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Apr 2015 · 911
Kyleigh Anne Apr 2015
I live in a moment
where time is nonexistent.
Then suddenly I realize,
this is real life and time is relative.
Time is constantly moving....

We must all move forward!
Work in progress. Didn't have my journal handy.
Feb 2015 · 485
Kyleigh Anne Feb 2015
Freedom not being free...
that does NOT sound like me
my soul is as free as can be
I can now breathe fresh air
I found a man who really cares
I at first had many doubts
though I searched, I found NO outs
happiness took over me...
I deserve him and he...
deserves everything I can be
Feb 2015 · 757
This is for you (rewrite)
Kyleigh Anne Feb 2015
Roses are red
the sky is blue
I can't stop smiling
Because I'm thinking of you
Putting on your shoes
packing all your things
I thought you'd give me a diamond ring
instead you cheated
you left me defeated
now it's all me
I'll show you how happy I can be
my first step begins
I've grown so much since then
now, I am FREE
no more walking on eggshells
FREEDOM is all I yell
for your love was like a jail
locking me in with no bail
Happy is all I'll be without you
Waiting for anything new
Feb 2015 · 454
Kyleigh Anne Feb 2015
Happiness is not being with you
only to myself will I stay true
I can find peace alone
soon my heart will find a new home
for someone new is on my mind
and I am on his to my surprise
in an instant, my future looks bright
looking beyond the darkness, I see the light
hope...hope takes hold of my life by the ropes
Is it my turn
To feel the warmth of the burn
eyes gazed
hands embraced
one blink
Im at Peace
Peace, love, and happiness folks. ♡
Nov 2014 · 569
Kyleigh Anne Nov 2014
Clinking bottles
whiskey goggles
ordering a drink
not able to think
words come out a slur
bartender ignored me, bur
stumbling back to the table
she ordered my drink, i was unable
****** whiskey is what I got
known as gut rot
an evening is ending
my life is just beginning
I am now twenty-one
my life party has just begun
✌ I turned 21 in April and I've been enjoying the 'adult' life. But honestly, it *****. Bills. Bills. Bills.
Nov 2014 · 585
Kyleigh Anne Nov 2014
Each day we wake up
Then reach for our coffee cup
each day we are challenged
yet we all still manage
Each day we question all
some times our hope falls
Each day we learn something new
like I still don't miss you
Each day gets easier
I just deserve to be happier
Each day is a new beginning
luckily with life, we are always winning
It has been awhile hello poetry. Hopefully this isn't too bad. ✌
Jun 2014 · 411
Truth is..
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2014
Truth is...
I think I'm happier without you.
I am completely 100% ready to let go
I am saying goodbye because....
the past was haunting me.
What you did to me, you.....
killed me inside. So,
this is goodbye to you!
Mar 2014 · 568
Peace, Love, Be Happy
Kyleigh Anne Mar 2014
Negativity is always around me.
It is now time for me to break free.
I feel like it is my turn to be happy.
Although it is easier to feel all the pain,
I need to find inner peace.
Beautiful is how I once felt.
Hideousness and ugliness overwhelms me.
Soon I'll be enough for something good.
I'm just hoping my time will come soon because I am ready,
I am ready to be happy.
Mar 2014 · 636
Three Years Today
Kyleigh Anne Mar 2014
Three years ago today,
you asked me to be your girl.
To take your hand and disappear to a far away land.
For a year I felt mad love for you.
The second year had its ups and downs.
Then there were the real downs.
You cheated on me.
My fairy-tale turned into a nightmare.
My prince charming into a monsterous demon.
and now, on this day, I'm reminded of all the time I put into this.
Every inch of my love went to you over two years just to be cheated on while working towards the third.
I thought our love could get through everything,
I'm scared it's not strong enough for this.
Because it's only love coming from one of us now, my heart is cold.
Love is not beating through my veins.
Sadly, March 28th is now just a normal day for me.
Mar 2014 · 657
Not Worth It
Kyleigh Anne Mar 2014
My stomach is in knots.
I dream of sweet love,
love that makes you feel alive.
Love so pure, butterflies dance inside.
no matter how hard we try
this isn't pure love.
There is so much hate and anger,
that lingers inside us.
Each day there is a new battle to try and overcome.
we are going in circles to nowhere.
clearly, we aren't meant to be.
for starters, you lied and cheated on me.
That pain, it doesn't matter how **** hard I try,
is always going to poison me inside.
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Fake Love
Kyleigh Anne Mar 2014
The way you looked me straight in the eyes and said I was the only one for you.
and You told me I was your everything.
