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Jul 2011 · 1.6k
Fast-Paced, Reckless
Normally it'd be a promise that I cannot keep or let myself hold to,
but everything I swear just seems to bring me away from you.
How awkward too, getting close then coming unglued.
I feel like I'm running and you're untying my shoe.
I feel like I'm getting so tired I can hardly move.

So I'll wait here for you.

I've spent so many nights locked out of you,
I'd rather live with my lights knocked out by you.
Might as well, rolling my eyes to the back of my head
just looking for the words that I have not yet thought or said.
Oddly, you're not even my type, being the kind made to be chased,
But typical isn't what I want to find, and clearly I don't set the rules in this race.
What a day to forever remember and a night to never forget, but I'm just trying my best.

With untied shoes, fast-paced, reckless.
But I'll wait here for you.
Jun 2011 · 1.3k
Rosy Cheek
She mostly just hurts when she smiles.

I've only ever seen her laugh... while she is hurting.

She shows no concern for the way things work,

she'd much rather just know that... things are working.

And she hopes and prays for so called better days.

And I think I may have found them if she ever stays.

She mostly just sighs when she cries.

I've only just noticed this and... she might be used to it.

I know it seems like I want everything,

but if you just get close to me,

let me kiss your rosy cheek.

That's all I need.

She never really heard about self worth,

and in the mirror she never knew why she was staring.

She never much said her favorite word,

And her worst fear was nothing, the silence was blaring.

Now she couldn't love a thing again.

Scared to death of dying without him.

She mostly just hurts when she smiles.

I've only ever seen her laugh... while she is hurting.

She shows no concern for the way things work,

she'd always much rather just... know that things are working.

I know it seems like I want everything,

but if you just get close to me,

let me kiss your rosy cheek.

That's all I need.
Jun 2011 · 1.5k
You Mean "Have to Yell"
Nothing ever happens how you wish it would.
You were such a talker, swore I could listen good.
You'd correct me, say "it's actually well."
I replied that's one thing I hoped you could tell.
You understood the double meanings
and right there was where you stood.
You're swaying and you're leaning,
you've had too much on the neighborhood.

I wish I could impress you now,
but I've run out of luck somehow.
I think that's what I'm mostly missing,
all that and the kissing, but not the only thing.
Like times you would just fall down on me,
can't even come up with a similar analogy.
Thinking like I must be somewhere close to Heaven,
sometimes even when you must feel you got to yell.
I can't believe the things that I still miss from then,
especially now it all just fell straight into Hell.

How are you now asking why you should ever have taken the time to care
when you were right about to cry when you last ran hands through my hair?
i wished upon a star that fell at night we would eventually be together once and forever,
never fail, like a man, never fall, like a star that might burn out in one barren desert.

the rock drops, breaks the glass house and, if looking closely at what reflects,
something so obvious as this was something that we could never expect.
i knew i'd be bruised and some parts would be missing,
my heart still pumping, but something cold and empty.
my blood in the soil, watering the seeds of regret,
my pockets are empty, my life must be a lost bet,
or a ball of lint...

i have no excuse for what empty pictures i hold of myself up here, but
what can i expect when you are gone and i look at myself in the mirror?
i've already said empty three times...

i spend time on me, wondering why hyenas laugh, and if that's what makes them such terrible things and beasts.
if a rabbit is jumping because he's always running away, or if he has some places he urgently needs to be.

and i wonder if a deadbeat like me could ever make something that works, or write some words to encourage, to laugh like the beast,
but i know that he really ends up on the side of the road, that's where some things arrive and eventually will perish, much like a rabbit.
i know that she is saving me from my roadkill mentality,
but what would i have if i lose her? i lose her balance and stability.

if i'd lose her, i know i would always look for myself in a tall glass window,
seeing through but not in, she weakens me to a little bit of hope.
maybe we're really not all that far apart and lonely, a desperate feel of lonely.
maybe skylights in havana touch the stars the angels are holding... the beautiful angels are holding.

some place lovely like that with god's concern.
maybe i should watch for my wishful meteor,
in hope that when it finally does fall to earth
it lights my way back and lands right next to her.
a girl could one day make a woman, she can,
and if she does not forget me, we will have true romance.

i ask for things, in my dreams.
but it's always been that they don't come true,
and if i never find you, i can know at least that i have slept.

