You know kids laugh
at simple things, innocent
and a world before care and
and so let’s laugh awhile here
with the kids
What color is a burp?
Hey, it’s burple!
What jam can’t you eat?
Hey, you can’t eat traffic jam, can you?
OK…the bird laid 100 eggs…
Guess what she said just after?
Hey, she said: Oh boy! – I’m egghausted!
Now what do you give
your neighbor’s dog if it keeps barking all night?
Well, give it a Barking Ticket!
And a duck goes out to eat
And what does it get after it eats?
Hey – what else? It gets a bill!
And so did you laugh with the kids?
next time on our program
we’ll laugh with
grandma and grandpa;
*bring your own dentures
...the 5 jokes in the above poem are not mine...but you might like to praise me for the way I've strung them all into a poem, for reviving them in fun verse...most important, just laugh with us grown-up poet kids...