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karin Mar 2018
You liked me,
                          and I liked you.

Our friendship blossomed.

You were my guy,
                                 I was your gal.

We were each other's personal therapists.

You guided my rights,
                                        you forgave my wrongs.

I never was any more comfortable than when I was with you.

Two years go by and our friendship is still strong.

However, you are taller
                                           and I am wider.

You are a beautiful creature,
                                                  and I am just in the background.

Your face clearer than before,
                                                    mine covered in red blisters.

When I am with you I don't feel like an outcast.
When I am with you my days are brighter than ever.


Just as coal doesn't belong in a flowerbed, I don't belong with you.

You like me,
                       and I love you.
karin Dec 2017
He may be different but I like to say he is wonderfully unique

                   His pure curiosity of life

His lust for information

                    The way he isn't hesitant to ask questions

The wandering of his eyes when he takes in his surroundings

                    His beautiful natural "ticks"

He may be different but I like to say he is wonderfully unique

                    Despite what some people may think

karin Dec 2017
you pulled the trigger grandpa
Your masculinity took advantage of you
You would’ve forgotten me
However I never will forget you

Your strong, proud, stubborn mind was beginning to decay

Your sleep was becoming less and less

Your short term memory was beginning to fade

Your wife
Your son
Your daughter
Your grandchildren
Some who knew you
Some who never will

Was it worth it?

You could no longer take care of them so you refused to let them take care of you

The last memory you had I will never know

But the last memory I will hold is your stubbornness putting a bullet in your head
karin Dec 2017
It may be haunted but at least it’s still prophetic
  Dec 2017 karin
Eric W
Writing is a narcissistic practice.

What do we aim to accomplish
when we touch ink to paper?
Mark something down in eternity,
plaster our thoughts upon and into
being so that they may be recognized,
Sort through them as we would
a scattered mess of notes.

There is nothing inherently wrong with narcissism,
no matter what people may have you believe.
I've once thought so,
cycled around to the present,
and, perhaps, will go full circle multiple times.
It is in our nature.
We think so much about ourselves.

The only constant is our thoughts
is their inconsistency
so we seek to immortalize them while we can.

We are not our thoughts;
we are the sum of everything within us
when our thoughts have settled and left and
we are empty.

Think your thoughts,
write them if you must,
then set them on fire.
I've written a few things since my last post here. Been too busy with school to post much. Almost done with this semester though!

I hope all of you are well, my friends. Miss y'all everyday.
karin Sep 2017
I wish I could rip out the seam from our fingers that were once interlaced together in perfect harmony.
For as time goes on, things wear down and faulter.
That is how I know eventually I will be able to get my mind off of you.
Soon you will just be another hint of a memory.
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