i hope i can measure myself by how much you've asked for,
how much i hope a vision of me, a thing you have dreamt.
don't ask for me, i'm not really anything that much,
and what you ask for may be a love that never lets up.
please, try not to dream of me,
i'll try to not dream of you, baby.
but i don't want to forget,
and in a dream i could live...

i dream i am a man who never failed, i dream what i am of anything, a lifetime stuck in the desert.
a girl is in my dream, my fantasy. and i hope it paid, i hope i hadn't spent all of my money on the parking meter,

so i could get us out of there. make it back from our dreams alive.
i'm the meteor and i can't get out of here,
i want to find her and i want to love her.
i want to look again in the mirror and see her in me.
don't leave me.
Mar 2011 · 1.4k
Carefully Placed Commas
i've never wanted attachment worse,
it's just crazy tonight.
i want to hold your hands,
face to face when worlds collide.

what is it?
instant reaction?
sudden troubled reflection?
i don't understand it and i don't want that.

understand, standing underwater when the planet's over,
going under, everything's alright.
the last mirage in the back of our minds
will be the loss of anything worth time.

what's worse?
worst doesn't come first.
and don't be sad, it's good.
it's news after the matter is done and over.

i look you in the eye, loving you more than life's worth,
and for an eternity i'll do this.
writing you to see how you feel, writing with letters and words,
with carefully placed commas.

i want connection to every star you've ever heard about.
kissing for the comets, stopping to let our hearts out.

a connection like the one between souls that comes before life and lasts after.
that's love, made for each other, that's us, and it keeps us together.

i'm convinced again and again.
we'll share everything, you and i.

everything i've said, ever since we met,
a small cost for the rest of our lives.
Feb 2011 · 784
Day One
I hope one day you get ****** around so bad
we can relate about it together, so sad.
I hope one day you can be sober
so we can talk about this,
so we can think it over.

And maybe then I could look you in the eyes
and not see a filmstrip rolling of your lies.
Just thumbnails to leave out the details
so we can talk about this,
so we can think it over.

I hope one day you live alone in silence
and we can never meet again
so this **** doesn't happen
all over just like this,
and it's over.
Feb 2011 · 579
For Dear Life
Maybe one day we can make some sense of all of this,
until then, it's back to tending for my other addictions.

I'm ******, but I can't even say some ****.
It's ******, but it's none of my business.

You aren't mine, you're busy trying to be his.

I'm thinking your heart may have been asking for this.
But for dear life, hold on, or let me have one last kiss.

'Cause it'd take more than just a box of tissue
to try to explain how much I miss you.
Lost, not even words will do because it's true,
I can't say the way I feel when I'm with you.
Feb 2011 · 1.1k
Never Lovers, Only Liars
Nights like these make miracles seem like a bunch of ****.
When everything feels out of reach and the right one is in his.
That's when it hits like a ton of bricks.
We were little, we were losers
and only liars, never lovers.
Our exaggeration needs no explanation,
I see what you want to get from this.
Congratulations for my aggravation,
I'll try to ignore your ignorant bliss.
Everything you wanted from me
was everything I wanted to be.
Now I just want to be home,
but there's no place like that any more.
All I have is alone, you know,
I feel like there really is no front door.
I can't see straight without you in my sight
and I can't be late to see how you are tonight.
I've got a great feeling that this is just right,
you have to relate to feeling what I feel like.

somehow convince you
that it's worth your time,
but what can I do?

Trying to get close to something golden,
and maybe I can get a grip on your clues.
Since you keep dropping subtle hints
instead of simply letting them slip through.

Once I have it,  I'll always hold it
I could get completely lost in this moment.
Most of my life was cold and lonely,
I stand before you, words frost bit and frozen.

Wanting more than what you've sold me,
I'll gladly pay with something golden
for you to forever be my one and only,
I'll say "I love you" loud and boldly.

I got you, something golden.
I got you, something golden.
Jan 2011 · 807
Peculiar Way
Never cheats at games,

she screams my name,

she'll seize the day,

I'll feel the pain.

She dreams the same

as she does everything

the most peculiar way.

Wouldn't greet the strange,

she gets her say,

she never pays.

I don't feel so great.

She leaves, not stays,

but, God, she even prays

the most peculiar way.