You complimented my insecurities to make me feel happy.
you said you loved me forever and always.
that I was the only one for you.
you said all of these things while looking deep into my eyes.
now I know everything you said were lies.
the whole time, you were cheating on me!
none of it was true love, it was fake love,
the love you had for me, fake love.
my love was sincere, and I was always here.
it was never real. if it was, I would have been the only one in your life.
Feb 2014 · 411
What I Wish I Could Say
Kyleigh Anne Feb 2014
You broke me
into pieces.
I can't stop picturing what you've done.
I hate you, I hate what you've done.
I hate how you've made me feel.
I feel worthless, like I meant NOTHING.
I was just your promised piece of *** to ravish.
you didn't need,
you had many other girls to keep you satisfied.
I was 'just' your girlfriend.
which I thought one was faithful to, especially after 2 years, now almost 3 I'm
The REAL you, the you you've kept hidden so well.
The you that lies and cheats, and repeats.
My flag, bright white flag is flying.
I'm done, done with the REAL you making me the way I feel.
Something I wish I would have the guts to say to the man who has taken everything from me. I am at my lowest and still don't have the strength to stand up and save myself.
Feb 2014 · 426
Kyleigh Anne Feb 2014
I feel queasy, nauseous, faint
Constantly knowing that I thought things were fine
looking at old pictures, I was so oblivious
I thought I had it all but you were nothing I wanted
you're what I wanted to avoid.
and now I know what you've done..
the trust is completely gone.
I am constantly sick because of my mind,
picturing you now, doing the same.
Hurting me the same just getting better at lying and hiding.
depression I roll into, I can't seem to break rotation.
I need out, I need light, I need breath, I need life.
Because when I'm around you I'm not sure if I know you.
you've lied to me, since the beginning
the trust is completely gone.
feeling like crap! not knowing what to believe, never having trust, I feel sick. I didn't deserve this.
Feb 2014 · 491
Drowning in Lies
Kyleigh Anne Feb 2014
I can't breathe
I trusted you again
I opened up to you again
I let you in my heart again
I forgave you again

You lied to me
about Lincoln our freshman year
about loving only me for 3 whole years
about me being enough
about me being beautiful
about you smoking and drinking
about you partying with friends in Omaha

I do not know what to believe
since day one it's all been a lie to me
True love is what I thought I achieved
In reality, I've been drowning for 3 years in a sea
a sea of all the lies you've poured down on me.
Finding out your one and only, your first true love cheated on you for an entire year KILLS! I have wasted 3 years of my life and I have lost many opportunities by letting him in. Everything has always been a lie. I have had a dark feeling for awhile and now I know to ALWAYS trust your gut!
Dec 2013 · 462
To Be Gone
Kyleigh Anne Dec 2013
Tis the season to clinging bottles
taking shots until you're tipsy
Escaping the holiday dreadfuls
by popping some happy pills
Love is almost escaping
this heart is slowly breaking
I thought this time was supposed to be happy
in a blink of an eye it will all be over
By tomorrow I'll be hungover
Tis the season to be gone
for there is not much happy this holiday season.
Feeling down this time of year. it *****.
Dec 2013 · 792
Tis the Season
Kyleigh Anne Dec 2013
Tis the season to clinging bottles
taking shots until you're tipsy
Escaping the holiday dreadfuls
by popping some happy pills
Love is almost escaping
this heart is slowly breaking
I thought this time was supposed to be happy
in a blink of an eye it will all be over
By tomorrow I'll be hungover
Tis the season to be gone
for there is not much happy this holiday season.
Feeling down this time of year. it *****.
Sep 2013 · 770
Kyleigh Anne Sep 2013
It has been awhile poetry
I forgot to write
about the things that are dear to me
Life is outrageous
I hope that my love for you
is extremely contagious
So you love me to the moon and back
and always and forever
and to infinity and beyond, my love
Hello Poetry it has been awhile. Hello followers. Haven't been keeping up on writing so don't be too judgmental. Peace.
