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Kumar Abhishek Jun 2015
There On The Golden Shore,
Stood A Soul Shattered,
People Called Her A *****,
A Filthy Stigma,

Smooth Weren’t Her Path But Rough,
Let Down & Rejected,
Been Through Enough,
Continued With Their Rants None Cared,

Neither Moulded Like This By Birth,
Nor Was Eager To Learn This Trade,
Pious Like Every Other Soul On Earth,
Crafted By God Handmade,

She Kept Emotions & Tears At Bay,
For Her Child’s Better Tomorrow ,
Traded Herself Everyday,
Silently Suffered All The Atrocities,

Awaiting For A Second Chance,
Freedom From Those Suffocating Shackles,
That Cursed Her Reflection After Every Glance,
Tattooed On Her Was The Scarlett Letter,

Desperate To Seek Redemption,
She Stares Every Sundown,
With Wish Of A New Sun,
Better Than Yesterday & Tomorrow.
Kumar Abhishek Jun 2015
To honour the honorary,
And counter the contrary,
To sing the merry song,
And make right of every wrong,
To praise the only winner,
And condemn the sinner,
To chase a distant dream,
And criticise the nearly perfect team,
To keep the promises I made,
And take back all the abuses I said,
To replenish the memories lost,
And pay it’s unjustifiable cost,

I evolved into this unsettling being,
Some wild animal without it’s circus ring,
I’m no longer the ideal man,
A unique devil which you never can,
This is the irony,
Which you are reluctant to see.
Kumar Abhishek Jun 2015
A little hint of success,
After series of failure,
Single ray of light,
After the darkest night,
The last missing piece,
Of the unsolved puzzle,
A few moments to smile,
After quite a while,

A familiar face to see,
In a place new & unknown,
Someone else beside me,
After a long time of being empty,
Finding the true love,
After several breakups,
Peace to mind & soul,
After achieving life’s goal,

A sense of being incomplete,
Even being surrounded by great wealth,
All are the casual lies,
Hiding behind the innocent eyes.
Kumar Abhishek Jun 2015
On the soaring cliff,
By the raging waves,
I stood feeling elated,
Educing memories lost in dark caves,

I saw the ocean swallowing,
A burning ball called Sun,
Disappearing in a distant horizon,
Leaving only darkness & lights none,

Smitten by the dark,
With an ardent lust,
Moon came to kiss them all,
From stones to dust,

Waves are pounding violently,
Trying to extend it’s reach,
Disfigured & broken stood the formidable rocks,
Having roots deep in the beach,

Truth is shy & elusive,
Hiding behind the clouds of doubt & lies,
Standing close to the fine line,
In midst of happiness & heartfelt cries,

Like a delusional being,
I stayed contemplating my origin,
The traditional beliefs,
And the unorthodox sin,

The cycle of episodes that goes on,
Some eventful enough,
Some destined to spurn,
An amalgamation of smooth & rough,

Right before the end we realise,
Ponder about the things we missed,
Moments we failed to cherish,
That beautiful girl we nearly kissed,

And yet we hate to be different,
Scared to explore something new,
But we must understand,
Followers are many but leaders few.
Kumar Abhishek Jun 2015
I stood there only for thee
The only soul who could ever see
See through the lying veil
The hollow heart which couldn’t feel
Inept to reiterate the reality
But an illusion of you & me
Two different souls
Sewing together their tiny gaps & holes
From things to think & words to say
Indifferent of might & may
Trying to mitigate
Spit out the poison from their fate
Lamenting & cursing
The mere thought of random fling
To live in a world of their own
Be together even after blood & bone
Sharing this dream together
Entwined into each other
Like an object to it’s shadow
Bounded together never to let it go
Kumar Abhishek May 2015
Lest there be an imperfect soul
For perfection is what we seek
Among all the hurrah & high-five
We simply drift apart
From the incoherent brooding
Receding back to old cellar
To drown into an ocean
Of desires & dreams
And shy away the days of storm
Harbouring away our boats
Raging waves & restless sea
Sending chills from head to knee
We are mere human
To dismiss the fury & be
A master like none
A divine deed
With ways unknown to mortals
But what would we be
If couldn’t find a way through
Steer away the darkness & clearly see
Kumar Abhishek May 2015
The shiny silhouette
Of an immaculate figure
Laying next to me
Her bare back is all I could see
Caressing the smooth skin
Could feel the goosebumps sink in
Those effervescent eyes of her
Froze the epoch in eternal animation
Her erogenous smile
Killed every bit of sanity concealed
My surreptitious virility
Cajoled to serenity
The intriguing aroma
Free strands of hair
Like a pulchritudinous portrait
Covered her face enigmatically
The bliss of air
Traversing a new path today
Kissing her neck & shoulder
Curse those lucky ones
A veil over the wise
An ingenious ingredient of disaster
**** thou dark eyes
They burnt a raging fire
Bright & blue
A sweet intoxication
A heart wrenching addiction
Conjuring up & discovering
Unexplored corners of heart
Let us play this game again
Where I’m a slave
And you’re the King insane
Unable to fathom my fate
The stupendous serendipity
Which brought together ends of infinity
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