Why would she ever change...

the most peculiar way?
Dec 2010 · 509
So Few
What if the stars were only ours to stare into?
How many of them there are and we're so few.
If they are soley reflected light off the spark in your eyes,
I swear on my life I would not be at all surprised.
And it might be a reminder that there's just us two.
How many of them there are and we're so few.
Makes me remember how far away I am from you.
Miles of them between us that I can't see through.
Decisions I can't make, is it too early, is it too late?
Infinitely they do go on, give or take, it seems to be somewhat true.
Isn't it just funny how many of them there are, yet we're so very few?
Dec 2010 · 1.6k
Cheek to Cheek
Neck and neck,
when knee high in problems,
I've got your back,
and we, I think, can solve them.

I'll never lie,
but sometimes I'll be joking.
I hope you laugh,
without that life means nothing.

And If you cry,
let it please be on my shoulder,
can't lead my life
and leave my princess broken.

The stress in time
may bring me down to nothing,
but with your love,
to get through I'll keep shoving.

Passed obstacles,
a past filled with regret and dreams-
of how we could
last always, forever be.

Don't wonder why
if I seem any colder,
know deep inside
this guy is still your lover.

No chores this time,
no more, what's yours is mine this week.
You I adore,
so pass the ***** laundry.

Pass the soap,
the dishes too are coming clean.
And if you go,
know right here I'll be waiting.

Here by the door,
each day for the same girl,
to let you know,
remind you, you're my angel.

And it's worthwhile,
your smile, I'd never let it go.
Cheek to cheek,
I breathe to always love you so.
With a book by a window lie wisdom and beauty between walls.
A steady grip on what would lay open in hand,
meaning clear as day as light shines in, she always takes a stand.
Blurred by what nightfall brings,
realizing two deafening and definite things that you will never be:

Fully understood in words
or something through which I can see.
Never in my arms to read
or even by a window within my reach.
Nov 2010 · 803
Of Knowledge
Contradicting the concept of living,
the list of your simplicities goes on and on.
The first red apple sitting at the beginning,
linear, the list of your simplicities.

I see you as a pool of water.
Touch it and it waves, do anything and it waves.
Say something and you wave.
Clueless, your simplicities go on and on, like an apple.
Nov 2010 · 582
Practice Makes Certain
Practice makes certain,
scratches make perfect.
A voice like a needle etching into your brain in your head.
Waking you from bed like a mother would, or a lover instead.

Clouds make curtains
on the end of a stage for a man-made person.
Bringing out who someone wants them to be in time to show who's better.
Someone listening behind the scenes like a fly on the wall, because they know you can't take the pressure.

Only I know you're a jumper in this world, winking, flinching.
Hurting yourself more every second you don't tear down this wall.
Anchor set around my ankles,
here to be my image mangled.
You'll never be alone.
Of all the faces, mine unknown.
I'm left here, you'll never be alone.
Come and gone, I've been gone so long.
I've been home and I've been ignored.
Never again, you will never be alone.

Sweet sheltered's been away for years,
reading the stars from passenger seats of passing cars.
Riding in the dark, she grows in tears,
but her age is still beneath her.
In love is the moon, he'll always protect and keep her.

Dear dreamy lives in her mind, time is her fantasy.
Her crimes are deep colors, her sky crimson red,
her heart is a felony.
Her breath is of life, her lips kiss of death,
her soul breathes paradise in between.
Her eyes see love dead shades of grey, but love is alive in her dreams.
Tonight, please, take back the world and give me everything.
Nov 2010 · 564
Rainy Day Queen
Rainy days aren't the same when you're lonely.

It used to be used as a pretty good excuse

for how to put off all your need to do's...

Now I need to get me back to you.

The lightning blinks and it stings when you're lonely.

It used to be our silhouette against the sheets,

somehow it's enough to be frightening.

And now I need to get you back to me.

And, well, I was wrong if I said

I couldn't forget what to do,

because I don't have a clue.

And, well, I was wrong if I said

that I really wish I was dead,

so that I wouldn't love you.

All in all, it's really nothing we haven't seen.

Me and you, alone with my rainy day queen.
Nov 2010 · 823
I feel the day break here before my own boulder.

Now I kneel, push it along, and all alone, it's just getting harder.

You come console me with your chin on my shoulder.

Now I feel somewhat at home, just like where I started.

I feel the wind crash against my weary eyelids.

Now I see you battle strong, you carry on, we push the stone.

I can't believe the beautiful soul in this woman.

Now I feel like a whole new song, so I carry a different tone.

Now's the time I think that I never did try,

and how we'd end up on opposite sides.