Jun 2013 · 844
C.W.S 2013
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
I am lucky to live in Omaha because
we have "The greatest show on dirt"
people from all around
come downtown
to TD Ameritrade Park
enjoying baseball
and the atmosphere
it is the best time of year
two weeks of travelers
hoping for their team to make it
hoping for their team to win it
only to become
2013 College World Series Champions
Jun 2013 · 779
Enjoy the Smoke
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
I like to sit around and ****
lean back and watch my room cloud with smoke
beginning to feel every hit
Mary Jane you're it
I enjoy these moments with my boy
he always brings me joy
I listen to your fingers glide
strumming those guitar strings
I love your voice
when you serenade me
when we sit back and enjoy the smoke
I love you
even behind my cloudy eyes
you're the one who makes me shine
we take a moment
we take another ****
we take time and watch my room fill with smoke
with you by my side
I'll always be all right
Jun 2013 · 754
This is for You
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Roses are red
the sky is blue
I can't stop smiling
because I'm thinking of you
grabbing my waist
your right hand caressing my elephant tattoo
leaning in to kiss my lips
I love the way you taste
you're the only one I miss
cause I love
oh, yes that's true
there is no truer love
than the love I have for you
Jun 2013 · 526
The End
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
I can't do anything but cry
I constantly wipe tears from my eye
my broken heart lies in two
my mind replaying memories of you
I never thought we would end
but here I am searching for friends
all I want is to curl up in a ball
any hope I had begins to fall
for you are not mine anymore
I've packed my things and I'm going to the door
I leave and never look back
I am feeling like I had a heart attack
my pain resides inside my heart
I truly thought we would never part
Jun 2013 · 6.8k
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Once you're unhappy
becoming happy again seems unlikely
it is hard to find joy
even when talking to a boy
it is hard to get yourself where you want to be
when you're so unhappy
sadness is an ugly disease
someone take the pain away, please
I try hard not to shed a single tear
I think I've found my biggest fear
as I lay in bed today
I plead, please take this unhappiness away
Jun 2013 · 918
Stormy Night
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
The thunder rolls all through the night
every other second a lightening strike
nights like this I love being with you most
we will lift our glasses and make a toast
to many more years like this
I can still remember our first kiss
you and I dancing in the rain
takes away the pain
I impatiently wait to cuddle you
we will sleep until the day is new
Jun 2013 · 656
That Party
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Closed mind and open doors
still hungover from the night before
whispers are heard from top to ground
look thats her turn around
I had to escape that place
all I wanted was to disguise my face
many questions ran through my mind
people were staring the entire time
  what happened last night
  what choices did I make
  I wonder if they were all mistakes
bad choices lead to consequences
I asked around and heard we jumped fences
that party was crazy
I'm ready for the next one, maybe
This poem was inspired by my freshman year in college at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln partying during Husker games.
Jun 2013 · 578
A Chance
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
I paint a smile upon my sad face
everything feels out of place
the pain resides deep inside
happiness is truly hard to find
for days I weep
several nights without sleep
I wait patiently for change
everything always stays the same
give me a chance how hard can that be
just give me a chance to be happy
Just writing here.
Jun 2013 · 647
In Time
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
we met in seventh grade
by eighth you had to move away
I was left with just the thought of you
only because you never knew
I loved you
time passed by before I saw your face
I was creeping around on myspace
I shot you a message telling you how I felt
one came back and you felt the same
from there nothing changed until senior year came
in less than no time
you were all mine
inseparable we've been ever since
I couldn't be happier to call you my Chris
Love inspires me to write.
Jun 2013 · 858
The Fear in Me
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Fear is no stranger to me
I am scared of many
death lurks in the back of my mind
each day desperately hoping its not my time
garter snakes the ones with lines
slither, hiss, and intertwine
losing the ones that I love
all of my older siblings above
ending up alone
left in the world unknown
I cannot live in a world of fear
so I always keep happiness near
Jun 2013 · 557
You're Mine
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
I never thought I could love someone for so long
look at us still going strong
baby there is something you should know
I am never going to let you go
you are mine and I am yours
I can't wait to walk through those doors
wearing nothing but white and maybe a little blue
just imagining my future with you
with your hand in mine
we can conquer anything and be fine
I can't wait for an eternity to prove it
I love you and there is no question to it
I loves my Chris :)
Jun 2013 · 695
Zerabella Jane
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
There she lay with her body uneven
she found comfort in the sunlight
sweet orange and brown fur a mess
from the playing the day before this
residing on the back of the couch
her favorite place to lay
mistake me not for she is not a cat
but a dog I can assure you that
the sweetest of pups that I know
I could never ever let her go
Bella Jane is my baby
absolute favorite lady
ears are floppy
snout so scruffy
eyes a beautiful brown with a touch of orange
she is my doggy in the window
my sweet young Bella Jane
is never ashamed
for she is unique
now that is what makes her so sweet
There might be quite a few poems about my favorite dog. She is just the greatest pup in the world. :)
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
Cat in the Window
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Her eyes green and so bold
she was peering out the window
watching, waiting
so majestically she sat with her tail hanging low
ears were ready to listen
fur was slightly flustered
as she was watching, waiting
the colors intertwined in her fur
gray, black, orange, beautiful
so old and yet so small
she surly is the best kitty of them all
Sassy Elizabeth is the meower I know
for she is my cat in the window
Watching my cat Sassy made me wanna write something for my cute kitty. :)
Jun 2013 · 541
Did You Notice
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
I painted my nails
my eyes were covered in blue
  did you notice
wearing my best dress
anxiously waiting for you
  did you notice
I try hard for you
to please every inch of you
  did you notice
next thing i knew
my face was covered in blue
tears roll down my cheeks without control
  did you notice
my heart dropped to the floor
I can't take this pain anymore
just writing.
