.
Am I honestly referencing chemistry?
**** you, Bri.

Apr 2015 · 278
L Apr 2015
Please don't make me talk about it  
                      make me repeat the cruel words she wrote
                      make me take you step by grueling step
                      make me say the words I'm struggling to spit out
                      make me explain my depression
                      make up excuses
                      make me lie
                      make me fall for you
Apr 2015 · 143
L Apr 2015
I will silently plead, opening a gateway into my soul, in the hopes that you'll finally understand
Apr 2015 · 384
L Apr 2015
I could listen to your midnight voice for hours, talking about nothing and yet everything.
Our nightly calls keep me sane

Apr 2015 · 168
L Apr 2015
Woe is me, black out my mind
Apr 2015 · 121
L Apr 2015
Forget it, forget everything I said
Apr 2015 · 256
L Apr 2015
In a society obsessed with ***,
it doesn't surprise me that
it's the center of your thought process.
Apr 2015 · 287
L Apr 2015
Try to please too much and you'll lose who you really are
Apr 2015 · 173
L Apr 2015
It breaks and it bleeds and I watch
Apr 2015 · 312
L Apr 2015
You took half of me and I of you
but we'll find each other again somehow
You finally liked something I posted and I can't tell you how happy that made me

Apr 2015 · 243
L Apr 2015
You are a sunset mistaken for a cold, waking dawn.
Apr 2015 · 206
L Apr 2015
I will crawl into your atmosphere
Apr 2015 · 269
L Apr 2015
You watch the clock tick.
You watch my fingertips as they glide across my lips.
You watch people walk by.
You watch my spine expand as I reach across the table.
You watch clouds cover the sun.
You watch my eyes as they shift and glance your way.
You watch people eat.
You watch my neck as I move my hair to the side.
You watch people speak.
You watch my lips stretch over my teeth as I slowly smile.
You watch people interact.
You watch me fall for your eyes
   and do not blink.
Posting some drafts and other poems posted elsewhere

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