I couldn't believe you might be gone,

I couldn't find the words to settle on.

But I've finally come to these ones: "I love you and I know that I'm right."

So I hope and think you won't argue when I say just what I'm feeling inside.

This cold bitter breeze, right now, just brings me down to my knees,

I hope one day it might take us away, to find a better place to be...

Now that great rock sits atop a faraway hill,

waiting to topple the next time we come near.

That's not a problem for our care, we'll be waiting,

all the way over here, in fresh air, not suffocating.
Lindsey's a diary entry for everyday she's yet to live.

Full of science fiction, but that's just a guess I'd give.

Hannah'd bet against the world, smoke goes right to her mind.

Have problems when she's sixty, having a blast at the time.

Ryan, he must be fine, he's got a brain and a lot to show.

Loaned him a couple bills, but who says to him I do not owe...

And as for me, I think I'm alright,

or at least I'll get by.

I wonder if they think about me,

but Hell, I love you guys.

Steve it seems lost touch with everyone so I don't feel so dumb.

Once at each other's throats, but at least that's finally done.

Aaron's staring at a new direction, best of wishes are for him.

I can't see me ever being married, I wish the best again.

Kristen couldn't learn from her problems, committed the same mistake.

Over and over, time, well time just starts to come too late.

And as for me, I think I'm alright,

or at least I'll get by.

I wonder if they think about me,

but Hell, I love you guys.
Nov 2010 · 553
Count on Me
Why do we lie?

What do you think?

Who do you look to in the sky?

How do you sit and wait?

Hope it's with a world of patience,

'cause that's what you'll need.

That's what you'll need.

If you make a plan, I'm right behind you.

If you take a stand, I'm right beside you.

Call on me, and I'll be there.

If you need a friend, just hold my hand.

Count on me, I'll be there.

What do you say

when they take away?

Or did you even see?

Who do you relate to

when you scream?

I hope it's me.

I hope it's me.

If you take a breath, you take mine too.

If you feel alone, well, I'm lonely too.

So if you call on me, I'll be right there.

Until the end, I'm always yours to spend.

Just count on me, I'll be there.

If you think at all, I'm right behind you.

If you take a fall, I'm right beside you.

Call on me, and I'll be there.

If you need a friend, just hold my hand.

Count on me, I'll be there.
Nov 2010 · 620
Something to split- a tear,

so we can both share a cry.

That gaze with those eyes...

you know you took me over.

I must have pulled that girl

into the pills and alcohol

that washed it down...

one bottle after another.

I must have pushed the brick in the ground

that drove her down to drown

that swept away her sweet sound.

I should have split the brick over my head,

taken half the pills, or all instead.

I should have spiked my drink, blood salty blue,

to numb my feel, put me next to you.

Somehow I'd seen this many years before,

I knew we'd be us since a long time ago.
Nov 2010 · 592
Hours (into Some Movie)
Your careful eyes hardly looking,
avoiding me, I believe.
I see you here, even still
they disappear...
but I really don't see you leaving.

I can feel your hands and arms warm around me
hours after you leave.
I lay there for hours and hours,
it'll be hours 'til I can sleep.
Rewind to keep you here,
I think I missed a scene.

Your careful eyes hardly looking,
avoiding me, I believe.
I kiss you and they stay still.
opening to reflections of yours and mine.

I count them when you're here with me.
the hours we spend in silence, the hours we've spent kissing.
A trance for thought, a loss for words, they blink...
Nothing to think and nothing to speak,
closed eyes now, there's nothing to see...
Our tongues entwined for the evening.

Time flies, but it doesn't mean anything,
I take my watch off to hold you closer,
even closer to me, you'll wear my ring.

Opened, closed again,
Credits rolling, the end,

By the time they open again, we lay still, only breathing.
I think we are hours past this movie, but I really hope you aren't leaving.
I couldn't ask for anything better to dream of...
when I'm next to you, smiling, soundly sleeping.

I wish you could read my mind,
but I'm not so sure you can't.
There's nothing really in this town,
I'll use that as a quiet place with you though.

Or a place for me to miss you,
miss your lips when they leave .
But your flavor slipped onto my mouth too,
so before I see you again,
in anticipation, I can bite my lip.
In a souvenir, I can taste you.

I want to be a testimonial
to your testament of love.
For now
in this town.