Jun 2013 · 677
Interview Jitters
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Nerves take control of my body
I begin to shake
the jitters are making me sick
my foot taps the ground steadily
I thought growing up would be easy
waiting patiently my name is called
it's my turn to go back
the questions are soon to come
in the blink of an eye its over
I step out of the building
now the waiting game begins
Super nervous for my interview in an hour!
Jun 2013 · 724
Longing for You
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
As I lay here awaiting slumber
before my eyes lay to rest
I begin longing for your body warmth
your body spooning mine
I fit inside of yours so perfectly its insane
I want to feel your right arm around my waist
your left arm under my head
snuggling you as if one of us might blow away in the night
you hold me so tight I can feel the beat of your heart
I lay here longing for tomorrow night
Missing my boy.
Jun 2013 · 814
Midnight Toke
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
It's about that time for a Midnight ****
to put my blistering thoughts at ease
to make this restless body rest
everything around me becomes more enjoyable to watch
laughter breaks through
I begin to think of you just like I always do
as I lean back dazed and confused
Led Zeppelin is pouring out sweet tunes
I hear "its on you"
my Bic torches the bowl
inhaling the feeling gets stronger
my eyes get heavier
sleep takes complete control
as I notice
Mr. Sandman stepping out the door
I lay there asleep in a room filled with smoke
After I took my midnight ****
Jun 2013 · 569
Never-ending Emotions
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Butterflies flutter in my chest
My stomach begins to ache
A sickness overwhelms my body
With my head pounding
Thoughts race through my mind
My body begins to tremble
It becomes hard to see
Tears fall down my face
  Where is the one who will wipe them away
The one who will say,
  "I'll make all your pain fade"
I hold onto hope that it will get better
This unstoppable flow of emotions will never end
Jun 2013 · 656
My Christopher
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
As I lay next to you
I smile constantly at what I see
You're laying on your back sleeping
Your brown hair is a mess
Your brown eyes are still at rest
My eyes start to peer down towards your chest
Your skin is bare
Your naked body is so wonderful
My fingers caress your skin
Those brown eyes make contact with mine
My hand touches your well defined jaw
The dimples on your cheeks leave me breathless when you smile
My lips fall in between yours
A perfect fit
That is only because you're my Chris
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
It is a fire that burns through my body
It shakes through my bones
My stomach turns, I begin to tremble
Thoughts begin to shoot around
  Why does she have to talk to him
  She is so much prettier than me
  Can't he see this is killing me
Thoughts continue to race
Taking a deep breath I close my eyes
  He is mine, forever and always
Jealousy is an omen
Beware, it will curse your body
Only bad can come
Let go and release to ease your sanity
For he is mine and I am his for all eternity
Jun 2013 · 487
War Must End
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Put down the guns
Set down your weapons
They aren't needed anymore
You've wounded enough
The innocent is in pain
Blood is all around from the people slain
Those images will never leave your brain
Soon you're home feeling sane
Warm love from friends and family
It makes you feel better again
As you lay alone and awake at night
It all comes back to you
The screams, the cries, the pain, the images, the blood
You slowly become insane
Jun 2013 · 974
Happy in Love
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Love is so often misunderstood
It is a feeling that is very rare
Love takes time
Time to create trust and to build walls
Walls of protection to keep out muggles
For love is magic and it must be kept safe
If it falls into the wrong hands
Love will fade
Between you and I, surrounded by our walls
I am happily in love with you
Jun 2013 · 537
Whispers in my Bed
Kyleigh Anne Jun 2013
Whispers are echoing through my wandering mind
As I lay my head full of voices down for slumber
My mind truly rejoices for rest is near
Every thought I had that day crawled back into my tired brain
They whisper
-everyone knows you're fat
-you're never going to fit in
-you're crazy Ky
-you're obsessed
STOP! I don't give in
My eyelids fall
The whispers fade until tomorrow night as I lay awake in bed

— The End —