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Kwaician Oct 2013
I never thought I'd see the day
We'd grown apart
God knows I'd return if it were within the boundaries
If only it were that simple
Regret gets exhausting
This place don't smell like you
Feel like you
Love like you
I've got all I could
Ask for here
But all I want is you
Kwaician Oct 2013
Vice Grip
Unsystematic patterns
Takes me to a place I once knew
Always there and yet never present
Another paradox of life I suppose
It is a blissful pain
Enveloping and unbearable

*....but I'm still here..
Kwaician Oct 2013
Sometimes I sit and wonder who I really am
Where I've come from
Where I'm going

In the corner of my room
I  mentally pace



I can't live in the moment
I never learned how
There's always a bigger picture

Never comfortable
In My Own Skin
Kwaician Oct 2013
Leave me the HELL alone
Don't act like you know me or
That you actually care
Nothing is wrong
"What's wrong with me?"
There's nothing you can do to fix this
Our memories will all soon be forgotten
Why make new ones...
Nothing hurts more than distance.
Kwaician Oct 2013
From the soles of my feet to the crown of my head

The butterflies take flight

A feeling I  thought I'd long forgotten

No tears

No fear

At the epicenter where your hand meets mine

The time isn't right for you or I

We both know that for sure is true

But we both move forward in the dark

Kwaician Oct 2013
The ones who you love are always the ones that hurt you most
But that underlying love never fades and the bond grows stronger
To Be or Not To Be
Who knows only time will tell
But who cares because we always have the here and the now right?
I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me
About an awesome girl who single-handedly stole me from myself. Thanks Red.
Kwaician Oct 2013
Observer des étoiles
Dans des endroits étranges
Petite salutations
Et visages heureux
Les petites choses dans de la vie
Elles sont pour ce que je vis
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