We are hours into some movie, we are slowly losing pattern.
My words are hopeful and your eyes are daunting, bearing every ring of Saturn.
We're in our own space, and any exit would be a fork in the road, a wrong turn.
Nov 2010 · 750
Flying Together
No pretense, with words like life written on lips like wings.

Nothing could make you see the light in your eyes that I've come to need.

No mirror reflects the image in tact, but at least I can see what I want and know why I breathe,

lying before me, a reason to live and appreciate beautiful things.

Lifting in height, so we don't have to make believe

with words like love written on lips like wings.

With one kiss we're flying,

those two lights set me free.
Nov 2010 · 571
From the Hip
I celebrate the silence

you spend with me.

Among the things that I sense,

you seem to be somewhere

across the void.

A lesson here that i've learned

a little bit too late.

Never trust your instincts

and don't follow hate

in this hole.

Seldom would you have guessed

I could even breathe.

I don't know who you suggest

but I know who you've been.

Ready as I aim, you fire

from the hip

across the void

in this hole.
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
Bad Chromosome
My melting for you

under the heat and pressure

is not enough to

convince you you're no better

with these precious impurities.

And I see you blur the edges

so that they aren't so jagged,

you make another mistake

and an excuse for it's namesake.

Well, I pair up my imperfections too

and with every infection on an X,

there's a Y that stands for you.

A bad chromosome.

I could listen to the sounds you make

that could burst vessels in my head to leak.

So I could hold my skull to my neck in place

but still with every rumble it would bleed.

I could **** down all your lies and fear

right to my brain, right through my ears

I'd hate to think I wouldn't have a word to say,

but what you want to take I do want to see...

just in case it's me you need.

Can you relax in this madness?

I'll take a moment, calm you down.

Can you relax in this madness?

I'll take a moment, calm you down.

Can you relax in this madness?

I'll take a moment, calm you down.

Can you relax in this madness?

I'll take a moment, calm you down.

A bad chromosome.
Nov 2010 · 924
We've Been Found
I found, while walking down the street, I could love you anywhere.

With cement against my feet, in the bleeding summer heat,

where we want to be, our toes can let us go... and we'll get there.

All the time in the world to spare.

I found, with sand beneath my nails, I could love you anywhere.

With rocks against our heels, memories become stale,

and so we set sail, our song birds will let us know... when we get there.

All the time in the world to spare.

I found they tell us don't, when to the sun we stare...

but we're not going back.

All the time in the world to spare.

All the time in the world to spare.

And while walking down the street, your eyes mine do see.

And with sand between my nails, you are there in each grain.

And we'll get there.  And we'll get there.

I found each foot against the road, each beat against the night.

I found our souls against the tide, for all reason and all rhyme.

We'll walk on light.  We'll walk on light.

No matter where we go, in our hearts we'll know.

We are there.  I'm right here (we've been found).

We are there.  You're right here (we've been found).

We are there.
Arm your ground,

you let them push you around.

All I've found is those who get you down,

baby, baby, they aren't your friends.

There was a light set to dim.

When will I see you again?

Off to the right all alone,

you spent all night on the phone.

You were fighting with him,

my hand was fanning my grin.

You looked at me with your own,

yours had the brighter glow.

With fully good intent,

"when will I see you again?"

Sore thumbs can not blend in,

"when will I see you again?"

What little we had known,

acquainted we had grown.

A puff of smoke for a friend

from a match that I had lent.

A match we made from home,

who knew what we'd become?

Sparked up with good intent,

"when will I see you again?"

All systems are go,

what have you to show?

I've not much to tell,

this is the very end.

When will I see you again?
Nov 2010 · 609
Once in a while (a Song)
I'll sing a song every once in a while,

about a face that once did smile.

I'll play in tune but out of style,

play a song once in a while,

a song about the way we did kiss.

Look at the moon in the sky up above.

So far from us, how could it know any love?

Beneath the stars of which we're struck,

there are two eyes I won't give up.

And, for her, I'll play a song once in a while.

Across the sea, have no fear, I won't retreat.

That burning bridge is gone enough for me.

On the shore of which we meet,

so happy there, I will be.

And for her, I'll play a song once in a while.

With all my hope and some clothes, I hit the road

to try and find some place I can go.

But then I feel so alone,

I must return home.

And for her, I'll play a song once in a while.

I'll play a song to cherish you.

I'll play a song to remember you without having to say your name.

I'll play a song to hold onto you like you're my last breath, because I know you are.

I'll play a song because it's all I can do.

I'll play a song until I forget about you.

I'll play a song until I know I can't.
Nov 2010 · 733
The Color, My Eye
Her heart is blooming and she blows my mind.

Her hair is golden like the earrings inside.

Can't imagine the truth if she should lie.

Someone told me the sun would still shine.

But she stole that color,

now she has my eye.

Her tears are leaving and she too says goodbye.

Her touch is cold and the ground is dry.

Can't imagine this life if she should die.

Someone told me the sun would still shine.

But she stole that color, the brightness is over.

Now she has my eye, I see black and white.

Her eyes are closing, they remind me of mine.

When I pretend it's not real, must be a lie to die.

I just can't imagine why I would even try.

Someone told me the sun would still shine.

But she has the color

and she stole my eye.

The sun still comes out

when I dream at night.
Nov 2010 · 1.0k
Planes and Tanks (Politik)
Planes and Tanks

What is left of hate we must send our planes and tanks to,

like finishing our plate, just like saying please and thank you.

We wait around all day, and we still won't leave the table.

So all the kids and all the moms, get ready for state-wide security,

but watch out for bullets and bombs, these rifles aren't on safety.

We're the ones with guns, please don't judge your own state of need.

Hand grenades explode against flesh and stones backlash off armored plates.

If we were going in for seconds, what's left?

We should have taken two in the first place.
Nov 2010 · 519
Love without Happy
I'd like to look into the sun without squinting.

I cannot lay atop the grass without itching.

And there are some torn up hearts

beyond repair here.

And so there must be a sort of love,

a love without care.

I lied all these lonely nights, my window wide open

just waiting for a lullaby soft enough spoken.

No matter what I hear, the echo is deafening.

How can these hearts go on, the beat still not ending?

Can I get much for my soul

if it still is not living?

There must be a sort of love,

a love without happy.

I felt a little smile creep across my face

when I dreamt I slept next to you,

but soon awoke with heartache.
Nov 2010 · 755
Bluff (You Never Call Me)
You're so beautiful, I don't wonder why

when you're around I can feel a change.

You're sweet like the spring time,

when you speak it's like warm summer rain.

You remind me why I am alive

and when you're hurt I can feel your pain.

For some reason at the same time

we tend to say the very same thing.

And just what is enough?

When it comes to love, there is never too much.

Well, isn't this just my luck?

If this is real, I want to see your bluff

Those soft lips, those bright eyes,

I know that smile will always feel the same.

I understand why I don't qualify,

any guy puts me to shame.

But I would die to rewind,

being apart seems like such a waste.

Anything to keep you mine,

please stop my heart before it breaks.

And just what is enough?

When it comes to love, there is never too much.

Well, isn't this just my luck?

If this is real, I want to be your bluff.
Nov 2010 · 639
Pt. Bl_nk
I'm at point blank with you,

I'm sorting out all my problems.

From this new point of view,

I can see you're dishonest.

Remember you said you knew

exactly what I was thinking?

Well you should never assume

that your opinion has meaning.

Even if it is true,

your actions are deceiving.

I am coming unglued,

how low have you been sinking?

I'm at point blank with you,

I'm spilling out all my problems.

I think I'm okay "enough,"

to say that we are done.

"Enough," speaking of which,

I must never have been.

You're always taking my time

and keeping out of the light.

"Enough" speaking of this,

I'm done with everything.

Done trying to find out our fate...

again and again.

I'm at point blank with you,

I'm breaking out of my problems.

From this new point of view,

I can see straight through.
Nov 2010 · 628
Final Step
Can you feel the excitement?

It's the vibe if you find it.

Try to lie, but you can't hide it.

We live our dreams just like we're dyin'.

I'll pull you up if you're feelin' down,

and all the light will shine against your gown.

Feel so alive when we just can't be found,

dance and jive if you hear the sound.

You've got a secret, that's somethin' that sells,

confide in me, 'cause I don't kiss and tell.

Have confidence, 'cause babe I listen well,

you can't be out, I didn't hear the bell.

The son of a gun is a bullet,

ruin your life if you pull it.

Let's make a time to remember,

like the last night in december.

With those eyes, will you look at me?

Direct your aim, 'cause Cupid's shooting.

Someone told me love's the final step,

but is it right or should it be left?

You've got a secret, that's somethin' that sells,

confide in me, 'cause I don't kiss and tell.

Have confidence, 'cause babe I listen well,

you can't be out, I didn't hear the bell.

You can't be out... you can't be out...

You can't be out, I didn't hear the bell.
Nov 2010 · 1.8k
Amateur Fingerpainter
Do you wanna hang out?

We can fingerpaint now.

'Cuz I know that you love the stuff

that reminds you of being young.

Witnessing the sunset (the new day will await us)

We can use our thumbprints (all over the plain walls)

And we can bend our knuckles (paired up to shape hearts)

We won't always be amateurs (we can fingerpaint now)

We're never growing older, there's nothing anyone can do.

Your hand may be in mine, your soul deep in mine too.

Do you wanna hang out?  We can fingerpaint now.

'Cuz I know you love the things that make you feel young again.
Nov 2010 · 620
Lily in Flight
We could barely hear her breathe, the air too thick for her lungs to knead.

You'd think she'd never make it home, she made it early really though.

Went back from which she'd come, maybe she was a gift to give

since she left alone and soon, life something she would not live.

The flowers could hardly bloom, planted again in just a few days,

before a tiny tomb, in a cradle where feathered wings won't let her lay.

And she must not be too cold, the warmest blanket she has turned down.

Closest thing to Heaven… Lilyan, not six feet underground.

She may have even heard our cries, but she won't feel the weather on her grave.

The rain she'll never know,  not with the wings that wouldn't let her stay,

And she must not be too cold, the warmest blanket she has turned down.

Closest thing to Heaven… the little girl that left at the speed of sound.
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
Bobby Pins
Bobby Pins

A bobby pin, a silhouette, cold sweat and tears are all the memoirs on my floor.

They remind me of you, the things you always do

that make me want you even more.

That make me want you even more.

Standing on guard for a far-eyed girl I thought that I once knew.

I want to shelter you, but I get the clue,

and arms empty can't keep you from harm.

And arms empty can't keep you from harm.

I still think of you, just like I always do, walking back through the door.

Who would have thought, a bobby pin you dropped,

the sharpest knife that's in the drawer.

The sharpest knife that's in the drawer.

If honesty meant a thing at all, it'd fall somewhere between life and death

and if it is me, between points A and B,

I lay here, the truth, empty and at rest.

I lay here, the truth, empty and at rest.
Nov 2010 · 754
My Brave New World

If I close my eyes, sleep, maybe we'll never ever die.

If I take your hand and explain, we'll never ever change.

And maybe if I save you, you'll stay here, here with me.

And baby, if I say I love you, I'm old fashioned, plain.

But you're this brave new world to which I'm very strange.

If I can't relate, please try to be straightforward and tell the truth.

Maybe I love the way you look when confused and wondering

about the next time that I'll say those three words again to you.

And baby, maybe if I say I love you, I swear I'm still sane.

You're this brave new world I just can't explain.

If I close my eyes, I'll see change within me.
Nov 2010 · 2.4k
Stand Still
Stand Still

I slide to stand still and I grit my teeth

as the world just sweeps me off my feet.

And I swing my hand out to you slowly.

You look like you could use some rest,

but you sit up in bed at night instead.

Lay your head so you can sleep.

Unclinch your fist and reach for me.

Open your heart, make it beat for me.

Lay your head, may it dream of me.

You look like you could use some rest,

but you sit up in bed at night instead.

Lay your head so you can sleep.

Unclinch your fist and reach for me.

Open your heart, make it beat for me.

Lay your head, may it dream of me.

And I will breathe so you can feel my energy.

Just shut your eyes and count to ten.

If you can, imagine your favorite song.

I'll hum the tune and you can sing along

so you're not alone.
Nov 2010 · 630
Stir It Up
Everyone is outside, we're still waiting in

for a few more cues, glued to a strong attraction.

"I think it's strange I just met you."

Kissing temples when no one's looking,

you sip that drink every time they do.

Don't think it's time to join them,

think another drink?  Well, I think I do.

Everyone is outside, we're still waiting in

and every time lips move through the window,

swear they're talking 'bout us just a little,

but that's alright, we stir it up.

Innocently, you say, "I think it's strange I just met you."

We share a cup, still with ice fresh as our minds

full of ideas on space and time, and how to make this work.

Everyone is outside, we're still waiting in

and until we wake up, I can't see tomorrow alone without you,

but I know I'll have to.  That's alright, we stir it up.

I say unknowingly and like Déjà vu, "I think it's strange I just met you."

— The End —